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Mr John Greenwood, dentist, 6i this city, passed away at his residence, Bridge street east, on Sunday evening from heart failure, after an. ill- - ness of a few: hours' duration. The news of his death will come as a great, shock to his friends in Nelson, for during last week ho was apparently in his ' usual health ami ' actively engage ed in. his profession. The deceased, who was 77. years of age, ; was born a,t Mitcham, England, and with his parents, the late Dr Greenwood and Mrs Greenwood, came to New Zealand in the ship Phoebe in 1847. The. family settled at Motueka, and the late Mr Greenwood, then a boy fourteen years of age, was taken and educated at Nelson by the . late/ Bishop Selwyn, wliose' training had a great' influence on deceased's after life. He subsequently returned to Motueka, where he niarrie' da daughter of the late ■Major Gascoigrie, and was for two years . secretary ' 'to '.;' Bishop Hobhouse. . ; On" the/ death of Mrs Hobhousethe Bishop 'returned to Eriglaaid; and Mr Greenwood resigned his position. Eight years ' after his marriage 'the i late > ; Mr : Greenwood took up dentistry:,, and since then has practise ed his profession in -various; parts of New Zealand. He ,was of a kindly ;disposition, and tookan_ active interest in religious and social questions^ and of late years took a prominent part in no license matters, at the time of his death ; being -treasurer of the local No License League. Heleavesa.widow and a grownup family : Mrs. Tennent, of Marton, Miss Greenwood of Nelson fDr Greenwood, of Ghristchurch; and Mr C. Greenwood, dentist of Wa^nganui; all of whom will have the sympathy of the community in-the sudden bereavement. ■.-'• ; . .

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Bibliographic details

Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12637, 7 September 1909, Page 3

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MR JOHN GREENWOOD. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12637, 7 September 1909, Page 3

MR JOHN GREENWOOD. Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12637, 7 September 1909, Page 3