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(Fnou Ode Special Correspondent.)


_ After the shipment by the Kia Ora, there will be no other ships available Unloading carcasses at Oamaru, which would entail a considerable loss to the Waitaki ■breezing Company in having to bear the cost of rSilage—about Cd per carcass—-fo Hie port for shipment overseas. Representations on the subject were made last week to the Chamber of Commerce by Mr D Williams on behalf of the cora- ?? ay 4 , and ' n reply to a communication Mr John Fraser (president of the Chamu Commerce) has been advised bv the Overseas Allotment Committee that there is no steamer of suitable size to work Oamaru in August, but the committee hopes to be able to arrange a steamer lor September. PERSONAL. Mr W. E. Mudge. postmaster, Ohai. has been transferred to'Oamaru, and will toke up his. duties at the Oamaru Post Office early next month. SOUTH SCHOOL DANCE. _ The children’s fancy dress dance at the bouth School gymnasium, on Saturday evening was exceptionally successful. Between 600 and 700 adults and children attended, and the door takings amounted to £43 17s, There were-280 children in fancy dress, making the finest display seen in Oamaru-for some time past, and the little ones in their varied arid picturesque costumes - spent a very happy time in dancing the Sir Roger, poi. dutch, lames, and goblins, and maypole dances the excellence, of - the organisation reflected great credit on the teaching staff, and especially Miss Campbell, head mistress of the infant department, arid Mr Jvibblewhitc, acting headmaster. Afterwards a dance, was held for the adults music being provided by Rae’s Orchestra, and the duties of M.C.» being carried out by Mr D. Jackman. .



The annua] meeting of the Oamaru Trotting Club was held on Saturday nigut. Mr J. Hannon presided over a large attendance of members. Befoic the business of the meeting was commenced, the chairman expressed regret at the absence through illness of the president of the Jockey Club (Mr W Gardiner), and voiced the hope that he would soon be recovered and able to take an active part in the business again. ■ ■ Ln m °ving tile adoption, of the annual leport and balance sheet, Mr Hannon aid the past year had been the most pi osperous in the history of the elub. The assets .(£ / 086 14s 4cl) were lower than last year (£l3 575). but that was on>- a matter of bookkeeping, as some of the trust 8 had S ° lle ° Ver t 0 the race course dZf 6 ! following seven members were riark d <! t n i r committee:—Messrs D. H,w S ‘ E a 3?k e ? b ’ M. G. Hannon, P. G. °Mara, W.'Wright; and R. tor? 1 was re-elected audiOBiien, who has done yeoman fo f . t,l e club and has retired from of the dub! 166 ’ " aS ° eCt ° d a life lnG mber of T tbe chair man expressed appreciation snrl aV? °1 tlle , B . ulldln g Committee. fntv=- w the financial statement as follows.—Expenditure f 11.352 J4s 2d- ref a!nRr Jock 7 ey f 9 lu i> £5450. Trotting Ciub £5408, overdraft committee meeting held snbsey | he chairman made presentations to Mr J , p-Brien of a silver tea and coffee service, and to Mr R. A. M‘Dowell pf a silver entree dish and set of cutlery B„li*Tc™ilL ,hCir “™“ s »” The election of officers resulted as fob lows;—Prgsjdent. Mr M. J. Hannon: vicepresident. Mr J, Bruce; treasurer, Mr R vr’ Do "elI: Programine Committee—rwfl l Han «°n. Bruce, M'Dowell, and ArA^ln ; u roUnds Committee—Messrs ri vr Hannon ’ , B^ Ic . e - Crawford, Judicial sssss' s-ferSiMSS? co™iiiee- . '' vas decided to grant £5 5s as a prize to the.pony trot at the A. and P. Association’s show., club 1 * 16 new members were elected to the J f. r Forbes (secretary) reported on the business done- at the Trotting Con fereneer which he attended as delegate, and was heartily thanked for representing the club. Appreciation was also expressed of the services rendered by the secretary during the past year,, and a bonus? of £25 was voted to him.OAMARU BEAUTIFYING SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Oamaru Beautifying Society was held on Saturday evening. Dr Douglas presided over an or 15 members. The annual report submitted reviewed fully the activities of the society during the past year and acknowledged'the support of fhe Oamaru Returned Soldiers' Association in spbsidising the expenditure on the employment of returned soldiers it also acknowledged the services of Mr Barnett, later curator of the Public Gardens, ana also of Mr Tait, the present curator in supervising the practical work of the society. The support of the J-Jorongh Council was also acknowledged n , anm,a l collection amounted to £265 Os !od, a sum considerably in excess of the average. The financial statement showed receipts amounting to £287. made up of £2OO from the harden IVste Committee and a subsidy of £BS from the Oamaru Returned soldiers Association. The expenditure amounted to £292 18s 7d, of which £l7O Us Jtl was spent in tree-planting at the crusher site Hospital Hill, Foyle, Lea. Arun, and Lsk streets. Maintenance and cleaning work cost £ll6 13s Bd. The funds in; hand amounted to £l6 11s 6d. Inc election of officers,resulted as folJows: President, Dr Douglas; vice-presi-dents—Mesdames Douglas and Forrester, .Miss Reid Messrs R. Milligan. H. Grenfell, and Dr Orbell; hon. secretary and treasurer. Mr D V. G.,Smith; hon. auditor, Mr \1 J. Davies; committee —Mesdames M Quinn, Smith-Morton, W. R.‘ Reid, and Macauley. Misses Maude and Mdter. ilessrs J. Robertson. H. Day. ,G, Mitchell, F. Humphries, C. H. Church. 11 oebury, and Dr. Scott. OTAGO MOUNTED RIFLES’ BAND.

The animal report of the Otago Mounted Kines Band, to be presented to the annual meeting, reviews at length tile activities of ‘the band during the past year, especially in connection with the band contest at Wanganui. The band assembled 142 times, made up of II rehearsals and- 38 parades, with 13 days occupied on contest work and seven days in camp The contest cost the band £314 3s 4d, the Citizens' Committee being in ,no small measure responsible for the band attending the contest. The total receipts, including balance* from Inst year, were £656 18s 7d and the expenditure £615 l 4s , r d ’ leaving a credit balance of £4l 4s Id. An excess of assets over liabilities is revealed of £545 4s 7d. and the financial position generally is considered very satisfactory. It is recommended that £4O be allocated to the debenture account and that a ballot be taken for the redemption of eight certificates. The band ( this year will complete 50 years service, and suggestions are invited regarding the bolding of a jubilee. Special thanks arc recorded to' Drum Major A. C. A. Whyte and Mr C. L. James and also the heartiest appreciation of_ the services of the bandmaster, Eon. Lieutenant G. M. Whale. MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERT The recital given by the Oamaru Municipal Band in the Opera House last evening in aid of the earthquake and local unemployment funds was well attended. The band was successful in obtaining a gpocl number of talented musicians and BingGra who provided a very enjoyable entertainment. Those who ' supplied the items were:—Misses Edna Fraser and M'Taggart, Messrs Albert Smart, A. Spiers (Waimate). R. Haile, G. Donaldson, J. Brown, H. M’Donnel!, Mrs G. Donaldson acted ns accompanist. The band’s items greatly appealed to those present. NORTH OTAGO SCOTTISH SOCIETY. There was a large; gathering at a dance held by the North Otago Scottish Society in the M’Lcan Hall on Saturday evening in order to raise funds for the new hall. Mr Shrrwin supplied excellent music, and Air Miller efficient M.C. MOTOR COLLISION. A motor collision occurred at Deborah yesterday afternoon, when a ear driven by Mr Staniford. of Oamaru, collided with a car travelling south. None of the occupants received injuries, and both cars were only slightly damaged.

RUGBY FOOTBALL. SOUTH CANTERBURY DEFEATS NORTH OTAGO. ' There was an attendance of about 20il0 spectators at the Oval on Saturday to witness the representative match between South Canterbury and North Otago. The visitors gained the victory in the lasi minute by 11 points to 8. The game was probably the best witnessed between these two unions for some years, and the cheering of ibe spectators was such as has 091 been heard at- fhe Oval for a long time. In the first spell the visitors dominated the play, and it was only the determined tackling of the home side that prevented the score mounting. The spell ended: South Canterbury 5, North Otago nil,. In the second half the honours lay with’ the home side, and the visitors are to be congratulated on pulling the game out of the fire by good generalthem 1 ' 10 ' 1 *' C p3ay ""as going against North Otago kicked off from the western end against a light breeze, there being an entire absence of snn. The 'inr1 tC lvfrlrr at OIIC P M 1 UP “ PaSSillg ' I'llSll, and Jud„e was held up near-the line! R v Cameron and Rapsoy in turn ‘'led the home pack to the visitors’ line, where an infringement sent them back. Hun fV** to who dived into the ruck, and the visiting backs threw the hv‘ s a^° D f’ but t rottcr ' rafl safely grassed by Sumpter. Bassett led a charge to t e home line and Blyth secured from f ® tuow '?- but Kent intercepted, and down f V.v re p t 0 n Umpt . er - who brought saw jILpT° lly a - An cxchnn ge of kicks saw Judge downed in possession by Maiken"? fW passl ”K Qishee hy tbe visitors Judae b . USy on the defensive. Judge and Trotter m turn were pulled snTl l vW Wyards sb ° rt of the line. Judge loot *what appeared to be a pertni.. portunity by knocking on ,and a series' P ‘ l p‘" g ,i rn0 r e !? eilts initiated by Strang fn lL ne w y fa,led find « weak li,if fi defei l ce ; Eventually Connolly a line W. for Davey to From a line out Stevenson sent back, and the nlld ra to e, H ff ° Ut t 0 potter, pissed I first sdorefe’ who crossed for the points. South Canterbury s' 6 ma \ or North Otago nil Canterbury S points. D S aC ?’ 3cd . B y Rapsey and the South rinti a f e a fP lr *^ ed assault on ing enabled C U,ff rbui ’ y r lln , e ’ but over-kick-i air SiaMWM vising 1° i RoSs turned the tide. The visiting backs were handling with nre. huTruslms "T J Secn some pretty passbTt dge even tually beat Davev, but Malcolm came around from the side and made no mistake with a great tackle b\oke g down BS bp? b ° Ut i ? y the home backs iS£V°*r? ‘.t TSS I?Si, 111 Hunter foundtlra line from a five-varck «■* • S SS ‘ ‘Z^ strongly and throwing the ball about°witf abandon when Sumpter intercepted ‘and raced through to beat Connolly, who made 3 B«at effort to cut him off. and touched d 9j D , I? a bandy position. Trevathan added the extra points, making the score ~ |? un^ er bis backs moving, but Trevathan’s pass to Sumpter was forward and the visitors gained relief by forcine’ Hunter worked the blind side, but Malcolm was thrown out near the corner fess “ R °f was result’ V af** sf forhiliv SoinE against South Cansas* ssßa wff 1 fc mg-forward at half time siHi 8. North Otago 8 Sth Canter bury into the sion Connolly _beat Sumpter to the force down in the nick, of time. Sumpter again broke away- down the line and short kicked past Connolly, and a try appeared if ™ wlla >i be was recalled for a m It was apparent that the referee’s vision was obscured by other players at the time b f ead V of tlle rules had taken place.’ kiiiLi' B f® re t,me ' v . as called Stewart cross nn T, a i PGnalty and Gaffney secured and sent .Judge over, to win the match. Stiaiigs kick missed. K Can ' terbury .. .. 11 points. North Otago 8 points. Mr Pleury was referee. JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES. The junior representative match, played on the Ao. 2 ground, was an excellent game ot open football combined with good hard forward play. The home forwards were the better pack in the tight work. All the backs handled the ball well, especially Halsted, the South Canterbury wiug-threo-quarter, and many of the passing rushes aud the tackling generally was of a high standard.

In the first spell North Otago gained a lead of 13 points to South Canterbury’s ,> triM for the home team being scored by Webb and Robertson, while Kinder converted two trios and kicked n penalty goal, I* or the visitors Boyes and Haisted each scored tries, Munro converting one. In the second, spell both sides gained another 5 points each, thus leaving North Otago the victors by 18‘ points to 13. Webb scored a try, which Kinder converted. for the home team, and Haisted scored ii try, which Munro converted, fot the visitors. Mr C. Mollison was refrece VISITORS ENTERTAINED. The visiting players wore entertained after the game, the juniors at the Bungalow and the seriors at a smoke concert. Air G. B. Stevenson presided, and with him were associated Messrs Hurtnam (manager of the South Canterbury team) A. Gilchrist (manager of the North Otagc team), and A. l-Teury (referee). A very pleasant time was spent in story and sona and the usual toasts were honoured. WAITAKI SUB-UNION. At a general meeting of the Waitaki Rugby Sub-union, Hr W. Hedley presided over a good attendance. Tho following resolutions were passed; write thanking tho North Otago Rugby Union for the hospitality shown to the members of the sub-union on the occasion of the Town v. Country match in Oamaru; (2) That the approval of the sub-union be given to the action of the teachers in regard to the matter of the- schools’ enp competitions; (3) that the applications for the transfers of Laird from Knrow to Tokarahi and Walker Celtic (Timaru) to Awakino, be approved; (4) that the secretary be instructed to make inquiries concerning the insurance of the Oamaru Alai I Cup. and that if the premium is duo the_ sub-union cover it in the meantime: (5) that the secretary write to the .Waimatc Sub-union suggesting August 31 as a suitable date for the match between tho sub-unions, to be held at Waimatc. and to the North Otago Union suggesting that September 7 should be the "date of the Town v. Country return match; (h that the next representative fixture Town v. Country, be played at Kurow. Air Bleach thanked the members of the sub-union for their letter of sympathy in his recent bereavement.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 20781, 29 July 1929, Page 5

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NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20781, 29 July 1929, Page 5

NORTH OTAGO. Otago Daily Times, Issue 20781, 29 July 1929, Page 5


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