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— • Wellington, to-day. At the murder trial to-day, Frank Phillips, farm laborer, gave evidence that on a Tuesday morning in September lie was up and dawn the hill with a sledge aud horse at Silverstream. Accused and deceased were then breaking up camp. He saw them later in the day on the hill, when Hawthorne had a gun on his arm. One or both called out to him to look out for his horse, as they were going to discharge the gun. A chain further up witness pulled up, and heard four or five shots fired. Ho did not sec Hawthorne again. There was an interval of two or three seconds between the reports, not time enough to enable a muzzle loader to be reloaded. Witness continued up the track to tho end, and then returned to the brow of the hill. Ho did not see prisoner or tho sledge on his way down from the brow of the hill. Ho could see a man at the bottom of tho hill loading a dray, and witness saw him start away. Witness could not recognise the man, and only saw one man. lie went up the traok for a Bixth load, and returned to the brow of the hill. He saw no one. On his way down, about five chains from the foot of the hill, ho saw Philpott walking fast down the hill with ti gun in Jiis hand. He caught up to witness. Prisoner said that ho had forgotten his gun, and had had to go back for it. Ho did not see tho accused again. Further evidence in the murder case was chiefly expert aa In the calibre of the weapons, and Mr 8011, Crown Prosecutor, then intimated that he had clotted tho case for the Crown. Replying to «. question, as to whether he intended to call evidences, Mr Jollicoe said he would prefer that the matter stand over till morning, having a great mass of material to consider. This was agreed to. No cvidencp was called for the defence in the murder case, ui)d Mr 8011, Crown Prosecutor, is addressing the jury. So far his address is only a review of the evidence The verdict will probably be given to-morrow night.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8146, 23 February 1898, Page 2

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SILVERSTREAM MURDER CASE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8146, 23 February 1898, Page 2

SILVERSTREAM MURDER CASE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8146, 23 February 1898, Page 2