BUSINESS NOTICES. NEW Business Announcement. /^EOKGB MATTHEWS, Jaw., Wholesale \JT und R-.«ail Beid-mao, Narwjmm, Fieri t, and Fruiterer (i.-«t>s of Geo. MaUhywß and Son), bega u> intimate that ho h&« Rftmov«d fc> the Q Theatre Baildi!«». PRINCES STREET — shop lately occupied by Me W. Eeid, Beedsmftn. S^ed-, Plant-, Fruik 'Irees, Ornamental Saruri?, asid Konw of every description ; Thorn Q m-ks ; B> xwood, for edgiug garden walk*, grave plots, &c ; Rhubarb Roots. Everything required tor l*ig^ or email sjardeu ON S^LE, Address- G-LOriGE MATTHEWS, .Ton., Saecißmau &i>tl Nurseryman, PRINCES STJft-KBT, Unaeiia. 63 a A DVICE GRATIS. Woman can aympa Jsi. thise wi'.h women. Health of women ia the hope of fcUe raco IN all Female Complaints Consult (personally or by letter) Mrs Louisa Hawkine, HsrbftlUt, 140 George afreet, DcmedJu. MRS LOUISA HAWKINS 1 Civative Dr<.ps Cuea all FutmUa < !omr>l «nts ; j orwarded ,to any address on receipt of 6-s, MRS LOUISA HAWKINS' Infant Powders, in pe* puekyi ; forwarded oar oeipfc of 14 stamps 6ju Traction Engines. J& H. M•LA RX N, • Leeds, PATENr SPRING WHEEL TRACTION ENGINES. Sole Importers for New Z 'aland, REYNOLDS & HILL, 6ja Rakaia, Canterbury. SUSSEX HOTEL, GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN. MR M. FAGA.N late of the Griiiron Ho'el, Princes street, having taken the above well-known Family Hotel, begs <o intimate to hi» numerous oi-unfcry friends, and the public gonofaUy, that he its now prepared to afford them eveiy accommod »tk>n rtquieiifl at hia aew residence. Chabqeh Modesatk. ParUeg called for early trains. H->t and Cold Bttha, Billiard", Skittles, Bowling aud Rifle Galetleß on the premises. MICHAEL FAGAN. 28m Propiiotor. MERCANTILE AND BANKRUPTCY GAZBTIE OF NEW ZEALAND -(Estabiiohed 1876. Published Weekly.)— giveo Latest laforomtkm obtainable of Bills of Sato, BlortßAKea oi Stock, Wool Lie»E>, Agricukaral Lieua, B^Uraenta, Affidavits of Sitis faction, &c. , and puhlisbos all EoatUira pertaining to Bankruptcy, Letters Patent, &o, — Subscription : Two Gcikbas per annum ; with Index (published Half-yearly), £2 7a par annum, — Id c^nsieefcion with t.he above, the NEW ZEALAND TRADE PROTECTION SOCIETY'S INSTITUTE has Agencies throughout the Colony, in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, ntxd London, and through them otxppliei confidential information to Subscribers — Head Office, Danodin— R. T. Wheeler's AdveHiainir Agancy, Stafford Btreot. riIHE PEEPETUAL TRUSTEES, JL E3TATE, AND AGENCY COMPANY Ol 1 NEW JuEALAND (LIMITED). Managing Director ; J. AITKEN CONNELIi, Esq. I Offices: ! Corner of Vogel and Rattray atreots. Specially empowered by Act oE Parliament to act as Ex' outoe. Trustee, Attorney under power of attorney, &s., &c. Estates, Farm"", aud Laudei Pfoporty of every description foir Bale. j Full particulars of all properties in "The Monthly Estate Circular," published monthly by fctie Company, may ba obtained on application at the o£ac9 of the Company. Money to Load on fra?faold securitias at, 7 por cent, in any sums. 6ju {55ATTA^ T IS COfiftfKtt! FOR BALFI— TK« IJOOK OP KNOWLEDGE - Contents: Miilenniuin, 1:90; arrival of the longanUolpator) Jewish Me'Eiah; Rroat financial crisis, 1?86 ; prent war throughout tho entire world. 1886 Satan the chief Anfcl-Chirlsii, time of hi^ birth, mci dentg connected with Satan's birth, powers and advance skirmishers, batan's T.imple, Ton Comannrtmenta, Satan's Knslgo and inscripMons, what Satan ea> B regarding his cn i i/n ft> all nßtlon", &c Pricn, nno f-hilH-sr. Ad Ires-A UGUST ROHE. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. 13ju CORPULENCY. Recipe and particulars how to effectually and rapidly cure obesity without semi-starvation, dietary, &c, quite harmless. European Mail, Oct. 24, 1884, Bays — " Us effect is not merely to reduce the amount of superfluous fat, but by affecting the source ol obesity to induce a radical cure of the disease. Mr Russet niakeß no charge whatever. Any person, rich and poor, can obtain his work gratis by forwarding a (id stamp, to cot er postage, to F. C. RUSSELL, Esq., Woburn House, Store street, Bedford square, London, Eng." SPECIAL CAUTION. riIHE STEARINE CANDLE MANU JL FAOTURING CO., « APOM.O," In Schiedam, Holland, Hereby givo notice to the Trade that, owing to the Spurious Imitation of their brand, the '■ Candles for the AnstrßUan and New Zealand ! Markets will in future simply bear on their usual labels the name " SCHIEDAM." They obtained — The MEDAL OF MERIT at Vienna ... 1873 Tue GOLD MEDAL at Paria ... . 1878 The GOLD MEDAL at Amsterdam ... 1883 Sole Export Agents . ELLIS, KISLINGBURY, & Co., London. Ordnrf) prniofrnAUy ivfctonflnd to, lOnd RUE to JMlfcStfS JBROWNLIE. Dnnedin, for Patterns <f Ludies Dresstw, Is 8d ; Jacket, Is 2d : Children's Dresses, la. 014 for Prices of Baby linen (enclosing stamp). .Largest oelcotion and beat ! valoe in tka OuJopv. Tesfins ca?b. 2Sj
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Otago Witness, Issue 1751, 13 June 1885, Page 28
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744Page 28 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1751, 13 June 1885, Page 28
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