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ANNUAL MELTIN':!. the aim mil meeting' of the Patea Women's Institute was held yesterday afternoon, Mrs. A. A. Carey presiding over au attendance of some 50 members. "Apologies for non-attendance were received from Mesdames Ballard, C. Carey, M. Carey, Jones, Hunger, Austin, Roberts, Misses Kenworthy and L. Carey. 'The motto for the day was “Unity is strength. ’ ’ 'The president welcomed Mesdames J. Boyle, J. Bromley, and Miss O. Adams as new members, and M rs. Hilliar, of the Opaku Women’s Institute, and a member of the Ellcrslio Women’s Institute as visitors. Mr. L. W. Austin was re-elected lion auditor for the ensuing year. ANNUAL REPORT. 1 .m aunmu report was read as under: The committee of the Patea Women’s Institute have pleasure in presenting their fifth annual report tor your consideration. During the year under review the institute has functioned successfully' and smoothly- from 'every point of view. New enterprises have been essayed and brought to a successful issue, membership has " been maintained and increased, and the iiuancial outlook at all times has been free from anxiety. Twenty-six new members joined during the year, but thjs is counter-balanced to a .certain extent by the numbers who left the district, and at present our roll stands at 11-, an increase of 2 over the corresponding period of last year. ’The committee mot on eight occasions, with practically a full attendance at each meeting, twice at Mrs. A. Carey’s residence and for the rest of our ijicntings we are indebted to the Borough Council for the" use of their room. One special meeting and 11 general meeting,: were held, 80 being the average attendance. Demonstrations were giveir on homo nursing and bandaging, marquetry, tapestry, needlework of various kinds, papier mache, paper flowers, and hard brass. Talks have been of an interesting and, instructive nature, such as dental hygiene, fire prevention, cultivation of roses, social economics, food values, and travel. On two occasions, under the direction of the group convenor, Mrs. A. Carey, we have combined with Kakaramea and Opaku Institutes. The first occasion was in the nature of an experiment, when Mesdames Short and McCorkindalo, of Eeilding, held a day of demonstrations in the Town Hall on pottery', soft toys, glove making, and upholstery. That our venture w f as justified was shown by- the largo attendance, including visitors freni as far north as Hawcra. Moreover, interest was stimulated in this phase. of institute work, and subsequently air Arts and Crafts Circle was formed under the leadership of Mrs. J. A. Wither, which continues to function successfully. On the second occasion a combine] Drama Festival was Held in the Town Hall, and was most successful, the Patea B team staging the winning play, “A Little Bit of Life.” Delegates have attended both the halfyearly and annual council meetings of the federation, also the Dominion conference at Auckland in July last. Eaily in the year the institute decided to ent.r a display in the home industry and pantry section at the Hawcra inflow. A special committee was sot up to organise the exhibit, and as a result of their painstaking .efforts only two points divided the winning entries Wharcroa and Patea. At a. social afternoon and community singing held in the Town Hall supper room a week after the show the exhibit' was again staged for the benefit of those members who had been unable to visit Haw era.' This, wc may mention, was the only special 'effort held during the year for the support of our own funds. The success of the institute is largely duo, wc feel, to the conscientious manner in: which' the sub-committees carryout their duties. At no time during the year has any member failed to cany out her allotted task. The trading stall continues to be a considerable asset, the income from sales helping to maintain a satisfactory credit balance. Competitions improved considerably during the early' part of the year, but later have shown a regrettable falling off. Owing to the bad season, members did not realise on their potato crops, preferring to pay u small monetary line to the federation funds. The Garden Circle, under the leadership of Mrs. S. Gunn, continues to improve the standard of their activities, and has concentrated during the year on the clearing and planting of the Queen Mary Reserve. Owing to the prolonged wot season the official opening of the reserve was indelinitely postponed. In the meantime, acting in co-operation with the Borough Council, potato crops have boon planted, including the federation potatoes, and with the har\ estnig of these a forward move will lie made towards the beautifying of the grounds. A further enterprise on the part of the circle was’the holding of a sweet pea and carnation show in tho sypp'er room of the Town: Hall on December 5, which Avas very well supported, a fine display- of blooms being on exhibition. On Auzac Day tho institute again had' the pleasure and privilege of entertaining tho members of the Returned Soldiers’ Association and their wives,, -also the Municipal Band at afternoon tea in 1 the Town Hall supper room. As, a token of remembrance, a beautiful floral emblem, the gift of Mrs. C. Carey, was placed on tho memorial gates ,at tho Domain by- tho president and Mrs. S. Gunn, leader of the Garden Circle. Realising that co-opera-tion and citizenship are tho motive powers behind all our interests and activities, wo have, in common with other organisations, endeavoured to

promote and assist all enterprises of a public-spirited nature. Donations were made to tbe crippled children’s ■ fund, the cancer fund, and the Rest Room Committee. In addition to this, ' members, co-operating with the Returned Soldiers’ Association, were instrumental in selling over GOO poppies in the town and district, an action greatly appreciated by tire association, < The establishment of a rest room in Pat ta, an objective aimed at last year, has now been achieved, and the Borough Council has provided a new- and •: comfortable room, complete with every; , neees-ary convenience, which is already- proving itself a boon to town and country- residents and the travel-, ling public generally-. Individual members also worked with the commit- * tee organised for tho promotion of tho health stamp campaign, and Avoro ro- ... sponsible for the raising of'a substantiol sum for the assistance of the children’s health camps. Members accepted invitations to the birthday parties of Kakaramea and Opaku Institutes,

also Alton and -Manutahi W.D.F.U. and Blanket Society's annual meeting. All of these outings were greatly appreciated and enjoyed. On Friday, February 28, the, institute’s fifth birthday was celebrated in the supper room of the Town Hall, over 130 members and guests being present.. In connection with these and our other gatherings of a like nature, wc would like to compliment and thank our members in general for the very bountiful afternoon tea which they- have never failed to provide, thus helping to set a very- high standard of hospitality- to the credit of the institute. Again avg express our grateful thanks to Mr. and Mrs. HaddoAv for generously allowing us the use of the supper room free of charge for our monthly- meetings. -In particular, we express our deep appreciation for tho generous publicity- accorded o,ur organisation by the local “Press” and Press correspondents. In conclusion, y r our corn- ; mittee expresses their gratitude to all the institute members for their service and co-operation in helping , to, maintain the fabric upon which our, moA-ement is built and for their keenness in helping to promote our various , activities,'without Avhich all our en- . dcavours must have failed. Before moA-ing the adoption of tho report, the president paid: a' sincere (tribute to the secretary, Mrs. IVV. White, who had compiled it. She likened her to the hub of a wheel, on • which so much depended. Her work was 'beyond all praise. She also thanked all the members, of the institute for their loyalty and co-opera-tion throughout the year. She also thanked all those -who had helped" the institute in any AA’ay. Tho resolution rvas seconded by Miss ‘ Lav cry- and carried. ' The annual balance-sheet AA-as road, shoAving a credit balance of £l3 7s 9d, compared Avith £lO 2s lOd for the previous year. Tire Garden Circle ac- „ count, showed a credit of £1 13s 9d, tho Arts and Crafts Circle a credit of 9s lOd, together with 30s worth of tools and materials, and the Drama Circle a credit of 15s. ■The sales stall showed a profit of £3 los 3d, compared with £1 11s 6d last year. No liabilities were outstanding, and donations by the institute to deserving causes - totalled £2 145 i... Tho balance-sheet was adopted on the motion of Miss Hemingway, seconded by Mr& Guam, the president paying a tribute to tho good work done by the treasurer, Miss • Homing"ilT- J. • ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. The following committee Avas elected for the ensuing year: Mesdames L. T. Adams, A. Carey, R. &• Crawford, S. Gunn, R. E. Moors, G. Laing, O. Martin, D. Roots, J. Wither, W. White, and Miss F. HemingAvay, and Miss E. Locker. On the motion of Mrs. Crawford, seconded by Mrs. Roots 1 , Mrs. A. A. Carey Avas unanimously re-elcctcd president with acclamation, both members eulogising Mrs. Carey’s work during the year, Mrs. Walton endorsed tlleir remarks.

A dainty. afternoon tea was served by the hostesses, Mesdames O. B. Bates, E’. S. Baker, P. A. Bourke, C. Beauchamp, M. Ballard, W. Barnes, W. Bar grove, A. Carey, and W. White, Avho wore accorded a Amte of thanks. Hostesses for next month Avill bfl Mesdames G. and W. Barclay", Barkley, C. Carey, N. Goad, E. S. Crawford, G. Corbett, CoAvic, Misses Carey and A. Boagey. The resignation of Mrs. C. Oldham, in view of her departure for England, Avas received Avith- regret, and best wishes were extended to her.

Ati invitation* was received from tliO Patea Plunket Society for members and friends to be present at a Pluuket evening on March IS, when* Mr. Bright, dentist, 'would give an address. It was decided to ask Miss Ballan* tyne, of Hawera, to address the next monthly meeting on her travels in America,, and.,to invite the pioneer re* sidents of the town to be present at the meeting. It was decided to entertain) the wh turned soldiers and their wives and the band on Anzac Day, as before. Mrs. Carey, Mrs. White, and Miss Hemingway all returned thanks for the kindly sentiments regarding their work expressed by members. Mrs. Wither expressed members’ appreciation of Mrs. Hills’ efforts in seeing to the hall on the morning of ouch meeting and placing the chairs in position. A buttonhole competition was won by Mrs. L. Honoyfield. A roll call, “Children’s Funny Sayings,’’ was enjoyed. Great fun was caused by the competition, “Tearing an animal from a piece of paper,” some of the efforts being very good. Mrs. D*. Boots proved the winner with a rabbit. A competition l , “Names of trees, *< was won by Mrs. B. S. Crawford,

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Patea Mail, 6 March 1936, Page 2

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PATEA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Patea Mail, 6 March 1936, Page 2

PATEA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Patea Mail, 6 March 1936, Page 2