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. SE..E OUR , WIN DOWS I A New Shipment, in WHITE, COLORED, and BLAGK, JUST OPENED UP. R. Snodgrass and Sons, DIRECT IMPORTERS. f"RI?TTfc &r /TR 4"V NEW m LAND ' S LEADING [JLVi^AX/ Cb VrJEti/X X , IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS. Up-to-date and Latest Farm Machinery DOUBLE-FURfiOW PLOUGB&— Over (6 000 made and in use NELSON FARMERS should see our— biogle Furrow 2-wkeel Ploughs ; English pattern Single Furrow Lever Ploughs, on doubie furrow principle Hingle Furrow Digging Ploughs, wiih reversible share Also, Hillside, Swing, and pony Ploughs. Disc Harrow with eteel frames ; a perfect harrow " Imperial " Steel Windmills, the favorite Windmill, in a sizes •« Deering " Binders, Mowers, and Rakes " Deering v Grain, Turnip, and Manure Drills Bole Agents for ihe famous " HO&NSBY-AKROYDS " Patent Safety Oil Engine, You can procure the Best Farm Implements from REID & GRAY .. „ DUNEWN or BLENHEIM Orders reeoived through Nelson, Richmond, and Wakefield Agents will receive prompt attention.

TO LET. With Immediate Possession. ; kUITE of Fivo Rooms, Union Building 3, or will let separately fiß Offices. f Centals from 7/G weekly. J BISLEY BROS. & CO, [373 Property Agents. TELEGRAPH HOTEL TAKAKA, OTTO HAASS (formerly of the Belgrove Hotel), in notifying that he has taken the above old established and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the pnblio to know that he hs had Newßoomß added, and the whole plaoe thoroughly Renovated and Ra furnished. Travellerar and Visitors will find the Thlbq&ash a oomfortable and well-ap-nointsd Hotel, the interior arrangements having ihe personal Bupervisiop 0 f Mbb Haaqh. The Stabms will have the personal atien- * tbn of the Proprietor, and Horses and Vehicles (two and four wheelers) will be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will also meet all steamers. First-class Sample Room. Good Billiard Table. Letters and telegrams receive prompt attention. Motueka Hotel, HiaH-BXEBHI, MOBUIKA 0. HOLYOAKE, Proprietor. npEEMS moderate, and Meals provide X all hours. First-olass aooommoda tlon lor visitors. Wins, Beer, and Spirits of the very best quality. A oomfortable Two-horae Conveyance jcas ■) and from ihe Wharf <us arrival am* departure of the Steamt ra. Saddle Horses and Vehloleß or hire Amongst other Improvements, the P>< nzletor h&e created a convenient Bathroof Full siaed (Wright's) BUllarrt Table Aaoommodatlon for xin hotsee in stabU Loose boxes and good paddocks attaohed, BOYAL MAIL OOAOH. Welson— Richmond— Motueka— Riwaka. . NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. r|lBE Proprietors call the attention of tte I X travelling publio to the f aot that Ihe RioHMotJD-RiwAKA Ooaoh Sebviob has been ' extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, Dail*, or Riwaka, and arrive daily from Riwaka, ue per timetable appende. All parcels and order receive strict and businesslike attention. Daily Timetable: Leave Nelson for Riwaka at 9 a,m ; arrivln Riwaka 2.30 p,m. Leave Riwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m ; arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon: Redwoods Va'e NEWMAN BROS., Pronr lei era STANLEY BBOOK AND WAX*) FIELD MAIL, i T EAVES Stanley Brook every TUES JU DAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY Hommg at 6,45, calling at Thorpe ton Office at 8 10, and Doyedale at 9, arrlv^ at Wakefield at il a;m. Retarna' eaniib^ day leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m, Dovedkie at 3 p.m, and Thorpe at 4 p.m, arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m. A oomfortable Conveynno for Paßßtngers. Parcels oarriedata roaconabla iatt. All crder3 entrusted to the ande-'slfciJijci wii be caro ully attended to. i . THOBNE, Mail Confaaatoic. *" NEWMAN BROS.' V aOYAL MAIL COACH]!; WEST COAST SERVIfIS. *|~ EAVF. Motupiko for the West Oo«*sJLJ on arrival of Trails ou TUES J* 1 &ad FRIDAY, returning again on WAii SfiSDAY and AfURDAY, in time Ui Pttssengers " 9 o catch the Trains for Nelsoi v ' The Motupiko Coach connects with U » Reefton and Westpoat Couches at Inangt • bna Junction. Parcels carried at mod rate rateß. Booking Office, Crown Stables NEWMAN BBQB-, Propr

"!~~~~*~ ' FOR _S ALE HEAVY HOfiSES, suitable for express work, or will exohange for lighter NEWMAN BROS., 7VI Crown Stables. PIGS. , PIGSPIGS. WDIMOCK & CO., Ltd.. Wellington, are Buyers of 10,000 (Ten thonsßnd) first quality BACON HGS, MAJD&N SOWS, and BAREOWS. Weight preferred, 110 to 150 lbs (dead). Cash on delive y. Seecul Notice.— Farmers are Btroni*ly advised, before selling their Pigs, to see Mr P. G. Moffatt, as he is offering special inducements for Bacon Pigs this season. We receive Pigs on Mondays, and at any ; EOF THK SEAB. Pig 3 to c Delivebed Alive to P. G. MOFFATT, Agent, Agent, Motueka, Standard Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.Z. i NELSON BRANCH. J7URE, MARINE, and GUARANTEE . Policies issued at current rates. Large and influential Colonial Propne tary. Prompt and liberal settlement of claims. F. A. BAMFORD, Nelson Savings Bank Buildings. Trafalgar Street. k . FIRE INSURANCE. Reduced Rates I WITH THE ; Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co £400,000 Invested in AustralasiaPrompt Settlement of Claims. J. H. COCK & CO., Chief Agents. i SOUTH BRITISH Fire & Marine Insurance _ Company of New Zealand. Capital £1.900 t OGO ■ Accumulated Fond 3 „ .. £-170,000 FIRE & MARINE & ACCIDENT I INSURANCES, | Including Employers' Liability tor Com pensatiou under Ihe Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Risk. Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sickness Bent fits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc. ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT rat ay. Sub-Agents fob DitTiucr : Ctiy, Roberison Bros; Moliuka, H. A, 'i Tairant ; Richmond, \V. li. May ; Takaka, J. J. LangridgeA Co; Waktfirld, E. J. Pfliuton ; Collin^wo-itf, \v. C. Riley &Co ; Upper Moutere, C. F. Munfz; Westport, G, Simon. H. EDWARDS, AGENT, I Wakefield Buildings, HARDY STREET. 386

Taranaki & the North. NICE HOMESTEAD near Now PJy, mouth ; 130 acres good undulating country, warm and sheltered, weJl watered and well drained ; 16 acres just sown in turnips,*34 acres 'new grass; good roomy houte. Price £1050, of whiob a great part may remain at 5 per cens. Possession 31st December. /CHOICE PASTURE FARM of 736 acres. \J 316 freehold, 420 leasehold with long term at low rent, renewal covenants, and compensation for improvements ; most con* veniently situated and climatic conditions perfect. Price, £4500 ; terms to suit. North Taranski. /"^ RAZING & AGRICIJLTUBAL FARM I pk(p»^^^'^ uc '"- nu peri or limestone and 1 'voTcs.mS^Dunt.ry, Eituated in tha Raglan district, and neai the coast. About GOO acres in pasture, now carry'ng 350 sheep, 200 lambs, 130 cattle, 9 horses. Convenient dwollinghouse and all necessary outbnildings. Price £3 10s per acre. - T?XCELLENTBUSH FARM, 28 miles JjJ north of New Plymouth ; 1210 acres wholesome papa country, equally adapted for sheep and cattle ; *800 acres in good grass. Price, £5260 ; terma to suit SHEEP & CATTLE FARM of 2700 acres, Central Taianaki, consisting of superior papa country, easy hills and good valleys, fertile, warm, and well sheltered. 900 acres in good grass, now carrying 1250 sheep (500 being ewe 3 with lambs) and .200 cattle. Very moderate price, Stock at valuation if desired. F. P. CORKILL, LAND AGENT, TARANAKI. GOVERNMENT ... .- State Security £200,074 added to policies in 1002. Tefal additions to fold : 41,919,320. & B. B3O&AADSOB. 2.V.&., 4 temssii*dm&

A * 1R , B <v wt IT TV «f^ v ||||| INSURANCE "^^ OFFICE rr EJS '• SUK " 13 tho oidet Officn in the .! Werid dcirgFlPrS business only. Prompt and Liberal Settlement a! aim marie by Local Agents. Ratßs of Premium and other information on application. W- ROUT"fr SOKS, AGENTS, NELSON FOtt Wei! Designed, Well Cut, and. Well Finished Tailor Made Garments GO TO E. RICHARDS, PRA CTICAL IAILOR Teaealgab-btbeht. Splendid Assortment of SPRING and BUMMER TWEEDS. &o. to Select from. IN OAV IS THE TIME bui CHEAP Wall Papers. ttREAT Stocktaking SALE NOW ON AT j. SAVAGE & SONS, OARDI BTREST, Picture Framing Done Cheaper than ever. Give us a Call, or ring np 143, and we will^attend to your needs. WORKMEN SSNT ON SHORT NOTICE

THE FAIiOyS Fi&mEDY F^A COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, AbTBMA, AMD OONSUMPTION, Boreneas in toe Cb^VSS^^^ and ii newir allows a Czugb or Asthma »o become oUronio nc Ooneumniioa to develop. Coo Sumptionlas SKknown £Srt wbS." Oo?SS " tv? sen properly '-eated witb this medicin,. No houea should be without Sen t tn. banning, a dose generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. B£MKMBEB THAT EVEBY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, Heware Ol LOllffllS 1 and coy sumption is no exception to this rule. —" " : ~ TESTIMONIALS. ~ „. \ BronchusSydney, N.o.W. ■ - s , «. aso hnttlß of Bronchitis Core I got horn you was trag'ea in Us effects."— Chas. • Mb Heaekb. Dear Sir,— l hßd a very bad coogh, bo I bought one botUe o «r ■■ your Bronchitis Cure and used about one-half of it, which oared my cough in^ two >-. WtBBOW, Enoch sfomt, via uarnngiora, * t cton a . three days. My daughter, who had been much troubled with a bad cough for the pas* .. T , Isfi d vonr Bronchitis Cure for three cA my family, and I ured each of them in twelve months, then used the remaining half of the medicine, and it cured her also » t«*r ihrflo dnfias "— P & Mullin3, Cowis'f Crack, fic-o - I think your bronehitJS Cure is a wonderful remedy. from one to three closes, -if. *. xtmuxa, uowt. u«c , I have lived on my farm at Bombay for ahout 36 years. lon are at liberty to use •Your Bronohitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick I only gave him four this letter in any way you pleaee.-Yours respectfully, Chas. Wooiton, Bombay' ' 'and have some of the medicine yet; but lam sending Tor another bottle -in caße I Auckland, New Zealand, want in.— D. M'Donaxd, Trinkey, via Quirindi, N.S/W. ;■ , , ■ ■ , - -. , „ v ■-,-,■.■■- . -.; , T ~~ HEARNS BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Size, 2s 6d; Large Sizei 4s Bd. - - Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by tbe Proprietor, W. 6. HEARNE, GHEUfST, GEELOBIG, VICTORIA. FOBWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDBESS WHERE NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. .---..--a" 1 tf Z D^-POT— OFFICES No. 11, First Fioor s HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS BTBEET, WEIiWNaTO : Lona! AKen*a i JAMES BOON, Hara>.sirec*; W.O. ANOELL, Tmfalgat-Bfreet ; T. BaSSOOTT, Hway-etrsat, "*-**■ •-" --—■ - rtbiainablfl from K h VAW&K HtcwWeper Foxhffl Motapiko $»fom> 4 . M , - > .■

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Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11556, 17 February 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11556, 17 February 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11556, 17 February 1906, Page 1


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