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(Pbb Press Association.") London, August 16. The cholera has broken out at Helsingfors. The Russian doctors are discussing .vaccination as a remedy for cholera. The daily death rate in the city of Teheran from cholera is 300. The Pope is lodging pilgrims in the Vatican. The Duke of Devonshire has been married to the Dowager Duchess of Manchester. Mr Munro returns to Melbourne nexb month, Mr W. T. Stead has made further and more sensational attacks on Sir Charles Dilke in the Review of Reviews. The Inman Steamship Company purpose to remove the headquarters of their fleet from Liverpool to Southampton. The Chinese Government are becoming alarmed at the Russian advance in Pamir, and have despatched troops there. The Earl of Aberdeen will succeed Lord Stanley of Preston as Governor-general of Canada. The Rev. Mr Baynes, canon of Twickenham, has been committed for trial for assaulting two girls. He denies the charge. Information has been received that the Livadia natives raided Kilua on the Congo, firing the vilages and killing 20 of the occupants. Cou'way's exploring expedition has successfully accomplished the passnge of the Hadschank Pass in the Hindoo Koosh mountains. Lord Hervey, who was returned as Conservative member for Bury St. Edmunds, having resigned, Lord Chelsea will contest the seat. A railway route has been surveyed from Quebec to Labrador, and it is claimed that this line will reduce the voyage to England by three days. The Vossische Zeitung declares that the Sultan's promise to recognise Prince Ferdinand as ruler of Bulgaria proves the fallacy of Russian hopes. The Premier of Servia has communicated with ex-Queen Natalie, asking her to return to the country, and announcing that Ministers intended to resign their portfolios. The Times states that the Agents-general were originally the commercial representatives of the colonies, but they have now assumed the position of ambassadors, and are destined to take an important part in securing the federation of the empire. Marion Disney, in a letter to the Daily News describes heart-rending scenes attending the employment of kanaka labour. She alleges that the islanders have to submit to horrible treatment, and that their condition is worse than that or the American slaves. Mr W. H. Groom, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, in the course of an interview, said that the act permitting the renewal of kanaka labour in the colony was most distasteful to the people, and the indecent haste with which the matter was pushed through was a public scandal. Mr Munro states that he wrote to the Premier of Victoria on July 21 fully cxplaiuing the details connected with the La Rose estate, and authorised him to make use of them as he judged best. An off-coast cargo of Australian wheat has been sold at 335. A cargo by the barque Chacma, from Lyttelton, sold at 31s 6d. Silver, 3s 2 5-16 d. The new cruiser Hawk, of 7350 tons, capsized in Chatham Dock while being launched. It is estimated at least one million will be required to satisfy the holders of Murietta's debentures before the ordinary creditors can handle the assets. The Archbishop of Trebizond, Papal delegate, invested Archbishop Vaughau with the pallium to-day at Brompton Oratory. There was a great gathering, and the ceremony was of a most impressive character. The Thracian, which capsized off the Isle of Man, was a new four-masted barque. She was being towed from Greenock to Liverpool, when she was struck by a squall, and sank in five minutes. The captain and his wife and 22 seamen were drowned. August 18. Silver, 2s 2 3-10 d. The American visible supply of wheat is estimated at 35,600,000 bushels. City men are in favour of Mr Shiels becomiug Agent-general for Victoria. Many Protestant notables were present at the investitxire of Archbishop Vaughan. News from Central Africa states that the natives have reoccupied Kilimanjaro. The Vossische Zeitung suggests that King Leopold should abandon the Congo State to France. The Eastern banks are alarmed lest the fall in silver should depreciate securities and cause a scare. Mr Munro does not expect to return to England. He expresses confidence in his ability to answer the charges against him.

Sir Andrew Clarke will act as Agent-general for Victoria pending the appointment of Mr Munro's successor.

The Augherite rebels have withdrawn from warfare, and the Sultan of Morocco is now master of the situation.

Information is to hand that five States in Venezuela have seceded from the Republic and formed an independent league

The cargo ex barque Cockermoufch, from Lyttelton, realised 30s ; and oats, ex barque Augusta, from the Bluff, LI 0s 3d (query 265). Colonial shares are quoted as follows :—: — Bank of New Zealand (old issue) L 5 (ex div.) ; National Bank of New Zealand, LI ss. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,232,000 quarters ; and for the Continent 844,000 quarters. At a great meeting in Madras resolutions were passed urging the Government to declare how they will prevent a silver panic.

A mob destroyed the cholera hospital in Starbelsk, Russia. The epidemic has spread to Galicia, but is abating in the Nijni Novgorod, Baku, and Astrakhan districts.

It is believed that the Colonial Office will not veto Lord Glasgow's decision with reference to the appointment of additional members to the Legislative Council of New Zealand. An impression is abroad that the Bulgarian Premier, M. Stambuloff, visited Constantinople in order to prepare the way for Prince Ferdinand, who is anxious to personally solicit the Sultan to recognise him.

The Hon. Dr Renwick, the New South Wales Executive Commissioner to the Chicago Exhibition, has been recommended for a K.C.M.G.-ship. His efforts to obtain a reduction of 50 per cent, in the- railway rates on exhibits from San Francisco to Chicago have been successful.

The Eastern Extension Cable Company do not approve of the increase in cable rates between Europe and Australia, and they do not believe that the new charges will benefit the colonies. Probably a less number of words will bo sent on tho wires, but the company are willing to lose, in the hope of eventually succeeding in making the lines pay, without any guarantee being required from the colonies.

It is reported that a bank connected with the East, owing to the fall in silver, has been compelled to apply to tho Bank of England for assistance, which was refused.

Eleven persons were burnt to death and several injured by firo in a model lodging house at Tredeger, in Monmouthshire.

August 19. The Duke of Manchester, well known as " Uncle Kirn," is dead.

The cholera is spreading in Teheran, and many persons are dying in the streets. In the last decade the population of Ireland decreased by three-quarters of a million. The Servians are much chagrined at the success of M. Stambuloff's mission to the Sultan.

It is reported that the rebels have killed General Bogran, President of the Republic of Honduras.

It has been discovered that there was a plot, instigated by Russia, to murder Prince Ferdinand on his return visit to Vienna.

Tho French Minister at Tangier has twice been insulted by Moorish soldiers, who threatened to murder him.

Mr Bostwick, of the Standard Oil Company, died suddenly from failure of the heart while witnessing the burning of a house. The barque Ashbank, which loft Algoa Bay, Cape Colony, for Newcastle, New South Wales, on May 30, and recently reinsured at a premium of BOgs, is believed to have been lost, with a crew of 35 hands.

A panic occurred among the occupants of the lodging house at Tredegar which was destroyed by fire. Many jumped from the windows of the burniug building and were seriously maimed. The fire brigade were much hampered by there being no water available for some time.

While a passenger steamer was proceeding from Kingston to Montreal an accident happened to the steering gear, and the vessel becoming unmanageable was caught in the St. Lawrence Rapids and driven on Sherard Island. Two hundred of those on board were saved.

The receiver and the committee of the Mercantile Bank are profoundly astonished at the report of the Investigation Committee, which was made public to-day. They consider that tho Melbourne board have been guilty of culpable negligence, and are considering whether proceedings should not be instituted against them. They are also much incensed at Sir Matthew Davies having, while in London recently, given a very different report as to the bank's position, and consider that this exposure, taken jointly with the withdrawal of the Scotch deposits, will havo its effect on other banks. The receiver is making an immediate call of LI per share, and tho balance will be extended over a period of two years. Peerages have been bestowed on Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart., of Blythewood ; Sir Thomas Brooks, Bart. ; Sir Reynolds Knightly, Bart.

The following members of the House of Commons have received the title of Baronet : — F. D. Dixon Hantland, F. Seager Hunt, Thos. Lee, and Mark W. Stewart.

Sir Matthew White ltidle has been made a Privy Councillor.

The following further honours are announced; — Earl of Zetland to be a Marquis ; Viscount Cranbrookand Lord Willoughby dc Ereeby to be Earls; Right Hon. G. Cubitt, W. A. T. Arnherst, and M'Bissin to be Baronets ; A. S. Hill, Professor Huxley, and Jesse Collins to be Privy Councillors ; Mr Edward Lawson to be a Baronet ; Mr Ashmead-Bartlett and Mr Blundell Maple to be Knights.

New Zealand long-berried wheat, ex warehouse, 32s 9d (market flat) ; Adelaide wheat, ex warehouse, 345 ; Victorian do, 335. The market for both is weaker. Australian cargoes off coast are on offer at 31s 6d. Buyers are only disposed to give 30s 6d. For New Zealand wheat off coast 30s is wanted ; buyers offer 29s 6d. New Zealand patent flour, 255. Colonial barley, 24s 6d. Oats : Fine, 27s 6d ; common, 255. Beans, 35s 9d. Wellington mutton, 3£d. Beef: Forequarters, 2£d ; hindquarters, 3£d. New Zealand hemp is iv good demaud at an advance of from 5s to 10s. Good Wellington has realised L2O. Danish butter, L 5. The Bradford wool market is firm, and fair business doing.

Both the Foreign and Colonial Offices assert that they are ignorant of the annexation of St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands by France. The Admiralty considers tkat the islands are important for strategic purposes but useless as hai-bours.

Mr Gray has abandoned his Antarctic expedition, which has been spoken of so frequently of late.

The German Emperor's yacht Meteor beat the Iverna from Portsmouth to Weymouth. Disquieting rumours are afloat in the city as to the position of one or two Australian mercantile firms.

The English press generally are favourable to the work published by Dr Ussher, of Melbourne, in which he claims to have discovered

a cure for tho crave for alcohol. The British Medical Journal refers to it as carefully pompiled and pithy, and The Times describes it as thoughtful and suggestive. Tho leading men in the city do not approve of Sir George Grey's Electivo Governors Bill, as there would be a danger of scariug British investors. An earthquake was felt in Dublin yesterday. Many deaths from sunstroke are roported in Paris, Buda-Pesth, and Vienna. Despatches from the Stanley Falls (Central Africa) report all quiet there, and that fears of a native rising have passed away. The reported difficulty on the eastern bank of tho Congo is not true. The Pope has sent a message to the Marquis of Ripon congratulating him on his appoiutment to a position in tho new Government. Russia has decided to construct a railway from Samarcand to Tashkcnd, to bo completed in three years. The Salvation Army in Canada aro revolting against the authority of General Booth. A man named Macaulay has been arrested in Missouri on a political charge.

The Russian Government are arranging a customs union with Bokhara, including the erection of customs barriers in Aumdaria, thus severing India's trade connections with Central ABia.

August 20.

A Blue Book containing despatches relating to the position of affairs in Morocco has been issued. In one despatch to Sir Euan Smith, British Commissioner,, the Marquis of Salisbury writes lamenting that tho mission had been thwarted from the first by misrepresentations, the source of which, he said, it was not necessary to inquire, as it was clearly indicated that the French Government were at the bottom of them.

The Financial News considers that the reve latious connected with the Mercantile Bank of Melbourne boar a strong resemblance to the failure of the City of Glasgow Bank, and it expresses a hopo that tho authors of tho mischief will be punished.

Ifc ia reported that the Post Office authorities are averse to renewing the New Zealand mail contract via San Francisco, which expires in November, on the ground that tho route via Suez is cheaper to England.

August 21,

Information has been received that the United States mission to Asia Minor has been attacked, and the stations burned. An indemnity for the outrage has beeu asked for, and cruisers despatched to demand it. Prince Alexander of Servia is betrothed to the Princess of Montenegro. The Vossische Zeitung, a German political paper, considers the Emperor's remarks to tho army re length of service is a practical disavowal of Count Caprivi's influence. The Statist, in discussing the silver question, states that there are three courses open to India— viz., not to alter the present policy, to close the mints, or to stop coinage.

Several more deaths have occurred in Paris and Berlin from the excessive heat.

.Mr D. H. Jackson, of New Zealand, has been awarded the science scholarship founded by the Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851. Tallow : Medium mutton, 24s 6d ; beef, 235.

The English wheat market is and the Continental declining ; while the American is declining continuously. Antimony, L 45 ss. The Financial News commends tho Ballance policy as a great aud grand departure, and declares that New Zealand is on tho high road to a career of successful development.

August 22.

A farmer and his two sons were murdered in Tennessee, United States, overafamily vendetta. The graveß of former membors of tho family were dynamited and the bodies torn to pieces. News from South America states that owing to tho revolt a state of siege has been proclaimed in the principal towns of Bolivia. Dynamite was found laid iv the customs buildings in the capital. The Benedictine Monasters', at Montserrat, near Barcelona, Spain, has been burnt. An engine on the Great Eastern line ran into an excursion train to Epping Forest yesterday. Iv the panic that ensued 50 persons were more or less injured. Shipping journals are exercised about tho low rates of freight between England and America, which have dropped to a point never reached before. They attribute it to tho enormous excess of tonnage above the demand. The Calcutta correspondent of the Times says Government securities are falling, the natives becoming uneasy at the action of Russia. The Naples Courier publishes a letter written by Mr Gladstone before the result of the election was known, in which he deplores the expense entailed on Italy by its military establishment, and describes the future of Europe as dark.

During the erection of a flue at some iron works in Styria, Austria, several workmen fell asleep in it, and were forgotten. The work went on, and the unfortunate men were bricked up in the flue, where they were slowly roasted to death when the furnace fires were lighted.

Two hundred soldiers were sunstruck in Cavniola, Austria, and 11 died. The Emperor, upon hearing of the fatality, ordered the manoeuvres to be curtailed.

The murderers of the Australian miners Stewart and Harris, at Fahang, have been found guilty. Thirty-six silver mines iv Idaho have suspended operations. Placards are beiug posted in Hunan exciting the populace to outrage, and the missionaries are greatly alarmed. Mr John Redmond, M.P., has proposed to tho Parnellites that a delegate should be sent to Australia to collect funds on behalf of the evicted tenants in Ireland.

In the course of an interview with a representative of Dalziel's Agency in San Francisco, Sir Matthew Davies said he was surprised at the turn of events in connection with the affairs of the Mercantile Bank. He was returning to the colony as soon as possible, because of the unsettled condition of the bank, and on his arrival he would at once set to work to disentangle the position. He declared that the idea that he had used tho funds of the institution for private purposes was 6imply absurd. The Financial Times ridicules Sir M. Davies' statement in San Francisco that he is going back to disentangle the affairs of the Mercantile Bank.

A crowd quietly removed 400 yards of railway line on common lauds in Lecton, near London, as a protest against the infringement of the privileges of the people. Mr Licht, the sugar expert, reports that for 11 months the beet production has decreased 189,000 tons. He estimates that tho campaign will Bhow a decrease of 195,000 tone.

Silver, 3s 2 3-16 d. Mr Munro, the Agent-general for Victoria, had an interview with the Marquis of Ripon, the new Secretary of State for the Colonies, to-day. The Marquis said he desired to assure the colonies he was anxious to meet them in every way. Mr Munro discussed the New Hebrides question with him, and asked that the prohibition against British subjects selling spirits and arms to islanders should be rescinded, or that other Powers should be called upon to agree to

similar restrictions. At the Secretary's request Mr Munro explained the Victorian views upon federation, and pointed out the difficulties that had been created by New South Wales. The Marquis told Mr Munro that the Colonial Office was the only position ho desired to take in the new Ministry. The Agent-general intends to interview Sir W. V. Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, shortly on the subject of investment of trust funds in colonial stocks. Wheat has fallen 6d per quarter. Paris, August 20. M. Leon, the well-known trapeze performer, fell 70ft during a daring act, and was killed. All tho military maucouvres have been suspended owing to the heat. Further deaths from sunstroke are reported. August 22. A train was thrown off tho rails at Beziers, in the south of France. Five persons were killed and 40 injured. Berlin, August 19. The Emperor states that the alliance with Austria is the surest guarantee of the main* tenance of peace. August 20. The Emperor has informed the army that the statement that the term of servico was to be reduced to two years is not true. His Majesty declared he would prefer to have even a smaller army to a larger one with such shortened service. Tho Emperor's remarks have caused a wide sensation, as Count yon Caprivi, German Chancellor, strenuously advocates shorter servico. In consequence of the intense heat tho schools in Berlin and Hamburg are closed. August 22. During the German manoeuvres seven soldiers died from sunstroke, and 100 were disabled. Half of tho town of Soutra Casscl has been burned down. Herr Krupp is establishing a factory in Russia. Cholera is increasing in Hamburg, and it has appeared in Antwerp. St. Petersburg, August 19. Cholera riots are taking place in Hughesfoka, Southern Russia. A number of houses were destroyed, and several Cossacks killed. August 20. The cholera epidemic continues unabated in many districts, and tho daily death rate iv Russia exceeds 3000. The Novoe Vremya asserts that Russia will never consent to recognise Prince Ferdinand as ruler of Bulgaria. August 22. A riot has broken out between the workmen engaged at Hughes' steel factory at Ekaterinsalov and the peasantry. The workmen's houses were fired and the factory wrecked. The military were called out and quelled the disturbance, but not before several were killed. Several of -those connected with tho cholera riots in Saratov have been hanged, and large numbers deported to Siberia. Russia is colonising the Khoosja Valley, on the Afghan border, and challenges the right of the Ameer to occupy Shighnan, in the Pamirs. Athens, August 21. Brigands at Epirus have massacred a family of Christians whose friends were unable to pay the ransom demanded. Rome, August 22. A regiment of Italian soldiers on the march to Venice left 100 of their number by the roadside overcome by heat. Brussels, August 20. Tho disasters reported from the Upper Congo are now confirmed, but the troubles are confined to that district. , Berne, August 19. A firo broke out in Grindewald, canton of Berne, and has not yet been extinguished. The hotels, railway station, aud post office have been destroyed ; in fact", the whole town has been burnt, and the luggage of 1500 tourists destroyed. - August 20. The coolness of the English ladies and their action in forming a line to pass buckets of water during the fire at Grindewald, though their property was burning, has received much notice at the hands of the Continental press. '•Teheran, August 22. Eight hundred deaths from cholera are recorded daily. The Vice-governor of the city and several Europeanß are among those who have succumbed. Tangier, August 19. The Sultan's eunuch' in Fez killed five boy slaves by pouring boiling water over their heads. The Sultan has refused to punish him for the murders. Yokohama, August 21. Earthquakes and floods between them have wrecked 10.000 houses in Japan. Five hundred persons were killed or drowned. Calcutta, August 22. The clamour throughout India for the closing of the mints to -the coinage of silver is increasing, and the refusal of the Government to indicate a remody to avert danger has incensed all sections of the populace. Buenos Ayres, August 22. Owing to a dispute in Congress the President of tho Republic, Dr Carlos Pelligrino, has resigned. » INTERCOLONIAL. (Per Press Association.) Melbourne, August 18. The roport of the committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the Mercantile Bank reveals some queer fiuancing, and that as far back as 1889 the bank's affairs were past redemption. The losses directly attributed to Sir Matthew Davie.s and his co-directors are L 659.000 out of L 1,830,000, the balance of which is principally due by companies in which Sir M. Davies is largely interested. It is estimated that shareholders will lose L 512,000 of the first-named sum. August 19. The Budget proposals are meeting with very strong opposition, and the Government are likely to have a hard fight for office. Mr Thomson has been elected for the Dundas seat in the Legislative Assembly, vacated by the death of Mr Samuel. Mr Thomson was opposed by a Labour representative. The action brought Against Sir Graham Berry for alleged illegal fitting in the Legislative Assembly haß been struck out, August 20. A second writ has been issued against Sir Graham Berry, claiming damages for illegally sitting in the Legislative Assembly. The first was struck out owing to the plaintiff omitting to deliver a statement of claim. Two writs claiming L 50.000 damages have been issued against Mr Simkiu in connection with his investigation into and report on the affairs of the Mercantile Bank. August. 22 Memmott won the billiard championship of Australia. He made a break of 1238, including 300 successive spot strokes, which is the record for Australia. Sydney, August 19. The barque Heather Bell, which left Newcastle for Auckland on Wednesday, was obliged to put in here through stress of weather. The barque Osnian Pasha, which left Newcastle for Mauritius in Marsh, is believed to have been lost off Mauritius in a gale, with all

hands. Wreckage belonging to the vesse has been found.

The Frank Guy, ah AucklandTeSef'is ashore at Woogoolga, along the Northern Coast. A heavy easterly gale has been experienced, and several minor shipping casualties are reported.

Carl Moeller, of Wellington, who U fs JS W antod mi a charge af alleged forgery, was arrested on the arrival of the steamer Tekapo. Drastic measures for the suppression of larnkinism havo been drafted by Mr O'Connor Minister of Justice.

mv t> j, . * Brisbane, August 19. The Budget shows a falling off ot L2Ol 000 on the estimate, but as the expenditure has also been less than the estimate, tho total excess of expenditure over revenue is L 151,000. Tho deficit at preseut is L 1,170,000. It is proposed to reduce members' honorarium to Ll5O, to increase tho succession duties, to impose a tax on the use of the totalisator, and to iucrease the customs duties. It is estimated that the surplus next year will be L 52.000. The new duties include 20s per ton on flour and 4d per bushel on wheat.

The Constitution Bill will bo withdrawn, and a new measure providing for two provinces substituted.

Hobart, August 22. Mr J. Henry, Colonial Treasurer, declared in tho Houso that unless the colony borrowed half a million the Government would be unable to carry out the public works for which money had already been voted. There would be a deficit at tho end of tho present year of about LIBO.OOO, aud tho Government would bco what could be done in the way of retrenchment before submitting their proposals for fresh taxation.


(Peb Feess Association.)

London, August 17. Tho Marquis of Lansdowne has informed the Ameer that it will be necessary for him to meet Lord Roberts in October, as ho returns to England in the spring. Tho Chinese Government have strongly protested to tho Russian Government against the occupation of tho Pamirs, alleging that it is a breach of treaty obligations.

The Daily News states that nothing further will be heard of the Russian expedition to tho Pamir under Captain Yankoff if Mr Gladstone gives proof that his is a generous policy, the first proof being to permit Russia to possess the head waters of the Oxus.

It is stated that a vast quantity oE war material has been despatched from Sebastopol and Odessa to General Yanoff, and all troops in the Caucasus are held ready to reinforce detachments in Asia.

| Calcutta, August 17. It is reported another collision has occurred between the Russian and Afghan troops at Aktash, on tho Upper Oxus, in which seven of the latter were killed. It originated in a dispute between the Russian and Afghan leaders. The 'former was shot. The Russians have arrived at Ghunab, between Shignau and Rashan. It is reported the Afghans have retired to Tabazab and the Chinese to tho Murgan river. On the suggestion of the Ameer an English officer has been put at the head of tho regiment, with two guns, which has been ordered to proceed to the Kurau Valley to protect tho natives from raiders. August 19. Three hundred infantry aud cavalry, with two guns, have been despatched to Jhandol to reassure tho native tribes against a raid of Afghan rebels. Paris, August 17. The Journal dcs Debates admits that; English fears as to Russian interference in Afghanistan are natural.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 34

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CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 34

CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 34


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