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BRITISH SQEmST’S AMAZWG HEALTH DISCOVERY Startling Pronouncement of Vital Concern to the Invalid and the Athlete, the Old and the Young. ASTOUNDING TRIUMPH OVER OLD AGE INFIRMITIES Remarkable New Method of Drugless Healing Promises Better Health for All and Longer Life. VALUABLE FREE BOOK FOR EVERY READER OF THE SOUTHLAND TIMES. Medical Men, the Press and the general public cannot fail to be deeply interested in the news of an important health discovery, of equal benefit to the Invalid and the Athlete, the Old and Young. The fact that the new health method announced to-day is entirely independent of drugs adds additional interest. The knowledge that it is the outcome of the research i and experiments of a well-known British scientist ensures it receiving the 7 J careful attention is deserves. Ji smR? Few men are better entitled to a hearing/- FAVOURAI3ILE OPINION when they speak on the subject of health ©p MEOJICAL MEN. and well-being than Mr O. Overbeck, Wl F.R.S.A., F.P.C. (Lond.), etc., the well- 4k known British scientist. For Mr Overbeck, Many medical men are now recommend- 7 at 70 years of age, is a marvel of physical in g Overbeck’s Rejuvcnafor, and using it „■■ ' fitness and mental alertness, whereas before themselves. It is contrary to medical , + he began to probe into the true cause of etiquette to mention their names, but the A few years ago Mr Overbeck s heart was so weak ihat he dared not stoop to t d ne oegan w prooe into me rrue cause oi u his beloved plants. To-day, when he can spare the time from his many exacting ill-health he was given up by his doctor following remarkable reports are from prom- ents P he “ at wor [ on his estate the livelong day, planting, potting and so as a dying man. When, therefore, Mr inent- members of the profession who have forth< He .$ ofte( . stj|| hard at work jn the waning light, long after his gardening Overbeck announces that he has discovered given the instrument a thorough trial, and sta fj gono om6i f or s j nce hj s discovery of the secret of vital energy and health a new health method that promises to ban- speak from their personal knowledge: —• does not know what it is to be tired. ish a host of intractable disorders, strengthen Striking Reports From New Zealand Sufferers, them a weight of authority and experience I■'? 'U > 1 If ''• TTT7 4 TUP PATIPPH A NITI that compels attention, SW J -H.EAKI ■ Port Chalmers, 30/11/31. T?TI EUMA TTSM Eight years ago, prematurely worn out by I am pleased to tell you that I have used a life devoted to scientific research, Mr the Overbeck for four months. for my Invercargill, 25/10/31. Overbeck was the picture of a decrepit old Mother aged 76 and have derived great . There 1S n „ question ? o the benefit de- ~ f .i benefit from it. Heart much stronger, ana nved from the use of the instrument in the ml i?. °. n C ' e . r^e ,.,° ? ,k ra e ’ i general health much improvedcase of Catarrh and Rheumatism. I am His interests m hfe had been as many '( Sgd .) L.E. over 60 years of age, and judging by the coloured as Joseph s coat, and he clung to results in my case, I can confidently reconithem with all the tenacity of a man who men< j f or (| le treatment of constitutional knows in his heart that he ought to resign > xW disorders, such as Rheumatism, all nervous himself to the easy chair and slippers of disorders, loss of vitality, and a general runold age. But, though a devoted and skil- down condition - (S B d ’ ) fill pianist, he was compelled to give up n-r i-i-nTvmT-nrr playing anything that called for brilliancy of I1L00I) execution, owing to the severe palpitation B lM pgpraNOlK: m| ri r that immediately followed the playing of a J fey Australia’s Mv doctor told me j ha v e ’had blood rapid piece of music. prwArre for about 20 years, and that I I would never get better, but it was a GodHis hair, meantime, had gone suddenly send the day I sent for the Overbeck .... white, and was extremely scanty, his face . VOCafist. It is worth its weight in gold. I was deeply lined, and his blood pressure Miss Minnie Love, ain almost better, it seems too good to be abnormally high. n true in so short a time after suffering for g Dear Sir, • , ~ t almost 20 yearsMy heart AN EXPERIMENTAND ITS I I am delighted to discover that MrOverbecks wonderful instrument has an j Sidneys were also very bad, but I am MAGICAL RESULT. i reached Australia, and is already well-known in New Zealand. pleased to say that they are very much ij I purchased mine in England two years ago, and have used it constantly ever better. Concerned at the rapid thinning and | since. I '<> n b’ wish every home could have one whitening of his hair, Mr Overbeck’s profession, as you know, demands good health all the time—nerves of them, there would not be so much sorthoughts turned to electrical stimulation. must up concert pitch, as well as voice, and I must definitely tell you row sickness in the world. (g .) He began experimenting. His first efforts th at had it not been for my Rejuvenator on several occasions I would have Waimate, 3/12/31. were not very successful. Then the idea been unable to appear. Six years ago I met with a severe accicame to him that if electricity is to be of Jn many of my enga g emcn t Si I have been called upon to give two perform- dentthe doctor never expected real lasting benefit it must be absorbed anceg a day , a f tcrlWo n and evening, and between performances I always to see me walk againMy without sensation, just as it is absorbed from . [{ a treatment when necessary. nephew advised me to get an Overbeck for the food we eat. The cells must, in very 6 „ , ... , , . ~ . „j j.., my nerves, and ever since 1 nave been truth be fed with the electrical current. 1,3 cffcct on tbe VOCaI chords 8661113 ab T U 6 J wonderful, and mine biLing the inventor. It is simply marvel- ’ ' have been under unusual strain when I have had to sing over eight and nine j oug having the proper use of my foot. My The upshot was the invention of an eiee- I ““8 s one t ‘ me - Many times it has toned me up to be able to appear when friends are amazed. . . trical instrument constructed on entirely I I have had laryngitis, and it has saved me pounds mmy professtom Altogether I seem to be living; m a now lines. He tried it first on his hair. The I lam very glad to be able to tell you of the great benefit I have had from brighter world My learing is lastly• i - result was magical. Not only did his hair the Overbeck Rejuvenator and would like you to know thM; I it proted. tha , rapidly grow thicker and darker in colour, J to everyone I know who is suffering from nervous disorders and other ailments, | dragging ‘ me dowQ< (Sgd )ML Sbut his mental faculties became greatly in- g such as tired feet and general debility. vigorated; every day he found himself get- | It will suffice to say that my husband insisted on my bringing my Overbeck SPEAKER’S THROAT ting stronger; the rheumatism that had | from England, and lam only too happy to give this testimonial that it may plagued him for some time disappeared, as give benefit to others who may be at the present time totally unaware of its Street, Invercargill, well as the kidney trouble, from which he existence, 21st August, 1931. had been a chronic sufferer; his eyesight im- ‘ Yours sincerely, The Overbeck received about two months proved to such an extent that he was soon (Syd.) Minnie Love. back is giving refief to my wife, who has a able to give up the spectacles he had worn Speakers Throat X 8 J k |„„„ k-, aki. +„ The one now ordered is for a sister, who for years; and before long he was able to . suffers from neuritis. Yours resume a normal life of active work. ( q, do Rejuvenator has been beneficial in WHAT THE PRESS SAYS • fjytLfuiiy, (Signed) P.W. nnr>-rrn witai iT\/ Tn a case of muscular atrophy of the legs after The Press, not only of the Empire, but GIVES GREATER VITALITY TO , ‘J. T , VA , - many foreign countries, has drawn at- i TVKW AFANT DEVOTEES OF SPORT. SeVere IUI C a “ d 1 bav ® used , lt Mention to Mr Overbeck's remarkable in- A MAIN on mv bald head and I am certainly gradu- V ention for banishing disease. »a S|»rl— find it ally Atting, good CKJ. I to,;./ which I ’'/.'tart equally beneficial in strengthening their am very thankful and pleased. Grjmsby Correspondent o f the which z had {or three yearSj noises in the muscles and toning up their nerves. (S.gned) Weekly b t 6 ; head, nervousness, and acute rheumatism Golfers discover that their handicap ini- p,.. M.D., M. 8., C.M., F.R.C.S. be 11U rnade young. Mr Overbeck, the in shoulders and knees .. . inside three proves after a few rounds with the Re- Grimsby scientist, told me he was being months I was a new man—thanks to your juvenator. Swimmers testify greater sup- < lThere is not t . he slightest doubt that f ° r v O m W var"ous ailmentewhowish’to Yute machine.” (Signed) J. 0. Wade, pleness of the muscles and greater power of . . . - mit to treatment from the machine endurance. Athlete testify to increased *e machine >s all that you claim for ff. In h Mr Overbeck claims restores the RHEUMATISM. INSOMNIA, stamina and enhanced recuperative powers, one case of very bad Varicose Veins, where g °f te t m e „ e PALPITATION Vocalists announce a wonderful toning up were unusually knotted and hard, the Health and Efficiency (the leading of the vocal chords and improvement of tho , . health magazine) says:—“The Overbeck Mt Auckland. . . . Overbeck softened them, reduced the pam, Re j UV enator is well so called, because ■ CAicn ’ nucK .,”7,, singing voice. x „ .i. j /k f t the extraordinary difference in his own . . 4/3/31. altogether made the patient much more and other people's appearances, palpable I have great pleasure in informing von SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT FOR com fortable. In casts where the hair was ‘° i 6 l er t^ o^U’? ’ een S ° Rhcu , m T atisnl vanished, also INVENTOR’S STARTLING CLAIMS. . using tne process. palpitation, and I can walk any distance very full of dandruff, the machine moved The Leeds Mercury says: “Middle-aged without tiring, and sleep in any position. The leading scientists of the day are at R and rcs(ored the hajr to a normal con . ™ry theT/eatmentTas rid “You have given the instrument the one as to the fact that the entire universe them of such afflictions that beset proper title Rejuvenator— it is the best ryhonnm/>nnn pach atom of dition. In cases of headache the machine middle-age as Sciatica, Lumbago, and investment I ever made. is an electrical phenomenon, each ato ~. , , , , Cramp. Elderly women are chasing “I am turned 63 vears of aee and snent a every substance, including the cells of the JS invaluable, especially where headaches a way Time’s wrinkles with its aid. I 1 / n , Jea “ ° f ‘ &sc ’ an ” s P cn “ a human bndv itself being composed of posi- , , f heard of one case where a man who had lam turned 63 years of age, and spent a human body itse , g P are largely of a nervous type. suffered from long-standing deafness big portion of mv hfe in the West African tive and negative electricity—each atom a can now hear after us j ng the instrument Tronics” (Signed) W. R. Lose, miniature solar system, with “planets” re- (Signed) Dr. , ffl.v. wjth regu ] ar ity.” volving in their orbits round a central — —. ————, RHEUMATOID “ sun ” A Few o£ fine Ailments which Respond ARTHRITIS 'Electricity is the driving force of the W ith Remarkable Rapidity. Whan arei 23/10/31 universe. Constitutional Disorders disappear under the marvellous health-build- wo ' rt h its weiirht ing 1 treatment described here. The following* are a few of the ailments •- i j t l i ki + u By his discovery of a now process of dis- which respond with remarkable rapidity:— gold to me. I have been unable to walk uy w/MiriHn ’or years and have been treated by the charging among the “sleepy” or torpid cells Asthma Goitre ” “ H . best doctorsl decided to try the of the body life-giving currents of the elec- Blood Pressure Headache neurasthenia Overbeck. After two months’ treatment I trie force, Mr Overbeck has solved the great- Catarrh Heart Affections Paraplegia was ad j e g e (. ou j o f niy chair on crutches est problem of the age, for he lias found a Cramp Hair Growth and Bheumatlsni and walk a few steps, and now after 5 reliable permanent means of overcoming the Constipation Beoolouration Bheumatold Arthritis months’ treatment, half an hour a day, I diseases and the overstress of civilization, Deafness Insomnia Sciatica can walk with one crutch all through my and flooding the overworked and exhausted Ear Affection. Indigestion Stammering home and can ge«t up and down steps. My cells with a new tide of energy and vitality. Eyesight Defects loss of vigour Voice Troubles ad "°-^ g h^ y f^trtrength' 1 ?'. da . Y 1 General Weakness Lumbago Wrinkles Everybody is remarking how’ well ’ I 'look'. Gout Herrons Debility y O urs gratefully, (Sgd.) Mrs W. Hack. IT^HC 3 Post immediately this tC bMT* “Southland Times” Coupon entitling you to a Copy of the Fully Illustrated Book In Of IB mC. ' the remarkable health-restoring method i described in this announcement. ■;v.w. W.V.W.W.VAV.W/.V.W.’.V.V.’.'.VA'ZJV.WJVUVAV.WAV.V.WAVeS-oV.W.W.i; | SPECIALTY AGENCIES, LTD., | *“ Please send me a copy of the Free Book about Overbeck’s Rejuvenator, fully illustrated with plates "• ■" showing self-treatment for a variety of ailments. I enclose 6d in stamps to cover postage. JJ name ■: MR 0. OVERBECK, Ij.R.S.A., F.P.C. > > (Lond.), the Well-known Scientist, whose .J ,« amazing discovery has aroused world-wide ; r — —— ; ”» interest, and brought relief to sufferers in C (Please write clearly.) ‘S.T.’—l. .■ every civilized land. '

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Southland Times, Issue 21581, 19 December 1931, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 21581, 19 December 1931, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 21581, 19 December 1931, Page 8


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