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Luckt Shabeholdkbs.—Some excitement was eaused in Boss last Tuesday night about tho reefs, in consequence of whioh twentyfour shares in the Prospectors' and adjoining rose from £IOO to £SOO.

The Ukbmplotkd it Chbistchuech.— Thirty of the "Unemployed " were discharged from the Addington workshops on Wednei day because they refused to proceed to Ashley Bank to work at 4s 6d a day. Arrangements had- been made for rationing them at 8d per day, and for proriding sleeping accommodation.

Killed by a Fjjrbbt.—A curious rumour has been circulated (says the Wairarapa Star) to the effect that the child of a shepherd on the Brancepeth run has been found dead in its cradle under circumstances that lead to the conclusion that it has been killed by a ferret. It is alleged that a ferret was seen in the hut, and the child's throat was punctured as if by a ferret.

Gbbaldihb Womcikg Mm's Political Rkfobm Association. On Wednesday evening last, the members of this Association met in the Good Templars' Hall, Geraldine, the president, Mr E. S. Cook in the chair. The nnnates of the prerious meeting were then read and confirmed. After the transaction of routine business the meeting adjourned till Saturdry erening next.

The HoirOKABiUM.—Mr Sutter, the late member for Gladstone, has been distributing a great part of bis honorarium amongst the schools and libraries within his constiuency thereby coming in for a large number of votes of thanks, and good wishes. Mr J. Fulton, M.H.R., has forwarded to the Otag» University £lO5 (one-half his honorarium) to form the nucleus of a scholarship. A Canterbury member of the Legislative Council has forwarded a cheque for £l5O to the Benevolent Association of Christohuroh.

Mb A. Cox'a Meetings.—Mr A. Cox will address the electors at Rangitata on Tuesday next.

Address to Electors. —In our advertising columns will be found a letter address to the electors of Geraldine, signed by on Elector. Mb Rollestoh's Meetings.—Mr Bollestoh addressss the electors at Milford this erening, and at Winchester on Tuesday next. The Giakbtone Seat. —Mr J. M. Twomey will address a meeting of the electors of Gladstone in the Assembly Booms Pleasant Point, this evening. "BoAz'g" Pbizks.—"BoazV fire chief prizes in his last consultation were distributed as follows : £3OO, to Wellington ; £l5O, to Ohristchurch ; £IOO, to Napier ; £SO, to Wanganui; £SO, to Dunedin.

The Geraldine Seat.-—ln another column Mr Francis Franks, of Temuka, notifies that he has consented to come forward as a candidate for the Geraldine constituency. He will take an early opportunity of laying his views before the electors.

Mb Bolton's Meeting. —Mr George Bolton, in response to requisition signed by 135 electors, will contest the Geraldine feat on the " working man " ticket. He will give his views in the Voluateer Hall, Temuka, on Monday evening next at half-past seven o'clock. Thb Gebaldinb Daibt Factory.—Ere long this factory will be in full working order. A few days ago Mr Bowron, with the Directors of the Company, went over the buildings and inspected the machinery in connection therewith, and he expressed himself highly satisfied with what he saw. He also stated that of all the factories he had gone over—both in the Old World and the new—he had never seen so good a plant or premises. This is saying a good deal in regard to the care and attention bestowed by the Directors and others in connection with the Company. Mr Bowron has, we understand, received advices from Home to the effect that a shipment of cheese from New Zealand realised as high a price as 80s per owt. New Zealand Meat at Home. Under date May 23, the London correspondent of the Melbourne Argus writes that endeavors have been made, in connection with the Health Exhibition, to popularise Austrelian ind New Zealand Frozen meats. A " grill" room has deen opened, in which 500 persons dined the first day. There is a eold chamber in which the frozen carcases are kept, the requisite refrigerating machinery to regulate the temperature of the room has been provided, and the whole, it is said, " excites much intelligent curiosity." It was originally proposed to charge only 6d, but the price fixed upon is Bd, for which a well cooked chop, with potatoes and bread may be obtained. The idea is happily conceived, and will make the merits of frozen meats known to multitudes frequenting the Exhibition.

Dbyisg Whbat. —A short time ago we noticed that experiments were being made in Christchurch in the direction of drying damp wheat, and we are now in a position to •ay that out of the several processes there is at least one which has given satisfaction, the result being nearly all that could be desired. A sample of really good wheat, dpoidedly damp, having been put through mm K >i-iecl has turned out a fair average sample of flour which, when baked, makes a loaf quite equal to any manipulated from sound, dry, seconds wheat. It is also a matter for congratulation to the farming community that it has not deteriorated in regard to its germinating properties, fully 95 per cent., on testing, showing quickening power equal to the best harvested samples. We trust that the perseverance shown by the experimenter will meet with the reward of a fair return for outlay. Unfortunately it is to be regretted that the value of the article is so low this season as to preclude the possibility of benefitting either him or the farmer to the extent that could be desired, ODDrßLtows' Lodqb, Tbhttka. The installation of officers of the Loyal Alexandrovna Lodge, No. 15, took, place on Wednesday evening last in the Oddfellows' Hall, Temuka. After the usual routine business was dispensed with, Bro B. Wallis, D.D.G-.M., installed the following Brethren into their respective offices, viz. : —KG., Bro. Wm, Binley; Y.G., Bro. 0. Bateman; Secretary, Bro'. Wm. Coltman, junr. ; Treasurer, Bro. J. Whitehead ; Warden, Bro. J. Beri; Conductor, Bro. W. Hooper ; R.S. to KG., Bro. A. Nicholas; L.S. to KG., Bro. J. Langskail; R.S. to V.G., Bre. H. Drew ; G.S. to V.G., Bro. J. Roddick ; R.S.S., Bro. Wm. Jones; 1.P.G., Bro. R. Comer. The Lodge was closed in the usual form by the newly-installed KG., Bro. Binley. A banquet wa» afterwards held, at which there was a large attendance. After the usual loyal toasts had been drunk, " The health of Bro. Wallis," was drunk and responded to. " The Army and Navy and Volunteers," coupled with the name of Bro. W. White ; " The Retiring Officers," coupled with the name of Bro. Uprichard, who had resigned after having been five years Secretary, were also duly honored. Bro. Wallis proposed " The newly-elected Officers," eoupled with the names of Bros. Binley Bateman, and Coltman, each of whom responded. Bro. Uprichard proposed the toast of " The PastKG.'s," coupled with the names of Bros. Davis and Blyth. The latter having responded, proposed the toast of " The Grand Lodge," coupled with the name of Bro. Wallis," who, he saitf, was the best Oddfellow in New Zealand, and bore testimony to the exoellent services be had rendered as a member of the Grand Lodge. It was a great loss that he waa leaving the colony. Bro. Wallis, in reply, said he regretted having to leave. He was the first, man to s'art an Oddfellows' Lodge in Canterbury, and now he was glad to say the Order was flourishing. The toast of " The Press," connected with the name of Mr Twomey was honored, and also the toast of "The Ladies," after which the proceedings came to u close. {

A Smabt Stjameb.—The Manager of the New Zealand Shipping Company received the following cablegram from Hobart on Wednesday : —Arrived —" Ruapehu s.s. from London. She passed the s.i. Coptic off Cape Comalla. The Coptic left Plymouth three days before the Ruapehu."

The Election.—We would remind our readers that nominations of candidates desirous of representing the Geraldin e constituency in the ensuing Parliament must be made with the Returning Officer, Mr W. Wills, at the R.M. Courthouse, Temuka, at noon on Mondoy next. There will doubtless be a large number of electors present.

A LiOKNßliro ACT Cask. —A ease of some importance was decided in the Resident Magistrate's Court, Inveroargill, on Wednesday. The Licensed Trades Protection Association charged John Kingsland with illegally sitting on the Licensing Bench of one of the City Wards while he was interested as a mortgagee in a country hotel. Counsel for the defence conteaded, among other things, that the Act only providod for the prevention of interested parties taking a ■eat on the Bench of the district in which thoy were interested in publio-house property. Eor the complainants it was urged that, in the ease of City Wards such interpretation would ptrmit a man to bt eleeted who owned an hotel on the other side of the street. Finally the charge was dismissed on the technical ground that the complainants had failed to prove that the house in which the defendant was said to bo intarested was licensed.

Timabu Habbok Boabd. —A meeting of tho Timaru Harbor Board took place last Thursday in Timaru. The wharfage on coal was increased from Is 6d to 2s. Among the correspondence was a letter from the contractors for the supply of cement, asking the Board to accept 500 ton of cement which had, by mistake, been se»t via Lyttelton. The Chairman had replied that the contractors must adhere to the terms of their contract, and his action was approved. The Harbor Master reported that 24 vessels bad armed during the month, and 22 sailed. The Engineer reported that not much progress had been made with the works during the month, owing to the new crane breaking down, and to heavy seas. The crane was now repaired. The length of the finished work of the present contract was 9aft 6in, and of unfinished 44ffc 6in. The tender of Phelp asd Jones was accepted for putting down two screw moorings at £l4O. A Committee was appointed to revise the whole tariff of charges made by the Board for landing, etc. The manager of the Landing Semce reported the gross earnings to be £340 3s 2d, and the net, £l3O 0s sd. A long debate took place on the forshore queition. A voucher was receiyed from the Railway Department for £272 19s for wharfage for the month.

Temuka Linseed Company.—A meeting of the Temuka Linseed, Oil, Cake, and Fibre Company waw held on Monday last. Present—Messrs Hayhurst, Brown, Lyon, Woodhead, Miles, Pilbrow and R. A. Barker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Accounts were passed for payment amounting to £74 7s sd. The Manager, Mr Davis, was in attendance, and his report was read. In accordance with suggestions contained in the report, it was decided to re-form the tank bottoms, to erect wires for drying the native flax, and to immediately call for tenders for the supply of the flax; also to obtain a weighing machine. Alterations to the engine being required to enable it to burn refuse instead of coal, it was decided to close the works for a few days while the alterations were made. A resolution was passed that spinning machinery be ordered at once, to enable the Company to have twine ready for the coming season. A discussion as to the best means of disposing of the dressed fibre resulted in a resolution being passed to send Home half a ton of Mr Hayhurst's fibre and samples of the others, consigned direct te the spinners. Mr Davis reported that the native flax dressing machinery was nearly completed, and that he would commence dressing during the next few days. The meeting then terminated. The Riga and Dutch seed ordered from Home by the Company has arrived, and will be d*. lirerad to farmers in rotation as applied for.

Wells' "Bough on Oobks."—Ask for Well*' " Rourq on 0 >rns." Quick relief, complete permanent oure. Corns, wurti, bunions. Motes, Mow ScGo , Sydney, General Agents. ____________

Tenders are invited for several works for the Temuka Road Board. The Temuka Town Board invite tenders for erection of offices, and for the lease of reserves m Vine Street.

Mr J. D. Slater, of Sydenham House, Timaru, invites all in want of good and cheap drapery to gire him a call, as a great sale is now on at his establishment.

Mr W. S. Maslin publishes particulars of his sale on account of Messrs Morrison and Dunlop. The entries comprise cattle, hornes, spring carts, drays, waggonette, &c, &c. The date of the sale has been altered to Thursday next the 17th irjst. Messrs J. Mundell and Co. will hold a snle at Mr H. Chapman's Nursery of 9£ acres of land adjoining the Government Township of GeraHine, on the 23rd July, together with 15,280 fruit and forest trees, potatoes, Ac. Further entries will be received for the sale. The demand for the great American remedy, Hop Bitterf, in this part of the world ban baoome so great that the Hop Bitters Co., whose headquarters are ut Rochester, New York, U.3.A., have been compelled to open a laboratory, in Melbourne. It will be in charge of Mr M, fl. Tan Bergb, % gentleman of several years' experience with this Company and the trade may ba assured of good* *qual to the parent house, »nd the most courteous treatment. The E.8.C0, have establishments at London, Paris, Antwerp, Belgium, Breda, Holland and Toronto, and thnr Bitters t»«; piobably the best knowa medicine in the world.

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Temuka Leader, Issue 1203, 12 July 1884, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1203, 12 July 1884, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Temuka Leader, Issue 1203, 12 July 1884, Page 2


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