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The bad weather on Friday evening hindered farmers from attending the Farmers’ Unirn meeting, The Australians won the match against Oxford by an innings and 54 runs A cable cn Saturday from London states : —Wool clips—Kaputono 9d Elderslie 18|d. The arrests for drunkenness in Wellington last month numbered 112, as against 85 in tho corresponding month of last year. Wo remind the public of tho public meeting to-morrow evening 1.1 connection with tlie Coronation celebrations. Tho number of fires in Wellington last year totalled 93, being 100 per cent more than Sydney, in proportion to Dopr’ation. An advertisement in another column invites smokers to give Gold Flake Cigarettes a trial. These have been tried and found excellent. Tho Czar lunched on board the French cruis-r. The French Premier received a splendid send off at St Petersburg. The concert and dance in aid of the Makairo Library, has, on account of the inclement weather, been postponed till Wednesday evening next, the 28th of May. Tho body of a well dressed girl, about three year* of age was found in the river at Christchurch on Friday about a quarter of a mile below Carlton Bridge. It has not yet been identified. Mr Sevier, London, offers to race Sceptre against any horse at the saiuo weight, age and sex, for JEIO,OOO, a distance of a mile and a quarter or a mile and three quarters in July or August, at Newmarket, or Goodwood. The quarterly returns of exports for tho Napier port, ending 31st March, last, snows L 230.260. The corresponding quarters for the two previous years show ad, 1900, L 320,183; and 1901 L 452.105.

The agitation tu establish co opera tive freezing works is evidently havm: a good effect. The Masterton Ag understands that the meat companie: will raise tho price they are giving foi sheep, as from to-day. An agent of Mr Donnelley’s is no\ canvassing this district with “ The Hait dresser's Friend," a truly wonderfu hair restorer. Many unsolicited bu flattering testimonials have been re reived concerning the efficacy of thi new preparation. An effort is being made to establish gymnasium for the school childre attending the Scarborough school and t assist the movement aconc ert and danc will be held : nthe schoolhouse on Frida evening next. Messrs S. Priest, Eketahuna, an G-Jammeson, Palmerston North, are th winners of the extra Id per lb given b Messrs W. Dimock, and Co. Wellington for the best quality pigs delivered a their factory for the week ending 22n May, 1902, having secured thirty-uin points. In our report of the hospital concer published in last issue, we inadvertentl omitted to mention that Mr Manifol assisted with the programme, ho, havin been associated with Messrs Milne an and McKinnon in the trio, “ The Re Cross Knight," an item that so please the audience that an enthusiastic encor resulted. His Worship, the Mayor, and Cr. A W. Sedcole, went to Dannevirke oi Saturday, as a sub-committee oi th gas committee of the Borough Council to make inquiries, and obtain inform i* tion with reference to Mr Henderson'' new process for making gas, and a ful report on the matter will he snbmittei to the Council ior its consideration at ai early date. Owing to the promoters of the fane fair b( *r.g held in tho rinks in aid of th church funds at Grafton, N.8.W., per sisting in disposing of goods by lottery in direct opposition to Archdeacot Moxon’s expressed wish, the latter ha? tendered his resignation of the Graftoi parish to the Bishop. We have been requested to thank tie carters of Pahiatua far their assistance given gratis, in connection with th' opening of the hospital. Tlie work wai cheerfully done The hulk of the work however, fell upon Mr Munn’s shou.der but ho did everything most wil lingly. The Minister for Lands is the Post'i authority for stating that Cabinet has not definitely decided to amend tin Land Act in the direction of preventing tho sale of the freehold of Crown lands The question is still under consideration, but there is a probability that something will bo done next session tc preserve tlie freehold ot all State-owned lands. An extraordinary case of a fatal wager is reported from Handquart, in the Gri sons (.Switzerland), where a German workman undertook for a bet to swallow three gills of neat brandy in 25 minutes, 110 got the liquor down within the time, but was immediately seized with illness, and died shortly afterwards llis drink ing companions are to be prosecuted as accessories to his death. At tho Presbyterian Church last evening. the Rev. J. McCaw said, that judging by a cable he had seen, he considered that peace in Sooth Africa was u would be only right to depart from the usual order of service, and he would ask the congregation to rise and sing the Doxologv. a ul afterwards a verse ot the National Anthem. This was done most heartily, and then the reverent gentleman offered up a special prayer for the blessing of peace.

We received, this morning, for publi« cation, a letter from the Secretary ol tho Pahiatua Band. Tho writer make? a special request that tho letter be in Rortoil “ just as it i* written." We shall b«» pleased to do us requested, and the letter will appear on Wednesday. 11 will afford ns an opportunity to show the band that it, is a public, and not a private institution, and further justify us in referring to many other matters, about which, no doubt, the band will enjoy a little public comment. The Wellington Correspondent of the I Taw kos Bay Herald says : -“lntense indignation lias been aroused at South Wellington on account of the attempt on the part of Messrs Dwan Bros, to s'cun' a license for premises .at Newtown. Tho building was erected ostensibly as a boarding-house and a permit as for a boarding house was obtained from Iho City Council. A monster petition against, iho granting of a license is being signed l>v the people of Newtown, who are very indignant at the manner in which tho thing has been sprung upon them. Amongst the objectors to the license is the Rugby Union, win so clients’ interests tho applicants for the license profess to be anxious to serve. The liawkes Bay Herald's Wellington correspondent snys,*' A New Zealander who has just returned from South Africa says that the policy of Lord Milner and there in charge of South ! African affairs is one of conciliation and 1 compromise, and that, a great, endeavor! is being made to bring hostilities to a 1 conclusion before the coronation. He' says the cable cont.u trig Mr Seddon's [ spoucli about too unit h ~f the “kid- : gloved business,’’and threatening to Dt l"0<e the Maoris in South Alrica, created i a pain In I sensation amougU those i m charge of affairs at (’ape Town, He is afraid tlpit tlie New Zealand Bn* uer's remarks about a *» light to a llmsh “ will >o little relished either by Britons or Doers, and will, if taken seriously, ham)cr tho negotiations which have been ;oing on satisfactorily for some time >aut. Wills, Chemist, Puliiatua, for Chest LToluclurs.

Smallpox is decreasing in Loudon. I Two robbers entered a jeweller’s shop j in Uourke-street Melbourne the other j night gagged and bound the shopkeeper, and got away with £‘2ooo worth of jewellery. The official report of ilie Sydney Zoo shows that 38 animals have diod. A larg number of plague rats have br*n found hidden under the floors of cages. A highly insanitary condition of affairs existed at the gardens. Mr Jacobs, of theJ.IC. showed his dancing dolls at the hospital opening 0.1 Wednesday afternoon last, thereby swelling the day’s proceeds. The football match on Saturday, Scarborough v. Konini, was won by the latter by 31 points to nil. The lookers played <l2 mon, and deserved to lose. The winners played a really capital gune, and will take a lot oi beating this reason. The Secretary of the hospital was rtgreeabl” surprised this morning when i Mrs Manifold, the treasurer of the I Ladies’ Committee handed him over : Ll 5, which sum the ladies had collected ! over and above the arnouut required to | provide provisions for the opening day, J In the ballot for the Forest Gate i settlement, Waipawa, the successful j applicants were W. Hogg, li. McCulloch, F. Coles, G. E. Lowe, M. Vesty, | E. McFarlane, \V. Vesty, If. Janson, J. T. Beach an, Sarah McGaffin, A, McGaffin. W. Poulton, There were no applications for 14 sections with an acreage of over 3000. A remarkable patient was produced at a German conference on the treatment of bullet wounds. A young man, in attempting suicide, shot himself with a small calibre gun. The bullet penetrated the heart, but the wound healed quickly. Subsequently, by means of the liontgen rays, the bullet was discovered in the ripli'l ventricle of the heart bouncing with each beat. With the lapse of time it became encase 1, and it now moves rhythmically with tiie heart without causing the elightest inconvenience to the patient.

The following extract irom the Scientific American may be of use to house- ’ holders ard others:— “ We clear our 3 premises of rats by making whitewash 3 yellow with copperas, and covering the stones and rafters in our cellars with a thick coat of it. In every crease where v a rat might tread we put the crystals cf - the copperas, and scatter the same in the ! corners of the lloor. The result was a t parted stampede of both rats and mice. - Every spring a coat of the same yellow - wash is given to the cellar as a purifier, as well as a rat exterminator.” a A special petition against gambling, :1 and more especially against the tutali 0 s.itor, is being extensively signed on e the West Coast. The petition sets v forth valent, and manifestly cu the increase : (‘2 l that it is a practice demoral.sing tc J ' the individual, and baneful to the com e munity ; (3; that the totalisator, so fai y from lessening the evil, as designed, has i, ! increased the gambling spirit, added tc i the number cf race meetings, and indue d cd people of all ages and both sexes tc e indu'ge in gambling ; (4; that in view o the above evil results of the totalisatoi t : your petitioners earnestly plead for it: ! entire suppression. 1 The Agricultural Department states the poultry industry cf New Zealand i* j likely to receive a serious check through 2 want of facdities for direct shipment tj 2 South Africa. The merchants in this colony have reduced their offer for birds j to three peuca per pair in order to make up the loss through having t ship via Austraii i. At the Christchurch i Poultry Depot in April 10,180 bird-* :• wore put through, as compared with . 742 ia the corresponding month l ist ‘ year. 3 i For the eighteen months ending June * ! the Governor-Generals establishment * ] cost about £38.000. made up as follows : 1 ! —lor salary £15,000. allowance for the Royal vial! i or to be paid by Government * ‘ To this will have to be added the repairs , [ to the Government nouses at Melbourne j and Sydney. Under the new arrange* ! i merit the Governer-General in future will have to pay many items of allow i ances out of his salary. Sir Gecrge Turner state* that Lord Hopetoun spent £49,000 since his arrival. In his Budget last year Mr. Seddon said: “I advise, and that in good faith. ' that at the present time the good steamer ‘Finance’ should be steadied, and * that ‘Slow’ and not ‘Full-speed’ ahead should be the order on the dial. Reasonable care will ensure the good slrp riding I buoyantly and safely in calm and p.ucid 5 waters.” To show how the order ! “Slow" was obeyed it is significant that ’ the expenditure for the year ending olst March last was nearly L 1,000.000 more ■ the previous year. Not a bad system of going "slow”. , At the Magistrates Court Westp *rt on Wednesday Charles and Annie Lewis were charged on two informations each with slv grog selling at Millerton. where the accused kept a boarding house. Nancy Tyrol), employd by Lewis, was also charged on one information. Evidence was given by two probation constables. who came from Wellington, presumably as working miners. Mr i Hawkins, S.M.. convicted and lined C. 1 Lewis £2oand 10s on two charges. A. L wis £f> and 10s, and N. lyrell 10s. ; with costs amotintimg to £'> Is. I A Perth (West Australia) telegram in the A n/us ot a recent date, reports an t xtraordinaiy accident in the forest I near the Wellington mills. A man named Hugh Joseph Moore was driving a wedge into a tree which he and his j mate lmd just ft lied. The wedge was much frayed, and wh?n struck a heavy blow with the sledge»hatnmei, a small piece llew oIY and struck Moore in the right side. The metal pierced the waistcoat and part of the underclothing, 1 entered and travelled round and through the intestines, coming out on the left i side. Moore’s mate carried him fully a I j mill', when a conveyance was secured ami the man taken to the hospital, where he died from internal injuries, i Michael Dineon O'Keeffe, huusolf a staunch Roman Catholic, turned up at th«» farewell social to the Rev. D. ,1. Murray given by the Thames Methodist j j Church, and volunteered to say a few , words. Needless to say (says an Auckland paperl, these few words were of a ! elmracteristic kind. The good Metlio I dists caught their breath when Michcal j Piuren ventured the opinion (hat it was I a pity Mr Murray was not a Roman Catholic priest, because he was sr-e he would make a perfect priest. Some of the unregenerate laughed gleefully, but 1 tlie average Methodist face was tigiith | di awn, and wore a severe look. Rut Michael Pinoon never wavered, concluding a capital speech with thi.- graci ful sentiment: —"The Thames will be | poorer to-morrow and the days after—poorer in intellect, poorer m virtue, and poorer in manliness—because of Mr Murray’s removal.” Discussing the prospects of the wo.»l i market, the' 11.8. Her,tit says .-"!•( sec ms to t.s, however, and experienced farmers w i ll whom we have discs;-. , ,1 1 the matter share our belief, that the , silver 1 ning of the cloud is in %iew. It has been instructive to watch both Home and colonial markets of lati. Thorn is a renewed confidence on the |yirt of < buyers, and there have been slight ns - all round. Of course the rise is aim •• inappreciable in its ill but when buyers are confident it won d . n that they know somothie ; - an im« ' provement * otn v iri> Nor is * this hope founded oil one small n 1 iilom*, It will have been noted that .•! eaeli successive sale there ha* been » \ gradual riae. This, wo maintain is n r better augury than a sudden lift up tv' j, boom prices. Coincident wi; Ii a buov s int and rising market for wool, comes a 'I i» f>. . .'ii in. in. »ml , iion, for ' dock promt... io attain il.n- t... m t m ;!i'l. With tin. |.i i.vs t«*r w.'.'l mil Ii 'toeli ii, , ii.,. pronpuiily of this colour is t, inilouLiioJ." ! j,

'I he Weber Dairy Factory ha. been I closed down until next spring. The mother of the child found drowned fit Christchurch, said she pushed tSe ciiild in. The woman has been commitied to the asylum. All arcunnls owing to ho-pital, and al< mone.'B owing to the same most he in the Secretary's bauds by Friday next, 30;h inst. Mr Jef-ey at the local gas works, advertises a limited numb:. - of42gal oil barrels for b.»!e, at two shillings each. All accounts against Mr It. A McO.rdle, are to be sent to MrTosswill, solicitor, by Friday next, the 331 h of May. Mrs Armitage is holding a clearing sale of her stationery, books, and fancy goods. Tenders are called to-day for painters, plumbers, and bricklayers. See advertisement. A good trap and harness is for sale. A meeting of the Mines,l and Dramatic Society will be held in Mr Levin's Shop at 7. 80 on Tiiursdsy evening. Business general. Wills’ Worm Syrup, the nicest and most effectual worm preparation on the market. Is Od. ' George Washington, that great good Who never told a lie, The Independence War beg* 0 And broke the mutual tie. There’s truth in what we state below, The proofs are very sore, For if you want your cough to go. Take WOOD'S GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. Wills’, Chemist Pabiatua, for Hot Water Rags, at all prices and sizes.

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Bibliographic details

Pahiatua Herald, Volume IX, Issue 1235, 26 May 1902, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume IX, Issue 1235, 26 May 1902, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume IX, Issue 1235, 26 May 1902, Page 2


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