IMPORTANT NOTICE. TO THE SUTLERS AT TOLAGO BAY V^;ffJE^*itai A»AI»-' : ' ! " HAYING PURCHASED T^BUSINESS LATELY CARRIED ON BY t^|||Sßs6a7 BHQ^^ CO, r ot- TOLAGO BAY, .... w3fi^#lten^tottieS^&r^? that rising district that; it is his 'intention X^||^|r^^sai^^lNCn»LE^ : /tNi : fipSINE&S ; *heie < , .. . . \ , AND' SELIiNG. ,9NLY THE \^'^ '^...^.^ .. v , : , SMAtXEST REMUNERATIVE PROFIT- - •:.:.;.!• -•<• :•■" .i !■:'■•!.'-!■'•■■=:".*? .r .!••: ■ /< ,-.•,-.: IT .rwii.oiH }»pfT . aTt^vX hfi! 1 ■"' • '■' ■■ '".,' v !., ' i .■ '(•':■ ■> '".'ffl .rb'rv.Yr .>^.:,----, ■ •■'••■ ' l •'■ •!■ ' ■•• ; 'i- •• : "' '" ''" ' ' *.U-11-J ii:' ■■■! -. ■;■' ■';;,:';..:,'..■', .the stock: has all :-<.i; ( BEEN ■ ; 'R.i^|E: ; p.' : :li PRICE,: ' And m future the whble of the Stock. will be sbldai .GrISB,ORNE ' .' ,; •'■ ' ■ ■' :r ;. i / ./^/ 4 ; s ' r l^roßS > 'WifhtHti' i fi*ighi > -ftddedi'-;'''-':-' ;/' .^ --' : In thiis extending h^BßjioesS to^ this inipdftaiit distWct he' wdtild adsm^ the ■ 1 settlerß that it .willibe hus constant endeavor to litfep~Uhe Btore ©UPP'^i : E'S« l WfT'H II "&V lEfey"I Efey" . Ut.:, »< ■ '•!- j,» , L | ,■ ■ . -. . - - -■;; 't DRA« iSUHfiIDWY, GROCER^ PAINT, OILS, & PRODUCE. '■^J /■^'^r €7 j-v^WIL^Mv.ADAIR.,
Impprto^ Announcement to the InhabitantSuof: Gisborne and ■'< East Coast Districts. • ■'■'■■ •:•■... -' lv!-!-:.,ir.<>v ; 'l' !iJ i:il'. .';<■-.' .^J!M ■- , , : | 'ilMii J- ■;:■. ->• ,'i !■■!;: lifu: ,--".»- t ;■; ■.;;.■. 1.1 :,■;;;, ' ~ In .SSfift'^licl ASEiRS;' - of ''; , should for' thetf^dw*' interests call ' f Before' going » else where, .aucf, 1 !, they n willrfind the J r -i j. ••■...■ - .':n !,..- ::,•■:•• • .-. ' •" .' i) BEST & CHOIG v EST ASSORTMENT ' .U'iv/ f : .;..,. ,''■< ;^'.'^ ■'.:■. ;.,'• •.! ; i * SEASONABLE GOODS ' Ever brought before them m this j locality, all haying been imported" direct fro-niiiwfl'Lohtiori'fiotefes*, and will f be offered- to the Public at the r LOWi:^' ttdSMXJ^EfeAj^ivfc PROFITS. s , r ... " ~ i ] , THE- STOCK '■ ■ v.-r. .». .. . ( c oa?f^is^B—.s— .5 ..„,. . ■ ■ '.[ ; Genta, Boy s >s and:Youtha. Utters )i ~.y, ,1 Gents, /--Boy'si Youthq' Qverdoats ?. \t, n^&n^,poyl» v a^tlm^,^}Xfi m II ri > k^n. l ., r ,;nios^.fa^ ( 9p^|.e i) qiji,teri^s. ano^, ( 7«n QfeW»Ji i2Z' 8 > & u^i ifi 00 *^^..TroUBersj >, .>„;}. Qentß,. (I .J3 > oj^«, .Hats, r- !( ; « - i;SaP?i' «iM r W W KV,t i? yer y - v,-:-" ,[^;.!<JW I PW >' {:„„..., v ,,j , ■<■, << I D'KAf fi^T^Trrni «%«>.''''.';■■ ; '- '^.i-i :[ !ri 'Flannel^ White- and 'colored '"> ''. • ' ' Winceys- "French 'Meiinoes 1 "'' ; i: ' P' l ■ AlpWdcy, 1 Sergaa-; Calibdeaj' Sheetiiig ' t. Felt Skirtßrembosßed, braided, and Fr a -if. mJr.Wpjgj^r'l- ((Jr.-; viqf't-. .if-'r :!l ' , , Shavyl?, asplended assortment ,' : 11 hnn tßlWktoV* and >'Bilga; r .itHdb ! 'fo tie" cqiialle'd fat pattern and value. < ° 'WbolXJrkvatsi S<suaVeY, Gioda- ] -, „ T ' t:rs 6verß, : a^*^-Vdti4ty ' " i: . , ' ' ' ' :j e&anterpaneß'aiia-Qfriils^ white aiid' cdlo^ea.'^'-' il) """ I: ■■'■ ' 1-Jltr. !;',ms ! »q>>;.:{ .-a-^tf. // ' . V) i'fc Groceries and' 6ilman's Stores— • dep-iirtnient Will bd found fe'-'" plete m ail its branches, none v-1 ■s> > but Best Brauda\ and. qualities ' ■ ■•■■'■■■■'• '" kept m stock. Prices as usual, -". 'LbWERTHANANYOTHEPv 3 -. HOUSE HERE:' , <> ,-. i Gant^rbnry H{«,ms,j ( Bacon, and J, jpaiid^J&bbdli, Cigafs/Tbbaifiooes, ;" . iS^tiio^^ &o r ' always { _ j -, : : , / , , ■ : pn: ! Jw-n4'" , , ■ ■ , ',, , ! j 1 SOEE f AGENT FOR"' t HITCHENS' CELEBRATE D BLOOD ' ..•, li '" :ITr RESTORER: ! - " , 1 "'-'■■ '■"'- ''■ ' '"> -'' t l ' ," t 1 '•' ;> "<'"iM J|2|||i^ SHIP -CO,i ' nitiijiWin^i '. Tir New Zealuhd, > .. ',.,?[ r (Limited.)' - 'dWpatch. strainers as under ''Vy'i' I '^weather permitting), ittt- . %^q*%i&s&" m&ifotkm, lyt- : ; .; : >TfetTON, ANp'DUN^piN, «.*.^May,_, ,.u f , ;'; • ■,,';,■ ; v, ,;.., >» \, Passengers an,d,. Cargo , for Pipip^,: 1 ..'selsdn, and , Hest" Coast, ' transhipped! at Wellington. i, ..,.,'/ . ./ 7 ! '...' : ! Passengers 'froni Wharf' at 4- $0 p.m v , ■ r ti11.4 p'.ln.', Tuesday. ■ ".';.'. n FOB/TAUBANGA^ AUCKLAND, 'AN!Dn .1 Hawia, pn.WEDNES^AX^E^XT^yi Jway. ti .. .-■■ t y ' i''\ Passengers' from Wharf W ; 8 a.m. '^hjbj^iatji^rpi'jreaue^ted 'to' present Shipping 'Orders at' Company's" Office forS,fgn a^e Vj) , ;/> r 1 ''Fof freight w*passagei 'apply to • A^eut.
j^SO^lC HALL;; \ Gisborne EowmgJ?li|^ \ oo3srpis# ■ •''■■• ; ' - 'P^ G'G R A M^I^;:'F -,-Ovarture — VEoxhnnter" G.R.V. Baiw : s^ag. :..:5Mf.71]..... Mk Ratcliff. Duett (opecfttic) Mr. anajMra. Berrj TnhWTimeVrfcnY' ' '' ' "^ V I : 50ng....;..«w^..: Mad am! .Steward Song— "Fairy Bells" $$& Sherrii • "Song (comic)'^" Tfiat's where l make ttie mistake" jte^mlneavii 50ng... ..;.:......;..:..:. .:'..:... .l^^frsS, Berg £?•' •: v\ IntekJuibsion of T^n Minute^. ;:;,': ■■• : -'.-".;. ' ;> ;; ; ■PAw-.IlfW ...;. I M Overture.... .'.^. ...... .fefes»'V»ißant Song (comic) " I am so Song. . ; '/..'.:; v. Madam Steward InstrumeiitaiT-Violincello. . .Mr fiumphriei Song (comic) . MrTprnei .«bWg'..-..1: i / ..?.i.^i..i'..»^.^*,» Cftfit. -Chris} Song Song (cpmjq).,..., . v? .,. r/r .Mr E. K. Bro^ Trio, " Cure for Jealousy ... Mr and' Mh j± Berry and Mrs Chrisj i |1 f Gbii SiMI tti* Qvsßtm rr AdftiittaVlOel -^' Front ; seats, 2s 6dj 1 .TIfFrANTEI)— A comfortable FOUR tiie l^tof Jftn«.'. Apply, Oftfee 'at tllJ ■ • - PT-ia "Tittmr iU -ai" ; j —^r •'^TTTiIifTED^A^ GENERAL,^E^ .-. v.r.yyr:, f.tyLKT'forithi'Rbselftud^ote^ '■• lMt»karaka. y ' Apply i-iHoo /Mw n&i WILBOIT, Argyle Hotels;. v^t; -r/j |7 TT7" A «TED^-By -b thorough, I goo,^ inan>^9tej;/ f^.W., Office. qj jhis Paper. ;:fTO^fe^fS' f f3ce^d'^ P tc Grains from th H e GlsBdRW !BREW ERY,,forj 12 months, beginning on; the j ina J^rJßwerv. ' ' r ,'*'' T - * >f/ - 'WW- : '■< •'" ■■ it*" ■!>'.» .v« .fro, ;!iin V/ f■ -J ~ : '':"; .QTQ^^E^^a J ndiOT)EIE'RS are 4 s^; , ned against negotiating of the JojUpTOnjg . RECEIPT, the ISo. 106642, dated April Bth,. J WI ;■■■ . 1 T fi tmmvsm \4*teu due pcto'b^i ;. - Sth.ol.ST^-^TtheßankofNefw ; •■ : Zealand, iQiab^rrie, for the sum ■ !:1 ,«....{ v ; .;i|f ? £9Q* J !.- i; ,. ■ ,;,;,., : ;'^ : Any pewloh findinfeihe: above, and/i& c -tarningth«|' flame- to the office of ims paper, will be rewarded: , ' K . Si" ''' '■ .S£&hgEN^LIDDELL. • -; - : . ; ';'....■■ ;,.' ?: \!; ;:',; 'j b^w , cook cotJ^T^r cbtJNCipd. NO TIC E. ; .77' ri^^EßSarV called for the ikn'flw; J- intioned^Rks :— ■ m"/. AlB. FQR^IATiqU of BRIDLE V ; TRAp^from Patutahi Fl^t'tb top of Range, Gisborne-'Vc^ofi i '- ! ;i R¥adV "" « . j'-^jV'. Ul>" i iflP4i"i CULTpJRT, OrmdhdPjpjti^Road. ' * • ; -1» •>!«' Plans and Specification can be seen at ' 'th/Coilnty'onWin* and after-tnis d#te. ..iTenttei-fraddre&^!'t*y the Chairman jpf tb.e,.Counc.ilj atnd , jcorrectlyj SMdorsed, , htauit ,l» -d©poiHfeff*iin t^he ; Qfficej Tm|fe i ;M^rtt :^; : ?!60f.tti'/ on FRI- -. Cfflroe^^ENTEß, ;X ! |.j •TfT .<' y/J/: ,/a I- x Obunty Engineer. April 28fch, 1879.
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 688, 6 May 1879, Page 3
Word Count
851Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 688, 6 May 1879, Page 3
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