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ANNUAL PRIZE-GIVING. The following are the prize-lists of the various Dunedin schools that held their break-up ceremonies yesterday:— ARCHERFIELD. There was a large attendance of parents and friends of the pupils at St. Andrew’s Hall last night, when the annual distribution of prizes in connection with Archerfield School took place. After the singing of the school song, Mrs Nisbet read the report of the year's work. It stated, amongst other tilings, that there had been an increase in the number on the roll, especially _in tin; primary department. Last year five girls had passed the matriculation examination, one had obtained a partial pass, and one completed. Six girls had passed the intermediate examination. This year, out of 12 who had sat for proficiency, 11 had obtained proficiency certificates and one competency. Two girls had gained higher leaving certificates. Eight girls had passed the Trinity College elocution examinations, one obtaining her A.T.C.L. Thirty girls had obtained home nursing certificates, six life-saving certificates (including one award of merit), and 47 swimming certificates. Airs W. J. Porteous then addressed those present. She drew a lesson from the stoiy of Aladdin and his wonderful lamp, and illustrated a girl going to school as one obtaining jewels of learning, and,.incidentally, the lamp of service. Mrs 1 orteous went on to tell of her life m London and of the days when she attended the school there of Alisa Buss, who was recognised as a great pioneer of women s higher education. The speaker said that at intervals she had had the opportunity of attending some of the reunions of the graduates of this school, and meeting old friends. Her life in India and the conditions of education there were next referred to, and an appropriate address was concluded by Airs Porteous stating that education was a means to an end, mu that it should ho interpreted m terms ot citizenship and patriotism. . Dr Herrington, in a short speech, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Airs Porteous, and this was carried by acclamation. The following is the prize-list:— Dux of school: Dorothy Holden. Class I—J. Ledgenvood. Class 2.—A. Campbell (conduct), JStarr (printing), AI. Barnett (progress), D. Paterson (handwork). Class 3. —J. Smith (reading arithmetic), J. Annand (reading), M. Toole (arith metic), M. Every (reading), N. fprogress), V. Taylor progress), S. Dunlop (reading). M. Nevill (progress), D. Starr handwork), S. Hawes (progress), -V Croagh (progress), R. Lindon (progress). Standard I—N. ATNab (writing, reading) A. Every (arithmetic, poetry), H. Birt’ (spelling), M. Halhday (drawing, progress), J. Hobbs (progress), R. SimpS °Standard e n.—M. Easton (composition, drawing, handwork), B. Batham (handwork arithmetic), E. Carswell (French, readme snellh g), B. Williams (progress), j" Galiaway (reading). F Macdonald (poetry, composition), J. Denny (conduct! ,M. Stedman (spelling), B. Wrather (poetry), R. Benson (progress), J. Al Caibim (writing). H. Shand (spelling), J. Jones (conduct). . , Standard 111.-N Pratt (Scripture, history, spelling, French, arithmetic, hv .•'eiie), B. Campbell (Scripture, spellir grammar, hygiene), S. Henderson (S -lure, reading, grammar), J. Alatnewson (Scripture, history, grammar, writing, liv-ione), G. Johnson (Scripture, histoid, geography), B. Wright (grammar, spelling), M. Bernstein (spelling), J. Carr (reading), L. Downie (geography), Al. Dunlop (recitation), J. Inghs (spelling), S. Alassingham (progress), E. Simpson (progress), J. Taylor (progress), I. Wendelken (grammar), S. Wren (grammar). Standard IV.—L. Henderson (arithmetic, Scripture, history, geography, grammar, spelling), B. Williams (geography, spelling, arithmetic), J. Smith grammar, spelling, arithmetic), AI. Copeland (spelling, arithmetic). R. Ross (grammar, spelling, arithmetic), W. Milne (Scripture, spelling), L. Lindon (spelling), L. Poole (arithmetic, grammar), v. Sundstrum (progress). Standard V. —J. Reid 1, E. Dawson 2, B. ATKenzie 3, A. Nisbet (Scripture and arithmetic), AI. Ramsay (progress), D. Doaker (writing), B. Harris (writing). Standard VI. —B. Fraser 1, S. AlTvenzie 2, AI. Aloodie 3, J. Scoular (history and writing), E. Hay (reading), I. M'Lean (progress), G. Griffin (conduct). Form lII.—J. Hector 1, E'. Lee 2, G. Johnstone (mathcmatics > French, Latin, geography), H. Bret.herton (Latin), AE Anscombe (geography), M. Beattie (geography), M. Tannock (geography), J. Ramsay (progress), M. Webster (progress). Form IV. —N. Pratt and 11. Carswell (equal) 1, D. Adam (physiology), K. Deamoulius (Scripture). O. Sneddon (commercial subjects), 11. Dallas (progress). Form VB.—E, Usherwood 1, AL Brent 2, P. Stuart (progress), J. Boot (progress), E. Dobbie (progress), F. Fowler (progress). Form VA.—J. -Dunlop 1, N. Fleming and I. Thomas (equal) 2, M. Stenhouso (French), D. Davies (geography), J. Irwin (geography). Form VI.—Al. Farquharson (general excellence), AI. AlTndoe (Scripture, housewifery and textiles, general history subjects). Special Prizes.—Sunday School: D. Canim, AI. Beattie, Reading.—Standard IV : B. Williams. Standard V: J. Reid. Standard A 7 I: RTaylor. Needlework. —Standard III: J. Alatthewson. Standard IV ; R. Ross. Standard V: AI. Aldridge. Standard VI: J. M’Lachlan. Form III; J. Hector 1. J. Barker 2. Best set of Plunkot garments: AI. Anscombe 1, L. Rodger 2. Alusic.—Best term work in music: J. Harker, A. Nisbet. D. Cbrystall. Progress in Elocution : D. Adam Elocution.—Senior: AI. Copeland 1, M. ATGregor 2. Junior: S. Henderson and AL Bernstein. Scripture.—Form IV: H. Carswell. Form VB: E. Ushenvood. Form VI: AI. Farquharson. Drawing.—Standard IV : B. Williams Standard V: N. Aloen. Standard VI: J. Scoular. Essay Prizes. —Senior: AI. Brent. Junior: J. Hector. Best-kept Form Room: Form IV. House Girls’ Tidiness Prize: H. Dallas. House Girls’ Punctuality Prize: D. Camm. Most Sportsmanlike House Girl: D. Camm. Original Poem: J. Dunlop. Athenaeum Prizes for Proficiency in English and History: J. Dunlop and E. Usherwood. Alapping, Form 111 (Archerficld Old Girls’ Association’s prize): J. Hector and H. Bretherton. Form IV: D. Chrystal. F nrm V: J. Boot. Poster Competition: AI. Farquharson 1. J. Hector 2. Mathematics: AI. Farquharson. Higher Leaving Certificates: C. Alacaclam, M. AlTndce. Homo Nursing Certificates: J. Boot, AI. Brent- D. Chrystall, J. Copeland, H. Dallas. R. Duncan, F. Fowler, R. Frapweil, J. Hector, M. Hoyles, J. Irwin, G. Johnstone, A. Lawson, M. Lawson, E. Leo, C. Alacadam, AI. AlTndoe. J. ATLachlan, E Paterson, U. Pratt, J. Ramsay, J. Scoular. B. Service, I. Shand, O. Sneddon, P Stuart M. Tannock, AI. Thompson, M. Farquharson, -J. Harker Proficiency Certificates. —L. Davison. M. Fraser, C. Hay, A. Al’Kcnzie, J. M’Lac-h-Jan, I. AIT can, P. Mavis, AI. Mooclie, E Nevill, J Scoular, R. Taylor. Senior Swimming Championship: N Fleming. Junior Swimming Championship. 11. Carswell. Senior Tennis Championship: N. Fleming. Junior Tennis Championship; A. Lawson. Senior Tennis Doubles Championship; N. .Fleming and R. Frapweil. Junior Tennis Doubles Championship: A. Lawson and B Nl'-bet. ShackTock Cup: A Team. Interschools’ Junior Championship Singles: J. Scoular, Interschools’ Junior Champion ship Doubles: J. Scoular and A. Lawson. Interform Netball Cup..—Senior: Prefects’ Tc*T Tnterstandard Netball Cup.—• Junior: Standard VI. Junior Circles Championship: M MGregor. . Senior Circlos Championship: N. Flaming. Leaving Prefects’ Awards —D. Camm. J. Cnrowj AI. Glendining, D. Holden, AI, Lawson, C. Alaeadam, M. AlTndoe, B. SerDux of School.—Dorothy Holden. Fergus Memorial “Good Comrade” Ring.—May Farquharson.

GEORGE STREET. Standard VI (A). —Dux of school; Margaret P. Barrowman. Dux boy: Harold Silverstone. General proficiency: Alan Breen (equal), Douglas Breen (equal), Octavia Mitchell, Norman M'Leod, Edmund Marriott, Phyllis Scott, Jack O’Keefe. Industry and behaviour: Hon. M'Leod, Hilda MTntosh. Cookery: Iris Hope. Sewing: Gladys M'lntosh. Gardening and woodwork: Jim Steele. Monitor’s prizes: William Moores, Jack M'lntosh. Attendance: Special prize (5 years), Alan Breen. Navy League: Margaret P. Barrowman, Phyllis Scott, Jack O’Keefe. Standards V and VI (Comp.) .-—Special medal for general excellence: Elsie N. Barrowman. - Class proficiency: Standard Vl—Letitia Freeman, Headley Pocock, Jack Thomson; Standard V—Tasma Woodward, Marion Smith, Maisie Jackson. Mapping and printing; Edna Nelson. Writing T Hazel Harrison. Gardening; David Burnett. Woodwork: Albert Bollard. Propress: Jack Wilson. Cooking: Dora Dixon'. Navy League essays; Letitia Freeman 1, Tasina Woodward 2. A thenieum prize (English and history) . Elsie N. Barrowman. Standard V (A).—First class: Lillian Bayliss. Second class: Molly Macdonald. First, boys: Richard Sprague. Second, bovs: Reginald Wix. Sewing: Jessie I kin. Cooking: Jessie jjuchanan. industry: Agnes Matliewson. Writing; Winnie Godso. Mapping: Dorothy M Millan. Progress: Nancy Haymes. Woodwork; Vernon Tyrrell. Industry : George Bill Progress: Kenneth M Lennan. Sports: Lankford Smith. Agriculture: K sfa a n(krd P lV '“('A) —Dux: Edna Lu.wdey; Grigor Wilson 2, Ins lliomas, Edna Simp...Duorolhr Ei; i b,v. J»ck ***"»»»* Thomson (equal), Frances -IV Frank M'Fur lane, Gwyneth Hughes, Claire Bruudell, Bruce Wallace. Sewing: Imoi°=l'tandiird IV (B).—Dux; Elizabeth Reeves; Mhert Knox, Hilda Pattillo, Kathleen Robert-, David Moores, Noel Lieu !inc j Jack Livingstone, Charles Bayliss, David Scott Toni Muntz, Grace Clarke and Marion Ru?scll. Sewing: Hilda Pattillo. Homowork; Betty Borns, # Hnx 1 CMary^u^: Prognwsj Doreen Wilson. Dorothy Bullock, Anum Stewart, Margaret Pope. Setting • III (B).-Dux: Elsie MarshaU; Edna Riach 2. Albert Class nia J • Tcdic God=o 1, Elizabeth Miller Z, Janies Sin t Dilitece: M. Hick Progress: George M Lcod * Brown. Sewing: Mavis M.tchcm. Attendi r sXr“» . Wl£ Girl., pod. Woodward. Betty Ferguson, Betty Fococu. Dorothy Moore, Phyll» Munro Standard 1.-Class marks. L *" cnce Griffiths. Patricia Atmson ( Proficiency : Betty Tucker, Annie Fox. Hated Pussell Diligence and neatness, K° n Jeffrey" Pn~gv Pullar. Improvement: RayRigby. C AVERSE AM. Standard VL-Dux (gold f° a p n . Isaac. Second (silver medal): David ' Canp boll First class prizes: Henry Buit, John Wills Rite Hunt! Herbert Hook, William Campbell, William Gwynne, Hazel Johnson Gould. Massey Reid. Second class prizes; Lorna Hunter, Elsie M Laron, Eileen Goodmftn, John Doig, > °| ln M'Lean, Lawrence Cranehcld, Ivan Johnston. Navy League prizes; John Wills, Henry Burt (equal) 1 Bernice Grubb a. Athemeum prize and Victory shield. Henry Burt. Cookery: Eileen Goodman. Woodwork and . drawing; Henry Burt. Writing: Beatrice _ Fmnerty. Progress: Olga Garchow, Lewis M‘Lean. Standard V.—First class: Amy M Connell, Stephen M‘Connell, Ray Brown, Robt. Gilbert, Lily Emmerson, Marjorie Scote, Valerie Simpson, Walter Frcude. Second class: Agnes Anderson, Thora Burt, Muriel M'Leod, Jack Young, Sadie Stevenson, Jean Vickers, Robt. Chandler, Winnie Keane, Jessie Cardno, Elma Hague, Llewellyn Evans, Muriel Grocott. Progress: Elizabeth Caird, Gordon M'Dougall, Maisie Homer. Navy League prizes: Ellen Wells, Marjorie Scott, Ray Brown. Standard VI. —First class; Laurie Wilson, Tom Giles, Gordon Melville, Alex. W. Walker, Alec Irving, Molly Johnston, Helene Denford, Herbert Gardner, Margaret Gilbert. Second class: Nance Souness, Jack Sheppard, Ray Craig, Hugh Hunter, Walter Hudson, Oswald Kennedy, William Overton i Beryl Beatson, Stanley Lockhart. Drawing: Alec Irving. Industry : Mary Beecot. Sewing: Beryl Beatson. Standard 111.—First class: David Weir, John Hanlon, Ernest Stent, John Blythe, Robert Harborow, Betty Lonie, Joan Hanning, Elsie Fox, Margaret Birrell, Edna Page. Second class: Vincent Westland, Allan Clark, Ray Evans, John Lyon Gray Russell, Ernest Freeman. Sewing: Kathleen Rhodes. Neatness: Sarah Seddon Progress; Clara Thorn. Standard ll.—First class: Ronnie Patterson, Joan Mackay. Winnie Lyon, Mavis Friend, Nance Dunlop, Ruth Wills, Dulcie Kennedy, Harold Nixon. Second class: Clarence Edlin, Dorothy Harris, Cyril Donaldson. Alex. Pauli, Bernard Thorn. Eddie Giles, Gertie Adam, Joyce Coventry, Percy Todd. Sewing: Jessie Russell, Julia I riser. Neatness: Alfred Taylor. Standard I.—First class; joy Gillies Nellie Gould, Jean Gardner, Ellen Loasby! Robert Todd, Mayda Frew. Graham Scott, second class: Dougins Campbell, Vere Gourlcy, Eric Sutherland OKvyn Collie Margaret Hague, Gladys Wilson, Jock Dunlop Rita Barnett, Nance Tretheway, Mick Robertson Progress: Hazel Bennett. Sowing; Ada Chisbn’m. P. c| asse ,. |>ix Norman Brookes, Dorothy Ross, NormaScott (equal). Gift books were distributed among the cniidien in the infant department. MACAJNDREW ROAD. Standard Vl.—Dux: Christie C. Forno 1 roxime accessit; Annie Steven. Proficiency :’ Avis Manley, Mavis Galbraith, Nancy Hof--1 land, Agnes Thorburn, Francis Duncan ProI gross; Sylvia Greenhalgh, Jessie M'Donald, Harold Shaw, Arthur Brown. Specials: W.fiiam Deucrass (reading and recitation), | Eric Richards (woodwork). Mavis Gaibraith (domestic science), Agnes Thorburn (needlework,, Leslie Niven (oral work). Atho tiffium prize: Annie Steven. Organised I games: James Bartlett and Leslie Niven (A team football), Robert Blacdon and James Duncan (Bantam football), David Trcvathan (cricket), Myrtle Hebbard (basketball). Medallists at sportsJessie .M'Donald (2), Marion Gray, Mavis Forno, Ryllis Micheltb. Lindsay Lumsden Albert Knox (2), James Bartlett (2), James Blair. Standard VA.—Maurice Leech 1 Lawrence Wright 2, Graham Hotting 3 Proficiency: James Robert, Charles Martin Thomas M'Donald, Walter Perry, Colin Gladwin. Mavis Pedlow, Gordon Shnw. Progress: Norman Matliewson, Graham Appleby, John M'Grogor, Lena Paul, Leslie Rowley. Specials: Edna Smith (needlework) Wilbur Stevens (woodwork), Marion Gray (hockey). Standard VB.—Desmond Ncilsen ‘ 1 i Audrey Mowat 2 Proficiency; Edward CaiTiithors, Leslie Peters. Navv League: Alice Banwell 1, Lawrence Wricrbt 2, Charles Martin 3. Specials: Audrov Mowat and Alice Banwell (cookery, equal). Standard IVA. —Rvlvia Lawrence ]. William Williams 2, Margaret Finder (with first for needlework) 3. Proficiency: Ivy . Lousloy, Constance Hughes, William M'Lay, . Harold Giles. Special; Violet Woodward, Mavis Hunt (needlework). Standard IVB.—Mabel Bewley 1, Phyllis Freeman 2, Raymond Eceles a. Proficiency: Norma Wallis, Patricia Taylor, William Howarth. Alexander Patrick, •Tames J,.ckson, CliarHs .Ross, Norma Toomcr, Mavis Rees, (Marjory Hargreaves. Improvement in writing: Gordon Mackie. Needlework: Phyllis Page. Standard IJlA.—Rugby White 1, Leonard Bewley 2, Clive Elliott 3. Proficiency; Richard Stent, Alice Sainfibiiry, Albert Parsons, Dorothy Davis, Doris Ramsay, George. Ferguson. Improvement in writing: Sadie Sydor. .General knowledge: Walter M‘Gregor. Needlework: Tni Stokes. Standard TUB. Loma« Thorn (special mention in spelling 11 1. Harry Gallagher 2. Isobel Burgess (special mention in home work) 3, Frank Crossley 4. Prof -icncy: Alvia Anderson, Arnold Perry, ( Rodney Colston, Evelyn King. Alex. Jones. | Specials; James Stephenson (writing), Rena Fox (neatness and accuracy), Nellie { Marechal (arithmetic), Clarice Aitkon j (spelling). Needlework: Doreen M'Grath, Standard IT.-—Ngairo Buchan 1. Margaret Young 2, Marie Stevenson and James Caskio (equal) 3. Proficiency; Graham Wright, Elva Pearce, Eric Lyons, Jean ' Mahalm, Stella Johnston. Progress:

Audrey M'Lelland, John Malcolm, Freda Tombs, Richard Greenway, Ernest Hay. Needlework: Moira Carter. Standard I.—Colin Horn 1, Elma White and Robert M'Keich (equal) 2. Proficiency: Eileen King, Alex. Dickson, Kathleen Currie, Joe Todd, Maisie O’Brien, Reah Mason. Improvement: Jack Warren, Muriel Wentworth, Margaret Price, Lily Douglas, Dorothy M'Lelland, Alf. Mackie Harold Jones, Annie Stewart. Special for class behaviour and help in room: Alex. Smiley. Needlework: Dorothy Christensen. Ps.—Joyce Carter 1, Laurie Wallis 2. PL—Eric Lundquist 1, Eileen Galbraith 2. Special for handwork: Wilfred Ashby. ALBANY STREET. Standard VI. —Dux of school: Elizabeth A. M'Lean. “J. A. Robertson” Memorial Cup: Don. Campbell. “J. L. Ferguson” memorial prizes for English: R. Gordon, Ivan Hay. Class marks: Eliz. A. M'Lean 1, Eileen Gordon 2, Katie Malcolm 3. Boys: Jack Aitchison 1, Ivan Hay 2, John Gilkison 3. Domestic science; Bessie M'Lean, Eileen Gordon (equal). Geometrical drawing and carpentry: Erie Chapman. Writing: Doreen M'Cusker. Athenaeum prize; Eileen Gordon. Standard VA.—Merit prizes, girls: Audrey Watson 1, Nola Shearer 2, Vera Jarvis 3, Merit prizes, boys: Fred Russel 1, Charles Jenkins 2, Sydney Cottle and Stuart Kemp (equal) 3. Neatness: Dons Dasler. Agriculture: Fred Russel. Best home garden; Peter Nicolson 1, Allan M'Lean 2. Standard VB. —Girls: Eunice Barton 1, Edna Reeves 2. Boys: Ronald Meinung 1, George Jarvis 2, Cookery: Moura Bailey and Ruby Reid (equal). Woodwork: Ronald Meinung. Standard IV. —Class marks, gilds: Mavis Walker 1, Brenda Ferguson 2, Joan Crawford 3. Boys: Mcrvyn Ferguson 1. Roy Miller 2, Alwyn Buckland and Harold Latimer (equal) 3. Diligence; Pearl Weir. Thomas Donaldson, Stanley Scales. Progress during third term: Albert Hunt. Writing prizes: Mavis Walker 1, Doris Taylor, Joan Crawford Stanley Greenfield, Yvonne M'Kenzie, Lionel Powell. Special prizes; Elsa M'Donald, Brenda Icrguson, Albert Wilkinson. . Standard 111. —(Jlaas marks —Girls: Joyce Yci-cx 1, Rozel Grant 2. Winifred Tate 3, Ina Ross 4. Boys: Walter Jarvis 1, Edward Davis 2, Errol polvui 3, John V\ aitc 4. General proiiciency: lan Gillon and Daisy Waller. Composition; Wilfred Higgs. Writing and general neatness: Doreen Douchrass. Faithful moiiitorship: Dorothy Broadfoot, Arthur Smith, Thomas M'Farlane, James Mulholland. Standard IHB.—Class marks: Edward Toase 1, John Kirkwood 2, Lindsay Sutherland 3. General proiiciency: llhoda Barnes. Sewing, handwork, and writing; Mavis Madigan. , _ , standard 1113, “Class marks: Douglas Scott 1, Beta Weir 2, Edith Black 5. General proficiency; Leonard Chisholm, Norman C dan. . Standard ilA.—Class marks—Boys : David Alderton 1, Jack Doig 2, Ldward atsou 3. Girls: Eileen Goodyer 1, Clara Williams 2, Marjorie Dunn 3. General proiicioncy: Coreon Murray, Rita Brown. Writing, sewing, and handwork: Edna Todd. Progress: Ewan Neame. Standard I.—Class marks—Girls : Thelma Weaver 1, Olga Keiglian 2, Doreen Cameron 3. Boys: Wreford Palmer 1, Alan Ramsay 2, Bennie Bedford 3. General neatness: Bertie Sanderson and Betty Bills. Class IV.—Boys: Raymond Ramsay 1, Desmond Smith 2. Walter M'Cusker 3. Girls: Jean Busbridge 1, Thelma Waddell 2. Helen Waddell 3. ALBANY STREET RURAL MODEL. Dux: E. Graham. Diligence prizes: Standard VI—M. Fleming H. Jarvis, Standard V —E. Garthwaite; Standard IV A. Wood, D. Whyte; Standard lII—L. French; Standard lI—W. Coutts J. M'Guire; Standard I—M. Whyte. Navy League prizes: L. looks 1. E. Graham 2. Sports prizes: Sports champion, Don Campbell. Football representative’s cap, Do,, Campbell. Alhambra medals: A teamBest back, Joseph Fox; best forward, Don Campbell. Mr Gray’s medals: Best forward—bantams, 'F. Polworth; best back, B. Fox. B team; Best back, R. Scales forward, A. Gorrie. Cricket: A team— W Roycroft. Tennis: Standard VI, M. Douglas; Standard \, F. Sinclair; Standard IV, M. Gilkison; tennis doubles, M. Gilkison and E. Ruxton. Basket ball: M. Gilkison, M. Marks. Swimming: Relay race—J. Robertson, vV. Jones. S. Jarvis, T. Donaldson; 25 yards’ championship (boys under 11) W. Jarvis: 25 vards championship (boys under 12), T. Donaldson. Running: 75 yards championship (girls under 13), Moira Marks. Band: ti. Morrison, 11. Latimer, J. Doig. MORNINGTON SCHOOL. Standard VI: Dux of school; Prudence Davies (medal presented by Mr C. Mitchell). Marks; Boys—D. Freeman 1, A. Lind 2, F. M'Laren 3; girls—P. Davies 1, II Wilson 2 L. Cooper 3. Merit prizes; A. Clark, F. Waite, N. Haig, K. Iticrocci, F. Turnbull. J-. Lawson, T. Rutherford. Second class merit certificates: C. VVelham, J Boyd, R. Willett N. Wilkinson, E. Freeman, R. M'Kay. A. Lamb, A. Napier, A M'Murray, H. Sandford, C. Ryan, Harold Wilson. M. Clark, R. Naumann, J. Fraser, K. Felling, M. Sutton, N. Sanders T. Smith, M. Crawford, M. M‘Arthur. I. Dickel, R. Jack M. Boat wood. Writing (Mr Solomon’s prizes): Mona Clark 1, Hilda Wilson 2. Sewing (Miss Nelson’s prizes): Mona Clark 1, Andrew Clark 2. Cooking: Hilda Wilson 1 (Mrs J. W. Patton’s prize), K. Incrocci 2. Woodwork: John Boyd 1, William Robertson 2. Agriculture: R. Willett (neatest notebook), J. Fraser, Wilkinson, D. Freeman, F. M'Laren, A. Lamb A Keen, A. M'Murray, L. Taylor. English and history (Dunedin Whenseum prize): P. Davies. Most improvement in writing: Mona Jordon. Band prizes: Ist flutei. P. Ramiage and F. Osborne; 2nd flutes. G. Lawrence; 3H flutes, P. Slemint; bass flutes, A. Lind. Tennis: Girls—l. Dickel, K. Incrocci; I, OVS _C. Wilson (Mrs Dickol’s prize) Standard V.—lnez Herrick 1, Joan Butler 2, Beth Bohm 3; Herbert Agnew 1, Jack Hannah 2, Lex Hall 3. Consistent work and progress: Mary Craig, Rhona Driver, Mavis Graham, Eileen Harris, Irene Paris, Winnie Whyborn, Helen Dodd. Merit certificates: First class — Betty Jack, Jessie Martin. Edna Osborne. Roderic Latimer, Jack Dickson, Ewan Hay, Jack Webster; second class —Mabel Cotton, Annie Davis, Yera Downes, Hene Hardie, Isola Henderson, Alice M'Kay, Lila Pearce, Stella Porteous, Rosa Procter, Pearl Smith, Betty Tennant, Pearl Wyllie, William Anderson, Broncliley Bennet. David Finlayson, Ronald Henderson, William Mitchell. Andrew Nelson, Alec Hauiage, Frank Whyborn. Woodwork: Frank Whyborn. Cookery: Rhona Driver. Sewing: Nerissa Hamilton 1, Mary Craig 2. Drawing: Jack Dickson. Original story: Petetrl Smith. General improvement: Brenchley Bennet. General neatness: Pearl Wyllie. Writing (Mr S. Solomon’s prize) : Both Bohm and Stella Porteous. Standard IV. —Girls —Class marks: Jessie Dodd 1, Myrtle Ryals 2, Lorna Lowrio 3. Merit prize: Rona M'Lean. General improvement: Ethel Wrightson. English (special prize) : Margaret Whiteside. Writing (Mr S. Solomon’s prize): M. Ryalls. Sewing: Irene Sutherland 1, Isabel Sutherland 2, Edith Cooper (special). Special prizes for progress; Rita Lee, Olive Marshall, Jean Robinson. Bible knowledge (special prize given by the Rev. 5. J. Cooper) ; Margaret Whiteside. Boys—First-class merit: Lloyd Butler 1, Tan M'Narcy 2, William Smart 3. Progress: William Cunningham. Second-class merit certificates: K. Smith, J. Napier, N. Hickey. Writing (presented by Mr S. Solomon) : J. Joyce. Drawing: J. Walker, K. Burrell. History and geography: A. Davidson, W. M'Kinnon. Swimming ((Mr C. Mitchell’s cup) : Reuben Lamb. Standard lll.—Girls—Joyce Baton 1, Nancy Hay 2, Maids Smart 3; boys—■ Robert Wilson 1, Douglas Smith 2, Claude Agnew 3. Progress: Edith Whiteside, William Grant, Winnie Taylor. Certificate; Joan Barclay. Second class merit certificates: Leslie Wilson, Doreen Drysdiile, Dorothy Hardie, Barney Barton, Frederick Freeman. Robert Hornal, Owen Sinsbury, Frank Wilson, John Scoones, Jack Hornal, Iris Exlor. Betty Patey, Winnie Weir, Eileen Wilson, Charles Webster, Bert Haugli, John Proctor, Elizabeth Wcatherstnn, Dudley Fraser, Douglas Pedlow, Catherine Labes, Douglas Wilson. Sewing; Joan Barclay 1, Daphne Wellbourne. Standard If. —Class marks: Girls — Mollv M'Arthur 1, Eileen Whiteside 2, Martha Seidelin 3; boys—Kelso Nelson 1, Maurice Grey 2, Douglas Newman 3. First class merit prizes: Evelyn Williamson, Edna M'Lean. First class merit certificates: Charlotte Robertson, Ross Bennet, Arthur Harris, Frank Hooper, George Napier, Arthur Oakes, Toni Schofield. Second clr-s merit certifi r, at'‘s; Girls— Gwen Dickel, Ruth Hutton, Isobel Latimer May Moiklejolin. Grace Perry, Jessie Pettit, Francos Patton, Irene Richards, Eda/v Robert*; boys—Daniel Chisholm. William Cotton, Alexander Easson, George

Lawrence, Harry Lindley, Robert Russell, Preston Slemint, Robin Wilkinson. Sewing; Gwen Dickel. Drawing; Alexander Easson. Standard Ha. —Girl—Nancy Cnghton 1, Joyas Sadman 2, Isabella Currie 5; boys— Raymond Rennet 1, Lance Phelan 2. Progress : Raymond Smart. Second-class merit cortilicato; Agnes Waite, Doreen Freeman, Maysio Scofield, Violet Stewart. Sewing prize: Elizabeth M'Callum. Eight attendance certilicates. —lA.—Boys—Robert Smart 1, Richard Brown 2; Leonard Hornal 3; girls—Joyce Caldwell 1, Myrtle Russell 2. Koa M’Lay 3- Progress: Oscar Gustafson, Douglas Shirley, Thomas Wight, Grace Wyatt, Lydia Henderson, George Gourlie. Sowing; Margaret Russell !• Iris Scholfield 2. Writing; Doreen Sutherland 1. Emily Grigg 2. Drawing: Leslie Lamb. Second-class coi l ideates: Myra Collier, Doreen Sutherland, Jack Kenn, Roy Newman, Albert Middleton, William Reay, Eric Whyborn. ANDERSON’: FAY. Standard Vl.—Dux of school: Eileen A. M. Wheeler. Merit prizes: John Irvine, Joyce Ogilvie, Gordon Jupp, Elsie’ Blackmore, Allen Simpson, Maxwell Somerville. Sewing: Rita Yates. Cookery: Elsie Blackmore. Best agricultural note book: William Hewitt. Best work book; Lorna Miles. Woodwork: John Irvine, Stewart Duke, John Kenyon. Writing: Ada Pearce. Athenreum prize; Eileen A. M. Wheeler. Navy League: Joyce Ogilvie, Eileen Wheeler. Mechanical arithmetic: Elinor Cameron. Standard V.—Merit prizes: Donald Shaw. Charles Wheeler, Celeste Bnrdsley, Ohve Plunkett, Edward Simpson, Alexander Williams. Sowing; Phyllis Black, Gwendoline Sobelin. Cookery; Olive Plunkett. Best agricultural note book Norman Stuble; Best work book: Elizabeth Davie Woodwork; Alan Auld. Writing: Nellie Addison. Navy League; Charles Wheeler, Donald Shaw, Olive Plunkett. Standard lA'. —Mechanical arithmetic: Vernon Creed. Sewing: AMolet King, AVork book: Eileen Holden, Allen Roberts. Handwork; Thomas Green. Class marks: Phyllis Blackmore 1. Vernon Creed 2, Mona AATlliams J. I‘ay Tyson. Ruby Ross, Eunice, Affleck, Frame Lowry, Leonard Turner, Jean MacLcau, Robert AVallaco, Elizabeth Clark. Standard lll.—Sewing; Irene Pearce. AVriting. Grace Aitken. Handwork: Frank Todd. Mechanical arithmetic: Colin Graib. Steady work; Helm Bishop George Peters. Merit: Marie Smith, Neil Ferguson, AVilliam Soiperville, Clive Guthrie, Ray M'Garrigic, Lachlan Eclie. Standard II. —Sewing: Phyllis Neville. Diligence: Marie Tilleyshort, L. Halverson. Class Marks; Jack Martin 1. Victor Mutcheon 2, Geoffrey Blackmore Ethel Woodward, Lesley AValker. Eileen \yrcs, Mona Irvine, Catherine Smith, Elizabeth Seymour, Margaret Somerville, Jonn AA 7 heoler, Thomas Somerville, Lily Plunkett, Mary Mackay, Daphne Bardsley, Colin Bankshaw, A 7 erdun Afflecht, Phyllis Neville. Standard I.—Class Marks; Dorothy AVimpenny 1, Edna Robertson 2, Jean Huggins, Amelia Cooper, Rita Davies, Lindsay Breeze, Mildred Shaw, John M'Garrigle, Jean Guthrie, Gordon Duncan Mary Duke, AVilliam Lament, Mabel Saliston, Kenneth Aitken, Burnett Brosnan, Donald Patrick. Sewing; Rita Davie. MORAY PLACE. Dnx (gold medal) ; John M. Paape. Most popular boy: Albert Graham. Moat, popular girl: Alice Brockett. Standard AM.—Class prizes: John Paapo 1, Margaret Davey 2, Margaret Sewell 3, John Kinniburgh 4. Graham Allen 5. Citizenship essay: Boy’S—John Paape 1, Graham Allen 2; girls—Doris Morgan 1, Margaret Davey 2. Woodwork: Graham Allen 1. Drawing; Graham Allen 1. Athenaeum prize (English and history) : Jack Paape 1. Home work; Alice Bz’ockett. Cooking: Alice Brockett and Agnes Kilgour (equal). Mental arithmetic: Margaret Davey 1. Attendance (seven years unbroken); Alice Day, Frances Galvin. Good conduct: Margaret Black. Dorothy Bennett, and Eric Trainor. Standard V.—Cookery: Robina, Hyder. AVoodwork: George Baskett. Homework: Helene Salmon. Class prizes; Helene Salmon, Jean Carr. Celia Pollard, Elsie Warren, Isa More, Robina Hyder, Standard IV.—General . proficiency: John Halligan 1, Lena Kinniburgh 2, Norman Stanton 3, Evelyn Young 4. Diligence: Jessie Shepherd. Sewing; May Nees. Homework: Frances Robertson. Standard 111. —Class marks; Colin Noes 1, Agnes Halligan 2, Netta Ellison .3, Kathleen Moore 4, Vincent Salmon 5. Nola Bennett 6. Progress prize; Beryl Hunter. Homework: Alan Bartlett. Drawing: Elaine Gerrie. Sewing; Evelyn Parker. Attendance: First class —Joseph Day, Fred Lucas, Vincent Salmon, Evelyn Coulter, Dorothy Shallish; second class— Tom Dunlop, Netta Ellison, Honor Rowe. Standard llß.—Class marks: Annie Fulcher 1, Reta Warren 2, David Lowrie 3, Rosslyn Baker 4. Homework: Glennie Baskett. Standard IIA: Class marks: Raymond ' Donaldson 1, Kenneth Russell 2, Alexander Garrick 3, Archie Edgar 4, Harry Bethune 5, Arthur Paape 6. Sewing: Mavis Moore. Standard I. —Class marks: Richard Smallman 1. Doris Cox 2, Edward Leckic 3, Florence Day 4, Robert Galvin 5, Violet Mant 6, Jack Taylor 7. Sewing: Edna Rowe. HIGH STREET. Dux of school: Geoffrey Flavell. Standard VI. —Class marks: Boys— Geoffrey Flavell 1, William Carswell 2, George Roberts 3; girls—Lily Williamson 1, Doris Ilamblett 2, Jean Wilkie 3. Medal (highest aggregate, girls) : Lily AVilliamson. Athenaiiim prize; Geoffrey Flavell. Park memorial prize (composition): Geoffrey Flavell. Shaw medal (mental arithmetic): Rona M’Kcwen. Taylor memorial prize (reading, writing, arithmetic) : Doris Hamblett and William Carswell (equal). Abigail memorial prize: Doris Hamblett. Janet MTntosh bursary: Adelaide M’Millan and George Roberts (equal). R. A. Ewing memorial prize: Agnes Linnane. Drawing: Frank Angel. Writing: Margaret Henderson. Cookery: Jean Wilkie. Sewing: Eileen Hill, Adelaide M’Millan. Woodwork: Eric Sundstrum, John Robertson. Navy League essay: Geoffrey Flavell 1, Leonard AValmsley 2, George Roberts 3. Attendance prizes (certificates for six consecutive years): Arthur Collins, George Roberts. Special prize (best boy in indoor and outdoor activities) : Benjamin AA r atkins. Progress: Harry Litoltf. Standard V. —Class marks —girls : Margaret King 1, Hottie Roberts 2, Hilda Watson 5. Boys: Leslie M‘Millan 1, John Barrio 2, Roger Grant 5. Park Memorial medal (essay): Arthur Dingwall. Mr Galloway’s prizes (reading, writing, and arithmetic) : Maureen Irving 1, Stuart Macdonald 2. George Smart 3. Ina Bagrio Johnstone Memorial modal (singing): John Borrio. Mental (Mr Shaw’s medal): Leslie M Millan. Drawing: Alfred Stewart. Writing: Mollie Sullivan. Cooking: Hettie Roberts. Woodwork: William Trotter. Sewing: Mary Seelye. Essay: Frances \ 7 a!entinc Standard IV. —Class marks —boys; Ernest M’Kellar 1, Edwin Valentino 2, Edwin Thomas 3. Girls: Josephine Taylor 1, Irene Smith 2, Edna Chilcott and Alice Thomson (equal) 3. Progress prizes—boys; Leonard Doull. Arthur Rackley Girls: Joyce Blakeley. Composition (Park memorial medal); Josenhire Tavlor. Mental arithmetic; Alice Thomson. AVriting: Enda Chilcott. Sewing: Margaret Angel and Emily Andrews (equal). Drawing; Margaret Angel. Standard 111 (B).—Aggregate marks—bn%’s: John Elvedge 1, AA 7 . Morrison 2. (4 'M’Millan 3. Girls: Bcttv Scott 1 Bessie Fisher 2, Marjorie Ilamblett 3. Park memorial prize: Marjorie Hainbiett. Sowing: Tcsloy Meighan. Class marks— girls: Kay Beck L Boys; Gilbert Keller 1. Standard ITTA, —Class marks—Boys : Alexander Borrio 1, Donald Mackenzie 2, Frederick Smith 3. Girls: Nayda Sinclair 1. Mary Kwok 2, Ngyrc Cox 3. Writing: Mary Kwok. Drawing : Stanley Robertson, Mental arithmetic ; Alexander Borrie. Composition (Park Memorial): Mayda Sinelair. Sewing: Catherine Fyfe, Standard If.—Class prizes—Boys : Scott Moody 1, Keith Hall 2, William Anderson 3. Girls: Isabel King 1, Mary Fisher 2, Margaret Mitchell 3. U riling: Phyllis Rackley and Stanley Pufze (equal). Drawing: 'Morris Baird and Nan Kerr (equal). Composition : Nancy Reid. Mental _ arithmetic: ITnzcl Clyde. Sewing: AVinifrcd Richardson. Standard IB.—Boys; Garnet Fyfe 1, James Greenwood 2. Girls: Gladys Thompson 1, June Robertson 2. Joyce Sinclair 3. MTtbmetic : Eric Johnston. Composition; Nancy Robertson. Writing: Gladys Thomp- I son (special prize). Drawing: James Green- ) wood. Sewing: Catherine Grey. j Standard HP,— Roys: Herbert Stevenson 1, Leonard Paine 2. Girls : Jean Marriage. Special prize : Ales a Ralston. Arithmetic:

Gage Siae. Composition: William Foote. Writing: Russell King. Drawing; Richard Whittleston. Sewing: Betty Seelye. Standard 1 A.—Aggregate marks, Boys: Norrie Mitchell 1, Leonard Stevenson 2, Cyril Stark 5, Leslie Blackie 4, Norman Ritchie 5. Girls: Annie M'Kenzie 1, Marjorie Thompson 2, Rona M'Kenzie 3, Hazel Whittlestone 4, Rosina Smith 5. Sewing: Winifred Wilson. Class IV.—Class marks. Boys: Robin Stuart 1 Raymond Scott 2, lan M Lean 3. Girls: Betty Elvidge 1, Minnie Anderson 2, Enid Young 3. Progress: Isabel Grant. Drawing: Paul Hanley. Writing: Molly Williams. Arithmetic: Gordon Black. KENSINGTON. Standard Vl.—Dux, Alex. Marshall. Boys: Ernest Arnold 2, Archie M'Lwan 3. Girls; Enid Sinunonds 1. Thelma Carter 2 Jia,( Blackledge 3. Woodwork: Ernest Arnold 1. Special: Archie M‘Ewan. Cookery: Helen Mackay. Sewing: Mary Gray. Dunedin Athenjeimi: Thelma Wilson. Drill: Robert M'Clatchy. Sports medal: Frank Tobin, Standard V.—Boys: Charles Bouit, 1, Thomas Bennett 2, William Vernon 3. Girls: Mary Boult L Irene Jeavons 2, Lavinia Cormack 3. Woodwork; Harold Outram and David Stevenson. Cookery: Lavinia Cormack. Sewing: Mona Cairns. Young Helpers’ League: Eileen M'Laren. Drill; Leonard Clement. Standard IV. —Boys: Ronald Wheeler 1, Robert Robertson 2, David Templeton 3. Girls: Iris Carter 1, Pearl M'Lcan 2, Lucy Gray 3. Sowing; Meryl Gilder. Drill: Roy M‘Loan. Standard HI. Boys: Joffre Tointon 1, Walter Paterson 2, lan M'Lcan 3. Girls: Joan Johnson 1. Muriel Montgomery 2. Rona Ibhotson 3. Drill; Lawrence Holley. Diligence: Richard Whittington. Sowing: Joan Johnson. Writing: Erla Wilson. Standard IT. —Bovs: Wishart I Jar kiss I, Alex. Bennett 2. Edward Brooks 3. Girls: Doris Kelly 1, Doris Jones 2, Olga Paul 3. Sowing; Elsie Black. Drill; Clerkin Clement General progress: Nettie Ashton Noatess: Maurice Mock. ■Standard I.—Boys: Richard Pyno 1, Allan Harris 2. John Michael 3. Girls: Dorothy Sutherland 1, Bessie More 2, Joan Anderson 3. Drill; .lad: Bryan. Sewing: Marjory Whyte. Neatness: Marjory Whyte. NORTH-EAST VALLEY. Dux (gold medal) : Eric Jenkins. Standard Vl.—Memorial Arch prizes; Mina Morton 1, John Mutch 2. Sewing; Rita Fowler. Cookery: Vera R. Brainbridge. Woodwork: John Preedy. Bible lesson: James Moore 1, Margaret Garbutt and Frank Robb (equal) 2. Athenceum prize; James Moore. Writing: Albert W. Garner. Progress: Boys —William M'Laren ( Arthur Fox; girls— Jean M'Bain, Janet C. Lawrence. Class hiarks: Boys—William Benfell 2, Frank Robb 3. Class marks: Girls—Agnes Still 1, Margaret Garbutt 2, Olwen Rood 3. Standard VA.—Sewing: Romily Boyes. Cookery: Margaret Asher. Writing:; Alice Blampied. Memorial Arch prize: Una Warburton. Class marks: Evelyn Potter 1, Louvain M'Donald 2, Mary Fleming 3. Standard VB.—Navy League prizes: Selwyn Beazley (equal) 1, Thomas Smith 3. Memorial Arch prize: John King. Woodwork: Eric Pridham. Class marks; John King 1, Edward Luckman 2, Herbert Benfell 3. Standard IVA. Sewing: Isabell Parker, Helen Stewart 2. Class marks; Gladys Luckman 1, Isa Gillies 2, Eileen Todd 3. Standard IVB.—Writing: Arthur Garner. Class marks; Robert Bruce 1, Alfred Boyes 2, Niven M'Rap and John John Paul (equal) 3. Standard lllA.—Sewing; Margaret Weir. Class marks: Elizabeth Brown I. Standard lllß.—Diligence: Alexander M'Bain. Spelling: William Arthur. Class marks: Raymond Breese 1, lan Peterson and Verdun Petrie (equal) 2. Standard lllC.—Sewing: Mabel Frank. Writing: Dorothy Arthur. History, etc.: Roger Howell, Spelling: Dorothy Benfell. Class marks: Barbara Saul 1, Dorothy Benfell 2, Amy Garner 3. Standard lIA. —Sewing: Molly Robertson. Writing: Victor Marshall. Class marks: Boys—Roger Howell 1; girls— Margaret Mackenzie 1. Standard 118. —Sewing: Dorothy James. Class marks: Myrtle Still 1, Betty Harris 2, Lorraine Wright 3. Standard llC.—Sewing: Ellen Arthur. Class marks; Boys—-Arthur Scoones 1; girls—Violet Ingram. Standard lA.—Class marks: Boys—John Still 1, David Mutch 2, George Scoones Girls—Myrtle Flay ward 1, Eiva Light 2, Jean Finnic 3. Sewing: Eunice Logan. Attendance certificates: Nine. Standard IB.—Class marks: Boys—lan Begg 1. Girls—Joyce Wright 1. Sewing: Joyce Maxwell. Attendance certificates: Four. Standard IC.—Doris Carter. Standard ID.—Class marks: Leslie Fraser 1, Alfred Lawrence 2. Attendance certificates: Two. P. V.—Class marks: Boys—Eric Wilhohnsen 1, Colin Bortenshaw 2, lan Cameron 3. Girls—Winnie Bransgrove i. Jean Russell 2, Fiona M'Leod 3. Attendance certificates: Seven. Athletics: D. Farquharson. Swimming: Winners of Olds Cup, Standard IV —E. Cheshire, M. Vicjcers, A. Warner, R. Schlonbach. Football: Leslie Ogg, R. Cockerill, Cricket: S. Smith, D. M'Lonnan. ST. CLAIR. Dux of school; Esme Duckworth. Standard Vl.—Merit prizes: Nancy Ainge, Oscar Bain, Betty Bell, Mura Black, Elsie Bond, Ross Broadbent, Marie Buchanan, Alexander Dickie, Henry James, Gertrude Orlowski, Raymond Pryde, Waiter Rodgerson, Christopher Simpson. Athenseum prize: Alexandra Dickie. English (Mr L. Pope’s prize): Jean Rowlatt. Best athlete in school; Allan Turnbull. Standard V.—Dux: Neil George Robertson. Merit prizes: Geoffrey Bohvell, Ivan Dormer Delaney, Thelma Lillie Duckworth, Nancy Howarth Pastier, Koda Edis Gore, Cyril James Hunter, Elsie Agnes Manett, Rita Eileen M'Leod, David George Marshall. Gladys Maud Smith, Wilfred A. R. Smith. Lilian Dorothy Vial, Rua Amro Wight. Standard IV.—Dux: John Rhodes and Donald Rutherford (equal). Merit: Gilda Bezar, Beverley Bain, Irene Bramwell, John Brown, Alva Craig, Brian Falck, June Francis, Joyce Fox, Margaret Fustier, Charles Freeman, Hugh Gore. Thalia Green, Olive Hamblcton, Vernon Johnstone, Ivan Laughton, Molly M'Phail, Iris Rowlatt, Asquith Raynor, Harold Tvrie. Denis Wood. Standard 111. —Dux: Clarice Faigan, Mcirit: June Archbold, Norma Brown, John Coombs, Irvine Campbell, Stuart Callender, John Finch, Kathleen Fairbairn, Nancy Ferguson, Florence Giles, Kenneth Mackay, John M'Kenzie, Alfred Marett, Grotta Marr, James Ramsay, Victor Sparrow, Allan Shore, Allan Stewart, Alma Taylor. Progress; John Walker. Ethel Todd. Standard II. —Dux: Audrey Ainge. Merit prizes: Thomas Anderson, Clifford Andrews, Audrey Baker, Bettine Black, Ngaira Baker, Edmund Chrisp, Justin Connolley, Elsie Evans. Lance Green, Norman Harravvay, Margaret Johnstone, Nelson Mazey, Edith Macfarlane, Margaret M'Lay, Arthur Markham, Dulcie Moder, Cyril M'Lcan. Edna Rosevear, Ewing Scorgie, Peggy Sturgeon, Nyra Thompson, Archibald Welsh. Handwork: Wilfred Pringle. Standard I.—Dux: Joyce Ainge and Winifred Duncan (equal). Merit prizes; Allan Bichan, Lawrence Campbell, Rae Fairbairn, Mary Ferguson, Moira Field, Audrey Hambleton, Meryl Oaten. Shirley Palmer, Joan Paterson, Andrew Paterson, Allan Spence. SAWYERS’ BAY. Standard Vl.—Dux of school (gold medal): Agnes Skilbeck. First class: Asquith Thomson, Lilian Brownlee, Alfred Broadloy, Ivan Gray, John Tippin, Jean darkness. Second class: Thomas Skilbeck, Annie Attwood, Mamie. Mitchell Frank darkness, Neville Pratloy. Woodwork (special); Ivan Gray L Asquith Thomson 2. Cookery (special) : Jean darkness 1, Lilian Brownlee 2. Sewing (special): Mamie Mitchell 1. Shooting: Alfred Broatiley. .Standard V.—First class; Laura Mitchell, Isabel Bayne, Thomas West, Roy Walker. Second class: Florence Farquharson, Alice Fish er, Irene Offen. Fred Brandham. Alice | Docherty. Third class: Alex. Docherty, I Alex. Patterson. Cookery (special) : Florence Farquharson 1 Isabel Bayne 2. Shooting ; Alan Docherty (silver medal). ! Standard IV. —Fii-st class: Jean Chi> i holm,, Leslie Kennedy, Myra llewltsoii, Nellie Parautlioicne, Maitland Pratley, Joyce Caspar, Rose Newsome, Irene Farquharson, Ronald Cox. Henry Hudson, James Treloar. Second class: Andrew Perry,

John Agnew, Andrew Patterson, Clifford Sykes, Esther Abernethy, Moora Peck, Sabina Pritchard. Third class: Isabel Patterson. Sewing; Jean Chisholm. Shooting: Andrew Patterson. Standard 111. —First class: Ethel Skilbeck, Alin Lament. Second class: Thomas Abernethy, Lawrence Brownlee, Kenneth Pewtriss-Perry, James Pritchard. Second class: Besssie Abernethy, Joyce Hurndell, Fred ■ Fisher, William Friend, Thomas Harkness, Leslie Mitchell, Edward Oilen, Charles Wallis. Standard II. —First class : Frank Throp. Second class: Dinah Tappin, Alex. Fraser, Harold Mullen, Edward Paranthoiene, Kitchener Newsome. Third class; Florence West, James A burn, Arthur Abernethy, Murray Farquharson, John Henderson, Lloyd Perry, Valentine Pratley, Joseph Tappin. Standard I.—First class: John Broadley, Douglas Kennedy, Jessie Mitchell, Walter Pewtriss-Perry, John Docherty. Second class: 1 Colin Brownlee, Mary Hewitson, I Gilbert Gumming. Third class: Hugh Palmer, James Lean. ■ P, IV.—First class: Donald Gray, Peggy Hurndell, Winnie Gaspar, Douglas Palmer, Andrew Kearney, George _ Abernethy. Second class: Pearl Austin, Norman Pritchard, Florence Newsome, _ Annie Fraser. Third class: Alfred Kilpatrick, Donald Kearney, Brian Booth, Ina Andrews, Pearl Lament, Joan Cleghorn, Philip Sykes, Ewan Agnew, George Gibbs. KAIKOEAI. Standard VI. —Dux (gold medal): lan Orr. Dux (gold modal): Edith Allan. Class Prizes: Ronald Stephenson (2), William Harris (5), Joan Forbes (2), Luella Hamer (3,1. Progress; Koanetih Allan, Mabel Pearce. Cookery: Una Taylor. Woodwork: lan Morrison. Sewing: Catherine Blackwood. Drawing and mapping: Rona Alcock. Writing: Luella Hamer. Exercise book: Doris Forman. Recitation; Norman irmour. Athenaeum prize: Edith Allan. Fitzgerald memorial: Albert Smyth. Sports: William Hams, Lily Robertson Attendance prizes; Una Taylor (10 years), record. May Sunderland (seven years), Catherine Blackwood (six years), Catherine Jeffrey (six years) Margaret Armit (six years). Head master s football medal: Cyril Mowat. Standard V—Class prizes: Dudley Lock, Robert Hav Alan Sutherland, Ellen Marshall Runa MTntosh, Kathleen Knight. Progress: Robert Hay, Arthur Lowe, Rhona Ball, Betty Randle. Best exercise: Harolu Moreton, Ellen Marshall. Sewing: Agnes Smyth. Physical measurements; Jack Jowsey. Neatness: Dudley Lock, Agnes Smyth. Composition: Colin Simpkin. Handwork: Reginald Harper. Ellen Marshall Hoad master’s football medal; George Pledger. Girls’ sports’ prize: Rhona Ba 1. Standard VB --Class prizes: Reginald Harper. Leslie Thomas. Progress: Erwin Lamb Alan Paulin. Neatest exercise book: Kenneth Stewart. Greatest improvement; John Donoghue , Standard IV, Boys.—Class prizes: Leslie Stokes (Hall memorial prize), Stanley Hunter. Graeme Lothian. Progress; Kenneth Browne, Norman Foster, Angus Chisholm. Best exercise book: Malcolm Millar Conduct: Ronald Haley, Douglas Georgeson, Geography: Augustus Brown. Improvement; Desmond Lock, James i homson. Oral work: George Broad. Standard IV, Girls.—Class prizes: Margaret Anderson (Hall memorial prize). Elizabeth Rawlinson, Eleanor Morrison, Progress: Dorothy Clyde, Eileen Richards, Ivy Robinson, Lorraine M'Glashan Eileen Gillies Improvement; Jessie Harper, Muriel Webster. Florence Webster. Writing; Denderah Ward Home exercise: Gwen Webster. Sewing: Dons M Har y. Doreen Holden. Swimming: Hilda Abbott. Good conduct: Phyllis Arthur, Corahe M'Bean. ■ , , T Standard 111, Boys.-LMass marks: Ivan Exccll, Kerr Sonntag, Robcn Clark. Progress: Hugh Chisholm, John Hanna, Alistair Reid, Alan M’Morr. Composition: Murdoch Paterson. William M'Dougall. Douglas lan Johnson. Best exercise book: Alexander Miller. Lennox Millar. Drawing: Alan Hutton. Improved work: George Dayie. Kerr Sonntag Young Helpers’ League urizes- Robert Clark, Isabel Clark. Standard HI, Girls, -Class marks: Phvlhs Marshall, Jean Garrick, Hazel Elhs. Pro (71-ess- Dorothy Dixon, Annie Schofield, Nancy Orr, Nellie Rintoul Edna Buchler, Jean Improvement: Slillie Musson. Best exercise book: Isabel Muaon Sewing: Nelli© Rintoul. Handwork and draw‘"itaJdard Sewing": Webster. Homework: Gladys M Gregor Boys. —Class marks: Douglas Beid Arehu) SinWn. S' LVTlome.oK“i Brocki Spelling TTB Girls —Class marks : Connie Snlers'* bpieis, may > Ormiston Walker, Sf’BeU. William Feron, Richard M« sso “- iM°fA —Boevs':—Class marks: Alan Standard • ar Gordon Clyde, Thomson. A i exa nder Anc£;s Mrr, H Tcr k: D I :’i'sfi Everest. : Sl'dfa ' marks! lir St .ss -r hr & Paterson, Henry Rainbow, Arthur Grantham. v—Bovs.— Keith Lothian, Infants, Class V.—boys. Girls: Alexander B X, d t h ’wFnXr .Norma BroadMolly Lawn,, R (equal). Progress prhrfolvfFarquharson. Andrew Cooper, Eva Strong. ________ MUSSELBURGH. qfnndard VI. —Dux, William MiddlendHf.& '‘S'-'" Robert Pratt; Doris Forster; Clifford Hobbs- John Crossan; Clanco Lang; Jessie Crust-’Albert Stenhouse; Avis Park; Phylli. Mason; Nancy Aitken; Harry Stevens, Olga Johnston. Composition: Gladys MofPt Sowing: Edna Monsdi. Cookery: Joyce Reid. Woodwork: Olive Anderson. Swimming: Clarice Lang. Gardening: Arthur M'Lollan. Athemeum prize: Win. Middleditcli, St. Kilda Library prize: Howard Harkness. Cricket prize: Nevi 1 M’Culloch and Graham Robertson (equal). Pirates’ Club modal for most improved footballer: Bon Stuart. Unbroken attendance for five years; Clarice Lang, Maurice Bonnell, W’ilHam Garbult. Standard VA.— Proficiency class: Joseph Haig Ivan Lawson. Class prizes: Hugh Crossan, Harold Groves, Irene Clark, Katie Langley, Edna Longwortb. James Dales, Chrissie Lunam. Allan Bennct, Nan M‘Kco, Robert Milbnrn, Gwen Richardson, Robert Loraine, Joseph Callister. Sowing: Chrissie Lunam Agriculture: Conrad Croal. Cookery: Cathie Carswell. Woodwork : Ronald Warren. Cricket prize: Joseph Haig. Standard VB.—Class marks: Nellie Bayley 1, Duncan M'Callum 2, Gordon Gladding 3, Ruth Reynolds. Phyllis Ferguson. Margaret Brown. Sowing: Molly Harrison. Standard IVA.—Frances Alexander 1, Arthur Leeden 2 (first in geography and history), Tan M'Lean 3, Alex. Mercer, Jean Lister, Olga Cowie, Douglas M'Kollar, Douglas Rowan, Francis M’Keo, Erie Harris, Phyllis Thomas, Rita Robinson, Stewart. Anderson, Bordix Martin, Nyra Lord. Mary 'Walker, Rita Lowe. Sowing: Lorna Esplin. Agriculture: Mansfield Bell. Swimming: Keith Harris. Standard TVB. —Class marks: Ernest Duncan 1, Graham Warren 2, William ( Pye 3, Walter Keen, Albert Giles, Gladys Currie. Bruce Clark and Eric Brown (equal), Ivy Rayly, Cyril Barrow, Roy Barrow. Dorothy Stark, Muriel Marshall. Alma Sims, Etto Kirkwood, Ernest Manson and Frank 'Warren (equal). Swimming: Ernest Manson, Alma Sims. Sewing: Gladys Currie. Standard ITTA.—Mae Eliffe 1, Ernest Wilson 2. Diligence: William Etheridge, Bruce Jones, James Thompson, Philip Dales, Stuart Boyd, Winnie Livingstone, , Hugh Ramsay. George Newman, Marjorie Thompson, Charles Maean, Mavis M‘Cormaek. Sewing: Joan Hamilton. Standard lllß.—Keith M'Culloch 1, James Callister 2, Clifford James 3. Class marks: Kenneth Skene, Joan Thompson. Leslie Robertson, Marion il Klee, Audrey Clark. Frank Dickson. Rex Carter, Andrew Smith. Derek Hardwick, Rankin Harper. Dick Wallace. Hazel Peace, John Green. Nancy M‘Lcllan, Christina Milbnrn, Myra Helm. Sewing; ; Margaret Hill.

Standard 2A.—Joyce Wilson 1, Zoe Bowling 2. Diligence: Lyla Monson, Peter Hamilton, Daphne Aikenhead, Lucy Anderson, William Harman, Tom Somerville, Ella Sansom, Fergus M'Coy, Jean Manson, Billy MTxellar, Rona Lord. Sewing: Luella Brownlie. Standard Ilß.—Kathleen Perriman .and Hyacinth Henderson (equal) 1, Thelma Thomson, Nancy Ward, Valmai Carver, Godfrey Thomson, Irene M'Lean, Stanley Ferguson, Mavis Cairns, Esme Usherwood, John Gard’ner, Mavis Garbutt, Grattan Maslin, Constance Dobbie, Edmund Williams Heather Forbes. Sewing: Minnie Smaill. Standard I.—Senior : Peggy Davis, Victor Harris, Jean M'Kellar, Douglas Park, Llewelyn Milburn, Roy Spiers, Jack Davidson, Dulcie Tomkinson, Betty Esplin, Beatrice Collins, Joyce Greig, Jock Ramsay, Douglas Reid. Standard lA.—Lesley Pye 1, Connie Bain, Grenville Chrystall, George Clark, Kenneth Clark, Allenby Maslin, Ronald Ritchie, Doris Livingston, Allen Burns and Arthur Bayly (equal), Rona Grey. Douglas Alexander, Frances Anderson. Grace Lean, Edith Wallace, Jack Bettle, Doris Wills, Edith Bayly, Gladys Turner, Joyce Ridley, Jack Thomson, Phyllis Willers. Sewing: Thelma Waugh. Standard IB. —Class marks: Irene Marshall 1, May Stenhouse 2. Progress: Patricia Garvey, Nancye Tuck. Sewing: Patty Eckhoff. Writing: Gustave Hastie, P4.—Class marks: Mollie Woods, Herman Eckhoff, Eliza M'Mullan, lan M'Kay, Keith Ronald, Joan Caddie, Doreen Stuart, Doreen Ross, Clifford Irvine, Peter Race. Progress: Edith MocDougall, Gay Etheridge, Myra Park, Elaine Brown, Betty I Tyson, Jackie Friedlander, Betty Sheridan, Norma Ritchie. Writing: Rosamond Cunningham. Attendance: Edith Egglestone, Jack FrioJander. Infant Room.—All pupils in' infant room received a gift book and a bag of lollies. MAORI HILL. Standard Vl.—Girls: Jean Sneddon (Dux I of school) 1, Betty Angcll 2, Helen Paterson 3. Boys: William Stevenson I, James i Crawley 2, Ferguson Ingram 5. Merit: Girls, B. Melville, 0. Gibbs, M. Mair, P. Burns, S. Robertson, E. Johnson; boys, M. Sparrow, L. Jackson. R. Vial, A. Moodie. M. Wilson, R. Philip. Specials— Sewing: Dorothy MTntosh 1, Melba Fuller 2. Cookery: Jean Sneddon. Woodwork: Maurice Spam>w. Writing (John Reid memorial prize): James Crawley. Athenaeum prize; Jean Sneddon. Standard V.—Class Prizes: Boys, James Colgrave 1. Dick M'Caig 2. Fred Tilbiuv 3. Girls: Freda Sneddon 1, Enid Paterson 2. Marion M‘Neill 3. Merit —Girls; Daphne Andrew. Chris Blackie. Elsie Sharp. Boys: Bertie Milliner, Bill Davidson, Colin Jackson. Sewing: Chris Blackie and Nell Barth (equal) 1. Woodwork: Dick M'Caig 1, Paul Dolamore 2. Cookery: Marion M'Neill 1, Nell Barth 2. John Stuart Reid memorial prize for writing; Freda Sneddon. British and Colonial Industries writwig prize for Dunedin schools: Chris. Blackie 1. Standard IV.—Boys: Rodney Eastgate 1, Jack Sparrow 2, Raymond Stokes 3 Girls: Margaret Crawley 1, Evelyn Shrimptan 2, Joyce Morrison 3. Merit: Cyril Davis, Colin M'Lachlan, Jim Moodie, Ronald Flintoff, Sheelah Andrew, Joyce George, Petrecia Beeby, Phyllis Fuller. General improvement: Gladys Roy, Dorothy Megget, Marion Kraft, Robert Sewing: Joyce Roberts 1, Annie Dickison 2. Attendance certificates: Robert Finlayson, Bruce Dolamore, Jack Stone, Ernest Megget, Victor Trewern, Riley Scott, James Moodie, James Mathewson, Colin M'Lachlan, Ray Stokes, Joyce George, Annie Dickison, Gladys Roy, Dorothy Megget, Edna Thomson. Standard lll.—Girls: Rewa Begg 1, Nancy Mason 2, Edna Chapman 3. Boys: Bertram Bevin 1, Lesmore Whinam 2, William Sharp 3. Merit: Jessie Rodger, Margaret Ingram, Dorothy Alexander, Lorna Shepperd, Dorothy Jordan, Albert Johnson, Frank Dolamore, Allan Anderson, Colin Glover. Sewing; Edna Chapman 1, Valmai Wadsworth 2. Attendance certificates: Flossie Maxwell, Dorothy Jordan, Dorothy Alexander, Jessie Rodger, Colin Glover, Phillips Hanna, Gerald Hutton, David M'Lachlan, John Wallace, Colin Watson, Bertram Bevin, Robert Ferguson, Arthur Jordan, William Sharp, Lesmore Whinam, Albert Armstrong. Standard II.—Boys: Lloyd Mason 1. Lloyd Jones and Arthur Barth (equal) 2, Lloyd Sparrow 3. Girls; Olga Bezett 1, Mary Michaelis and Beatrice M'Cahon (equal) 2, Patricia Duncan 3. Merit: James Thomson, George Chance, Alan Roberts, Noel Bennie, Humphrey Gowiand, John Lyth, Minnie Elliot, Margaret Hogg, Kathleen Craw-ley, Rae Bradley, Eileen Hope, Mary Lyth. Sewing: Olga Bezett 1, Margaret Hogg 2, Doreen Jones 3. Attendance certificates: Patricia Duncan, Isa Smith, Nancy Stevenson, _ Alexander Craighead, Loyd Jones, Lindsay Scott, Noel Bennie, Eric Adams. Keith Hart, Kay Hayward, James Thomson, Arthur Barth, Alfred Graham, John Romeril, John Aspinall, Allen Roberts Arthur Hanna, Betty Johnstone. ' Standard I.—Boys: Len Wright 1, Don M'Farlane 2, George Myers 3. Girls: Sheila Campbell 1, Ada Fache 2, Una Stevenson 3. Merit; Elsie M'Lachlan, Edna George, Alena Wright, Joyce Chapman, Miriam Moodie, Ray Bezett, Lex Aspinall, David Quille, Fred Duncan. Sewing : Sheila Campbell 1, Violet King c.. Attendance certificates: Stella Anderson, Elsie M'Lachlan, Joyce Nicolson, Evelyn Omand, Florence Stephens, Uua StevensonNgaire Walls, Alena Wright, Lex Aspinall, Fred Duncan, Ewan M'Lachlan, Louis Meg get, George Myers, Oven Roberts, Stanley Sexton. , Infants.— Attendance certificates (full attendance) : Robert Young, John Andrew, Ethel Stephen, Irma M'Kay, Douglas Ferguson; twice absent —John lan Scott, Cliarlcs Boyd. NORTH-EAST HARBOUR. Standard VI. —Stuart W. M'Donald (dux) 1 Donald Munro 2, Daphne Rattray 3 Standard V. —Olive Wilson 1, Phyllis Scott 2, Audrey Carroll 3. Standard IV.—Dennis Bnckell 1, Ina Ferguson 2, Ronny Child 3. Standard IH.—Betty Riddell 1. Wmmo Tavlor 2, Ronald Birchcll 3. Standard ll.—Tom Duff 1, Frank Percy 2, Richard Fergusson 3. Standard I.—Shirley Bnckell 1, Myra Niven 2, Stuart Scott 3. , , Special Sewing Pnzes.-Standard VI.: Daphne Rattray. Standard V: Ceci Brickell 1, Audrey Carroll 2. Standaid IV- Ina Fergusson 1, 1< ranees Maretti 2. Standard HI: Winnie Taylor 1, Jessie M'Pherson 2. Standard II: Mary B-sby. Standard I: Myra Niven 1. Nancy Brickell 2. PORT CHALMERS DISTRICT HIGH SECONDARY DEPARTMENT. Dux of School: Cyril Boys, Wm Driver (Miss Allan’s prize) 2. Intermediate division; Constance Tewsley 1. Mavis Reeves 2 Junior division i Mary M Clellcind 1, Jessie Lindsay 2. Cookery: Ma garet Jamieson and Jessie Lindsay {■ qual). Woodwork: Allan Hunter. Murray wenson Progress prize: Margaret Jamieson. Writing (Mr John -Watson’s prize): Hubert Oram. Mary M'Clelland. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Standard Vl.—Dux of primary department (Murray memorial prize): Eric Knewstubb Boys: James Porter and James M'Clelland (equal) 2. Girls: Ada Munro 1, May Potter 2. The John Mill memorial prizes: Eric Knowstubb. Ada Munro. Progress (special by Mr Ward). Alec. Wade, Hilda Holey. Writing (special by Mr J. Watson): James M'Clelland, Esther Clark. Woodwork; Eric Knowstubb 1, Stuart M'Donald 2. Cookery: Daisy Neill 1. Clara Lewis 2. Sowing: Esther Clark and May potter (equal). Drawing (Mr Hutton’s prize): Hilda Holey. Football (Mr Todd’s medals): Ray Cramond (backs), Russell Hill (forwards). Navy League essays: B. Anderson, J. M'Clelland, A. Munro. Standard V.—Boys: John Collier 1* Duncon Sutherland 2. Girls; Nancy Davis 1, Eileen Braithwaite 2. Woodwork: Ray Craminond 1. Mortlach Burgess 2. Cookery: Mary Munro 1. Moira Percy 2. Sewing: Tui Clark. Progress (Mr Ward’s prizes! : Ralph Paris. Doreen Palmer. Writing (Mr J. W T atson’s prizes): John Rae. Edith Simpson. Navy League essay: M. Rogers. J. Neill, M. Burgess. Standard IV. —Bovs; Stanley Smith 1, lan Seollay 2. Allen Wilson 3. James Munro 4. Girls: Dorothy Reeves 1, Kathleen M'Clel'nnd 2, Patricia Sutherland 3 Pro-c-rc'S (Mayor’s prize): Len. Willcox Eileen M'Donald. Writing (Mr J. Watson’s prizes): Stanley Smith. Dorothy Reeves. Home work: Stephen Carey. May Thorn. Sewing; Olive Methers Standard ITT.—PoVs -, Cob" M'Donald 1, 'Wiliam W”de 2. William Wilson 3. Girls: Elizabeth Chalmers 1, Emilv Wilson 2, Joyce Johnson 3. Progress: (Mayor’s prizes): Robert Allan. Audrey Miller. Write

ing (Mr J, Watson’s prizes): Colin M'Donald, Elizabeth Chalmers. Sewing: Elizabeth Chalmers. Standard 11. —Boys: Gordon Keenan 1, Frank Fordham 2, James Lawson 3. Girls: Rene Catherwood 1, Winnie Swain 2, Bessie Neill 3. Sewing: Patricia Roberts. Standard I. —Boys: Gordon Johnston 1, Harold Cassia 2, Herbert Berryman 3. Girls: Lena Wilson 1, Kathleen Miller 2, Molly Agnew 3. Progress; Waiter Porter, Jessie Bissett, Gwen Olsen. Sewing: Lena Wilson. INFANT DEPARTMENT. P4.—Proficiency: Hubert Wilson 1, Harry Reeves 2, William Coleman 3. Diligence; Victor Thorn. Proficiency: Eileen Ray 1, Winifred Noy 2, Jean Densem 3, Diligence; Margaret Clarke. Mary Smith, Jean Webster. Reading; Ngaire Edgar. P 3. Proficiency: Jack Fraser 1, Graham Macdonald 2, Malcolm M‘Kenzie 3. Girls: Francos Wilson 1. Christina Buchanan and Mora Crawford (equal) 2. Joyce Cashman and Violet Durry (equal) 4. Diligence: David Miller. Alec. Innes, Catherine Ledgervvood. ST. LEONARDS. Standard Vl.—Dux medal: Bessie Smith, Andrew Robb 2. Neat work; Ernest Guyton. Standard V. —Rita Griffen 1. Gath. Kewisli and Barbara Asher (equal) 2. Standard IV.—Joan Stewart 1, Jack Dodds 2. Loo M'Cormack 3. Standard Hl.—lsobel Fraser 1, Ruth Harvey 2. Standard ll.—Norma Griffen (gold modal) 1. Tom Fraser 2, Rona Anthony 3. Standard I.—Paget Chandler 1, Dorothy Anthony 2, Ethel Amaa 3. Specials.—Arithmetic: Bessie Smith. Best kept garden plot; Betty Stewart and Barbara Asher (equal) 1, Joan Stewart 3. Care of garden tools: Betty Stewart and Barabara Asher (equal). BALCLUTHA PUBLIC. Standard \L —Class marks: Eileen Kerr (dux medal) 1, Dorothy Lancaster (Miss Bullar’s prize) 2, William Jardine (Miss W illiarns’s prize) 3, Margaret Arbuthnot, Roland Dawson, Winifred White. Progress: Boys—lan Dallas. Girls —Edna Bell. . Cookery: May Burn (Miss Ross's prize), j General neatness; Eileen Kerr (Mr M'Vie’g 1 prize), Dorothy Lancaster (Mr M'Vie’s prize). Standard V A.—Class marks: Garth Sim ), Nancy Kirby 2. Standard IV A. —Bessie Jardine 1, Daisy M ‘Cutcheon 2. Standard V. —Joan Throp 1, Leonia. Frye 2, Thelma Sinclair and Tom Pearson (equal) 3. Progress: Jean Edwards. Writing: Florence Dippie. Woodwork and gardening: Fred Naish. Cookery: Muriel Houliston (Miss Ross’s prize. Standard IV. —Lynn Guest 1, Mon* Murray 2. Standard HI A. —Jack Tamblyn 1, Bert Green 2. Arithmetic; William Gold. Writjing; Alice Dippie. Reading: Gwen Sim. I Progress: Winifred Blair. Sewing: FlorI ence Clutterbuck. j Standard lll.—Class marks: Joan Simpson 1, Doris Dunn 2, Vera Fryer 3, Clive Scott 4. Grammar and spelling: Phyllis White. Composition (Mr M. M. Willock’s prize): Raymond Blair. Arithmetic: Mr M. M. Willock’s prize); Linda Fallowfitid. Writing; Florence Parkinson. Drawing : Mary Stark. Standard II A. —Class marks; Ethel Pearson i, Alex Mason 2, Dorothy Edwards Standard II. —Doris Tosh 1, Muriel Borthwick 2, Willie Begg 3. Handwork: Thos. King. Sewing: Elsie o‘Fee. Standard II B.—Loma Scott 1, Doreen M‘Combe 2. Good work: Isobel Brown, Jean Murray. Standard I.—Class prizes; Girls—Lorna Begg 1, Jean Gold (Mi£ Begg’s prize) 2, Jean MCallum 3. Boys—Nogi Tsukigawa I, Alan Smith 2, James Stewart 3. P IV. —Upper Division—Reading : Sylvia Porter 1, Dick Meekin and Judith Poynter (equal) 2, Violet Barron 3. Tables: Douglas Randle 1, Stewart Edwards and Eileen' Minola (equal) 2, Bob Blair and Bob Pearson (equal) 3. Writing: Doreen. Simpson 1, Bob Poynter 2, Anne 0 : Feo 3. Drawing: Lindsay M'Kay. Homework : Joyce Edwards. Lower DivisionReading—Betty Stokes 1, Marjorie Ludlow 2, Eileen Bennie 3. Tables; Aieo Whiteford 1, Peter Chappell, 2, Graham Guest 3. Writing: Lilian Simpson 1, Billie Stevenson 2, Len Ashwell 3. Drawing : Toni Hansen. Housework; Islai Millis. Progress: Jean Hansen, Colin Jardine, Peter Chappell, Norman Fryer, Bertie Freeman. Sewing.—Standard VI: Dorothy Lancaster and Violet Bell (equal) 1. Standard V: Joan Thron and Dorothy Borthwick (equal) I, Jean Edwards (highly commended). HAWTHORNE PRIVATE. The pupils of Miss Lees’ Hawthorne Private School and Kindergarten held their annual break-up ceremony in All Saint’s Schoolroom last evening, when the hall was packed with parents and friends. Mr L. J. Mac Lean was in the chair and presented the prizes. An excellent entertainment was provided by the pupils of t}»6 school, the programme being as follows; Christmas Carol, by the Pupils; welcome speech, Lindsay M'Millan • marching and rliythmic exercises, Junior and Kindergarten Pupils; class singing, “The Seasons, by the Senior Girls; recitation, “What the Birds Say,” Constance Wilson; physical exercises and games, by the Senior Pupils: piano duet, “Cinderella Waltz,” Hilda Hislop and Mario Naylor: summer time game, by the Junior and Kindergarten Pupils; Grecian movements, bv the Senior Girls; play, ‘Polly Put the Kettle On,” in which the parts wore taken by C. Wilson, M. Naylor, R. Fogg, H. Hislop, C. Alexander; piano duet, “On Dress Parade.” Marjorie Lane and Mortimer Angus; recitation, “Gaining Wings,” Margaret Henderson; elementary dancing steps and country dance, by the Pupils; play, “Freckles.” in which the parts were taken by D. Fogg, M. Henderson. M. Lane, E. Tilbury; scarf dance, by the Pupils • piano duet, “Military March,” Hilda Davies and Berta Barker. The work throughout the programme reflected the highest crcd't on Miss Lees and her staff. The following prizes were presented during the evening: Standard Vl—Dux of school: Margaret J. Ballard. Second: Althea May M'Goun. Geography; Paul Gardiner P>allard. Arithmetic: Emilv Tilbury. Drawing: Margaret J. Ballard.” Needlework: Althea May M'Goun. Special conduct prize: Paul Gardiner Ballard. Physical culture; Althea May M'Goun. Handwork: Althea May M'Goun. Proficiency certificates; Margaret Ballard, Althea M'Goun. Emily Tilbury. Standard V.—First: Marjorie Lane. History; Margaret Henderson. Attendance: David Thomson. Elocution (Miss Aslin’s prize): Margaret Henderson. Needlework and drawing: Marjorie Lane Standard IV.—First: Sheila Robinson. Second; Hilda Hislop. Attendance: Rona Fogg. Needlework: Sheila Robinson. Standard lll.—First; Constance Wilson. Attendance: Ngaire Fogg. Needleworks Norma Brown. Elocution (Miss Aslin’a prize): Constance Wilson. Physical culture : Constance Wilson. Standard I. —First; Janet Turnbull. Second: Marie Naylor. Progress: Norman Mackie. Tables and number work: William Carr. Spelling and composition: Alison Brown. Needlework: Marie Naylor. „ Lower Standard I—First: Kathleen Bell. Second: John Turnbull. Needlework and general improvement: Clarice Alexander. Arithmetic and general knowledge: Alynbury Stanton. Primer 111. —First: Helen Young;. Second: Joyce Kitchen. Reading: Heather Kinloch. Conduct; Helen Young. Primer II. —Tablesi and number work:' Frank Mackie and Johnston Brown. Reading and spelling: Lindsay MacMillan. Primer I. —Good conduct and general work: Joan Young. Tables and number work: John Goodman. Improvement: John Nicolson. Good conduct: Kathleen Mac Lean, Stanley Davies, and Joyce Rowdey. . Music Prizes. —Marjorie Lane, Hilda Davies, Berta Harker, Hilda Hislop, Kenneth Barron, Marie Naylor. KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION. The North-East Valley and Kaikqari Kindergartens held their annual breakingup ceremonies yesterday, Mrs T. K. Sidey presiding at each function. A demonstration of the year’s work, which consisted of singing, games, rhythmic exercises, and dramatisation, was given by the children. The North-East Valley School broke up in the morning, when Mrs R. Ewing and the Rev. .D. Baxter spoke a few word# to the children. The children were entertained at a party in the afternoon. The Kaikorai Kindergarten he’d their function in the afternoon, when short addresses were given by Mr S. M. Park «b 4 Mrs J. Hutchisoa,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19975, 17 December 1926, Page 9

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SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19975, 17 December 1926, Page 9

SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19975, 17 December 1926, Page 9


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