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ANNUAL SPORTS. The unnu:>l sports of the Patea and district Public Schools’ Amateur Athletic Association wore held in the local Domain ou Saturday in ideal weather, and proved an unqualified success, the whole proceedings being carried through without a hitch of any kind, mainly owing to the excellent organisation work carried out by the president, Mr. W. T. Armstrong, and the genial secretary, Mr. J. A. Wither, ably backed up by the remaining officials and a of willing work crs. The finishes in most of the races were close, the children entering into the spirit of the various races with astonishing keenness, realising that they were competing for the honour of tiieir respective schools. A feature of the day’s enjoyment was the splendid behaviour of the children, who kept outside the oval when not competing, and conducted themselves well throughout the day, with an entire' absence of the running about amongst the crowd and on the ground between the races. As in previous years, Mrs. W. Taylor looked after the tiny tots, who were not competing, and saw that they had a happy time. The ground, which had been well marked out by Mr. Lamb, was in splendid order, the whole of the Domain being- the object of many '■omplimontary remarks from visitors luring the day. The gate takings were slightly over £9, which can be considered more than satisfactory in view of the financial depression. The school championship went to Patea, the scratch school, and proved a most popular win, Alton being the runner-up. Both these schools have now won the championship five times, Whennakura having won it the remaining time. An excellent luncheon and afternoon tea was provided by Mrs. C. J. Gardiner, and was heartily appreciated by the visitors.

At the conclusion of the sports Mr. W, T. Armstrong, president of the association, called upon Mr. Hemingway, acting-chairman of the Education Board, to present the trophies. Mr, Hemingway, in a brief speech, jxpressed regret at the absence of Mr. W. A. Collins, chairman of the Education Board, who had sent them his best wishes for a successful day’s sport, and who was with them in spirit that afternoon. It was fitting, Mr. Hemingway said, that at their annual sports gathering they should remember those true sportsmen who founded the association, namely Mr. W. J. Matthews and Mr. C. M. Strouts, the latter having given them the Strouts Cup for the school gaining most points each year. At- Mr. Hemingway’s call hearty cheers were given' for these two gentlemen. Continuing, Mr. Hemingway said that it was fitting that at each sports gathering they should be reminded of, the value of amateur sport, which resulted in the best boy and the best girl winning in each race, each competitor trying his best for the honour of his school, and not for his own personal gain. Mr. Hemingway explained to the children that if they competed solely for personal gain there was always the danger of a competitor being paid not to win and their sports would be worthless. “I hope as long as I live,” added Mr. Hemingway, “that I never sec a child competing for money or personal gain. ’ ’

In conclusion; Mr* Hemingway said it was also very fitting that the .children should hold their sports in sight of the memorial gates, whereon were inscribed the names of the gallant lads from the association’s district who had set them a noble example of selfsacrifice, having laid down their lives for their country. Looking at the names on the gates, they were reminded to put self last and carry out the association’s motto and do as those glorious boysi had done, "Play the game. ’ ’ Mr. Hemingway then distributed the the recipients each coming in for an ovation, particularly Ealph. Simmonsj the winner of two championships, L. Buckland, another double championship winner, S. Martin, who, besides winning the 120yds hurdles championship, won the shield presented by Mr. Wither for most points i u the jumping events, and tied with L. Amon for the points prize for boys, and M. Illingworth, the winner of the points prize for girls and the 75yds championship. At the conclusion of the prize-giv-ing, Mr. T. J. C. Scott, president of the Patea Beach Improvement Society, in a brief speech, expressed his admiration of the excellent manner in which the sports hud been carried out that day. He said it was a splendid thing that the there was an association for the fostering of athletic sports among the children, but he w r as sorry that one of the most healthful of all recreations, that of swimming, had iu the past been neglected. Mr. Scott said that it was pleasing that some of the schools had installed swimming baths, and he hoped that the teachers would sec to it that the children made good use of them, and so learned to swim, "Of course," continued the speaker, "there is a certain clement of risk in aquatic cxereios, but this could to a very large extent be obviated by the teaching of art art of swimming to the children. I am certain you will agree with me that swimming is perhaps the most healthful of all exercises, and I hope that every child iu every school will be given a chance to acquire the art." In conclusion, Mr. Scott said that the Seaside Improvement Society, recognising the need for the encouragement of swimming among children, had donated a cup for annual competition among the children in the Patea and District Public Schools’ district, and in handing the cup to the president (Mr. Armstrong) lie hoped that some good competitions would ensue each year among the children of the various schools.

Mi-. Armstrong said it gave him much pleasure to accept the cup on behalf of the association. Ho heartily agreed with Mr. Scott that swimming was one of the finest of sports and worthy of every encouragement. He would do his best to have it competed for each year, and he -hoped that it would induce mere than one child to learn to swim. He again thanked the society for their handsome gift. Cheers were then given for the Seaside Society, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Hemingway, Mr. Wither, and all who had assisted to make the day so conspicuous a success. The following were the results:—


SECTION A. 50YDS FLAT RACE, UNDER 8, B. Ingley, Patea K. Stanford, Patea G. Spratt, Waverlcy 50YDS- FLAT RACE UNDER 9. D. Mays, Patea R-. Fitzwatcr, Patea R. Hill, Patea

75YDS FLAT RACE UNDER 10, C. -Roots, Patea N. Sutherland, Alton A. Anion, Alton ,

75YDS_FLAT RACE UNDER II M. Wytkin, Waverlcy C. Hoots, Patea M. Keane, Alton

100YDS FLAT RACE UNDER 13. L. Amou, Alton M. Wytkin, Waverlcy ■J. Wilson, Opaku R, Simmons, Patea

100YDS FLAT RACE UNDER U L. Anion, Alton • ■ M. Dooling, Waverlcy Convent W. McKenna, Patea Convent ....

SECTION B: 440YDS RELAY RACE UNDER 12. Patca • • 1 Patca • • 2 Alton 3 410YDS RELAY RACE, ODEN. Patca 1 Alton 2 Patca Convent 3 SECTION C. LONG JUMP UNDER 12. K. Simmons, Patca, 13ft 4in I M. Keane, Alton, 12ft 2in 2 A. Muggcridgc, Mauutahi, 12ft 1-Jin 3 LONG JUMP, OPEN. S. Martin, Patca, 14ft lOon ...... 1 J. Brown, Manutahi, 14ft 2in .... 2 L. Amon, Alton, 14ft liu ........ - 3 HIGH JUMP UNDER 13. R. Simmons, Patoa, 4ft 2in 1 1.. Amon, Alton, 4ft lin 2 V. Gush, Alton, 4fl 3 HIGH JUMP, OPEN. L. Buckland, Patea, 4ft liu ...... 1 W, Parsons, Whcnuakura, 4ft .... 2 R. Booker, Whcnuakura, 3ft lliu 3 In an exhibition jump Buckland. afterwards jumped'4ft Sin. HOP, STEP, AND JUMP, OPEN. S. Martin, Patca, 31ft Gin ...... 1 R. Booker, [Whcnuakura, 31ft ..... 2 0. Brown, Manutahi, 30ft 3in .. 3 THROWING CRICKET BALL. O. Brown, Mauutahi 1 S. Martin, Patca 2 L. Buckland, Patea 3 SECTION D. 75YDS SACK RACE UNDER 13. O’Leary, Waverlcy Convent 1 Handley, Whcnuakura 2 Hornor, Patca . 3 75YDS SACK RACE UNDER 11. D. Willis, Patca 1 R. Aiken, Waverlcy 2 D. Gordon, Patca 3 100YDS SACK RACE, OPEN. P. Stanbridge, Kakaramca 1 R. Aiken, Waverlcy 2 D. McLennan, Alton 3 75YDS THREE-LEGGED RACE UNDER 11. Thompson and O’Leary, W.C. .... 1 O ’Leary and Dooling, W.C. ...... 2 Currie and Simpson, Waverlcy .. 3 75 YDS THREE-LEGGED RACE UNDER 13. Warner and Herbert, Patea ...... 1 Hills and Hudson, Patca Convent .. x Charlcsworth and Bciruc, W.C. .. x , x Dead Heat. 100YDS THREE-LEGGED RACE, OPEN. McKenna and Hill, Patca Convent 1 Blyde and Hodson, Patea Convent 2 Tong and Mcßeth, Kukaramea .. . 3 OBSTACLE RAGE UNDER 12. lan Moore, Patca 1 B. Warner, Patca 2 D. Hickey, Patea 3 OBSTACLE RACE, OPEN. T. Hills, Patea Convent I L. Amon, Alton 2 R. Aiken, Waverlcy 3 WHEELBARROW RACE, OPEN", Dooling and O’Leary, W.C. —... I Gordon and Willis, Patea 2 Spratt and Hickford, Waverlcy .. 3 120YDS TYRE RACE, UNDER 11. T. Hornor, Patca 1 D. May*, Patoa -2 0, McKenna, P.atea Convent .... A 120YDS TYRE RACE, OPENL. Amon, Alton 1. H. Parsons, Whcnuakura ...•■••• 'S' p, JJcßcth, Kukarumcd .......... 3


220YDS FLAT EACE, OLD PUPILS, E. Cousins 1 S. Cousins - R. Martin 3 SECTION K. 75YDS CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER 12. E, Simmons, Patca 1 M.- Wytkin, Wavcrloy 2 E. Richards, Patca 3

100YDS CHAMPIONSHIP. L. Bucklaml, Patca 1 S. Martin, Patca 2 M. Dooling, Wavcrloy Convent 3

220YDS CHAMPIONSHIP. L, Bucldand, Patca 1 S. Martin, Patca 2 M. Dooling, Wuvcrley Convent .. 3

120YDS HURDLES CHAMPIONSHIP. S. Martin, Patca 1 1.. Bucklaml, Patca 2 W. McKenna, Patca Convent x V. Gush, Alton •• • • * x Dead heat. 120YDS HURDLES UNDER 13. E. Simmons, Patea 1 V. Gush, Alton 2 L. Amon, Alton 3 GIRLS’ EVENTS. SECTION F.


Beryl Partridge, Patea . 1 Betty Close, Patea 2 Athalie Boots, Patea 3 50YDS FLAT EACE UNDER 9. M. Illingworth, Alton x E. Taunton, Waverlcy x K. Hamblyn, Kakaraiuca 3 x Dead beat, 75YDS FLAT EACE UNDEE 10. Jean Hunt, Alton I Esther Stewart, Waverlcy 2 K. Hamblyn, Kakaraiuca ........ 3 - 75YDS FLAT RACE UNDER 11. S. Johnstone, Waverlcy .......... .1 P. Hcrmon, Patea 2 L. Hodson, Patea Convent 3 100YDS FLAT RACE UNDER 13. J. Finlayson, Patea 1 J. Clarko, Patea 2 J. Davidson, Whenuakbra 3 100YDS FLAT RACE UNDER 14 J, Finlayson, Patea 1 J. Davidson, Whcnuakura 2 J. Clarke, Patea 3

SECTION G. 440YDS RELAY RACE UNDER 12. Patea * Alton 2 Whcnuakura 3 440YDS RELAY RACE, OPEN. Patea A —•-••• 1 Alton 2 Patea B 3 SECTION H. 50YDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDEE 9. M. Illingworth, Alton. 1 K. Hamblyn, Kakaraiuca 2 I. Garrett, Alton 3 00YDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDER 10. E. Stewart, Waverlcy 1 J. Hunt, Alton 2 G. Bond, Patea • • 3

50YDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDER 11, P. Hcrmon, Patca I S, Johnstone, Waverlcy 2 F. Armstrong, Alton 2

75YDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDER 12 AL. Illingworth, Alton 1 I*. Hermon, Patca 2 H. Johnstone, Waverlcy; 2

75YDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDER 13, J. Finlay sou, Patca 1 K. Blackman, Patca - J. Davidson, Whcnuakura 2

]OOYDS SKIPPING RACE, UNDER 11 ,r. Pinlayson, Patca 1 ,1. Clarke, Patca - K. Blackman, Patca 3 100YDS SKIPPING RACE, OPEN. A. Blackman, Patca * At. Armstrong, Alton 2 J. Clarke, Patca 3 TEAMS SKIPPING. Patca Convent, 200 1 Waverlcy B, 203 Patca A, 212 3 SECTION I. , 50YDS SACK RAGE, UNDER 11. Phyllis Herman, Patca 1 S. Johnstone, Waverlcy x M. Alexander, Waverlcy x x Dead heat. 75YDS SACK RACE, UNDER 13. A. Morrison, Waverlcy d M. Naismith, Patca 2 A. Reardon, Whcnuakura 3 100YDS SACK RACE, OPEN. S. Carey, Patca d M. Armstrong, Alton 2 A. Morrison, Whcnuakura 3 75YDS THREE-LEGGED RACE, UNDER 12. M. Naismith and P. Herman, P .. 1 M. Illingworth and F. Armstrong, A 2 E. Jane and M. Stewart, Waverlcy 3 75YDS 'THREEj-LEGGED RAGE, OPEN. J. Pinlayson ami K. Blackman, P -. 1 ,J. Clarke and A. Blackman, Patca 2 M. Naismith and P. Herman, Patca 3

100YDS TYRE RACE UNDER 11 N. Heginbotham, Wavcrloy N. Hodson, Patca Convent B. Partridge, Patea

100YDS TYRE RACE, OPEN. J. Clarke, Patca 1 E. Willis, Patca £ A. Morrison, Wavcrloy 3 SECTION J. 120 YDS FLAT EACE, OLD PUPILS. J. Illingworth 1 J. Smith 2 N. Mossop • 3 SECTION L. 100YDS CHAMPIONSHIP. Joan Clarke, Patea 1 M v Armstrong, Alton 2 A. Blackman, Patea x J. Finlayson, Patca x x Dead heat. 75YDS CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER 12. M. Illingworth', Alton 1 P. Herman, Patca 2 M. Naismith, Patca 3

THE CHAMPIONSHIPS. BOYS. 75yds champinship under 12: E. Simmons. 100yds open championship: L. Buckland.

220yds open championship: L. Buckland. 120yds hurdles: S. Martin. 120yds hurdles under 13: R. Simmons. Mr. Wither ’s shield for jumping events: S. Martin. Old pupils’ race: E. Cousins. Points prize: S. Martin and L. Amon

GIRLS. 100yds championship: Joan Clarke. 75yds championship: M. Illingworth. Old pupils’ race: J. Illingworth. Points prize: M. Illingworth. SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP. . Patea, scratch, 2504. Alton, handicap 88J, 171$. Waverlcy Convent, handicap 99, 124, Opaku, handicap 1131, 113$. Whcnuakura, handicap 92, 111, Mauutahi, handicap 99, 109. Kakaraiuca, handicap 90, 102. Patea Convent, handicap 80$, 102$. Waverlcy, handicap s|, 064.

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Patea Mail, Volume LIII, 21 March 1932, Page 2

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PATEA AND DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ A.A.A. Patea Mail, Volume LIII, 21 March 1932, Page 2

PATEA AND DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ A.A.A. Patea Mail, Volume LIII, 21 March 1932, Page 2