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PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS. Esk Street, Invercargill. MONEY TO LEND. BROS.. Barristers and Solicitors, Esk St., Invercargill. Money to lend. T W! MACDONALD & SONS. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS, Esk Street, Invercargill. STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY. EIRE and MARINE ; also Fidelity Guarantee. Henderson & Batger, Agents, Dee st. MACALISTER AND GO. (J. J. Hiskens). PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, Invercargill, Telephone, 90. P.O. Box, 120. (See Advertisement). c, CRAY. Music Rooms South British Chambers, Esk Street MUSIC ROOMS OYER WESNEY EROS, DEE STREET R- A. Edwards, rjIEACBER OF VIOLIN AND PIANO. Orchestra lor Balls and Parties. Pupils pre pared for Practical and Theoretical Exams, Teaching personally or Ly correspondence TERMS &c., at STUDIO, DEE STREET, 'THOMPSON, Teacher of Singing and Voice 1 Production, Crescent. Pupils prepared lor Examination. Breattiing a Speciality. SPECIAL RAILWAY CONCESSIONS TO COUNTRY PUPILS. Si. Marshall (M.A.A. Edinburgh), Architect & Building Siteves-ob (Upstairs G-. Lumsden’s Buildings) Dee Street, Invercargill. ONEI E Y rp O D At 4| per CentC. S. Longuet, SOLICITOU, INVERCARGILL. MISS JOLLY, CERTIFICATED NURSE, AND STATE REGISTERED MID-WIFE. Clarendon 'Hotel, JEsh-st., Inxercargill, J HELL- SOL CERTIFICATED OPTICIAN, DIPLOMA SPENCER OPTICAL INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. [n conjunction with dental practice) LEXANDRA BUILDINGS, corner Dee and Don streets, Invercargill. Telephones—Office 372 ; Private residence 202. "REFORM:’ ARTIFICIAL EYES. RAILWAY PRIVATE HOTEL. HAVING secured the premises so long known as the RAILWAY ;OTEL, I desire to thank the public >r past patronage, and to request a antinuance of same in respect to my 3w place, which provides all the amforts of an up-to-date hostelry. OMFORTABLE COMPARTMENTS & BEDS. HOT & COLD BATHS. Excellent table at regular hours, nd Tea, Coffee, and Summer Drinks t any time. Open for business un--11 after arrival of late express. Mrs C. Thomas, (Late of Supreme Court Hotel), Proprietress. People of Winton, of Lumsden, of iverton, of Edendale, of Mataura, ’ Woodlands, and many other placi, are unanimous in saying Baxter’s hoice Rava Tea is splendid value — s 6d per lb, 10 lbs for 13s 9d. Try Why suffer ? Use Solomon Solution, and it will give relief from your Sciatica fsamSi your Lumbago and Rheumatism.

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Southern Cross, Volume 15, Issue 26, 19 October 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southern Cross, Volume 15, Issue 26, 19 October 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southern Cross, Volume 15, Issue 26, 19 October 1907, Page 4