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CROWNING THE STUDENTS’ LABOURS. UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY. EVIDENCE OF CORDIAL RELATIONS. Tho annual ceremony of conferring degrees won during tho past, year by students of Otago University took place in Knox Church Sunday School yesterday afternoon. There was a very largo attendance of friends and relatives of tho graduates, and many of tlie general body of students were unable to gain admission. A number of undergraduates took possession of tho back part of the hall and early made their presence felt. Two toy balloons with paper at’toched and some referees’ whistles kept them happy and amused before the formal opening of tho proceedings. The entrance of the year’s graduates to the front Beats reserved for them was hailed with cheers and sundry pointed messages of personal greeting. They continued to show a live but inoffonsivo interest in the proceedings to tho close. Tho entry of tire year’s graduates was followed by the procession of tho Chancellor (tho Rev. Dr A- Cameron), members of the council, and members of the stall to their scats on tho platform. The Mayor, Mr 11. L. Tapley, and two cxmombers of tho council, Sir John Roberts and the Hon. T. MaeGibhon, were also among those seated on the platform. Doubtless in pursuance of the thought that, “music hath charms to soothe,” an innovation was introduced in the form of opening tho proceedings with tho united singing of a few verses of the University Anthem and a verso of “Gaudoamus.” Tho idea was a happy one, and had an immediate effect on tho order and harmony of tho gathering. CONGRATULATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The opening speech of the Chancellor, who presided, was of a highly congratulatory nature. He said he wished to congratulate not only the graduates, but all connected with tho University that day on tho signs of growth of tho University. Tho list of graduates that day was tho largest that they had ever had.—(An Astonished Voice: ‘No fear.”) There were the names of 171 graduates on the list, and he thought gome others had been added since the list was published. He wished to congratulate those who were to bo capped on having reached a certain goal in thoir studies, lb was eomeithing to gather the fruit of some years of concentrated effort, and he hoped the graduates would realise that this was only tho beginning of things with them, and that they would go forth from the University to shoxv to the people of the dominion what could be done in Otago University. Ho was specially pleased at tho number of graduates taking higher degrees than tho pass. At one trrno almost all they did in tho University was to - prepare students to take their B.A. degree. Now they had a quite largo proportion taking tho higher degrees. Then, in addition to that, they had quite a number of students taking past graduate work in the University end doing research work.—(A Voice; In tho Leith!) Ho also reminded them that quite a number of graduates, after doing some research work had gone elsewhere.—(A Voice: Cheer up. Jerry 1) —to do research work. They hod Dr Hicks, who had been appointed to the Beit fellowship, and in that day’s paper they had intimation that an “A. Barnett.” of Now Zealand, of Claire College, had been awarded a scholarship in Cambridge. He had no doubt that was a son of (heir esteemed professor of surgery.—(Applause.) In America, Miss Gladys Cameron had boon given a fellowship, and Miss 0. Gloy would bo going to America shortly as (he holder of another fellowship. Three two were valuable fellowships awarded \y the Rockefeller Foundation. That dap they had on tho platform ono who had been a student there for two years and then went to tho war. Afterwards ho was awarded a soldier’s scholarship in Cambridge, and was now professor of English In tho Dalhousio "University in. Canada Ho refer:ed to Professor Bennett. Those wore things that indicated that the Univorsit— was not- now merely qualifying men and womtn to tako the lower degrees (A "Voice; Cheer up, Lindo!)—but were qualifying them for tho higher worlf connected with the University, He would like also to congratulate the members of the, start on tho work that they had aoeom plished. Very specially they congratulated tho faculties of medicine and dentistry on tho fine buildings to be erected to accommodate thoee two important branches of tho University. The now block for tho Medical School would have a frontago of more than twice the extent of tho frontago of the present block.—(A roicc: Shame!). Tho Medical Faculty was to bo congratulated on that, but if they asked the Dean he would tell them that was only a small beginning, 'they ought to congratulate tho Faculty of Medicine nob only on tho provision being made for it, but on the appreciation of the school from distinguished men like Dr Mayo, who described it as “the splendid Medical School of Nexv Zealand.” They ought also to congratulate the Dental School on the provision being made for it. It. had been scandalously housed in the past—(A Voice: What’s the matter, Pick?) -—-but it would be housed very much more adequately. While they rejoiced in that they ought_ also to recognise the work being done in tho other faculties—Arts and Science—(Chorus of “Hear, hears”)—Minim*. Home Science—(A Voice: “Hurray!”) • —Commerce, and Law. In these faculties he was persuaded that they had men and women who were doing good to the community such as they could not even measure, and they were laying tho foundations of still greater work to which they hoped to progress. He also wanted to congratulate the citizens. He was glad (Hey had the Mayor there.—(Voices: "Where’s Reg? Wo -want Reg!) The University did well - to congratulate itself on tho attitude the citizens had taken up with regard to their institutions. Last year tlicy had a conference with representatives of tho Chamber of Commerce and tho manufacturers.—(A Voice: In the Captain Cook!) They wore very anxious to get a new post office, but they said: If it is a question between new buildings for tho medical and dental work of the University and a post office we are willing to stand aside and let the post office wait so that the University may get what it needs.” —(Applause.) He’ wished to acknowledge that ; but that was not all. In the past the oil izens—(A Voice: “I’ve got my eye on you!”)—of Dunedin and Otago had done a great deal for the University in the way of gifts.—(At this point an alarm clock, apparently concealed somewhere beneath the platform, began to go off.) Ho was not going to refer lo all that had been done in the past, hut only to what had been done this year. First, he wished to thank tho City Council through the Mayor for the, annual contribution (hey hud given for the Museum. That was only a beginning, and there was more to follow. Ono of the great friends of the University, the lion. \V. Downic fitewart—(applause)—had done more them than most knew. Tho last time Mr Stewart was in Dunedin he became interested in one of the students, and gave £IOO to enable tho council to give him a travelling scholarship ior two years. Then the. National Electric Company gax-e them £IOO to enable thorn, to furnish the homo science department with electric apparatus. The IE K. Mulford Company in America had presented the department of bacteriology with a gift of the value of £1.50. ' Not long ago tliera war, in tho Medical School a lady fro n Blenheim, who was far on in her course when unfortunately she took unwell and died. Her father, in appreciation of tho work of tho school, and of tho members of its staff, gave £550 for research in medicine. That xvas a gift they ought to bo very grateful for. —(Applause.) One of the citizens was so interested in their playing fields down nt Logan Bark —(A Voice: “Hurrah!”)—that he had promised £ICCO. (“Hurrah 1” and applause.) Before a great many of them were horn there was a man in Dunedin, who was now living in Auckland. Ho was getting on in years, and thought he ought to do somethin”- for tho Dingo University. He sent £2OOO for scholarship funds. —(Applause.) Then there was one great gift made to tho Museum, Some time ago Mr Villi Eels felt chat something ought lo bn done for efhnngraoitic study in connection with Otago University.—(.Sounds of snoring from the hack.) First of all he gave £IOOO to help) the fund for the lecturer: then £2500 for a fund for buying ethnographic specimens, (lien lie gave £sooo—(shrinks) —to build a wing at the Museum, and on ton of all that ho had given them a gift of almost priceless value—a collection of _ 1000 Ta.viloguc.d pieces. It was a collection of Asiatic. armour of which it xvas said that no museum in Australasia could boast such a collection—(sounds of another alarm clock starting below the stage)—and a great collection of Maori etone and bono imnlsnuwita.—

(Hustling of many papers turning in the hack seals.) Thoir Museum would now contain tho most extensive collection of this nature, in existence.—(A Voice: “.Smile, Bob'oy!’’) These gifts had been collected as a result of more than half a lifetime of effort, and they had been purchased not only in New Zealand but all over the world. That morning they had received intimation from an important body in New Zealand that it was giving £SOO towards the erection of Ihe ethnological wing.—(Applause.) Mr Fols had got one of his relatives, Air Do fleer, to give £IOOO towards the ethnographic collection. They had good cause to congratulate themselves in the accession to the staff of Dr Lawson. Dr Holloway, Dr Storms, and Miss M‘Gill.—(Applause.) He had much pleasure in calling on the Rhodes scholar of 1907, Mr Colin Gilray. to address them. Mr (filmy had been most intimately connected with the University, not merely as a student but as ihe son of ono of their professors who was long spared to do great work for tho University. ADDRESS BY MR COLIN GILRAY. Mr Gilray, who was warmly applauded, began by addressing himself to the Chancellor and various sections of Ihe audience. - (An aggrieved voice: “And students!”) Mr Gilray retorted pleasantly, “t thought I included them among the ‘ladies and gentlemen.’ “ —(Laughter and applause). He said he, had understood that his Excellency Lord Jelheoo xvas to address the gathering that afternoon. —(A Voice : “That’s why you’re here!”) “That is exactly why I am here!” Continuing, ho said lie regretted very much Lord Jcllicoo’s absence, and he felt hurt that the chairman of the "Professorial Board had not arranged that his Excellency's address should be communicated by wireless.— (Laughter.) As it was, he had been given no subject to speak on. Ho took it he had liberty to wander as ho would, to Mow on whom lie pleased,—(An Anxious Voice : “No you haven’t.”) First of all. he would like to congratulate the University on the evidence the Chancellor had just given them of its exceedingly thriving condition. That amazing list of gifts spoke well for tho health and vitality of the institution and for its future.— (The Voice; “There you are! You’re bloxvin’!”) He wanted to congratulate, also, the Medical School, fir—t of all in the share it had in the honour that bad boon conferred on Sir Lindo Ferguson. He took it that that honour had been conferred in some sense in recognition of the success of his deanship. fie congratulated tho school also on the very high compliment paid to it by Dr Mayo. Ho was a ma,n of such eputation in the medircal world _ that he could not afford to pay such compliments lightly. They all rejoiced that he was so struck with tho Medical School, He wished to speak to them for a few minutes, and he would he obliged if tho people at tho bock would tell him his time limit, about tho University and its relation to the community. The modern university had many functions to perform. In addition to the teaching of science and tho humanities, it had special schools to fill the professions. Its function was that of training intelligence in the service of the community. Ho had no doubt that, it would continue to do that well as far as the professions were concerned. He did not think there xvas much reason to worry about the special schools. They had shown and were showing that they were well able to look after themselves. What he was rather afraid about was that tho old studies, which had their values, and a very high value, might bo crushed out in the interest which tho community naturally took in the special schools lie wanted to say a word or two about the study of Ihe humanities and tho study of science. There was no doubt Ibat tho study of the humanities and of science conducted in the croper spirit made mat broadening of spirit which was sc serviceable in all walks of life. In Europe more and more attention was being given to tho university aa a source of supply of men of high intelligence for all purposes in life. At, the , Versailles Conference students of tho old universities who had been brought up on the. study of the humanities and science were present to adviso tho Ministers and statesmen. On the League of Nations they would find (hat tho ranks were largely tilled by students. In Inc Indian eivil service, than which there had never boon a finer civil service in the world, tho majority of the men had been brought up on the study of literature, history, philosophy, and science. He was not quite sure that wo paid quite enough attention to that general basis of culture in our University of Now Zealand. — (A Voice; Put Bobby Jack on the City Council ! Hurray!). He did not, think the community realised what a store of power it had in the University graduates. Men of business ought to begin to look to the University for captains of industry and heads of departments. Ho thought they would find what people were finding in the Old Country—that special training was not really necessary at, that si ago for tho highest work that had to be done by people who had trained intelligences and could apply them to any set of fads put before them. Ho believed they could encourage mo community to take a greater interest in tho Univesity from tho point of view of supplying such intelligences if they had a course ou some broader basis than (he present. M.A. Such a course might he established by a grouping of tho present, M.A. subjects to train men who had either tho moans or the ability to postpone their special training till later in life. It was not his place to say what, subjects should bo included in such a course. —(A Voice: Certainly not!) In fact, ho had been greatly daring to suggest that there should bo any course that there was not. But he would suggest two subjects that should be in that course—logic and psychology. They might not be popular, but tho subject of logic dealt with the means of the attainment of knowledge in uny of its brandies. Psychology dealt with the forms of human thought, and it xvas beginning to be felt that it was a necessary subject for anybody in any lino or walk of life. In such a course an he had mentioned logic and psychology were essential. Ho congratulated the* graduates and wished them all success in life.—(A Voice: Know any yarns?) Ho wan not competent to oiler them advice,, but ho would say that they were going out to start thoir careers at a very interesting time in history. ■ We had many black prophets like Dean Inge who told us that tho twentieth century

xvas going to be a very unpleasant one to live in and that democracy xvas on its last legs. If those graduates and those who followed after them would make their xvcight felt in the community ho had no doubt that they need not despair of democracy. After all, v.hat they wanted in the. citizen xvas a certain amount of mental capacity and a certain amount of moral capacity; and if (hev did not got that from the University ho did not knnxv whore they would get. it from. Ho hoped that all of them would ho privileged to bo of great service lo -their day and generation.—(Applause.) The graduates, amid the applause and comments of their fellows, were, then duly presented one by one by the deans of their faculties to (he Chancellor, who. duly conferred on (ham their degrees in tho name of the University of New Zealand. Tho following is the list of graduates for tho year: Doctors of Medicine.—c Munro May llcckin, Edgar Robert Roay, Kenneth James Langlands Scott, George Edwin Watcrxvorth. Doctor of Dental Surgery.—Raynor Colin Bell, Master of Arts. —Thomas Sillcnce Adam, first class honour in economics : James Garfield Anderson, in history; .Edward Ernest Andrews, in history; James _ Walter Armstrong, first class , .ononis in history: Arthur Joseph Doakcr, in history; Stanley Bruce Dunn, first class honour? in history; George IL-nry Gubhins, second class honours in history; Leila Agnes Spohio Hnrla, first class honours in Latin and French; Eva Mary King, second ejass honours in history; James Ernest Kinnrar, second class honours in and French; Ronald Georgo Lockhart, second class honours in history: Winifred Joyce Caroline Moody, fiist class honours in Latin and French; Margaret Patience Morrr-'l, second cI.-wh honours in English and French; Kenneth Cornwell M'Donald. first class honours in history; Robert George M/Dow.-dl, in philosophy; Margaret Victoria M'Grogor, second class honours in Latin and French; Jennie Reese MTCinnon, in history; Kathleen Franca? OsxvJn. second class honours in English and French ; Leo Sylvester O'Sullivan in economies; James Edgar Rankin Pat-r-on, second class honours in history; William Albert Ritchie, second class honours in history; Ralph William Souter, second class honours in economics; Marian Anderson trtecle, second class class honours in history; John Lning Thomas, first class honours in economics; Williaim Thomas. first class honours in economics; Alan Cameron 'Watson, second class honoms in philosonlm • Rupert Vivian do Rcnzy Worker, in history. Masters of Science.--Robin Sutcliffe .-Mian, first class honours in geologv : Miles Aylmer Fulton Barnett, tirst class honours in mathematics and firrt, class honours m physics (electricity and magnetism): Mary Ellen Malhi'son Macdonald, second class honours in physics (electricity am) magnetism) ; Elina Margaret MT'arlhv. second class honours in botany; Catherine Oswald MTTnfrio, bcoond class honours in physics (electricity and magnetism); Earle Fcad Narthcroft, second class honours in botany; Kenneth Charles Roberts, f.ocond class honours in chemistry.

Master of Laws.—David Renfrew White, M.A.

Master of Surgery.—James Alfred Jenkins.

Bachelors of Arts,—Daniel Ferguson Aitken, Christina .Sylvia 801 l (senior scholar in mathematics), Ethel Emma Black, Howard Andrew 'Elliott Bolting, Gorge Henderson Bowie, Edgar Brownlie, John Henry Conly, Alfred Bramwell Cook, Martin Cowan, Boy Andrew Dickie, William Reed Edge, lloraco Fawcett, Dorothy Marion Galloway, Daphne Olga Henderson, Jaw: s Francis Henley, Ivon Blackstone Hubbard, William Hawton Jackson, 1 Marjorie .Kirker, William Lang (senior scholar in Latin), Bowel) Ora tosh Mason, Thelma Besant Mauraia, Thomas Hay McDonald. John Finley MTCav. Alexander Charles 11‘Loan, Winifred Isobel M'Millan, Arnold Henry Nordmoyer, William Scott Robert .on, Eileen Louise Service, Alexander James Sligo, Isabel Dunet Sutherland, Annie While _ Todd (senior scholar in philosophy), Louisa W r allis Todd (senior scholar in botany), Richard Georgs Webb, Ellen Mary W'yllie. Bachelors of SUioneo. —Kenneth Alfred Allen (Auckland University College, senior scholar in eljrmii-trv) ; Robert Rutherford Xiinmo (senior scholar in physics). Bernard William T’onrcy (Canterbury College), Rudolf Georgs Bci.seler, Wolfram Hermann Albert Penselor. John Thomas Samuel. Bachelors of Laws. —Charles Leslie Calvert. George Janie’s Kelly, George ’Victor Murdoch. Jan., - Crcinoie Rarooll, James Crichton Brain, David Andrew Young. Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery. • Duncan Rov Abernathy, Robert hincllay, Leslie Gordon Austin, Harold Havelock Barnett, Walton Hownvth Brornnor, Eric Hattaway Bridgman, Edward Brown, Wiliam Henry Blinman Bull, Edward Coventry Bydder, Mary Anderson Champtaloup, Winifred Ethel Cox, Stewart White Crawford, Alexander Gumming, James Keith Davidson, Eric Frederick Do Ath, Derek Ernest Denny-Brown, John Paterson Donald, William Julius Dickel, B.Sc., Mollie Fisher, Robert. Scarson Rodney Francis, Noel Edward Tlortslet hulton, Isabella Gault, Sylvester Lot Gcerin, William Keith Bemvick Hamilton, Benjamin David Hart, Adam Hamilton Harvie, Allan Hopkins. Edwin Warwick Hunt, James Dewar JTuntcr, John Alexander Douglas Iverach, 8.A.. Elizabeth Kate Jary, David Richmond Jennings, Harry Selwyn Kenrick, John Faulks Landrcth. Eugene Gribbeo Lvrirh, Robert Gordon Butler Bus.k, Gladys Murison Macalistor, Eric, lan Alan Macdonald. Norman Reay MV-kxy, James Gilbert Mackerel!). Charles MTntosh Marshall Aubrey James Mason. Norman Murdoch Mathoson, Robert A.lames Maunsell, Dennis Douglas M’Carthy, Archibald Hector M‘lndoe, Donald Dixon MTConzie. 1 Horace Webster Nash, Claude Vincent Page, Roland Glnydwr Phillips-Turner, John Herbert Rule. Wilfred Robert Ryhurn, Robert Gcmrno! Burnett .Sinclair, Kingsley Rupert Steen son, Caroline Morrow Stcnhouse, Ralph Grainsrer Stokes, Angus Leslie Sutherland, Dorothy Sweeney, Claude Alexander Taylor, Patrick Arthur Treahy, Francis Gerald Ward. James Lewis « Wicken. John Up v ’nin Williams.. Bachelors of Dental Surgery.—Harold Rcy Dornignn, Robert Elder, Hilda Hutcninson Harle, Alfred John Walters Hodder, Herbert Stanley Wilkinson, William Thomas Koesing. Bachelors of Science in Homo Science.— Pear! Allen Brash, Margaret Ethel Brown, Kathleen AiLa Ewing. Maureen Gertrude Frenglev. Elizabeth Gregory, Zeta Til i Aides. Sheila Elder Richardson, Henrietta Frances Rudall. Bachelors of Engineering (Mining).— Cecil Reginald Davis. B.Sc., James Craig i.eitch, B.Sc., Wolfram Hermann Albert J’onseler. Bachelors of Agriculture.—Jeremiah Tier,an Donnehy, George Andrew Holmes, M.Sc,, Kenneth F.dcndalo M'Kinnon. ASSOCIATE SHIPS AND DIPLOMAS. Diploma of Associate of Otago School of Mines in Mining.—Cecil Reginald Davis. Wolfram Hermann Albert Pcnseler. Certificate of Proficiency in Dental Surgery.--Victor Lancaster Buckley, Tune? Caine Clisscld, Charles Alfred Collier, Roger Brocklehurst Davies. Norah Telford Drummond, Alphonsiis Cecil Fahey, Clarence Moore Holdaway. Almond Edward Hone, .lohn Sewell Hornhlow, Neal Mnrsdcn Irwin. Agnes Maude .Milne.. Mary Alexander M'T.cchlan. Arthur William Sims, Ronald Gordon Spence, Joseph Shaw Thompson. Diploma of Associate of Otago University in Home Science. Catherine Martha Anderson, Annie Krona d’Auvergnc, Anna b.-istina Finlayson, Nenian Margrareta Johan Finlayson, Dorothy Elaine Firth. Olive 'Mar'- Goldie. Irene Margaret Harrow. Mary Brebner Macadam. Edith Marion Reid. Alnrgnret. Jean Adeie Se.av. Winifred Louisa Shanks, Kathleen Smith. Bessie Amie Walker, Evelyn Zilla Wild, Ellie laobel Wright. Diploma of Education. —S. G. Macfarlane. Diploma of Social Science.—Allan C. Watson. SCHOLARSHIPS. I.—Ukivkhsitv of New Rhodes Scholarship.-—Robert Stevenson Aitken, ALB., Ch.B. Medical Travelling Scholarship.—John Alexander Douglas Ivoraoh. S»nior University Scholnrshins. —William Lang (Latin). Annie While Todd (philosophy), Christina Sylvia 801 l ('mathematics). Robert Rutherford Nimmo (physics), Louisa Wallace Todd (botany). 2.--University of Otago. Maoandrow Scholarship (Economics). — Alexander Charles M’Lean. Sir George Grev Scholarship in Experimental Science ((Granted by New Zealand Government). —Rudolf George Pcneselcr. New Zealand Research Scholarship in Experimental Science (Granted by New Zealand i-rovcrnmont). —Harold John Finlav Beverly Scholarship in Pass Degree Matljomatics.—Alexander Frodk. M‘George Boverly Scholarship in Higher Mathematics and Mechanics. —Christina Sylvia 8011. Beverly Scholarship in Advanced Physics, —Robert Rutherford Nimmo. Smcaton Research Scholarship (Experimental Science). —Robert Rutherford Nimmo. Sir Kobcrt Stout Scholars!) ip (Economics). —William Thomas, Thomas Sillonco Adam and John Laing Thomas (proximo aoccssenint). George Young Scholarship.—Daniel Ferguson Aitken. John Edmond Scholarship (Industrial Research). —Frederick Henry M'Dowall. Anna P. Stout Scholarship (Economics). — Revvoti Oratcsh Mason, PRIZES. I.—UxiVnusirv of New Zealand. Cook Memorial Prize (Mathematics). — MUes Aylmer Fulton Barnett. Sir Julius von Heart Prize (Geologv).— Robin Sutcliffe Allan. William Ledingham Christie Medal (Applied Anatomy).—Gladys Murison Macalister (1923), Morris A.xford (1924). 2.-- -UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. Stuart Prize (Physics).—Christina Svlvia Bell. Parker Memorial Prize (Biology).—Louisa Wallace Todd. MacGregor Prize (Philosophy).—John Mrclellan Bates. James Clark Prizes.- James Ernest Kinnoar and Winifred Joyce Caroline Moody (etp’.al Latin), John Herbert Hall (English), John Made-Man Bates (philosophy), Flora Mael.oan Allan (Creek). Medal.—Clarence Mooro Holdaway (dentistry). Chamber of Commerce Prizes (Accountancy).—Robert Henry Henderson, George William Jack 8011, Label Hope Blair, Leonard MTvondrick Satterthwaito, • Annie Margaret Foster, Batchelor Memorial Modal (Gynaecology and Obstetrics). —Mollio Fisher. Macmillan Brown Prize (English Composition).—Francis Oswald Bennett, Marjorie M‘Galium Medal (Medicine).— John Alexander Douglas Iverach. New Zealand Medical Graduates’ Association Clinical Prizes. —James Fitzsimmons (junior clinical surgery), Norman Murdoch Mathcson (senior medicine), Archibald Heeler - ,ndoc (junior medicine), -Archibald Hector MTudoe (senior clinical surgery).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 19228, 19 July 1924, Page 7

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CAPPING CEREMONY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19228, 19 July 1924, Page 7

CAPPING CEREMONY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 19228, 19 July 1924, Page 7


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