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Witness Ojfficx, Thursday Morning.

Taking into consideration the advanced period ol the month, and the broken weather which we have had, and wnich, following upon an exceptionally long period of fine aud dry, has been all the more felt, the business of the past week has been very fair. In spirits there has been little or no alteration. Biandy, of the ordinary run of accepted brands, has been selling m idtirately well, indebted to the scarcity or almost, complete absence of Hennessy in case from the market. That favourite brand is eagerly taken up on any occasion (which is rare now) of a parcel being offered, as dealers are ne irly minus all .stock. Bulk is not 111 equal, nor anything liice equal demand. In v.hiskythere continues bdll a j'oodcontiuumjs sale of such kinds as are in favour. Any usquebaugh of doubtful lineage, it may be bafely prophesied, will not prove good stock. The run of the trade is on prime descriptions - heather brands. Ueuevais exceedingly dull. Kum is dull also. Ale is described by some as beiug flat as ditchwater. It may be tint it may receive better attention as summer approaches, and that season is now close at hand. St-mt is in very much thu same condition, with the ad\antage of being lower in stock. Stocks of both, as compare 1 with those of last year, are: Hilda., 71, as ag-nnst 2il; casks aud cases, -2530, as against 2583. Wine is, on all hands, proclaimed stagnant. The average bold, in trade and t.nia.l parcels, has certainly not been wli .t it was wont to be, and stocks are comparatively large, the present number of ca-es in bond being 4X28, as against 2301 at the corresponding period hist year. In tei, there has been some little movement during the week, in anticipation of the new season's .u-nvmg shortly. Tne sales have been in half-chests and boxes, and easier prices have been accented, for the benefit of getting clearances effected. In sugar, some paresis have changed hands this week. Stocks still remain full, but prices are quite maintained. In salmon, there luive been considerable shipments received Irom America lately. They have come te an already-glutted market, and although <Js may be regarded as a full quotation, they arc difficult to move even at that ; aud scotch salmon, invoiced at a much higher rate, can only, 01 course, when sold at all, be sold at a los^. The season for the consumutuia of such goods is, however, approaching, and butcher meat is high— so high that, on economical grounds, it might be suitable for consumers to find a preference 111 lavour of salmon. Ling i s i>t present out of the market. Salt, in consequence of high freights, b'comes of exceptionally high cost; and altuough high rales are ruling, they do not proportionally meet this item of freiyhtj nor, in f.ict, co/er cost. In provisions, there is nothing to report of any consequence. Hams and bicon, of good or prime quality, Colonial, are so scarce that it makes the few Irish importations that reach the market to be appreciated by those who are willing to pay for them. Cheese is still difficult to be had. Butter is lowering gradually in price. Dried fruits aie still scarce and luling high, \_urranti are in demand an sd, the supply deficient, and likely to be so— the price likely theref 01 o to further advance. Sultanas are quoted at 9d, Valencia raisins at 7d, and Eleme at 7' t d. Hops continue scarce— uood samples of Kents, Is 74's, are taken up at once, aud letch &> 4d, but tew such samples are arriving. Tasinaniim has been ireely taken in the ab-ence of Kontvs, and have been sold at from 2s ad to 2s 6d. Iselsoti hops suffer from low quotations, varying from Is lud to 2s Id, but those who know the ground on which the plants are raised, predict for them' a price exceeding even fasinaniau. They applaud the flavour, and assert that the> have been suffering from an imputation of rankness, which is supposed to attend the young plants, until they have been mellowed by age. This previous rankness U denied at all, but assuming it to ha\e must soon, by tne effluxiou of years, have outlived this fault. The same ordeal has uet-n undergone by the Tasmanian, and long a-_'o it was undergone by the Kent plaiits, that have been in the ground now for hundreds of years. Candles are not plentiful, Btlmonts belling freely at from 10\d to lOJd, and oven higher. Kerosene 10 in very slight demand— stocks extra full. Galvanised iron is very firm, holders, beyond all concession, holding for £35 for parcels. In cement sales are taking pUce at prices equal to 20.->. Iv galvanised wire sales have been making at g.-od priceo f r tho higher numbers up to 10. In breadstuffs and gram thore has been no alteration iv prices; a slight uncertainty appears to prevail.

DUNEDIN WHOLE3ALK PRICES CURRENT. Flour, LlO and Llo los ; bran, 60a ; oatmeal, Ll7 • pearl barley, 2os ; chalf , 80s ; potatoes, £5 10a. Dried Fruits —Currants, 6£d ; Sultana raisins, 10W • Elmnes, 7jd to Bd, ' Ales.— Devonian's, J2s (id; Tennant'a, 12a 6d: founder's, 12s tstl ; Arro.i's, Us ; Ailsop's, Us (Jd. Porter, duty paid— Wood's, 12s (id ; Byiws's, 12n • OuiniiGMg'j, 13s 0U ; Pig brand, 14s. ' Tea, duty paid.— Common, Is lOd to 2s ; good medium, 2a 3d to 2s 6d ; superior kinds, 2s 9d to 8s ; lioxos, 26s to 82s ; orange pekoo, 2s tld to 3s ; gunpowder, 28 Od to 3s. Sugar, duty paid.— Fine whites, L4fl to L 47;4 7; grey crystuls, L 46 to L4O : yellow do, L44toL 45 ; ration L 39 to L4O ; Victoriau whites, L 47 to £49: V- rraville whites, 47s ; finest counters, L-42 to L 43;4 3; crushed loal, 545, m kegs ; Sydney Company's whites, 40s to 4Sd. Spirits, in bond.— Brandies, Otard's, 8s 6d ; do. in case, 2as; Martell h, cu*e, 32h ; Associated Vineyard, 7s od and 20s ; 1161111083/8, 9s (id per gal. : do. in case, 3tisBisuuit's brandy, 8s and 235. Whisky, Glenlivct. 9s; Kob Koy, case, 19s ; Old Highland. Us ; Glenury, 7s ; Scotch and Irish, 5s to 7s ; Longjohn's in case., 18b od. Rum, 4s 6a to ss. Lome, bulK, Os Od ; ca.-e, 19s ; Cenova, JDKZ y per case, 14s ; Old Tom, per case tiurnettfs, 10s ; Sivalue Boord'a, 15s. Kerosene.— Devoes, 2s 2d (duty paid) ; Diamond, 2s (dutj paid). Candles, lOJd to 10|d. Mr ArcuidaiiD Mom, Manse street, reports the following as the latest quotations ;— Flour— Llo los per ton. Oatmeal— Lls ocr ton. Pearl Barley— L2o uer ton Bran~L4 10s per ton. Pollard— L6 per ton Chaff— L4 10a per ton. Hay— LC hi par km. Potatoes— L6 5s per ton. Carrots— oos. Wheat— 3s Cd to 4s 3d per bushel. Bariey— ss per liushel. Outs— 2-. Od to ?» 9.1 per bushel, Ulitt-cr — In 3d to Is (U per Ib. Cheese— lid to la par Ib. RETAIL HOUSEHOLD MARXISTS. DnU-her moat remains at last quotations. RoistIn« boe , Cd 10 8.1 por lb ; boiling, 4d to 6d ; atewine 4}-t 10 5^(1 ; sieak, fld to 9d. Logs and loins of mutton" 4d to 6d jier Jb ; chops, M ; boiling, 4d. Pork very scaice. Uo onial b*con. Is 2-i ; hams, Is 3d; cheese Is ; frosh butter, Is 9d to 2j pec lb ; salt do, Is 3d to la Cd ; e^s, Is id per doz ; {.otatoes. laths for is. SKENE'S LABOUR EXCHANGE. Tho demand for people is again very active, more especially for station and farm hands. The Waimea lws arrived very opportunely, both for the season of the year and the demand. If suitable for farm and station, they will have no difficulty in getting plenty of work and good pay. Sher herds are seemingly scarce, and "shepherds with dogs" much more so. A little forethought would enable every man who knows the "ways of sheep" to supply himself with faithful collies but it is at the end of the season, not at the beginning, thete matters should bo looked to. Bu«int9» in still quiet amomr commercial men. Indoor and the building trades are moving s!o«lv as yet. Wiyts ':— Useful house and hotel females, £J0 t> i 52; cooks, waiters, grooms &<•'•> 25s to 60s, but very quiei ; d.iy labour. 8s 9s. and 10s ; ploughmen and shepherd*. *55 to £70 ; couples, £75 to £00 ; dairy »nd odd hands, 15s and 20* per week ; masons, carpenters bricklayers, 10s to 16s per day ; bushmen, by the piece ; useful } oungstera, 6a to 10s and 15s per week. Messrs Wright, Stepuknson, and Co. report, for tho week ending 18th September, as follows :— Fat Cattle.— Only the moderate number of 100 head came forward. We sold 6(5 head on account of flless-rs James Wright, George Niohol. andothcra. Cowsbrought from £3 16s to £14 10* ; and bullocks from fill 15s to £21- or equal to 45s per lOOlbs fur good quality, and 36s for medium do. Privately, v c »old 16 head at equal to4-2sperloo!bs. Fat Calv«s.— lo wore yarded, which We sold at 29s to 43s each.

Fat Sheep.— 3ooo, mostly of good quality, were penned— a quantity considerably in excess of «he demand. We sold, on account of Edward Meulove, E«q., 870 crogs-breds at from 17a 0d to 19s 6d ; on account of Vf. H. Toschemaker, K*q., 600 nwrino wethers, fair quality, at lXi 04 > on account of Jlewrt M'Doiwldend

count of other vendors, 220 cross-breds at from 18s to21s. We quote prime mutton 3.{a to 4d per lb: Durhi" the week we sold privately 500 cross-breds at 18s, and delivered to the trade 1250, contracted for. " Store Cattle.— We have enquiries for grown cattle, and anticipate an increased demand for such in the course of another month, for paddock fattening. At « O nS' el> on l«tli inst., we sold, ou account of inomas Paterson, E-q., 120 well grown cows aud bullocks, at from £6 to £8 10s. Store Sheep.— We have no transactions to report, but have enquiries for 2 and 4-foo'th cross-breds. Country Sales.-On Friday we held a clearing sale of stock aid implements at Saddle Hill, on account of Mr James Purvis. There was a large attendance, and everything brought fair rates. Light horses fetched £6 to £17 ; dairy cows. £6 to £13 ; steers, £5 to £6 10s : implements, satisfactory prices Horses.-There is .still a fair demand for both heavy draughts and strong upstanding coach horses. At our yards on Saturday we offered for sale the pure Clydesdale draught stalhon President and the imported W lolk troUing stalhon Shales; but neither found a purchaserWe sold the Clydesdale entire v ou .»g Wallace to v ?.' alr a £ a s:ltl^ a «ory price. Next eaturday we shall offw, at our yards, on account of Messrs Trestrail and Glisson, 20 head of very superior heavy draught mares, ex Omeo, several of which have taken first p'lzts. We quote nrst-class draughts at frum £05 to £75 ; medium do, £45 to £55 ; light, do £97 to £&> ; good hacks and lkrht harness horses £25 to £.!0; medium do, £14 to £20; light and inferior £5 to t "t«l0. Hide 3 are in moderate demand. We sold li"ht and medium weights at 17s to 21s 3d each. ° Grain.— The market continues quiet, but prices are well maintained. Wheat. Prime samples aiesileable at 4s Cd to 4s 7d. Oats are without change at is 8d to 2s S)d for feed, and 2s lOd for milling samples. Barley •lull of sale, except for prime malting, whiun is worth ' 5s Cd per bushel. Mr Hexry Driver (on bebalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company) reports, for the week ending September 22nd, 1875 :— Fat Cattle.— Although 110 head were yarded, only about two-thirds of this number were good be-.f, and brought fully our late quotations— say, £14 to £17 10s for be*t bullocks, and from £10 to £13 for cows or equal to about 45s per lOOlhs for prime quality ordinary to medium, 30s to 355. At the yards and privately we have sold during the week CO head. Fat Calves.— Only abrmt a dozen yarded, which sold at 2as to 50s, according to qutlity. Fat Sheep.— Upwards of 2000 really gond cross-breds were penned, and owimr tothe excessive supply that has come forward of late, the trade woie only able to take half this number, at from 15% 6 1 ti 19s, acco dinto weight and quality, the balance being turned out" 4d per lb may be t.uoted as outside value for nrinie mutton. We have sold 650 at ahovo prices - Store Cattle —In anticipation of spring .r ra «s we have to note an increased demand for quiet grown cattle, which are saleible at from £0 to £7 10s for bullocks ; and from £4 to £0 10> for cows. We have sold several small lots at above rates. Sto c Sheep -We are unable to report any transactions m this description of stock. There is however a s?o«)d demand for young sheep of every clans, with few Wool. -P.r omeo we received telegram from our London offloo. dated 28 ih August, •' wool sells poorly, foreign buyers absent." The latter clause of this telegram fully explains tho causo of the decline in pi ices previous telegrams had advised of Id to Ud per lb Sheepskins -There was a small supply at the tales last rhursday; buyers competed freel.i. We sod butchers 1 green cross-breds at 5s 8 1 to (is Id • dry hi tid to 5s td ; nierinoes, 2s 11 1 to 4s 4d. " Hide* « ere in fair dewah.t at late rates. Good con* greeT2os7dtolM rr ° UU ° ht " "" "^ b « ttW

Gram -'Ihe wheat nurket is without any alteration l 1 YTx T dem f nd - *' ttir *» B°wl mining readily sells at 4s 4d to 4s Od, up to 4s 8d very mcerior. O.its ate very dul'. quotations barely supported, shippors supplying their orders from the coastal ports at lovct rates. Good feed, 2a 7d to 2a 8d ; mffliuK, 2s I<M. SdtfWSKffiE' Ulialtered ; malth * Ban * les ' 5s

Slaoleas Buotukrs report for the woek ending I6th September, m follows, :— Fat Cattle —There wait but a moderate supply of 100 head forward for vesterd.iy's mnrket, and competition was active for puiue quality caUo, all of which found buyers at fully last weed's rates; a few head inferior quality were, however, turned out. Mullocks realized from £10 to *18 10> ; cowm, £0 to £15-acc..rding to wtight and quality; or, say 45, ,, 0(- 10 ,lbs for prime beef, and Sos for onlinarj. We hid only a few head yarded, hut privately Imvo placed 40 head. Kat Sheep weio i-gain in i xcev-ive supply, some 3000 hiving been penned lie ,rly all g-od r« prime quality A considerable propi-riiou wero in dealers' hands and wing tothe dull state „f the market, were held for hlgnor rotes. About 100 . bo«ever, were disposed of at last weeks: pnee—^y, fimm I*, 6d to Ift, fir crossbroth and 10s to I3aodiorm.ii.jos or equal to 4u per 1b for tho former ami ;;wl f »r tne latter Stor.: Cattlo ana .store Shuop arc \» alteration, either as v.ilue or d-mw.d, and notransrtutioris "t any importance have tr,in,phvu.— Latest, oattd London, 20fch Au-> report the home ui.u-ket as ateidy, mid with a good demand on foreign account; but the decline as wiiuslith* August silea opened appears to have he»a established, as there is no indication of an alteration there" ShiiVdoSr 11111" "" *"*«• Sh- epskin*. Our sale to-day was well attended, and with good competition, hut owing to the somewhat unfjivourab c tenor ut advi.os from London prices were a shade o.nlur. Butchers' green skuis fetched from 0s to (is 6d for uross-breds, and 4s to 4s sd for merinos according to quality; dry skins from Is 01 to 4, 6d ' 1a110w..-About au casks offered were pa-&cd in. Grain. Wheat is in steady request, and several nr«:e panel* have choiired hands, including 3000 sacks I'iniara growth, which we nave sola at equal to laat week's quotations. Prime nullitnr is \voith4,<kl to 4s 7d; ordinary, 4s ad to 4s 4cl'; fowl feed, 4s Barley, of prime malting quality, is scarce and readily aaiealilu ut o^Od to tig; orJiiury qualities afa. however, very slow of sale at 3. »d to 4a 4d. Oatu hato boon dele in during tlw wook to a very limited ex« tent at 2« 7d to 2* 8d for good to flue feed, milling in very slight demand.

C'OJIPAST Banks. New Zealand. National I Colonial Fiji B<mk of N. 6. Walw Union liankof Australia . . 6anU of Australasia .... Insurance New Zealand. National Sth. British.. Standard Gold Minmg. Shotover — Ordinary .. Paid up . . 5tar5...;,... Elizabeths .. Lucknows . . Arrows ifinrellaneoiin, N. 55. L. & M. A. Co. ..[ new issue j N.Z. Trust & Loan Co. . . O. & l, Co. Para P. Co. . Dunedin Cor-[ liowtion 0' p.e. D0b...! MosglelW.F.j Co. , Guardlaa Newspaper Co. Daily Times and vVltness Co Sruoo Coal C 0...: .... Capital. £ 000,000 •2,000000 2,000000 250,000 I i 1 1 « § Amount S j5 paid up. * £ s. d. 10 ,10 0 0' io , aio o 6 tlO 0 6 'Z 10 0 Last Sales. £ 8. ri, 17 15 0 ,386 I1 « 0 3 13 010 1 Pr ct. 16t 6 i ,1,000000 20 20 0 0J 151I 51 °°! I Wit 1,260000 25 25 0 0' I '51 0 0 I i ! 16 1,200000 40 40 0 0 67 10 0 12} 1,000000 1,000000 760,000 1,000000 10 2 10 0 10 0 10 0 20 X, 6 8 10 010 0 ! 2 2 8 I 1 i 0 2 6 0 0 14 3 20* 10 10 14,000 10,000 12,000 0,400 7,800 0,000 i I £1 0 17 0 £t 10 0 10 f) il7 6i 3 1 10 010 1 i o at o i a 2 0 7 0 0 ;. 2 10 oi 3 0 0 0 3 o! I fti.p.S. I I l,oooooo[ i"& 310 0 ( 6 1 0 Oi I 3 10 Oi 2 0 0| I 500,000 75,0W)i I I I 50 15 0 0 6,100 c a o oj 7 0 0| 10 0 10 ! " i 1 i 100 10ft 0 Oj jioo o oj eo.ocu; i 6 i a io oj i 2igi v, 1 I 26,000 i 5 810 ol I I 15,000 I 50 40 0 0 ! .00 0 01 t m 6,415 10 2 0 l« 2 d i . I * On *1 jto, ifrft.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1243, 25 September 1875, Page 11

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Markets. MESSRS GILLIES AND STREETS WEEKLY STOCK AMD SHARE LIST. Otago Witness, Issue 1243, 25 September 1875, Page 11

Markets. MESSRS GILLIES AND STREETS WEEKLY STOCK AMD SHARE LIST. Otago Witness, Issue 1243, 25 September 1875, Page 11


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