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Reefton Mining Notes. (From Our Own Crrespondent.)

Waktatipu Mining Notes. From Our Own Correspondent.)

Central Otago Notes. (By Our Own Correspondent.)


Aceowtown, July 7. The Oallant Tip's cake of retorted gold arrived in town last night, wtsghing 200oz lOdwt, from about 500 tons. This result, considering that everything was crushed as it came out of the mine, is very good indeed. None of the stone f *om the new make at the north end of the mine was put through. The stone is spoken of as worth at least doable that recently crushed.

The central division produced nearly 94,0000z, over 85,0000z of which was obtained from the Rockhampton fields, owing, no doubt, to the returns from Mount Morgan. Gympie and Kilkivan are credited with over 102,0000z, out

of a total yield of not less than 167,0000z for the southern division. The goldfields gave employment to 9305 miners, who won 21,7000z alluvial and 404,2230z reef gold during the year, the earnings per man from all sources teing 450z 15dwt llgr. The value of the gold from different fields, however, varied greatly. At Nebo the average price per ounce was only £1 7«. This is thft lowest, while at Gladstone, •which is the hight^t, it was £4 3s per ounce, the Hockhampton fields coming next with an average value of £4 2s per ounce. These high values may be attributed to the fact that most of the gold from Rockhampton and Gladstone is ■chlorinated, and, therefore, being purest, realises the highest price. The average yield of gold per ton of quartz crushed varied from 9dwt 15gr from 3 398 tons from Tenningering, to 4oz 16dwt 13Jgr from Rockhampton. Here it is evident that Mount Morgan again creates a heavier average yield than could be otherwise obtained. The next best returns are from Eidsvold, 27 tons for 3oz 3dwt per ton ; Croydon, 10,951 tons for 2oz 18dwt lgr ; Etheridge, 8100 tons for 2oz lOdwt lgr per ton ; Gladstone, 1067 tons for 2oz 17dwt 19gr per ton. The average yield from all other fields, with the exception of the Hodgkinson, where 2688 tons gave an average return of only 17dwt 20gr, ranged from loz to 2oz*per ton. In all 228,238 tons of quartz was crushed, from which there was a total product of 404,2230z gold, or loz 15dwt lOgr per ton. The increase that took place under most items during the year was not, however, exhibited in the yield per ton of stone, for in 1886 this amounted to loz lldwt per ton.

In announcing that a large company will shortly commence goldmining operations at Waikaka, the Chatton correspondent of the Mataura Ensign says :— From what I know of the Waikaka I am certain that immense deposits of gold exist in that locality if the lost leads <can only be picked up.

The Tuapeka Times states that a party of Chinamen are carrying on extensive mining operations on the Lawrence side of the Havelock township. They appear to be doing fairly well, aotwithstanding their protests to the contrary. Some of the prospectors in the Longwoodare, I (Otama correspondent Western Star) hoar, doing well, and it is surprising to me that the unemployed in the district do not try their hands at prospecting.

The directors of the Eldorado Sluicing Claim. Fatboys, Mount Criffel, have appointed Mr D Harris Hastings legal malinger.

Over 100 miners' rights have been issued in Brisbane since the reported discovery of a goldfield on Locey'B creek. Btrain, the prospector, is exhibiting some moie fine specimens, and he declares that it is not a reef, but a mountain of gold. He holds an analysis of some of the stuff from Mr Styer to the effect that the yield was at the rate of 2oz Sdwt of gold and a small quantity of silver to the ton. A party of sis in Whybrow's boat, and with the owner in command, have started prospecting for gold between Waikawa and Tautuku. They intend to thoroughly explore both the beach and the country inland. — Mataura Ensign. pfeTwo tons of quartz from the New Zealand Antimony Company's property has arrived at Wellington for shipment to England to be treated.

Rebfton, July 7. The following are the battery returns for the past week :--Keep-ifc-Dark, 2320z of amalgam for five and fl-half days; Globe, 2020z of amalgam from 175 tons of stone ; Fiery Cross Extended, 2350z of amalgam from 100 tons of stone ; Progress, 730z lOdwt of amalgam from

Venus Extended.— The mine manager reports :: — M I beg to inform you that during the week 78 tons of quartz has been got from the mine. The stopes are improving this week. In the top stope there is 2ft 6in of stone. In No. 4 stope, going south, there is 3ft of stone with lft of mullock in the centre. The north main drive has been driven 6ft, making the distance from the rise 80ft. The ground is changing and a little water making at present. The aerial line was started this morning sending stone to the battery."

Keep-it-Dark. — The return for the present week is good for the first week of a new crushing and gives every assurance of the continuance of dividends.

Scotia. — As showing the richness of the 6tone f mm this mine, it may be mentioned that o§oz of tfae stone crushed and assayed at the Bank of 3New Zealand yesterday sdwt 15gr of .gold, which is at the rate, I am told, of about 1200oz per ton. Of course it was a specimen, ibufc all the stone is undoubtedly very rich.

.July 10. Syndicates, more especially Melbourne syudicatefi, have been the subject of some public discussion, started by a remark made by Mr Warden Hickson during a recent sitting of the Warden's Court at Queenstown. The remark re- ' Jerred to was to the effect that Melbourne syndicates had done, up to the present, more harm than good to mining in this district — a statement which unfortunately js but too That this has beeu the case was perhaps owing to the first representatives sent .twer, who, it •srottld appear, " syndicated " not only the syndi•catots, but also a nutnber of local residents, and when they had gained their ends had to betake lbheraselees to pastures new. Now, it is surely •of no use to split hairs in co delicate a matter, for it may be said of syndicates as of other things, that by their fruits ye shall know them, and they certainly miust be held respsusible for the actions of their However, there is every reason to hope tfeafc the gentlemen who at present manage mines for the Melbourne investors will retrieve their fortunes as well as the rather -shaken reputation of the syndicate.


There is at present quite a large ponujLatf oil at ♦the Bight Mile (Coronet creek)— outjaumbexing, indeed, that of any former time since the eaply •days of the first rush. Most parties are getting •a little gold, but no big things have turned up *s yet. Tine «reek and its terraces are known to Sbe rather patohgr, and some very rich finds were made herein the good old times, the gold being •coarse and nuggety. ■■ !BJhe -Premier cake of Sssoz shows that this mine lieeps up its yield with very satisfactory pegnJKrity. In fact, so far w yield is

concerned, no mine in this district has turned out more uniformly rich stone than the Premier since it first started crushing, now about 10 years ago. Some quartz recently struck in the lowest level in the mine, and which has been followed for some distance, gives • every promise of forming into an entirely new shoot. It has been risen and driven on ior some feet, the stone in every direction tested showing uniform width and richness. The main adit of the mine is pushing ahead now, and has entered upon the neighbourhood where the new shoot is due. Very promising indications are met with, and quartz of a highly encouraging appearance is being met with. Should the present indications lead to the anticipated results, the Premier will soon become the most valuable mining property in this district. While writing on this mine, I may mention that when in the recent report on the PremW I mentioned that the shoot of stone had been worked' t to a depth of 350 ft, the measurement was taken approximately along the shoot, and not in vertical depth, which is not more than 100 ft below the main adit.

The Tipperary Company, which has as good as acquired the Geraldine claim, will no doubt shortly enter upon a new lease of life, repeating the glorious achievements of 1876-77, and helping to infuse a little of the old spirit into mining matters at Macetown.


The Last Chance Company are progressing well with their shaft, which ia now down about 30ft, a lower depth than has been reached by any former attempt ; and as the water is so far easily managed by one pump, croakers will be chagrined at the prospect of the company overcoming the only obstacle in the way of its success. At the present rate of progress the bottom would be reached in a few more weeks.


It appears that the gold finds at Cardrona are extending, and now that attention has been called to the payably auriferous nature of the terraces in this valley, recent discoveries should be followed up energetically.


The Gallant Tip's cleaning up for the winter is 200oz lOdwt of retorted gold from, say, 500 tons of stone. The quantity of stone crushed would have been greater had not frost and accidental stoppages interfered with the battery work. The stone, too, has not been up to the average standard for some weeks past, but lately a very marked improvement has set in, and seems to hold good ; promising much increased returns for next season. This stone appears to be a new make, and is obtained from the north end of the miue. So promising are the present prospects of the mine that the directors have decided to undertake ventilating works, consisting of a new adit and pass, both being works of an expensive nature. The work is to be done by contract. I have been shown samples of stone from the new make which show gold very freely and evenly disseminated through the quartz, but I attach far more importance to the nature of the stone and the gold than to the quantity in the samples, the metal being present in unmistakable grains and specs, and not in mere flakes; while the stone is a mixture of highly crystalised schist and quartz — alway3 a sure indication of richness and permanence.

Naseby, July 9. A. heavy fall of snow occurred throughout the district on Sunday, in many places to a depth of several feet. Up to Saturday the winter had been remarkably mild and open, very little rain or snow falling excepting on mountain ranges. A thaw hag set in and the temperature is moderately high, which is accepted here as a premonitory symptom of a further fall.

Green's Reef Company, Ophir. — Work is proceeding apace in this claim under the guidance of Mr Neale, who has got well advanced with the preliminary arrangements. The Lauder water race is at length completed, and the tramway, which is 1000 ft in length, has been placed in position, and a very creditable piece of work it is. The Cyclone crusher, cabled for to America three months ago, will reach the colony this month, and no time will be lost in placing it in position and getting a start in reducing golden rock. The patentees of the machine excuse the delay in transit by the statement that they are unable to overtake or even keep pace with the orders they are daily receiving. The cause of the delay, I understand, rests entirely with the patentees, and is not due to any laches or negligence on the part of the officials of the company. The mine mauager predicts good crushings directly he gets the machinery at work.

Dredging. — The rivers of Central Otago 'are very low jnsfc now, and dredging operations, especially on that modern Pactoius, the Molyneux, are being actively pushed ahead. Wellman's dredge, there is every probability, will prove an unqualified succpss, and if ifc comes within 50 per cent, of what is claimed for it, it will create a great revolution, and give considerable impetus to this profitable form of gold mining. Wheelbarrow Hill. —It was on this hill, situate four miles from Hyde, that "Wheelbarrow Jack " several years ago got a patch of gold in a depression of the mica schist rock, valued at least at £8000. Since then a good deal of prospecting has been done in the neighbourhood with varying results, in some cases the shafts bottoming on rich dabs of gold. According to a recent arrival, howover, none of the shafts were sunk on the true course of the lead; and, after an absence from the district of over 24 years, he has returned and set in to some ground, which in 1864 yielded him as much as lOoz to the dish. The claim which he left when the rush to the West Coast set in was not touched during all these years, and he says that if he had known it was still .intact, he would have returned to the district and" subjected it to a further trial 10 or 12 years ago. The party in question, with three other miners, is now engaged in .sinking on the course of the supposed lead, and on the strength of the movement, and what is known locally of the rich returns yielded by the lead in the early days, the whole of the hill has been pegged, Jtcd in fact the slightest simmer of excitement pervades the diggings over the anticipated ..recovery of the run of gold. Another Huge Venture.-^-! understand that the whole of the water rights and water races, dams, claims, and other mining privileges on the Hyde diggings, have all been>"amalgamated with the object of throwing them either on the Otago or the Sydney or Melbourne markets for flotation into one large company. > Several of the • •eights are very valuable, and include four water races # capable of keeping four or five nozzels in constant play for Dine or 10 months of the year. A special claim of 40 acres, which comprehends the accumulation .ojf tailings in the gully below the township, is also comprised in the properties to be offered to the public. These tailings are said to be a long, way richer even than those at Hamiltons. Large quantities of gold have been extracted from the ground at the rear of the township, and it is well k^own that, several rich

leads of gold run into, the deep ground, which the lessees are unable to work with the limited capital and appliances at their command. The proposal is one of the most sensible that has been formulated in connection with mining companies for a number of years past. If the water race owners on other diggings were to amalgamate their rights and take similar steps the output of gold would be increased 40 or 50 per cent, at least, and much more benefit result from the workings of the claims. The rights offered are very valuable, and if the price demanded is at all reasonable the probability is that the bulk of the shares will be subscribed in the district.

Hamiltons Tailings Company. — This company will probably get the title to their claim this week, so that they will doubtless get to work in the course of the next fortnight.

Mount Highlay Quartz Mining Company, Hyde.— Shares in this company are being freely subscribed, especially in the district, where over 6000 have already been placed. All the provisional directors, including the Hon. Mr Larnach, have applied for large parcels of shares, and at the present moment there is every likelihood of the capital being oversubscribed. I have already expressed my opinion of this venture through these columns, so there is no necessity for me to reiterate my belief, which is founded on two visits of- inspection to the reefs in company with practical experts whose judgment is thoroughly sound, that the venture is one of the most promising and bona fide offered to the public from Central Otago for several years past.

Serpentine.— The Golden Gully Company's property, becomes further developed, proves to be so valuable as to exceed the pleasurable anticipations of the most exuberant shareholder. In driving a crosscut to reach Cogan's reef at a low level, two different lodes, varying between 18in and 2ft in width, were met with, both carrying gold in payable quantities. With all the levels opened out, I anticipate the company should be able to bring to grass and reduce 2000 or 3000 tons of quartz before the close of next season. The directors have at length determined on the appointment of a mine manager; and perhaps affairs in the mine would be much further advanced at the present moment if this step had been taken when operations were first commenced.

Rough Ridge. -The Great Eastern Company, Rough Ridgo, recently struck another splendid reef in the 250 ft level. It has widened out to 3ft and is still widening, and carries gold in highly payable quantities. The reef is in entirely new country, and affords the company over 250 ft of vertical backs. The minerals which always accompany gold at this centre are plentifully interspersed through the quartz, so it is probable we shall hear of splendid crnshings in the course of the next few months. If the company had larger machinery erected on their claim they would be able to produce several thousand ounces of gold in the course of the year, but at present their output of metal is retarded by the insufficient machinery by which they reduce their stone.

Share Market. — A very healthy feeling pervades the share market, and speculation is keener than ever it was. The following are the ruling rates : — Golden Gullies, 19a to 20s ; Naseby Hydraulics, 11s; Garibaldi Hydraulics, 13s ; Great Easterns, 40s ; Progress, 3s ; Green's Reef, 3s 2d to 3s 9d ; White's Reef, 6a to 7s ; Hamiltons Tailings Company, 2s. There is also a good deal of rivalry for shares in the sluicing companies at St. Bathaus, which have recently been turning out large cakes of gold.

A Wellington telegram says : — It is stated that an important gold discovery has been made on the property of the New Zealand Antimony Company at Endeavour Inlet, Borne specimens sent Home for treatment some time ago yielded 4oz of free gold, and another ounce .by chemical process. While working at the lower level a few days ago, those engaged struck a large mass of extraordinarily rich quartz. One sample sent to the business manager of the company here shows gold freely. A large parcel of samples and two tons of general stone are expected to reach here in a few days for shipment to England.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1912, 13 July 1888, Page 12

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Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1912, 13 July 1888, Page 12

Untitled Otago Witness, Issue 1912, 13 July 1888, Page 12


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