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Business Notices. E. J. UPHAM, STOCK AND STATION AGENT, Financiali Agent, Accountant and General Commission Agent, SERVANTS' REGISTRY LABOR OFFICE KEPT, OFFICE : COOPER'S BUILDINGS, Gladbonb Road. felO im. 0. L. W. BOUSFIELD Is prepared to BUY and SELL LAND and STOCK of all kinds on commission. T ICENSED LAND SURVEYOR jM 4^ND VALUATORHaving had 25 years' experience in this kind of business, and being acquainted with New Zealand from one end to the other, he will conduct business with quickness and economy. Maps and Plans Neatly Executed. Office: TOWNLEY'S BUILDINGS, GISBORNE. fes BROWN AND BALLANTYNE, Engineers, Millwrights and Blacksmiths. MACHINERY~and Iron Work of all kinds made and repaired. Forging, Fitting, Turning and Screwcutting promptly executed. - PEEL STREET, GISBORNE, Back of Messrs. King and Co.'s Flour Mill. no 18 ON SALE, "1 00 TONS ° F NEWCASTLE JLV/U COAL, ex Pearl, and Maid of the Mill, now landing. Also, — SEVENTY TONS of Bay of Islands COAL, ex Waiwera, direct from the Pits. N.B. — lam always willing to sell at current Rates, and will meet any quotations as regards Price and Terms in this branch of my business. no 26 R. G. GIBBONS. FOR LEASE FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS. -J Oft ACRES of AGRICULTURAL -LAO & PASTORAL LAND, situated at PATUTAHI. There is a comfortable Two-roomed Cottage upon the property, with Garden and Orchard attached. Forms on application to H. BEAUFAY, Patutahi, Or, jal7 T. W. PORTER, Gisborne. [a caisd] T"\ R. T A C K S O N, Bright Street, Adjoining Mr. Robb's Stables, Gisborne. For Night Calls, ring night-bell at gate. \ T. MAHON, Country Runner to the Poverty Bay Herald, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Matawhero, Mukarakn, Waerengn--a-hika, Patutahi and Ormond, that he visits ench of tlie above districts. daily, and is prepared to DELIVER PARCELS OR LETTERS entrusted to his care, For a Small Remuneration. Settlers favouring him with Town Orders may rely upon tlicm being faithfully and promptly executed. N.B. — Parcels or Letters called for in Town ov Country. Orders left at the Herald Office will receive immediate attention. THOS. MAHOK Thelwall <md Co., ■TTTHOLESALE SHIPPING AND Family B\ .tsrs, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE, AND MATAWHERO. ijy (

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 687, 30 April 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 687, 30 April 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 687, 30 April 1879, Page 1