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Faiklik Sale.— The first monthly sale for the season will be held on Monday, sth February. Timaru Harbor.— Mr J. P. Maxwell is now in Timaru attending to various engineering matters in connection with the Timaru Harbor works. Off fora Holiday.— Mr P. W. Hutton the well known bookseller, left Timaru on Wednesday on his way to the Old Country, where he purposes spending a holiday. The trip will occupy about nine months. Swine Fever. —The Agricultural Department has-issued a circular re the outbreak of swine fever, urging owners to immediately report any illness amongst their herds, and pointing out the penalty for neglect. Kmv Zealand Flora.—Tho Cabinet have sanctioned the completion of the late Mr Kirk’s scientific researches into the Few Zealand flora. Mr Uheescinan, of Auckland, will continue the work, which is expected to occupy about two years and a half. Liueral Picnic. —The Liberal picnic, which was held at Halefield, near Carterton, on Thursday, to celebrate the victory of December Gth, was a decided success. 1 Among those present were the Premier, 1 and Messrs Ward, Hall-Jonce, Carrol), 1 O’Meara, Hornsby, and Hogg. Appro- * priate speeches w ere delivered by those E named. The Ministerial party were ac- 1 corded a haka of welcome by the natives of f Popawai s The Mails.— Owing to the late arrival 1 if the Mariposa, no time will be available 1 ;o the southern portion of the colony for c •oplies by the outgoing mail. ThoMokoia., c caving on Saturday, February 3rd, will, t icwever, connect with tho Vancouver mail, eavihg Sydney on 7th February. This s vill afford an opportunity for replies to 11 Canada and tho United States as well as to a ihe United Kingdom and Europe, t

Personal.— We learn that Mr A. W, j Gaze and party arrived at Kumara, at 8.30 on Friday morning, and report all well. Wesleyan Church, Temuka.-—The services for to-morrow in connection with this Church will bo found in our advertising columns. Temuka Patriotic Fund Committee.— On Monday evening a meeting of the ’ patriotic fund committee will be held in the Volunteer Hall to make arrangements for an entertainment in aid of the fund. It is hoped there will btr4 full attendance. The Plague. —On Thursday Mr Buxton, the acting-Mayor of Temuka, received, a telegram from the Hon. J. G. Ward relative ' to the outbreak of plague in Australia, and t the necessity for cleanliness and care to be !• taken with regard to drains, gully traps, ■ removal of manure, or any matter of an offensive kind. There was no need for I alarm, but. every care should ba taken. The telegram was published in full in our ‘ last issue, and it is to bo hoped that householders will back up the corporation in this matter. p Fire. —A narrow escape from an out--1 break of fire happened at Mr Murray’s i residence, Birkott Street, on Tuesday night. While attending to his duties Mr C. Fraser noticed a glare of fire in an outside kitchen. > and found that the lining was on fire. Ho ■ knocked up the inmates, and then pumped a few buckets of water and extinguished the flames. Very little damage was done, but had the fire not been discovered before it had got a good hold it is probable that the building would have boon destroyed. Patriotic Fund Social. —A mooting of ladies —country ladies being specially invited—will bo held in the Volunteer Hall, I Geraldine, cn Monday afternoon to make arrangements for a “ Basket Social ”m aid of the Patriotic Fund. Such a social should bo held imminently successful, and • it is hoped that the ladies will attend the mooting in large numbers, and make the f necessary arrangements. Accident.— Mr (’. Sullivan, of the Levels, • met with an accident at the Opihi bridge on Thursday morning. He was driving two ladies in a spring trap when the horse shied, tiie trap capsized, and was badly 3 damaged. Luckily no one was hurt, and ’ Mr Geaney, of the Arowhenua Hotel, kindly lent Mr Sullivan a vehicle and harness to continue his journey. Mr James Findlay met with a painful accident, while working at a lathe in his engineering establishment the other day. i He was boring a hole through a piece of , brass, and when the hole was about , through the bit took the piece of brass f with it, which caught the flesh in the palm 3 of the left hand and tore a nasty wound. He went to Dr Sir William Blunden, who dressed the wound, and put in live stitches, but it will bo some, days before Mr Findlay fully recovers the use of bis hand. The accident is the more awkward as Mr Findlay is very busy. ? Funeral. —The funeral of the late Mr \\ in. Stewart took place on Thursday afternoon, and the respect in which ho was held 8 was shown by the extremely largo number e of persons who followed liis remains to their last resting place. Settlors wore present from all parts of the district, among the cavalcade being over (>0 vehicles. The pall-bearors were old friends of the deceased, viz., Messrs J. and C. Mackenzie, Jas. Guild, Jas. Austin, 11. J. Gladstone, and Alfred Cox. The funeral service was that of tiie Salvation Army, and was con--1 ducted by Ensign McCallum. Nearly all the male members of the Temuka corps t were present. A large number of wreaths I were sent, some of them being very i beautiful. Temuka Sciiool.-A special meeting of the committee was held in the school on Friday, The chairman intimated that the Board 0 of Education required the committee to send in the names of two gentlemen qualified to iill the vacancies to take place on the board, Messrs J. Talbot and Lieut.Colonel Moore retiring, both being eligible for re-election. Correspondence was read from the board relative to the above. Correspondence was also read from Mr T. C. - Faruic, intimating that he was a candidate, s and soliciting the support of the com--1 mittee. After discussion it was nnani--3 mously agreed to nominate Messrs A. 11. Bussell and T. C. Faruio. This being all the business the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the chair. The Cami’.— On Thursday afternoon the , -1 emuka Billes did some excellent work at the rifle range in volley and independent living. In the evening they had good 3 times at the camp, and enjoyed themselves r at singing, dancing, and reciting. Several of the townspeople, including many ladies, c were present, the big marquee being ’ crowded. At about 10 o’clock the men expressed a wish that Captain Richardson should convey to Captain Hayhurst and , contingent their good wishes on the ‘ eve of their departure for the Transvaal, i Captain Richardson said ho would do so, i and three cheers were given for the Con- : iiugeut. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr Quinn for the use of the paddock. Early on Friday morning camp was struck, and the men returned to their respective homes. , Accident— Mr Frank Frayne, of Kerr and Frayne, coach proprietors, Fairlie, met with an accident on Thursday afternoon. , He was driving a half broken horse with , another in a four-wheeled brake, when, in trying to turn on the road, the horses pulled I oil, causing Mr Frayne to bo thrown out. Mr Frayne sustained a compound, commintedfracture of the left leg, besides several ’ minor injuries about the face and a fracture of the bones of the nose. He was removed 1 to his house and attended to at once by Dr Hornibrook, who set the limb and dressed tho wounds. It will be some considerable time before Mr Frayne will be about again, and much sympathy is felt for his misfortune in meeting with the accident. A small boy was with him in the trap at the time, but he was not injured in any way, nor were the horses or trap damaged. The Patriotic Shorts at Orari. —The general entries for the sports and races close to-night, Saturday. In addition to local Geraldine trophies, the secretary has to acknowledge the following valuable addition to nis last:—Mr J. B. Wareing, a sheep for tho guessing competition ; the Manchester Fire Co., Messrs J. W. Miles, MoCaskill, Harrison, T. Buxton, 11. Clinch, Wood, bhand, toys and trophies. A number of young ladies have" volunteered to sell flowers, colours, and copies of tho absent-minded beggar. Gifts of flowers for button holes and tho help of young ladies are invited by the secretary. Tho privileges were sold by Messrs Maling and bhallorass at- a satisfactory price, free of cost. The co-operation of business houses in closing in time for their employees to take advantage of tho excursion trains is earnestly requested. Geraldine School Committee.— The committee held its usual monthly meeting in Mr McCaskey’s office on Thursday evening. Present Messrs E. Y. Ferguson (chairman), Horlighy, McCaskey, Turner, and Bowkett, An apology was received for non-attendance from Mr Shiers. A circular was received from the Board of Education ro nomination of two persons to fill the , vacancy on the board. A hearty vote of ' thanks was passed to Mr FJatman, M.H.E., 1 for distributing tho prizes at tho breaking ( up of the school, also for his valuable prize ] to tho dux of the school. The chairman i stated that since last meeting he had £ granted the use of tho school grounds to the volunteers, —Action apjjroved of. The secretary reported that owing to the wet night the prize fund concert proved a failure, and tho committee were depending ( on same not only to find prizes but to wipe e oil the balance of debt owing on draining s the grounds. After considerable o discussion it was resolved to send round r subscription lists and try and raise tho n money needed—about £ls. Messrs Logan b and Herlighy were appointed visitors for J the ensuing month, 3

T . Crown Land in Eakitaiei Settle--3 ment. —Lot 9in the Eakitairi Settlement, near Hilton, containing 20 acres, will be e open for selection on lease in perpetuity at b the Crown Lands Office on the 21st February. The half-yearly rental is £3 2s Gd. Parish Festival.— The annual Parish _ Festival and Sunday School treat in cone nection with St. Mary’s Church, Geraldine, e takes place on Thursday, Feb. Ist, when a n- sale of work ,vill be held in aid of the new s Vicarage fund. The public domain, Geraldine, will bo used for the occasion as usual. Peel Forest Flower Show.— The ana nual Show of the Peel Forest Floral and e Horticultural Society will be held in the d Scotsburn School room on Thursday, JanuQ ary 25, and it is hoped that settlers in the district will do all they can to make it a Q success. All exhibits must be in the room r before 11 o’clock and the doors will be i. opened to the public at 3 o’clock. r Geraldine Public School. —Owing to the unfavourable weather making the g Geraldine Public school annual concert partially a failure, the committee are rather short of funds, and are, we unders stand, going to appeal to the nubile to make up the deficiency by subscriptions, r which they trust will be forthcoming in L spite of the drain upon the individual q purse at the present time through patq riotic funds, etc. d Our sale is now on, here’s a list of bar- ;, gains. Figured Art Muslin Is lld dozen, o was 3jd yd. 500 yds dark prints usual ,t price 5d yd, uow 3d or 2s lid a doz. Boys’ and men’s straw hats were 2s each now 3d if each. Ladies’ corsets Is 9d pair, embroiy dored table centres were Is Gd each, now 1, ’Gd, great bargains in children’s hosiery; o bargains in sunshades and umbrellas, d wonderful bargains in the dress departil ment. Penrose's Drapery Establishment, d Timaru. —[Advt.J 0 Clearing Sale at the Stumus Farsi. — e In our advertising columns will bo found particulars of the important clearing sale 5 > to bo hold at “ The Stumps” Farm, o Orari, on account of the adminisg trators in the estate of the late Mr George o McMillan, on Friday next, the date hav- >’ ing been altered from Thursday to avoid d clashing with the Patriotic Sports at Orari. 1. Among the lines to be sold are McMillan’s d well-known stud Leicester flock, SOD r half-bred wethers (fat) horses, cattle, hard ness etc. The sale will start at 12 o’clock' f Primitive Methodist Church.— The Bcrvic°s for to-morrow in connection with k this Church will bo found in another colls umn. A touching incident in connection u with the Tomuka service is worth reoord- ]_ ing, as showing how thoughtful the late 0 Mr IV. Stewart was. The deceased geutlo--3 tlcman was appointed to preach at the y Temuka church on Sunday, and when he e found that he would not be able to fulfil l_ his appointment, he asked his grandson, Mr IV. Stewart, to which the latter conr seuted. This is, we believe, his first ser- ., vice, and we feel sure that he will be well q received. Mr Parkin will preach in the , r evening. 0 Authentic Medical Opinions Worth j. Knowing. —Dr Osborne says : ■' I use , r Sander Sc Sons’ Eucalypti Extract as a ° spray for nasal catarrh, low fever, asthma, Xo., vvit’u great snccess. I find this preparation superior to all others.” Dr Stahl: “1 have used various preparations of "’ Eucalyptus, but I get better results from Sander Sc Sons’ Eucalypti Extract than II from any other.” Dr Preston .- “ I never use any Eucalyptus preparation other than 1 Sander & Sons’, as I found the others to be almost useless.” Dr Hart; ‘‘lt goes without saying that Sander Sc Sons’ Eucalypti Extract is the best in the e market.” In influenza, all fevers, throat '' and lung trouble, dipthcria, diarrhoea, dysentery, kidney complaints, rheumatism, ,° wounds, sprains, ulcers, &c., it is invaluable. See that you get Sander Sc Sons’, and u reject spurious preparations which are ■' sometimes supplied by unscrupulous e dealers, d 'i SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS Mr Bartruni—Wants good general scri- rant. [. W. H. Walton—Wants youth, to milk, [1 etc., on farm. b Wesleyan Church, Temuka—Services for to-morrow, e Primitive Methodist Church Services t for to-morrow. t Patriotic Fund Committee—Mooting at d Temuka on Monday evening, s Meeting of Ladies—At Geraldine on ,1 Monday afternoon re Patriotic Fund. ; B. Ei. Macdonald—lnvites tenders for j harvesting wheat and oats, n Feel Forest Horticultural Show—ln a Scotsburn schoolroom on Jan. 25, I T. Buxton—Has binding twine and corne sacks, binder oils, hay forks, etc., at Timaru prices. , Church of England Parish Festival and . School Treat—At Geraldine on Thursday 3 afternoon. 3 Patriotic Sports at Orari—General incet--3 ing at Mrs McLean’s Hotel, Geraldine, r on Monday evening. Maling& Shallcrass—List of agencies; L . sales of live stock, wool, land, and produce, I in any part of the country. Crown Lands Commissioner—Crown , laud in Rakitairi Settlement, near Hilton, L for selection on lease in perpetuity. 1 E. Richardson, jnr.—Meeting of the Patriotic Fund Committee at Temuka on Monday evening re entertainment. D.l.C.—Sale of Globe cycles on account j of rolincpiishing agency; great reduction in [ prices; machines may be soon at Timaru , sample rooms. [ Canterbury Farmers’ Co-operative As- , sociation—Details of important clearing sale at Stumps Farm, Orari, an account of the administrators in the estate of the late George McMillan; entries Geraldine Stock ; Sale.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 3537, 20 January 1900, Page 2

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THE Temuka Leader. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1900. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 3537, 20 January 1900, Page 2

THE Temuka Leader. SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1900. LOCAL & GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 3537, 20 January 1900, Page 2


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