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N«W APVyTIBaMSNTB. HBW APVBBTIBBMBHTO mm mTV-V i\ %T IrV m*mh established lses, A Bill 1 I 111 -Wi Ijifii T S.EDELSTEN, Valuator, Land, Estate 9 If 1/^m B. Vi.W '£& w my f) i an a General CommiSßion Agent, High street, Motueka, TBAPALGrAR STREET, „__ f f il ACRES 0 FREEHOLD, with DwelN ling House and useful Outbuildings, , , 0 together with the GOODWILL of 85 Acres a -DTi ku»ts7 takitxtw/3 Native Leasehold directly opposite he above. Alth ISO VV LANDING The lease has 20 years Jo run at a rental of , B £8 pec annum. Both properties are well V I v^Sßfe^. enclosed ; subdivided into useful paddocks, if x^^^^v^^^B^. and will be sold a Bargain. Apply to AUCTION ROOMS, /: g*g BRIDGE BTEEET. \J*rj J$L~-~*ls :^f i.- * TTODSE, LAND AND GENERAL v^^ ,;.,. .-""'■" 7Vo^€|l XjL commission merohakt, .--.&:4.--: -•: .;:^L. ; - '■•V:-%^«*S^- VALUATOR, &a. PiANBT J>- BICiCLE; ALL-STEEL EXPANDIKG HORSE HOES, T HIS~ DAY Planet Jr. SEED DRILLS, viith Caltivator, Bake, and Plough combined. at n o . clock> T n "R«+t'« Tf ATirl SPGII Drills "\T7 M - LOOK haß received Instraotions L 6 JJUII S tiaUU OCCU r/11110, yy t0 Bei i by Public Auction, a tfN J «C« 1 first-class pneumatic tyred Bicyole BrOaCl Ca»St Ife66& feOWerS, with latent improvtments. WM. LOCK, Auctioneer. One Horse Pionarhs, baSSbby'oahbb. a • ~ n^A HoncAma'a PI mi till a BLACK AND BED CUBRANTS, American and liansomes .oJiside riougns. gouskbebkieb. JJAiiiEW TOOtS AWO PEQUISITSS, saturdayllxt, Aug 17, ComprisiDg Fpades, Digging Fork*, Hop an 3 Manure Drags, Prnninj? Knives, ' a « v "M-ck. Hop ForkH, Bakes and Hoee, Garden 8et S Dutch Hoes, la .iea spades 7M L 0 K haß received iOßtrnoiioufl and Forks, Garden Gloves, Weeding lorks and Trowela, &0., &o, \\ t o se lby Puniio Auction FlliliTlLl^li^iA'O. Wm LOf.K Auo ioneer. Wfl am AGENTS for the Gear Company's Feriliz°r?, and are now hooking order* for the nresent season, T^ese P rtlize^s are co well »nd favorably koown 'or"their hich Btftndard of exoeilenoe that comment w nnneoPßßary. Prices, aoftiyses, and testimouials *-\* 7 • FBTi upon application. Cpßtomers will oblige by orderi g early. €J JIOtCS M. t!(lm • &TO / V&8 * K^XOuBS • Just received, a sbipment of the We have landed direct from tbe Manufacturers, a large assortment r*~-*» « 6 < • T»^« of Cooking Stoves, comprising the &YO&' *& 6£l* •mrr "Ti _» *~ *?tjssiL^^#^^Wtfmr^ T^*-vtt^^ 8 Tea iB a delightfully mild tonic WeW "araSOll, JLrUVtJr. specially selected to redst the effects of eitbe ~ SffiM| [jjfillL f^^^™ extreme heat or cold as used in England kimlh Tm e-k le«land, fcooiLAND, Tabmania, and New r^ian Wffß!* g lnWrffn oon HOD. Zbaiand. VBICI1 | . iiliiEßiS*& -"v« $ , lhfl Oonqoeror Tea iB andonbtedly the I w most benefioial brand at prei^nt before the mr "O-!»r^.l ;■ . J : ¥ : -?rj^9^3^^S*^ ct-r^ri public in Australasia. It is composed of only WeW X%lVal 1 1) dHU \. OI On. ihe finest liquoring chops of the choioest "MI growth, and is Eeleoted and blended under ..... tbe personal Bupervi-ion of one of the These Stoves have become very popular, being.firat-olasa cookers, economy _in fuel being re oognised ablest tea experts in England and a atrong point. In Colonial Stoves and Ranges we stcok the VICTOR and ORION, and can tne Oolonits. confidently reoommemi them as being the most substantial in tbe market. No bnokwork is So j d in 5> 10) and 2 0 lb Tins by the underrequired for setting. If a ohimney is not available, they oan be worked with 12ft. to 16f». ol B | eo ecl. pipe. Those desirous of purchas?Dg a first-class Range at a low price are invited to mspeot GENT FOB NELSON— tbe VlOlOrt and OKlON,, which for workmanship, quality, finish and superior advantages r\r^-rr are unsurpassed. W. XiOCli , Fletcher's Indestructible Gas Cooking Manges OENTBA i- N^™ E N KOOMS are perfect f* roaiog, grilling, toasting, pistry and all culinary' purposes. So qaiok aw BRIDGE BTKEET, tbeae Ranges in heating that the ligheat paff pastry, if placed in the cold oven Bnd the gas lighted, will rise and bake as perfectly aB if placed in the hottest oven. A aaving in gas -~ ti — — -_. from 25 to 30 per oent ia effected by|using Fletcher's Stoves. FI.RE'W'OOD • En TT"V r F 4~\ IVT 2t C* C\ nyr ahuka. and red pine firewood * 13 U JL KJ X-S C%/ \J V^ f «ft IVX in 4 and 6 feet lengths for gale y CHEAP as follows :- TBAFALG AR BTREET, NELSON. 10/6 per Half Cord on Wharf 12/6 per Half Cord Delivered _______--______-__-____--_ _—_-——— 1635 JAMES S. CROSS & CO. READ TELEGRAMS IN OUR WINDOW , TAmTnT? RE PURCHASE. NOTICE. pKAPAMdBiMPLE BOOTd AND SHOES e>K(l E . H . EDWARDS fiJtfKf T0 B 3j 3 AT WHOLESAIiB PBIOES. HAS OPBNED HIS HAVING bought the Bbo»e at tt heavy WSOOCNT, W6 will 801 l them >t WHOLEBALE «__ SfILSkST T> n i.l..« n Pit ICES. Bargains io the Window. NpW Wff HTllflllftrV H. MOORE & SON, *****> J**. 3 bBIDGE STREET. BRIDGE STREET. EH. E. will mike a speciality of supplyS. ing nothinß but THE BEST Goods -4. —^ §-— . .I-, ,-v l-v--« -w— * rf-v* procurable. PRICES AS HEY bHOUIiD ll H H K -Tl H, K 1 Tl V BEtoeupplyalocgfeltwant. UUUi^ UaJ^lllgf MUTTON FROM 2* PERLB. _.. o; . BiilvF FROMI^D PEE LB. Notk.— TWO Saus^geß for the Chidren §2% ~Xv stnm's- C^/»rk s\ >-i 7 s* rtm r*m *-& r*. instead of one- 51ba for l/i. rSnilPjlTT L^7l,OfMjfl r Pflj§iß SMALL GOOU, of ,lldesoription 8 . C oked V KJJVWWIji tf/€>O ft?d Uni!Ooked (mo , Dding ma F n , novelties), display eti in the Window at priced within the BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HIS reaoh of alh DELIVRRFD TO ALL a "8 r^ j 1 j i • « rN 1 parts of nul^on. Annual Stocktaking Sale T a *j a s? l &,Tvio.*M. ' Bridge Stree , Ne.eoo. WILL COMMENCE ON E - u » EDWAH: S, 1517 Propiotor. SATURDAY NEXT. AUGUST 3. — — — r ' Tbrongh puronasiug several Wholesale and R 'ail Xt cks, in addition to I; If r^ JLj « having imp jrted he^vi^y during the year, an uausu 1 quanti'y of surp ua i-tock b?3 accumulated, which vii! be uff rtda such prices hb will doubters fffeo; a _^, il? .. V u^t t r-,^ a.eedy clearauce. JSoue of the iew line, enum^ated b«l w will be cbwged VINE have HALF THE ÜbUAL PBXGBS, th«ooai b y [4/- PER TON and in some oases very much less. During the Sale an average from the Ist June, 189?, bnd now offer Coal as under : — reduction of MS per cent „,. p^r, t °m« f 28/- per Ton Delivered (3/- IS THE £), will be made on all regular goods purchased in the 15 j. per Half Ton Delivered new premiseß, where the surp us Btook will be laid out and g/_ per Q uar ter Ton Delivered the Sale oonducud. For NuT OoAL> Baifcable for gtovea Qu^ia C^- < SS3 p a i° ther ?3 'c^s^r^^Lh 18 eBOh Bnd with close bare and Steam. Engines, G Commode and Bedette Pans Qaaniiy Bird Qlaesea and Baths hey otter at 88 odd Toilet Jugs Quantity Salt Cellars 20/- pef Tn on Wharf A few odd Toilet Basins Quantity good Speotaoles and Foldera (all 22/- per Ton Delivered 250 odd Chambers j a ghtij la pair ....... , 12/- per Half Ton Delivered 6 toup Turteos I 10 3ft and 4ft 6m four-fold Embroidered X £' /A J™ rtni,* « rp«« T»IiJ!H-*a 3 Oheese Standi at 1/6 eaoh Silk Japanew Screens 6 / 6 P« Q Qarfcer Ton delivered A few hundred Dinner Plates from 1/6 doz Quantity Japanese and Metal Tea Traya -^-,/x 3 T 1,l x •»«• 4 dozen assorted Gravy Boats at 9d eaoh Quantity Japanese Umbrella Stands JSrUrdOTS can be left at MESSES 60 assorted Bauce Tareens at 1/- each Quantity Japanese Teapots "WILKINB & FIELD'S, Hardy-Btreet. Lot large Well Disheß Quantity handsome Metal Teapots 1/9 eaob j? or ne Owners Quantity assorted Table Jugs Quanity aseorted Bruehware, Door Mats, -nTTTk-nz-vn-n Quantity large Yellow Bowls 6d, 9d, and Backets (inaluding plate, waßte paper, J^ (J # J3 UxiJb OKI/. Is eaoh market, &o.) Quantity Acid and other Jars Quantity Photo Frames, Albums, Brackets, — Quantity China Cups and Saucers 6d each and Ladies' Baga Quantity odd lota printed Cups and Saucers Quality Tinware HmfT*l?AAT\ 4d eaoh Quantity odd lots Table Cutlery, Pookst rlnhiWlllllr Quantity odd Saucers 6d dozen Knives, Scissors, &o. k 11 vU al vvi/i 20 dozen assorted Mugs from 2d eaoh Quantity Fire Shovels 3d each _. A few großß Bgg Cups at 9<i par *»ozen A few Camp Ovens 1/6 eaoh • iaa CORDS of BATA and RED A few großß Tin Canaießtiokß 3<J each A few oval Pots, 5, 6, and 7 gallons ImKJKJ PINE FIREWOOD in 4 feet Aiew gross^Ohirift Candjesiioka 6d eaoh 5 axes , ft for:gale CHBAP for Oash aB f v 250 assoited Vases ana Figures 5 ' ' Beifig over stocked wi h high class BOX TEAS, 100 will be offered Sur- uS tof^foS iSiwSl ing the sale at 15/6 each, which ia a considerable redaction from coeb. A Bata is |he very beßt Firewood in New Sample may be had on application. Zealand. 0 1636 J' C. BURFORD, The Porl. ROBERT SNODGrRASS. NELSON INDUSTRIAL 00-IMLF-OJEiTEJK, operative society, ltd. Wholesale uud detail Storekeeper, T b ?*g tn. a S A !f?b E s L ooS« „ , _, ... , ai .» • o , . kt 1- tooni, on the premises, Hardy Btreet, on Hardy, Oollmgwood, aa-1 Mortwoa Street?,. Nelson. lUfiSDAZ, (he 20ih August, at 8 p.m. 1782

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Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8329, 17 August 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8329, 17 August 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8329, 17 August 1895, Page 3


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