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Business Notices Business Notices, Business Notices. ""^^ ' / A& T BfJMT DE SPEEE'S % jV j JNVITB the inspection of the Trade an* p BKMAWEW » I . M fidT-ibllJLl^HJGill IK WMI-I^^^TOIV-PKINCBS STREET, I'uUic generally to their large and varied * =— JJ UJN JGjIAL JN , # C^/^mi O-riOICB SELECTION OF GAS FITTINGS. Tub Expsnr PPKCiAtJSf. '^ NAYS JUBX UWrAOKHD SHWK ?^?° H ' S S^ PHB3 OT # Improved Water Closets _O_^ S3PJ33E3 JSt* " *""*—--.-, --, >/ Pnmna ls a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College U.S. He lias duWiffl a' iHetjraerto. and U TTTQITTTX^r 1 T A fit * fc - -fia^ //AQBNTB rumps acknowledged to be the most expert phyflician In hli specialty in the M^rj? nnu T . • JL lOXXIII VT A iLV_/X__JjJ_« 4f X^ // lB " flrJ "" XiB r>_ T W<? AKn T AVATORIES XOUNG MEN and AUDDLB-AGHD MKJM who suffer irom Kervous and PL>»ic«t Btf^Z'J' 0 *? ,of", of " /* -i%_-f // FOH BAIHSs ANU LiAVAIUKIno Rnergy or Memory, KrupUons on the face. MefttM Depression. Kidney and Bladder Xr^W^. Neuralgia. Ami CItICItET MATERIAL. y_/ A. // Wator G»s and Steam Valvfls Rheumatism. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, ParalysU Fifes, Spinal Di»ea«e, St. Vitus' Dance. I^~ o ™£'' n n '' AMU «t-jni.*^**» A JT_m A «._*_/_*_. _S___ ■ _T vr» m1 a ' ' Asthma, Catarrh. Heart Disease, GfAvel. Pitet, «c, and i«e tired of taking mineral drugs, win # wdl to -// A?™^ // %j ** w I,\Vr. VxMn-uisliinr Ai>uliances come and try the Doctor's method of cure, as It will, if properly appliea. relieve them of their Sliu "'np t Atx™- •.<r^Tc-rrit«T»« /y // urcftXinguwmgAipnnm »nd restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mfneral preparation! ; his treatment consists wbWv In LAWIS MOWIIXtO ♦*»- >7 AND -„, ,. IX^ ,« n irriKtwn u-rnv-p the me of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have implanted in their systems, by improper vi» ?» // // .. AND HEATING blO\ B calomel, seed? which produce an annual crop oi disease; To ftfoh he would say, Come and be healed. l v * t_b // V //Mi R'Vn<'V>a uj»»u, _-v^ *"**i»^ «.,, matters not what your trouble may b&, come and let the Doctor examine your case. IF IT IS CURABLB 1 // '^llAKVfil 9 - &c^-, &c - HIS WILL TBLE YOU SO rIP IT IS NOT, HB WILL TELL YOU THAT-tor he will not undertake i TPIf-iio.ViAi-mlilav, ' * 'ESB^l'W /X _ft» _V nwrtj-mmnn ' ~ —- -_ » case unless he is confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation ; ao pleaso call jCMal«iW,^_|.«*A_««s JUBaaiJT, // JTis, // CBLESRATED . »nd satisfy yourself that the )>octor understands year csse. Dr S. cures Humours and Diseases of the „■„*« « 4u-ksit(* c msmwß mi.- // >V Blood, and LADIES who are afflicted by any of the following complaints ;— Cold Extremities. Weak WlXOWfe &• BATKS—TEW -«^V y^SPQETING AHD BLASTING Stomach,. Nervous and Sick Headache*. Constipation and Insertion, Pain In the Side aad Back. Machine is especially adapted for tf S^J Jy WJR^HAW L.iMB'S Wli? " e &LL"o^SBS of epileptic fits taken in hand guaranteed cured. Bowling Greens. j/ £\ ft POWDER. AU BiKB . lujmenßß s iiv ing ; Equalling th Hfloln . hpfin Kldm^HSK^^ // ***** //- wi_nj-«i« T ifrhf nrlvifft troubles wiih _*celjent result*. He wishes ft dl-tiuctly understood that he does not claim to .. TX7 .--. rp^wT^T^ // O% // DOMESTIC ■ orV^ »««««Ic^ PW he ctehns only to be a Sailed and Su.ce^iu* ' , AWN TENNIS // tgV // DOMESTIC _ f, hy9lclßa . t P ho roughly OF MEN AND WOMEN. IVT AnPTTTITAT // /%^ // "VrV^t fia'&'VSt'Ki ATT All applying to WmwnirtcelvehJßHo_«»ftOrinlonottoelrOompl»_nta. No Experlmentnig. He >wl» IVIB. IJ_ JttliSLijj 4^ >7 UJJLI, KidE-TTll^ - Pl^TffXCc. ti uarantee Ta Positive Cure in Every Case he undertakes, or Forfeit £300. Comultation. in Office o»byPo»t. :!iv^zjzrf @f/ is ° test, __ ■_! ,„„», to N e« * _«*» v . »• «■ «»»"«^;^ oll^r wTJio^r *• * , *»hiii'AjM6,"»ortMi», > / / ▼ /'Water-wklto, tk» Safert Mid K«tt BtlUlut Ptioes, Wellington. 16th .Inly M. oSi' SLviTro •J»oqu_.' // JD*B ff— ~" .vinwnU-agft*!"* Or Sp«« ««. to XookUnd. <»». «rled any amoffi.» rt WMlington *goa m* .... /{AM y_o/a*iTa--UMdx^n«ißi;tnM. __, ** *. _wb,t. Kr&r^s:^ I^ l^;^ /nci* LlSism /I KJ^ // ra ' fia '' W •*•< £»WJuiyj.. „ociors failed, rind that withoftt etan Btefng me ontfl ¥<yii ,„ _ _ " B. Sro»ir, Application.// *>£* // STEEL AND IRON FSNOING WlilE to-daty, when I first had the pleasure of making to Witneia-W. J. Sulhtaic. y^ >7 Ateh qTATSTTJATJ'nH : _-~«v_. " " K. of Masterton. To THK_»!rBHO.-I, the undersigned, fa this day >V £%^. // AJNJJ SiAJMJAKJUa. make the follovrinc statement, in hopes others // _J* ▼ /? IWSIJfiiAWCte. Wellington, sth July 1886. i*ho have gone through a similar afflicti on may // JnLaM' // ~ ' -: t Ohaflea J^arifhs. Hop Beer Manufacturer, of profit thereby .<-For many months I liaye bacti *'ck; -vv-y // ®^>J // THE ORIGINAL mTM , . ncvß _rT i v inn vtnv 'ory street, WelHng'on, have been sick fully four so bad that life\vaßa burden. The mental depmi)l/W // >7 f|lHB AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE v 8 havo _ een B orne, weeks in th 6 Cristchurch sion atid physicrtl prostration were something tnw ''•W // // /\ ?•> T^ U > O hVV t U imp -*• ASSURANCE COMPANY Hospital, also under treatment by several medical cannot be described. Doctors and patent medicint." V / V/ NOBEL'S DYNAMITE: (** n—_«* a—** _-_*!«_ _S? S.'S&.'S 1 2^5 55 ISSS^I^SSS&Si SS_fSSWSBf? / yf *■/(**• ™y» /WW.J-rW» />WJS* I „„ prepay to accept X™, Karin,, ,n,l "n'S^n'^^SSto^ / // „_, __ r _ „ , „., , Guarantee Risks at Lowest Current Rates. more medic»l fees, m chance I saw DrSpeer'sad- me every symptom I had. Said iwwputd treat me. // Htmt* mCi^t P&WVrltol Si.l.|Pi«rJi.gV« L fe»OTl'K» Loro^ promptly pwd in Dunertin. ; urtisement in the papero, »nd came to see if he From thefifat t6sspocrafui of hia medicine I felt reff X H LBARY. ■•oulddoroeany good. He told ffle'#fthtont prompt- lief, and hhve consfcantij been getting better ever " k»X< SnnA ,i.g nearly all my symptom.; and althcLgh hardly since. Words express my grot.Welb. Atgut for noiwiin t^ tr^ menb (whicn hM Deen q___e above statement I make without «ny solioifcaticn. __^-,^-..,,,_ • _ r ,itultous when he knew of my poverty), Ifmdai- and am willing to verify the same before a J.F. jmg. A QWAiSdJ* eady great relief, and I think it nothing but right KeJpeecfnlly yours. . -OLi (L'-te WATSON and GOW). lhrtlAw^T#ed^^^^ CnaVlottestreet^TerraSucklan,?. ( Princes street Soath, Dunedln, ' Wltness-W: .■ String. A Gbbat PubWc _} Eh - EF ACToK.— I say. wHiliflu.X « C f Trotrt's Boafdin'J 1 hOiTse, H"owe'fl Lane, hesitation, that the arrival of Dr 11. .7. Spcer in. New ■Jnfia^M. d^_f'^^ 2^^^W3' Wt&£&;OllS _ftf«iVS WrffiyMdn,- 3rd June JBB6. Zealand is a godsend. 'J ho man is a wonder as- » JS^^b P^JWm.\jD^^L WHfeSOUS, Jl»rays, »_irillg- j ames Brown 1 , of Sbove aS*to», wish to stata physician. I called upon him a few weeks nijowißto A -^ fl_f||i||__^_i_^ffi|_^____^@^' CttTtS, AC. hat for .-me thr«e months f lVavfi ( A«6tf ../ffftlflg "''"P^*" o "*^ ll6^ o^!^^ 0 ' o '^"^ l^ S SSll^Bl^^N»^Hfe^^Bl^M|^l^ *' lIL, L. TRIU&tPHANTI effect I have tried Ur B ? eer. and in ten da>s he tion. J tt«l not treat .you.'/ To jnv jMjfch.islimei J ffiH i^Hl^^Hi^WS IHW '^ ■»» so far cured me- tliatl intflnd working next week, he (ocnted every pnln, «plaineil in dela **"'*»{«} SI l^-^^^SB-^ral-i-H Pfi^M > '« following MMliclnoa have been far many yam u«l he has also nearly restored m^ cy M ig; t. lam better ban I .conk l ™.^f\ f ,/^l; 0 " 1 """"^-^ Jni, J nl__^|flE|i__SH|____H____gß__B ->«hly approved of by Urn fiiblto «nd « Gold H«Vw i» cpiwed to swear to above facf.B bofoVe afl.t Jtetice am well to-day. hverjrhhig he did for _mem t«J i»kb pP ppJJ^fPjfi^^W^^^^^M^y «-rd«d for them at the Ohriitchuroh Sihlbitlon, .» the i>eiwe, anif wish to call the attention <rf tbe 1 * S ° anJ «i^^^^^^3^^^^^S^ *•»• « *«I» Mff " H fiComtmeot ' Witness -W. o'. SvlikZ** 0 ™ '^ % ' J ' Auckland. ' I JfflSgiii^^^^^^^/Al^^^^il^^^^iJl RiiihnieaMoh Grease Ointme»t THE mißM*! IS iNVITKD TO TEST THE TRUTH Olf ABOVH. '^^^^^O^^^^Kl " SSTiSa?" """"'• ™ B OHLi AUTI """ S1!!) *° ftlteL MAN 4B ™' mSl S D „- „„ MiH ADVEK T.SB S , __Z^^^^^^7— \l— \#— ==^sJsgEMyLff S tiJB DO&& j For fteeisfcratior, see N«» _sffnlHrid Gazette. .Tnnimrv -21 . 1886. o<i*m|HW l*o**>rt AaieOlntMril. A F^IIiNDLY WA^ COSTS KOCHfMO. UNW O.VB INTKRVIBWr NBOBSBARX. -^^^^^^^^^^ =^~2_ j; _ =-^^^^j__^^^j^ BHBUMATIO BALSAM and Cough Byr«*. AtMIrCSS ! "b«*» -^'J »* ei.aiMjj.MmMABSHim^T^D COS """T^F" S^^PLEMENT nBON WORKS, CHRISTCHUtt IY.JL —JfIL J*_»/k_/ JiL.*L _T3l bLJ K_J x./ J ,i £?<♦ _Tj6l X.t| A* \J \_7 •C 5 Also my JName, <^^|g^gßgß^^ t ft *# !P Hi 1 25 S US AC H I ]^f £Hr • B«w*S» tf 3pu«ons itOUlklom I M - . ,> I f^__|Sf " ' ""^ OVJRK SSO 5*85 IKK MEJU&AiLS J'" 0*"0 *"* 1 Veterinary Practitioner in the Australian bi( t *^ ™H In Addltiou to Nnmenms f inpor.aut Money Prizes. i^J«^l^^ SfSSiS^ ,, /^f\^-^^^^^^j^_^^_|^!llt^_^ • S CALCUTTA EXHIBITION, 1883-4 -Fire GOLD and three FIRST-CLASS SILVKU Aif^* 1111 ' fi^^'&SS-.S |^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^S_ ' MELBOURNE EXHIBITION, 1881— Five GOLD MEDALS. -^ c»p^Slon to SS MfiFf Jn'^lßWlP^ ...'.I I *tall the competitive trials held since 136? Xt which their daenen of Machinorj' w«r J^"" 1 !ft * to Mark U attach^ te "^ V -S- H "^ tested. Before tW fciaoo they did not compete. U [' will shortly gire yoa the names and number «f L 4 ' S^^W^^ffiJliilSM^fti^^^ggaKiM Portable, Traction, Vertical, and tl-trizontn! Fixed : <®»™ * "^iSHW^BWK^^Bif^^WHi^ 'O>*, €oi«npouiid Enßiiies, and Mim »ciic.u-». 7 "__---- ycted^jtajg^ R _ thb bbs^ BEoAU g^ They have the Simplest &ud Beßt T . avelling Gear . Th , — "— - ' _~_-. ;; ™__: _; _■ v /\ Patent Levelling Device is so adjusted that every disc can be made to do its work. . „ _ W1 - fc T ?, A _^'™ L i B r !! S I L !MPROVED "^ '^I^^^^ '*£" They are the only oaes in which the Disc are fixed with absolute rigidity, " COiCONIAI. " THRESHING MACHINES, l^^^^M and held in position without touching the axle. Specially adapted for Dressing both Grain and Grass Se«l. |«ilffl Oonseqaeßtty the axle will never cat or wear out, the dwes cannot P^ibly get loose, and l the nßr»rß<* mv cwaqmtvt tqqq *mi» w™n «T,/,r 1 T,rT,T- lJ_g^g£gg^^__jg_S| worst diffioHty remaining in the way of makmg a PERFECT DISC HABBOW has been comORDERS FOR SEASON 1888 NOW BEING RECEIVED. FOSF PHT N fnTT' Q pletely overcome. Ou? DISC HARROWS, with SEED BOXES attached, are Better and EARLY APPLICATION REQUESTED. QT 'TTTr T T>T? Cheaper than any DrUl in the Market. Send for Catalogues. I «.„ «,HUU au,l Mew ■e-i^Tll.rt.-.e and A S e»c y Co. ' -™*~> <*-«*»" «"^- , BOOTH, MA-dDOISTALD cfe CO., u-utod. fe y ' . , , , , ■ , ' SYDENHAM AND CHRISTCHURCH. OFFICES-PEINCESST.: STOEES AND YAED-WALKEK ST. Spectacles ! Spectacles . — - Spectacles I *——""""" "' ' '""" ■i' i g^''''«^!!*"«-*^^fa^ ~ wanted t^eak-si i htei to GOLD MEDALS, 1884-86. Used in the Eoyal Nurseries. Pj 3 &*fc*-fcSr^*&*g_^'£fr^^^ that tboy ca°n haw Spfctacles properly , _BA fl_9 _Hf% ffißD gf^Si .OTIi i^^ ffiNh \ A BOON TO SUFFERERS! *V aclapted to suit their sights, at PERCIVAI/S. _H?'Bh KB 1^ S Sfl ffl 1 IR. L PATERS Q^'S % aaa - &^, i^^^^ ■«» HyPH«i^^ _■ JilLj.. bY _IB^ Bi_ffl m^R 3u_a vp&P^ Gives c * " _J^^ A V l f l _M_ l _p%VV A "HKA-SS 5*5 * /^^ -^"^ "2™^i "HT^B 5 * sSs^__ _PtiTi* immediate relief in all % N.8.-AU kinds of Opia'oal and Mathematjca M£* g |-_? _fW* IWI 1111 I^ fc|_V I f\MHnM i^ l|gj^ 'Bl- _B»*^ si * iisS^ cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, cX Instruments bought. Estaii Uß " e<1 180 ** W VJLV üBo ««BM ■fcViafci '^s^ o3h.^feP«afcaffll«_oUliUU»l I veredwitMwir^retL^orTt'oaSo^ | iwowev isi ©ue ! sic 11^ ! InTins, Is., 25., ss. and 10s. each. Obtainable everywhere* 6 B *^^^^ r ep ai^ on ly DyR.L.P ATEESON. Ferguslie. N ( E- Galley. *^ v - — ■■■■— ■■■■■iinin iiiii> M Mi«M^^^^pni»«M^ivjM^^MiMTwaßn«-v!ig^ a^ ** SSiSi^ Wholesale Agreuts— lVEM.S. «fc CO., Bond st., Diiucdin. C^S >r T' HB B QI JI TABLH INVBSTMBNT I^' ■ ■ — \j* t S ZEALAND (LIMITED) .^akotd KNOWN. -Great Re duotton .^^^ ' ' J^*^ — Advances ou Shares and Bond Warrants, A\ "■ s *^! a! --fT?_r^—^ Negotiates the Purchase and Sale of Sharoi. •\> • r« in p»p »P cs of aU descriptions, 1 'lowsi '•• 'v. J{,^ss-_a_!3___M_^U__B__sa_4__=^__|^^| /"f -i _r _. _-__. Roe«ivM Money ou DeposH, m Pnce.—Drb^ - ti ___ B _ i »«--~ VJ JVI f rjj Vjr ll Iff f~^ mm m ««• m « • Negotiates Loans on Mortgage, p , , . . p . v *-«ws, Fountains, Ck\ "»ney -r OOK HERE, VAILE! Ten thousand 1 jTi A. Wl3 S Afl ITT W Rente, Intere.tß.mdlMndenda, Pots, Sea-kale Potfl, V _. Jj miles for 3s. By using Brooker's One- ** ___AT__b_r k-^ 111 A A All Uadertakes the Valuation of Property, - . r .., «.. Valley P. ot" ," B Pateufe Universal Wire-trainer, anyone OCTAGON DTTNTCm-Nr Ranees Money for the Pvuxshaae of Land and ' *°--" i; 'W- bw " Nortt^ , Btr ain up 10,000 miles of fencing wire for v^ v, _^i , _/ C/ mJU JL/ X IM , the Erection of Buildings (repayable by monthly _-«, cv^rlr. ~ the cost of 3s.— To be obtained of Mes.^rs Mornn, fc IMPOStTMS o» mA quarterly instaltaenta, or as may be * . — ■- p or t er ,au(nYin|jate,B_rn.s,au(tCo.,:Auckland. tea«, Paints, OiU, Colours, Brnshware, Gilt HonidlHw, eius. &c. &c S_2s_? f and a * tal * *° CTtty *" °« r< OUNTRY advertising. -Tj> . * WlilM. «C, «& «mew, jfiHvnAVTii. Witness is the only medium Jtf WJ -, TVTAITING BNGAGBMBNTS-Farm and „, PAPERRAIVGIIVfiS. • _?L. Advertisers can obtain thorough J>^<oJ% \ V V Station Hands, Domestic Servants.- . . . bury. t'i_?*'

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Otago Witness, Issue 1861, 22 July 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1861, 22 July 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1861, 22 July 1887, Page 3


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