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[From the News of tu>: Would.] 3rd .November, 1878. THE GLORIES OF INDUSTRY. HTN the peaceful struggle "f W" lk alJ(1 J_ progress at the Paris Exhibition, THE WHEELER & WILSON MANUYACTUTJNG COMPANY, have surpassed the victories they have achieved at all preceding exhibitions by gaining an indisputable pre eminence over 80 competitors, and carrying off THE ONLY GRAND PRIZE AWARDED to SEWING iUACHINES (which must not l>e coiifoiinded with the " Gold Medal," a secondary |rizi>), f..r the superiority' and exculiuiici; of their later productions. Tliu testimony of a jury composed of competent and critical authorities will not fail to gitidn the public in .the perplexing difficulty of choosing au article is now a necescesity to everyone. THE NEW STRAIGHT- NEEDLE WHEELER & WILSON Has the Loose Winding Wheels, more improvements than any other SEWING MACHINE. OF IMITATIONS. INSPECTION INVITED EY ■GRAHAM AND" CO., AGENTS, G I S B O It w E. /"CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 1/ . The doplor.ible effects wiikli h-ivc f Hnwod 'he tisc of vilo comp-'iui'ts. sold « <li>r tho nanu- of "Schr.npp3.," etiouM a c.uti n to tliu imliltc to pnrchnse only that iw.irlmr th-j uuim 1 of " Udnlpho Wolfe,," to which fmir Uious-.iml |>hy<ifiiins have cartifiol its oxcollencc i;nr:ty ovi nil other dtimul.ints. " Udolpho Wolfe's c rli:i:ip;is'lin3 been n qtmrterof n century before t'sc puMif , iiail its sale .-tc i ily incre;ise.s, while nuxnii:-:i).s w imitations have np> enred uinl <i- ir.;::ir^!. H" vin^ only ruin and Ois^raie to a-1 wimo t<?-l with tln-i.i. 'I he public shoni ! no Imvr?.- '■• ''u: cd by Mijjnrinn--, i-tioup, fiery conriponnds with i :..;c:l cTtifl-.-istra, 1:1 mifnctureil in the Ooiony. . To protect consumers ;■..::. ui^t i:mt"itions of .^ uroLruo avolep/.^ .scniEtT.\At vro thcreforo^t-'oiiiily n vive jmrohiKi'i'3 to protcc themslTcs and imv onl; Oiucii Ah UK6rr..\Ki! r.orrr,i:s ok Casks, and thus seenre the i;:'; :'.!.:;i;L;ig'- of t ! us KXTUAO .;IIIXA!IY Vii^HCAlj BIiVIIKAOKS V HOr.B.SA!.TS AGENTS : L. D. NATHAN CO., A.TJCKL \-XD. - -Tf— i A .- :-■• S FAI K A I. E •3. ±3- . ' ■ Of Cv; RnjD.BnOTiiLiis, §}»jk LONDON'. /fibfa (" n:;':-iri^" Bottling Mark.) jff'i—t/X^ Buna's .t C.!.'s" I!t-r,!.-l)'p(i" 1.:.1.c1a. fi&'&Mi ; ~~ ~~ i J ■■■.: -■;••.• F-. : :;rj "'j-jflit*- t!,o ]'-icw<r.-: j::.r the t J'>l~r;'.y:','.7i'^ Hntt.'.--.-.- I: •'-•:<: :>)■;. 1 nnyt^ nhlc- or i. -.•„-.-. r. -■-■',->': cu^r :.! !.-!.!•:■ tlii.~ i.h: 1 i'Miuvr. \le :"--;,.-:: -^ in «.'.!•• W-.-i U !■:• tir en it .! f •.-.. ;-.. .--.■. ; ; gkJU . IM . ;,-;;,..l [„ [l,;.]^. , t stilU- !.-.' ,;•■ . •■'. tlnrtl of .:--•! ;enci'. I; ,;J;^V-.j;;i . L. l\ NATH.-.N J: CO., ■ '■" ' , v (i!t- .\ .rent.:!. .Mii'.'k':i:id. J/i.r ! j:\;vivSS's -wtout, ISV llr. -M IMIuTiIKKS, . . h . T>. X A -iTIA v & C0.. , SoV.; Aircnt-!, A V,O K L A. N D, QkUIUK-.Teturns tMi.i snsnil.|)rA. /•-. ivv j all joli\vor!c ■■' •!-'• l-Ti-r-1.-i (HHro . NEWSPAPiat AGENCY. A :"»tif. NTS received, atA POVERTY BAY HERALD OFFICE for ths3 ; f.-li>>wit'g Ijkadino Daily Nkv/spai'KßS in New Z.aluinl : CAN'nCRBUEY riiK^S, Christclim-ch POSIV-Wfelliuat6u ; STAR, Dunediu STAR, Auckland HERALD Tavauski ; MAIL, Nelson ADVERTTSKR. f! r.-ihainstuwn TELEGRAPH, Napier. .. - „ ■

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Poverty Bay Herald, 12 September 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, 12 September 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, 12 September 1879, Page 4


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