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The train arrangements in connection with the dairy show at Palmerston North are advertised in this issue,

Particulars with regard to the N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Company’s fortnightly Kakarnniea sale are advertised in this issue.

There must hayo been malice in the heart of the fsnrthern compositor who described tho New Zealand as " our b UTsliip.”

Wc remind our readers of Mr B. T. Bennett’s weekly auction sale which takas place at 2p m. to morrow. Particulars will be found in our advertising columns.

In another column will be found some interesting particulars with regard to the early history of the Paten district. Wo intend continuing these from time to time.

'Iho'N.Z, Loan and Mercantile Agency Co, Ltd, announce an important sate of dairy stock at Ivikaramea salo yards on Tucs lay next, on account of Mr Walter Candy.

Tho ruling passion. When three cheers had boon called for the King, tit the military function at Gisborne last week, a youth in tho crowd called cut, “ And another for the referee.”

Tho local foffball club, with true spoifsmanlikc feeling, nro holding a 1 enffit mnluh in tho local Domain tomorrow on behalf of their Club mate, F. Filzwater. who was injured the previous match against Wuitolara.

H.M.S. Pyramus has been ordered to Noumea, New Caledonia, and loft Wellington at 10 o’clock on Tuesday night. Cmicsity is felt regarding the alteration in her movements. She was to have left for Auckland on Jum 10, and then return to Wellington on June 30.

Tho High Commissioner’s oflics in London is, in the opinion of Hon J. Allen absolutely overcrowded. The Government, lie considers, should endeavour to secuio suitable accommodation, ns centrally placed as possible, and convenient to the shipping oftic.'S, which would jirovide room for the High Commissioner and his stuff - and for all the New Zealand Govrcnment (filters in London.

Dave Smith, the light heavy-weight champion boxer of Australia, who visited Pat ivi some few months ago and who was maniod recently in Sydney to an Australian lady, has arrived in New Zealand on a honeymoon tour, amt is at present at liotorna. Smith says he has been compelled to take a holiday through injuring his hand in the contest with Jerome, the Queensland coloured boxer, whom tie defeated. Smith says since Jam iry of this year ho lias cleared £IBOO, ind in f .ur figliis in 1011 against Faape, Cl ihby (twice) and Cyclone Thompson he won £IOOO.

The following is an extract from a Christchurch paper of fifty years ago ; “ A despatch has been f rwarded to his Honour tho Superintendent of Otago, e .nveying the expressed determination of His Exu:ll mey to take possession of tho land between New Plymouth and tho Tataruimaki, whore tho massacre was perpetrated. Frco grants of 50 seres of 1 -md am off-red 1 1 those who will volunteer to occupy it on a system of mibliiry tenure, and free lations, arms and ammunition jirovi led,” Tho land referred to is probably now woith from £3O to £lO an acre, or inure.

It is reported from Hokkaido that a very largo diamond has been discovered on tlio Konbndate, a peak of a volcmio range in Ibun Province. The stone is sail to have attracted the attention of Ainos for some years pint owing to its Inightocss, but they nwver attempted to And it, A Japanese who heard the story has just picked it up after a search lasting four years. The stone is sail to weigh 77 mommo, whereas the largest diamond in the possession of tbs British royal family weighs only to mommo. If the stone discovered by the Japanese proves to be a genuine diamond it will bo the largest in the world and of incalculable value.—“ Nag isaki Press.”

An owner for a shoo found in Egmont St root is ci;q bred for in this isnio.

Pigs mo up in price, calves want attention. How can you get the best results, There is only ono way. Go in for homo separation. Your fkim milk for rearing calves and pigs is worth equal to threepence per lb. of butter fat. Work it out for yourself. Why sell it for loss. Send your crcnin to St. Johns Go op. Butter Factory, St Johns station.

Lubes! Warn )r’s c.wsots are comfort able—guaranteed so—they shape fashionably. The bones cannot rust or can the fabric tear, Order now. Local drapers***

Views of the battleship Now Zealand will bo shown by Mr Wilson at tho Town Hall on Monday night.

The football match Patea 11. v. Waitotara 11, will bo played on the Patea Domain to-morrow at 1 30 p m. sharp and not at Waitotara as previously reported.

Mr and Mrs and family in this issue thank Drs, Simmons and Harvey, the matron and staff of the local hospital, for the care bestowedon their late daughter and also their many friends for kind expressions of sympathy.

Lala Kttrim Dut, a Hindoo barber, who died recently at Meerut, India, had for the last three years slept every night with two young pot pythons coiled up beside him in his bed.

Schoolboy howlers—" Tho people of India are divi led into castes and cutcas'es,” " Queen Elizibeth was tall and thin, but she was a stout Protestant.” " Tho feminine of hero is coward, and of hart is soul.” Suffragist outrages were perpetuated in Loudon.” Capt. Tinney and family return thanks in this issue to Dr Simmons, tho Matron, and the staff of tho local hospital for the attention bestowed on their late son Georgs, and to their many friends for the innumerable expressions of sympathy received.

It is understood that endeavours are at present being made to arrange a tour of the Dominion for a team of Australian boxers, including that famous exponent of the pugilistic art, Sam McVea, who is ona of the most scientific boxers of the day, and on exhibition by him would ho an education to many.

Tho Kaiser has adopted a uovsl style of displaying the Royal .Standard on hi? motor car. A fLg, on which is emblazoned tho words " God with us ” will ba painted on transparent glass, which will bo electrically illumina'ed at night when he is in the car, so tint it will be recognised from a long way off.

If this country be not worth defending it is not worth living in, and those who through laziness, cowardice, or sheer wrong headodness are foolish enough to ignore that fact should not como here, or if they tiro already here, should clear out ns soon vs possible. The country lias no need of such a poor class of citizen, and ir vastly bettor off without their presence. Marlborough Express.

A farmer who has just retnrnod from a trip to America, admits that ho had his eyes < pened in the dairy districts, He saw large barns and sheds lit up with electricity, with all the most modern inventions to produce pure and healthy milk for the people. In one shed be saw a vacuum cleaner which was used to clean tho cow’s skin before she went into the milking pen in order that no dust should fall from her into the milk. Next!

There are eight or nina hundred cases of Cardiff, Xgof-re and Lowgarth cheese on (he Tsinui, the latest Home boat to cm a to grief (says the Tara i aki Herald’s Stratford correspondent). The factory directors do not worry about these mishaps, being fu'ly insured. Besides, the loss of a cargo generally means a better price for the following shipment. What does upset them is the practice of the underwriters iu passing those losses back next season in the shape of increased insurance premiums.

At the meeting of tho Nelson Presbytery', held at Blenheim on Wednesday, the conference considerel a remit from the General Assembly re the Bible in Schools Leagues movement. A resolution was carried unanimously : “ Whereas the General Assembly adopted the Bible in School League's scheme without consulting tho presbyteries, and whereas this Presbytery does not sympathise with the I eague’s proposed right of entry, tho Presbytery respectfully declines tho Assembly’s request to assist the increment in question.”-

. The Kawliia Settler has been informed (hat a resident of Waiharnkeke, Mr TTjalma Swanson, has been successful in producing an engine which promises to be of considerable importance in the mechanical world. During tho month be received' information that his invention, which has been successfully patented, has met so much favour that an offer of £.5000 has bsen offered to Mr Swanson for his rights, but was refused. Subject to the engine standing climatic tests, wo understand that the fortunate inventor is to receive £20,000 outright for his interests.

A novel method of raising tho wind was brought forward by the Mayor (Mr J. E. Kirk), at Monday night’s meeting of tho Gisborne liorough Council. The scheme briefly was that tho ratepayers should bo invited to deposit their savings with the Council, as with a bank, tho Council pay. ing four per cent interest at call. He pointed out that depositors could only obtain I).,- per cent from tho post oflico, The Council was paying 5.1 per cent interest on its overdraft, and if it could raise a thousand or two in small sums, it would be able to save 1J per cent interest. Power to do as ho suggested was conferred

upon municipalities by tho Municipal Corporations’ Act. On Mr Kirk's motion the matter was referred to the Finance Com ■ raittoe, with power to (inquire into tho legal aspect of tho proposal. An owner for a liver and white spaniel is advertised for in this issue.

Warner’s rust-pro'.f corsets. Every pair guaranteed no to rust, break or tear Your draper stocks “ Warner’s ”***

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Patea Mail, Volume XXXVII, 13 June 1913, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Patea Mail, Volume XXXVII, 13 June 1913, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Patea Mail, Volume XXXVII, 13 June 1913, Page 2