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j COLONIALS AND ASIATICS." i LONDON, January 20. | At 'the National Liberal Club banquet" "Mr Winston Churchill, referring to his ' travels,, said he wag astonished at the beauty, fertility, and resources of the ; countries he had Visited. 1 He did not dispute the right of the Transvaal and Australia- to make what arrangements they thought necessary with respect jto Asiatic immigration. It was entirely wifcnin the authority deliberately conceded to them by the House of Commons. He hoped the nation and Parliament would honestly try and grasp the colonists' point of view and understand their difficulties. Mr ChuTehill suggested that the I equatorial provinces of Africa might supply a compensating field for colonising, enterprise to the British Indians.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2810, 22 January 1908, Page 19

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SPEECH BY MR CHURCHILL. Otago Witness, Issue 2810, 22 January 1908, Page 19

SPEECH BY MR CHURCHILL. Otago Witness, Issue 2810, 22 January 1908, Page 19