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WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE OW MONDAY, 30 " : DECEMBER, 1889. Walter Wright's Shop in Brougham-street. toon't miss this opportunity of proeuiiig Drapery and Clothiiig at yopr own prices. 2 COVENTRY 'i KICYIVS' FOff SALE C^EARi To Let, for a ter% Furnished 10-roonr\ed House, with Orchard, Tennis Lawn, &c. Ternis nominal. NOTICE. All persons indebted to WALTER WRIGHT are. respectfully requested to settle or arrange before sth January, 1890.

NEW ZEALAND "cv To Parents afid Guardians— cj 2 % •*p> / I fi', E have now in stock a very } *<V largre fßsorttncnt of Boys' N 0 ) and Youths' Cloihi'g, m.irio from O ( iho CVlebrate.l MosgieJ ''wf>pj» gjq< Rhichfor fitj xtyle, Durabiluy p (2^ ( ire unequal cd. Qj We wish to impreßs the public oi _^ P-. N.P. with the fnct that fill aood* Q q are made in onr o<m Factory O -g Dowliug-stieef, Uur.edin, and sold gr* cj retail tbrough our Branches nt B pE^ Factory Price. jq Boys' School Snits — a great _ w variety in Wr.shingMalerinis. .S Eaeli Department is now replete §■ p^ with Novelties lor the present £T O 8ea»!oi;. *-i q Boys', Mou'h, an-'l Youth 1 Cloth- "^ ng, Hosiery, t-hirtH, iiee, f&c. _, rj3 Tfiilonnji '\v ail us lua c,<.-s. pr* pj ilata — Speciullj made in ull Ihe' < r * neW'B^^ape^. . O 03 A few Wi-Tlfco m Hani* Mach'nes j,? at]gr«atl, icincod piiw?, 2C HAIIiI-NSIKIN F.lOs , CD ® iVlatiuf..clurerß. S&4 N.P 15'RncTi, < Devon Susket. ,W. H, CLABKB «. Mrnager. 71 h tc Musical Notice." H, Collier & Co. HAviii pieasnre in ;anuounciDg to tbo Musical Public ot New Plymouth ana ■urrotmdiDg rtistiict that they have OPENED in THOSE BOOMS Over Mr. Gilmour'sj^Shop, PIANOPOETE Tt>ft£Rß AND KEPAXRERS. HCOHylLrll^ae A CO., limvliuk • had a long cxperiosicc In the trade, the public nin.v depend on hetog i«iupplie<l w Itli tboronslil.V reliable and genuine instrumentN at the lowest possible prices, it desired on iftie time payment system, or lo^v prices lor cash. gg-The ■ Pianoforte Tuning nnd Bepairing will bejan especial feature, andjwili be unrter tbe personal supervision of Mr W. Cok.EE Harry Gilmour . . Agent h. colzJer c©., Wanganm, Nelson, & New Plymooth. a 202 hb tc " TARAMAKI~FOUNO;<V. P W . O X B V, kNCINEER/.MLLWRICKT BLACKSMITH, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. POWDKUJHAM BTKBKI, wßt w »» il t jva in -I as. «1?O hh to JiTAVBSTAFF PIANOS. "' H roMIIOK k fO. r"",!Z!'-"* THE BEST IN THE YTOBI.P. SOLD BY ALIT^TATIONKRM. "WISITOKd TO "AUCKLAND receive.) " in a I'rivute Boardinfi-housp, heaulifully Bituuiod ut JNorth Bhoie. Terms very tnoderutu. Foi particulars enquire nt thitOffice 64$ hi) tc

WHITE & CARTER 1 £C 1 1 yj r •S 1 ■§ 'I " j iJ- -§ 3 *% i -rf £'% S a I -fIC 1 hi WHITE & CAEIEB. v249jhb to i uOliß & C C.'iS ROYAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES j BETWEEN ' New Plymouth, Hawern, via Opunake, and Waimute I'Jains. CORRECTED TIME TABLE FROM M|A V Ist, 1888. 'THE Coach leaves Mr Walker's White - 1 - Hart Hotel on Monday, Wednebday, and Friday at 9.30 a.m. for Opaaake ; returning on Tuesday, Thubsday, and Satdbday at 4.30 p.m. TIME TABLE. 1 earee Monday, Leaves Tuesday, "Wednesday, Thursday, »nd Friday. and Saturday. a. rti. a. m. New Plymouth 9 30 Opnnake... 9 30 Oakura 11 0 Ruhotu 11 0 p. in. Okulo 115 Pungarehu 11 30 p.m. Pungarehu 2 30 Okato 1 15 Rahotu 3 0 Ouknra 3 0 Opunuke urr 4 30 N.Ply'thurr4i3o Further particulars apply to M. JONES, a 404 to Prophietob. TO THR TRADEJONLY. BRANDT. ROUYER, GUILLET & Cie,, COGNAC FRANCE. For many years the I argest Holders of. Brandy. All Colonial Orders to be addressed to :—: — LONDON BRANCH. EOUYSV:, GUILLkT & CO59, Mark Lane, London, E.C. nB7 m f jal 2 THE BUDGET. Reside ii Is of the Ofcuto I Stony Iliver, n*»*k £*<ht>oti« MB, MoCULLUM will mnke a P.upulai ) Delivory of Tttb Hdumkt an far »a Bnhotn on (Kb i!»tv of ptiHiruh'nn ,\ PPLB and PKACH BIiTOHT rr.rnt £% dies, in Practical k g«Wf, — I dec 6«'

Eotels Cottier's Criterion Hotel DEVQi* STREET. jf itIVATR Suites of Booms for B'arulliee Bath hooms. Commodious Sample Rooms tor Ootataaroial Travellora. Billiards. Winep, Spirits, &0.,0 i the best brands. Lii Tory »Dd Bait W. COTTIEIi, 63 tc ProDrietoi. yyHITE j-|ART]jOTEL Opponie the Government Buildings, Corner of Devcji an.i (Jueen streets, >ew Plymouth. WILjIIAM WAI KEK ... ?HOPnif.ioi» "HP-HE aplentiid bew jfremiees which ttie X. Proprietor hflb jubi fawj cumplfi;.! f< r his bueiness pouress nt.equallb-. n.u\tv.^; ges to families, Buai.ger6, comiueiwai iri^veltrs Pisitibg JSe»» l'Jyniooth, from im commodioueucHS, hb ceimal {.ouiuou, ben>g in the oußiness part of the tot>u, aud us close proz.uiitj to the Post ana 'i'eJegrapn Olfico aHd otuur GoveiijnQour, > ihces. | BATHS — Hot, Cold, and Shower The Table, for its selecion of the Delicaoies of the ■eason, in unequalled. The Choicest of Liqueurs and Wines, and the Finest Brands of Spirits and Uigarr arc alone supplied. English ana Colonial Alet and btoatf on draught and in bottH 19- The Billiard Table ii attended by £» Competent Marker. Fibsx Clasp TAEANAKI HOTEL. H. JULIAN ... PROPRIETOR HAVING taken the above over, would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, Shall be pleased st all times to we my old friends. Winbs and Spirits of the Best Brands always in Block. . t P GOOD STABLING FOX HOBBBB. Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock. , GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE , DEPARTMENT. CHIEF ADVANTAGES. Low premiums and larco bonusoa. Funds kept in New Zealand. Claims paid Immediately after proof of death. Moat liboial conditions. Low Now Zealand mortality. • Economical management. Stato seourity. TOTAL SUM ASSURED (inoluding Bonus Additions) £7,135,243 TOTAL FUNDS (the whole invested inNowZoalaud) £1,328 1 <93 In addition to the above funds, tbe office hsa an ANNUAL INCOME of over £268,000 The Surplus Cash Profits in 1885 were £242,556 OPENING OF TONTINE SAVINGS FUND SECTION, Tontine Savings Fund System Policies are now being issuud. New Assui ore and existing Assiiranco Policy- _ \olders will bo allowed to join this suction. All profits accruing after outeriiig tho section to sot apart to be divided among tho policyuders remaining in tho section at tliu cud *» 1000, when liberal returns iv cn,Bh are anticipated. Tue principles of the Tontine and mode of keeping accounts are not kept secret, as in case of other Tontines advertised. V Information can be obtained at tho Head Offloe and all Branches and Asuncion, anrt also from tbe Travelling Agents of the Department P. W. PKANKLAND. Aotu&ry and Principal Offlo«c D. M. LUOKIB, Couatnisilonw \ MEBOAbTILE GAZETTE. fitTBSORIPTION to thi« VRlnnblp ! u4ord of Bankruptcioi, Bill* of Sale, Mor?fz> gei of Stock, tc, baa been RKDUOBD 'rnn> lit July to Otfß GTJINKA pei &nnum. ntirri ng inbKribsri ar* n jnent^tJ to «cud t> eu Dftvoa st OTton to the oroprintor. b.;t, whirls* Dnnodin « to o w, Govj,n Mow Plymouth

f^AURBTI' $£ ( o> TEA CIRCULAR. WE wouM not have ventmed to cntei witn newly.adopted Fkill und all oui strei g b m ihe TEA-PACKING TRAD bad we rot something VKRY t-PEO Al AND STKIKIr.G to introduce, g§T Our well known Brands of Coffees we have also adopted for our Teas, and the Colombo Garden Brand, 2/LO per ib Excelsior Braod Staodard Brand, 2/4 per ib Lion Brand, 2s per Ib. consist of a blending of that co very famous aarl renowned iea in vogue &ud nil tbe rage in England, THE CJSYLUK TEA. Oue is AMU on each respective Brand will euilicu as a guarantee of the good value of each quahi y. But oue of our best brands will be tue COLOMBO GABDUn* CEYLON TEA, A Pearl or a Koh-i-noor amongst all Teas that have come b-~foie the Public ytt. Ihe price 2s 1(M per Iv for th s en «c nmlo so low, wishing to irm< duce 'he same, and making a profit by .the quantity of its sale. Jts real valne will be ascertained by its economical quality, One pound of tais Tea will go as far as 1$ pounds of any other Tea, and the coneumer will Lave tbe excellence of itß flavour into tho bargain. It is the Bouquet of all the best blends procurable from Colombo direct. Sure to be liked by all, and will tv, doubt secure us the success we aim at. BUOWN, "BARRETT & CO., i'ea and Coffee Merchants, Auckland. hbto TO TRAVEL THIS SEASON, FBOM BELL BLOCK TO STBATFOBD. rtta^g&| Lord Kavenswood GLYDfcSDALE BTALLION, Lord Bavenswood will leave Bell Block on Monday, reaching lnglewoud nt noon, ' Midhirst about 4 o'clock, vn Tuesdays he will be at btratford all day, returning to Bell Block on Wednesday, via Junction and Egmont Boads. Terms, 26s per mare} groom's lee 2s 6cl Particuiara can be obtained lrom the groom or from QBO. HOBY a 337 hb tc Bell Block. QHUTTLJBi WOBTH BilOS, 1 1MBKB MEUiOfiAUXa ft IMFORTHBb. HAVJB ON BAIiB, — Builders' Material and Bnildora' Ironmongery Faperhangings ana Bcrm Oils, Paints, and Colors Portland Cement, Besi Screened Coal* Fencing Wire, Corrugated Iron. Also, »t the ALBION J MILL .- Fine Bone Dust of our own a mazmfacta/< (warranted genuine, Guano Cruahcd or Whole Oats, Chaff. T)KVON AJBD QOBEH &TBBKTB, 120 GENERAL VAKRIEh NEW PLYMOUTH AND WAITABA. OADEBS left at the Tnrsnaki Hotel, New Plymouth, or bridge Hotel, Wuitara, will be promptly attended to. 828 bb tc MONEY TO LEND IN LARGI OB SMALL SUMS AT LOWSJ/j (JUUBKWT KATiIB, ALSO,— •Town and Country Propertiti lv fcale or to Let,-— Apply to AIiIHUB BIANDJBH, 705 bb toUcitor,

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Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8663, 27 December 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8663, 27 December 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8663, 27 December 1889, Page 1


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