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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENT . NEW ADTEBTIBEMESTS. ■ ESSRS. M'MECKAN, BLACK- oNT HL V SAL V ™ ~~*OR sale. TlT"T*"_l • TITT>TI t ■W"ITV> I_l • WOOD, & Co.'b lineof splendid Steamship* \| U I* 1 it .L X- 8 A _ h . . VflJ J T^TT? Tv f Til? Ti T -AtBION, TARAEUA, ALHAMBBA, OMEO, lfJ- -| f\ f\ SACKS COCKSFOOT GRASS X X J\JU • £ XAIXJI i 1 lliJj 1 CLAUD HAMILTON, OTAGO, &0., &0., are AT OUR YARDS, WHITE HAKT L\J\J SEED. jppointed to leave NELSON, poking as follows :— HOTEL RICHMOND 100 BUSHELS RYE. 0-—: AprU 17th—TAEARAU, for Grey mouth, Hokitika, '; ' SHARP & PICKERING. • Kr- Aael* M°f " *"d HB xt months S ale o, 77-i —s a l c . . SALVAGE STOCK April 21-ALHAMBRA, for Wellington, Lyttelton, X 1 O O X , i^_a.-l_it_-1-v*»._ X. V ir ; Dunedin, Bluff, Melbourne, Adelaide * Hennessy's and Marteil's Pale Brandy, Rum, SAVED "FROM TEE LATE FIRE AT '■ Passenger fares very low. Ok WEDNESDAY, 14th APRIL, at Two p.m. Geneva, Dunedin Gin, Port, She.ry, Claret, BAY-CU -EJUJM inn U*±n X±u_. __ ; Wool booked through to London at Id. per lb. Moselle, Tonic Wines, Whiskey, Sarßaparilla, -_--, -r-r -w^ -_» -WT* m m XI 1Z» _^_ rrt XH"'"W7I "_» _i 9 THOMAS OAWTHRON, Agent, Tennent's Ale, Stout (Pig Brand), Dunedin -■—' ▼ -*— Jtfc Jt_ JL A x 5 Xfc \^W JL Jfc_ Jt_ JtC » . 501 Government Wharf. Bottled Ale and Porter •j^OK WESTPOBT, GBKTMOTJTH, Stock for the Sale are 0 < Sf»" d nested to give partioularaa, early as possible. • o *^£^%* THE SALE OP THE ABOVE STOCK COMMENCED ON j MAORI, ster, Salmon, Cocoa, Sardines, Cigars «+««/ I Q xr HTni«ninn< T.«*«^- Tncfnnf : si-d----isappointed to leave as above on TUESDAY, the lass sharp & Pickering Saturday Morning J_ast, dra instant, at 13th instant. 401 SHARP & PICKERING. — } THOMAS CAWTHRON, Agent, Auctioneers. By order of the Trustees in the Estate of Nohman "VIPTftUTA TTOTTSI fif 522 Government Wharf. Campbell. V IL/ X\J J.V.LXJI J_.VyUQ_J« ANCHOR LINE OF STEAM PACKETS. O N S^i. LE. AUCTION, on an Early D.te, at the Flax Mill, bkw*>-Q*■**>*!■, q «J>noi/n. n, ™n^Z ~n EX W.E. GLADSTONE, FROM LONDON. ALL PLANT pTIJP T*TT> T T*T"DT FOR WESTK^HOKmKA, AND /j OABBS PINE OLD POET VINTAGE, -^ belonging to the said Mill. £ lliJj* JT XJIEiJLJ* JL AJEUUU _ ' _ '_ « „' O 1863 Hooper's Abo, _ - , 4?2 TT\ HE WALLA.C-hi, 8 Cases Pale Amontillado Sherry The Estate's Interest in th*- Lease of the Ground. -1 l- ■■ . ■"'.!.,_, ■ —^ ' X TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) MORNING, 11th 5 „ Finest Champagne, Roderer's Further particulars in future Advertisement. db_JsL_s_ GOVERNMENT NOTICES, instant, at Nine a.m 20 „ Fine Dry do JOHN & MABI pj mmSmmW : 10 „ Finest Old Scotch Whisky Knq Kg-ISP^g^_c?' 4Su_»£tf"-K ; HE MURRAY, 20 „ Very Fine Old Pale Brandy - - _*cl_l_i__'' • on WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant. FOWL WHEAT, Superintendent's Offira, -%!Ua£mi&i&Gur - 3 Casps each 4 doz Pints United Service Sauce Blenheim, 9th April, 1875. TO CONTRACTORS. mHE CHAELES EDWARD, 3 „ each 6 doz Half-pints do. . O N Room S LE> ** AV°Tl°* AN and after MONDAY NEXT, and ROAn v.^^77^ T0 LTELL Xon SATURDAY, the 17th instant. MIOHaIF ANGELO JOHN R MABIN U FUATHKR NOTICE, all TRAFFIC ROAD MATAKirAKI TO LYELL. EX MICHAEL ANGELO. JOHN R. MABIN. PELORUS BRIDGE will-be STOPPED P™- n ~7w fl W« riffl«, FOR BLENHEIM. 12 Cases PORT t, ~ while the Bri^e is being REPAIRED. The Old i^S,^\fa<i THELYTTELTON, m SHARP & PICKERING. !E»ttt>llO IVotlCe ! Track and Ford are Good 8 Nelson, 9th Apnl, 1875. X on or about WEDNESDAY, 14th instant NKW ZRALA NT) AND ATTSTRA CYRUS GOULTER, HHHE SIICCESSFDL TENDER for'BEo--612 N. EDWARDS&CO. IHli r AwrfnnMPA VVT?X) VW m T) t, aCJ Pr nn 520 Provincial Secretary. X TIONIB hating been CANCELLED, FRESH °J±_ ,_ LIAJN LAND COMPANY. Hi VHift EI T 1)KO-S. & CO. = —- TENDERS will be received for the »aid Section at mHE NEW ZEALAND STEAM SHIP. —- 7wa , , ~ . . A At<7r . this Ofßce till the 21st instant. X PING COMPANY (LIMITED.) TTAVINGbeen APPOINTED AGENTS U , re,,U^ n *« 61P 81DCere liwK, Specifications may be «en at Wood's, Fern Flat; XL for the above Company, we shall be happy to T^ thanks to all those Customera who -+&. JWXtf&r and at the Gotbekmbkt Btjiidin&s, Nelson aid Ly^ll. «*£?? r BL!~A^ L- v Tmq receive orders for Jj«»Lib^U, COLLIERY RESERVE, WESTPORT. EUGENE O'CONOR, 10th—PHCEBE, for Taranaki and Manukau, THIS -pnßi? rpfti tttvtpottst-ramq «nri JistaDnsnmenc » -„- Provincial SeoretarT SATURDAY) EVENLNG, at Nine o'clock. ) m 5 SbS LmOEBTEB EA^B recently decoyed by FIRE They would — 5f Provmcial becretary. 14 h-WELLINGTON, for Picton, Wellington, BRED LEICESrER RAMS _ also respectfully ask them to TRANSFER HOHOB. Lyttelton, and Otago, on WEDNESDAY the well known flocks of the Company in and continue THEIR FAVORS to ~~N e lson Anril 5 1875 {&£&£& Kth-LADf BIRD, for Taranaki and Manukau, on gtago, and the direct progeny of imported Ewes •>>< Vinforill TT ftll « p JNejß°n ' Ap ' ? JPISHffBC WEDNESDAY fiamß' qTTAI?p . PTPirTP » TWO TlOtorxt* XXOU.SC, aLL PEK SONS who consider they have 19th-PHffißE, for Picton, Wellington, Lyttelton, aaAitr at riuji.iiisii>«-. where all thoße who had montbly and CLAIMS to OCCUPATION on the COL- p . ~ „ , , nffi and Otago T ntrnw _ mn 1W _ „,„,„„ T , TCTTTTI quarterly accounts in the late Establiso- LIERY RESERVE, WESTPORT—on the old as rrovmcia oeQwaryi»w^ce, 20th-TARANAKI, for Taranaki and Manukau ' NATIONAL FIRE AND MARINE INSUR- ment can be placed on the same footing afc well as on the new Sections included between Nelson, March 19th, 1875. 22nd—LADYBIRD, for Picton, Wellington, Lyttel- ANCE COMPANY. YICTOEIA HOUSE! Kennedy-street and Bentham-street, Palmerston- r pENDEES will be received at this Office, ton, and Otago -t^t-dxi j -mt a -q-Tt^ -dtq-itc. * t i. — ' Bfcreet ' and the Buller ver— are hereby severally X until WEDNESDAY, April 14th, for ERECT26th—WELLINGTON, for Taranaki and Maoukau IjUKfci and MAKIJ>Ji JilbKb taken at WFTJFTT RROS & PO required to DELIVER, either at my Office, Public jug a CART BRIDGE across the RIVER 27th—TARANAKI, for Pioton, Wellington, Lyttel- JL? the Lowest Current Rates. ajm uaxuxx. jjavv/o. a, vw., Works Office, Nelson, or Court-House, Westport, NEWTON ton, and Otago VICTORIA HOUSE, BRIDGE-STREET. WITHIN THIRTY DAYS from this date, a Plans and Specifications may be seen at the CourtN. EDWARDS & CO, SHARP & PICKERING, __„ _*26* STATEMENT in writing of the particulars of their House, Lyell; and at the Provincial Engineer's 613 Agentg- Agbnts. SADDLERY!! SADDLERY!!! respective Claims. '; Office, .Nelson. ■-' • rrvin? uiTiTinf om w * mt?P Statement Forms can be had al the Public Works WM> KO UT, T LAL^bIrKLY TTaVING MADE AEE4.NGEMENTS PEAT AND rHORNION O^j^d the W-den'. «d'Town Otork. 4 _14 For Provincial Secretary. J. Waikbb, Master, (subsidised by the Provincial ~~ nTT _ Tnwnma- mußUßDnnmuwTa HATB By command, Government for the conveyance of mailß to Motueka, with OUK iiUJNUUJX LUJ*Kiia±'UJNi>JiJNia, we JIJgT RECEIVED, AND NOW UNPACKING, 492 THOMAS MACK AY. JfflSxsMSfti&r Waitapu, and Collingwood,) will leave (weather per- t,t>^tiat»wtv l T «m™ r vi 35 CASES OF -<&8&H»&&£Qr ffi ittin P g ),asunder:- 6 arnNOW PREPARED to INDENT, on favorable xr^^^ CANDIDATES for the EEADINa aad PROCLAMATION. Nelson for Motueka Tuesday, April 13,11 am. term 9, GO ODS of every description, and guarantee »a<iaiery AC JtiameSS RECITATION PRIZES offered by the > Motueka for Nelson, Tuesday, April 13, 1 p.m J Per W. E. Gladstone, Michael Angelo, and other Central Board of Education, must present themselves By his Honor Oswald CtJBTW, Superintendent of Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, April,l4 2 p.m fa execu tion of all orders entrusted to our ■ Late Arrivals. for EXAMINATION at the undermentioned times the Province of Nelson, in the Islands of New Motueka for Collingwood, Wednesday, April 14,4 p.m r.* and places:— Zealand, &c. Coliingwood for Waitapu, Thursday, April 15, car9j A Choice Assortment of Ladies and Girl's Saddles MONDAY, April 26, at Eleven a.m, at the Office TTTHEREAS by an Act of the Imperial , _ t , . . .. o m, „ » t v HTTAUP A-NTTI PTPITP PT N « Saddles room, Richmond Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 72, intituled "An Act *On these trips the Steamer will call at the UUAJii 1 AJND flUiiiiiJilJNW. A Large Assortment of Gig Harness, brass and TUESDAY, April 27, at Ten a.m, at .the to grsnt a Representative Constitution to the Colony Motueka and Waitapu Wharves. KJ — silver-mounted Sohool, Lower Wakefield of New Zealand," it is enacted that it shall be lawfulFare to Motueka, 4s. Return Tickets, 7s. Offices: Buggy ditto, of every description WEDNESDAY, April 28, at half-past Two p.m, for the Superintendent of any Province established Fo« freight or passage, apply at the Lady Barkly Cohneb OP Tbafalgar and Habdt STBEBT3, NEISON Bridles, of every deacription, from 6s at the School, Lower Wakefield by the said Act by Proclamation in the Government Office, Commercial Wharf. Platedand Victoria Silver Span W.C.HODGSON, GWte, to fir such place or places within the limit. JA aS S> ??° SSf -V^iru t Auctloneer8 ' Stock, s n aleßmen-. La°d a^ d Estate and Ladies' and Gent s Cane, Gut, aad Greea-hido 500 Secretary, Central Board Education. of the Province, and such times for holding any !!? Agent, Commercial Wharf. General Commission Agents. l! Session of the Provincial Council as he may think NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPAJNY'S „ .., a , - Q "T ~, .p. 1lm<wl(1 and Gent sßidmg ditto rJnrrTTT-RPTtTSTTT?TTn? AIVD fit, and from time to time in manner as aforesaid to LINE. Monthly Sales ofStock held at Richmond. Four-horse Green-hide Driving ditto S Ja^JL ts q ltb * wpb- nnSpAwi ,w alter and ™1 Buch times and Plaoes a 8 he may . ~f. "gig and Buggy k; MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF jud - advi , ftb j moßt conß it with general FOR LONDON DIRECT Agentß for the Cart Harness and Pack Saddles, of our own make NEW ZEALAND. convenience: TTTI7 TVfl«»^fl«««+n;«««^ Ql,,'«, National Fire and Marine Insurance Company; always on hand m?TJT?nv~/a.Tvi?w *v,«f a-n-^; Now, therefore, I, the Superintendent of the ProHE Magß.Bceot Chp^Sb^ ,„ OompMJ , gooDg _ m -^ B SSS II a_ISSfe *-- J^, »^JJ*--^ *M*- "J 2138 Ton. Kegbt.r, G. Jranm, Oom m a»aer, N™ ""AP^ Company. j^^jj EEMDNERiIITB PBIOSS. of tb. SHAKEapLDJSES of .hi. 00a,p«,, y will be "^i, 1" °L™BoVI«OuToStWOTt of }=fb l r rop*L~ m;nr is.of;: !_m W ool, tallow, & produce. ex __iaw_. isz£J» ""^i-^r^i^tsot passengers. TT T>RoADWOOD'S and CHAPPELL'S eligible, and oHer therneelves for re-election. ' day of March, in the year of our Lord, One An experienced Surgeon accompanies the ship. Parties hitherto effecting INSURANCE in Eng- J) SUPKRIOR INSTRUMBNTd-ANOrHEB The i'ransfer Books will be Closed from March thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. Jjor particulars, apply to land can make ARRANGEMENTS on equal l erms SHIPMENT JUST RWCiaVED, and iNOW ON 31st to April 12th, 1875,. both days iuclusive. - OSWALD CURTIS, The New Zealand Shipping Co. (Limited), to cover Interest at any of the Company's Offices g A m > Tkhms to Spit'Puhohasbus. ' By order of tlie Diiectors, Superintendent. /n...u ~.0 . w T't? and Jtte't inNe ffi w, Z, 9abi~ J ™ • . ~ Phic^s From Tmuxr-Six i'ouNDS. A.BOARDMAN, AttestpdCbnstchurch, 22nd March, 1875. 480 While in Shed or Factories, by Rail, Dray, or Kew Music Monthly. Manager. EUGENE O'CONOR, r^u-ci rr j : j~T Z '• 7~- TTT Lighter, or other Conveyance, or Ship, till _ _ Auckland, March 10th, 1875. 425 Provincial Secretary 502 TITHE Undersigned has been instructed to delivered in London WILLIAM DARBY, ' ' c taBC et y> 11 J- OFtfER FOR SALE, the— From Ports in New Zealand to London direct, MUSIC WAREHOUSE, TV] O ELIGIBLE TENDEtt having been jfe iSkjCTIN Topsail Schooner ORETI, 66 tons register; about or transhipping at Ports liere or in Australia Uhidgb-strbht -i-^l receive i for FORMLNG, &c, on tl>e _^__^^W seven years old , From Station orFaotorieg, to terminate at , ' QUA.RIN TINE ROAD,TIiNUEIiS will he received Topiail Schooner TAURANG A, 66 tons register; Dunedin or coastal parts if reed be f lAiM'itniKins .utitt Ulixtt. Ib/ Mr. G. F. Maktin, Stoke, until Six p.m on p_;t O PJI^WARD six years old Claims payable ia London ~ TtIIiSDAY, April 20(h. *11/ XXJK TT j_IXX/. Ketch HUON BELLE, 43i tons register ; built Now Ready, hanlsomly bound in imitation Rues a, Specification to be seen at the Turf Hotel. tt NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. jj^AMILi HBrfALD INEW VOLUMB The lowest tender not necessarily. ac«-epted. mn _ , wtvt lt>t\ mi v batiw Ketch GOOD TEMPLAR, 41| tons register: II P - n , A fl) rr r TWOMP^OIvr rpHE above REWAKD will be PAID to built under the owners supervision. SHARP & PICKERING-. „ 7 „ ~„. • i • • An? hpprptarv *- any Person who shall gi^e information which l 1329 AJ entß The Jooforffer 8«y*:-" fhw popular ma ?aZ ,ne is 507 &e°'etary- shall load to the APPREHitNtfION of JONATHAN All the above vessels are in splendid order, well now »sued "' h Jf-yearly volumrs. With is «ealih -——-—— .- ~..,,.„„,., HADBIELD, an Absconding Wimew in the case of found, and have been recently cohered. The T AM nim ANn rmrTSimnrn pWipwrtv of du-wn, poeirr, -o.entifio iMfonnati.!!, ooir M poii- nENIJhKb are invited for a JOU X IEd.IV Hesina ver ß us DoGHERir, or to any Person who Bobooners draw only 8^ feet when loaded; and the LANDED AND rTOCJbErJOLD PROPER FY den.-c, and useful f-muly n-»dt.. X , it thoroughly JL YEARS1 LKASB of tbe AMUKI EDUCA- cun prijve thafc the said Jonathan Hadfibid has Ketches only six feet; and the last-named require no FOR SAXjK' justiKes its cl-.m to hecn-rWla 'Demesne TION UESIfRVE, containing 39D1 Aorra, and now l elt the Colony, ballast; whilst all carry large cargoes, are smart sailers, « fl -- n , ia o DO QrT , ~^~ , DTr.Trn.»T>v,n M"«HZI"P of U<"lul IlltJri" '""" "nd in the occupation of Messrs. Dalgety and Nichols, R. SHALLCRiSS, and profitable crafts. l/TEbSRh. SIIAHP & PICKEHIJNG- Chris'church. The present Lease expires December Chief Inspector of Police. Thepriceasked is considerably below their value, but iU- have for SALE, the following- , rT rxr it .. r \r 31,1875. » he owner being about to proceed to England, it is SECTION lof 50, Waimea South, containing L^AMILY HhHALU ftPT VoLTJME. Applieal ions for a new W. headed Tender for. NE AJ)VERTIBEM ; ENTS> his intention to dispose of them before leaving. 50 Acres. > * |_i ( . ontil i n ing two complete Novels, entitled— Amun Reserve, must be forwarded to tbe underFor further particulars, apply to ' "Old Mtddkmovs Monky." deraigned not later than JUNE 30th, 1875. CRIMINAL SITTINGS OF THE SUPREME 490 JOHN R. MA BIN". That Capital BUILDINTG SITE, near the "At Wav With Ueuskib." W. C, HODGSON", COURT, NELSON DISTRICT. THIS DAY, Saturday, at Twelve o'clock at the Junction of Nile and Manuka-street, City of Three Novellettes, Thirty Short Storiei, and Twenty" Secretary to the Central JJoard of Education, NELSON Auctiok ROOMS Nelson, containing 1 acre 2 roods 9 perches of six Essays. JSelsoD- IVJOTICB is ereby g^en, that the NEXT Land, fenced and planted, with Foundation of The Baturday Zeview BaJB: _« j tß novels and rOLLI\'I>WOOD ' SITTINGS of fhe CIRCUIT COURT of the A QUANTITY Of Useful IKONMON- House excavated, and good road to the Property. j ftre ifc6 well written a 8 thfl be3t circulating . LULLI^WUU^ 8 UPRE ME CO DRC for the despatch of CRIMINAL GERY. Bounded by the residences of Captain Rottq-h ]ib J rf „ , TXTaUTETI a qpHOOT VIASTPK anrl BUSINESS will be held at the COURT-HOUSE, Alßo andHuNTEE BEOWNononeside.and by the f TTTaNTED, a fobEOOL^Aisrhß, and NttJLsON 0Q MONDAY, the 3rd dsy of MAY, A Ouantitv of Furniture Books &c property of the late Captain Newcome. Just Published. TV MISTREB3 lor the COLLINGvVOOD now nelt) at Ten of the clock in tbe Forenoon, at A yuant,ty Of furniture Books, &c. _ 17IAMILY HEEA.LU NEW YOLTJME SC^oo^ t D. uU»^ t0 ™™°£ ™ *'£?%£ whioh" tio.. and place all person under recognizance 1 Ton Carrots NELSON TOWN ACRE 652, situate on the _ Novels and Tales nit. Master s Salary, £125 ; M.B'ress, ditto, £36 ; , 0 app ear as Prosecutors, Defendants, or Witnessea Cheese, Bacon, Tea, Sugar, Rice Waiuiea Road, opposite_Mrs. S N ow« residence. The Illustrated London News,inference to p»re *?Certificates, to be sent to the '"'^"lS^vv Oatnml, Kerosene, „., &c a nnvvAav mn f a ; n ; n » «»««„ p nnma on^ *-t\, literature, speaks of the "Family Hbbald, that undersigned on or before the 30th APRIL, 1875, MJWAJSD WM, JiUMJNX, JOHNR MABIN n C? TTAGE ' containing Seven Rooms, and with . , tens of thousands of innocent English house- S W P RTIFY Registrar. _,- JU±IJN IC. MAbIJN, Quarter of an Acre of Land, situated in Hardy-street J.v, a „ 6 W, t, KlLfcl, Supreme Court Office, 5_ Auctioneer. East . "^ Chairman, Local Committee. NelgoQ) sth Aprilj 1875> 516 THIS DAY, Saturday, at Twelve o'clock, at the • Price 4s. 6d. *2th March, 1875, 473 _ —______ ,_ — Neison Auction Rooms A COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE situated on _ T _ tt^^.t-^ at i ■- —— : —~~7 dft-t«&U _*■ A-Dr-rrm in n o n ™ TT ,™™ banks of the Maitai river, together with Stables T^AMILY HERALD New VoLITME, ryUs TiBIE fop RECEIVING APPLL ' I^^^Sl J3UUI 1U Uross bmail MIKKOKb an d Outbuildings, at present occupied by A. Gbeen- A- 1 Leading Articles and Essays. X CATIONS for a MASTER for the LOWER tigzMmimS&i . . e-ofSlka field, Esq. Terms Easy. The British quarterly Seview says:—" There is TAKAKA SCHOOL wijl be EXTENDED to MAY o^rr^c. y ■"" a well-considered leading article or essay every week, 6th, It will be requisite for Applicauta to obtain -p.™-™^,. niTT t^tt^-t. TOWN of WESTPORT—Sections 108,125, 129, upon some subject of an instructive or thoughtful Special Certificates before appointment, according to ODD-JJJi-LLUvVS HALL. SlB j JOHNR- MlSeer._ cMer , Regulations oi Central Board, March 4^ GREAT SUOCEsTi'GREAT SUCCESS I ! By order of the Legal Manager of the Decimal Jc)WN of PICTON-Sections 795, 506, 1122, Just Published. ■ gO9 Chairmari Takala School Committee. w*f«?OW AWTTZANS' A^flPTATrnw ■■: , , Gold-Mining Company. 1123,64. T? A MILY HERALD New VOLUME. NELSON ARTIZANS ASSOCIATION. m«xr.-rr» o •.- i^^ mii .- - , ~ n J- Answers to Correspondents. - TOWN CLERK. . ■ _ __ 4TOTI0l?vr G S 7cS£^ 6a'orad ' Ac™ iKA-SM"on 166 'Tokst-wnlaiDMe 15° ■t.»«w w _—j.!L-ih._»ii*. _ r . m ,j n . tt NWSOtf riTT Complimentary Benefit '" tt i. Oolhngwood. ; confidant and confessor in every station of life. Tbe TXTANTET) for the NELSON CITY ■• - E • " ALL the MACHINERY and PLANT SECTION 2, LOWER MOUTERE, containing Ansvfers to Correspondents cannot be fictitious, a VV COUNCIL, a Gentleman competent to ful- T° belonging to said Company. 100 Acres ' ' romance and a life history being embodied in almost fil the duties of TOWN CLERK. TVfvo T HT Daqv 1 Particulars in future Advertisement. each of them." All Applications must be^ddressed to the Mayor mlh. 1, W. _6dr I UONAID I3INOLAIB. 6 4v« mayor. ■ onwfl*l I ' ATTiTTTYN- « i j t i. 1.1. Xt SFCTTONIS wjlTMffi T1 AQT /v \ i " Ita Random Readings are the recognised modern -^r-, ———-—-—rrr — : : : : JL PV 1"?3" 0 .' • 61 ' ATJ.TlON.on^n^dat^attheNExsoK Jgjls^W^^ > TXTANTED Employ^nt as Book-keeper, NAUTICAL, DRAMA rpHE INTEREST of the wid Batate in 18 Z*"^ " BUrroundedby a live h™- Price '' London, Wx_i_x' Stkykxs, 421, Strand; W.O. V PP Iy ™T>'£!t£ WEBSTER'S. j ™ POLL, AND MY PARTNER:JOE. iinTT 8 >mARES tb<> RICHMONr> ■. ... And may be hadl Jat a small percentage over the Books Posted, Balance Sheetp drawn. 514: Admission-Body of Hall, 2s: Gallery ,"I>. GBOUND. .. . t .. ... Full particulars and Plans of tbe above Properties published price) of G*ob«e Robebtson, Melbourne; _ __ ° D 7, an,«, u»ueiy,.«u^ •JOHN R, MABIN, may be >een at our Office, Tralalgar-itreet, Welsoh Gohdoh & GoiCHi Sydney ; and hy Order of all fTTANTJSD an APPRENTICE.—AppIy ?pr f F«fclcular!!' See «_f , Auctioned I Bookwller^ ' f W at the Office x)f thi» Papey '• '* 6^ I

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Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1899, 10 April 1875, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1899, 10 April 1875, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1899, 10 April 1875, Page 2


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