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Though it is perhaps too much to assert that tho present Mimmer is the wettest over <*xlu'iioiicts'i in Dunedin iiml suburbs in the knowledge of the oldest inhabitant, it is safo to i:i.y that it is many years sinco wo have had greater or more persistent falls of ruin. Yesterday afternoon another heavy thunderstorm broke over this oily, anil I hmigh iho rain fell in quantity for only a little ov.-r half tin lmur, its volume was sueh that in many instan-'os tho drains could not cope with iho rush of wator, and tho ilrwis ,'i.s n. tonscqitonco soon becaino Hooded. Tim manhole in Wilkio rond \w blocked, an<l the overflow forced its way through the vent, and thetuv innde its way down |o tho .Main road, tho footpaths on llio south sid.i b.'injr under writer from near tho Kensington Hotel to Cargill's Corner. In Cumberland street, near the engino sh«i|j, tin* water also hanked lip and flowed over Iho road, and in several other localities tin! surcharged drains emptied their overplus on the ndjacont street?. Kortnllntely the downpour was not of long (lur.L- i tio:i, iiml tl». ill;It of water was mmjii aftar! enabled to tuako its way into its proper : channels. Had, however, the rain continued much longer there is no doubt thut serious damage would have nsulted to houses in the low-lying parts of the town. It is ostimated that close on an inch of vain foil while the storm was ol its height. As a result of tho rush of water down ■Siunit, street, a piece of timber was washed into tho wheel pit at the bottom of tlio lutilionii tram iino. This caused the ropn to bo thrown olf tonmnnl wheel, and damaged a piece of it so badly that it had io lie renewed, necessitating tho stopping of the running of the cart at. about' 3 o'clock, ft was found impossible to get tho curs going again (or tho rest of tho <1:lv, but it is satisfactory to know that tho service will bo running as usual to-day. Whilo waiting in the Carisbrook pavilion for the niu to fJ.ackctt its impetuous downfall, tho Auckland and Ologo cricketers and those who alto happene<| to bo rainIniuiiil helped to while away tho time by indulging in the unique pastime at this season <>f the year in making snowballs of lite masses of hailstones which were lying abut, and taking surreptitious put-shots at. each other. The fun was greatly enjoyed by those present - more especially by tlio-o who had the good fortune to evade Iho making of a close acquaintance with tho missiles. Tho Knglish ir.ail which wa.i despatched from Diinedia via Urindisi on tho 12tll January arrived in on the afternoon of the 16th inst.—the duo date. Tho Knglish mail which was despatched from Dunedin via San h'lvuieisco on tho 12th January arrived in London on tho 17th inst. - livo days late. Kneigctic ell'orts to attain its object are Itoing mado by the lommittoo which was formed for the purprwo of having tho holiday ch orved on Anniversary Day (March S3) transferred to Kaster Saturday (April 6), and a meeting called for last evening w:m attended by between 20 and 30 periods intero>ti'd. Mr 11. Ileethev occupied tho chair. Deports from a number of gentlemen who k-.vl been appointed to canviL-s the liusitu.-'s houses of tho city and suburbs were received, and showed that in tiio majority of cases tho proposal was viewed with favour. In sonic few instance objection was taken on patriotiu grounds |o aMisiting the holiday on Anniversary Day, ai'd in others, notably in tho caso of jeweller.,- and of various trade,s in Port ('hnlmers, from business considerations. It was decided to endowo tho resolution pawed at a proving njcoling—viz.: " Titnl the shop assistants of Dunodin ami suburbs respectfully urgo the members of tho IHago Jtelail Employers' Brunch of the ICmploycrs' Association to adhere to its former resolution to celebralo Anniversary Day on ICast er h'ntiirday, therein' conferring on those immediately concerncd a iiioi't henclicial holiday." It was resolved thut Mr 11. Mercer, with Messrs Hreon and MiicMamis, should visit the individual firms which were antagonistic to the propoal anil state tho cuso for tho siiop assistant.'?, with a view to getting ;t chango directed, and that tile* gentlemen, with Mr I)eeolicr, v fliuuld also wait as a. deputation on the lU-tuil Section of the Employers' Association at its meeting on Thursday morning. Tho fortnightly meeting of Iho lionevolent Committee, he'd last evening, wan attended by Messrs W. T. Tallnys (in |) in chair), J. -I. Clark, W. Wilkinson, S. S. Myers, J. 11. Walker, Me;<lamos Don, Darroch, and Jackson. Oases for relief to the number of 67 wero dealt with, and paysheets and attounts amounting to £1090 Is 6d wore passed for payment. Tho secretary wrote advising Iho approval of the Minister of the reappointment of Mrs Moo as matron and the appointment of Mr George Sinclair i: 8 master at tho Rencvolcnt Institution. A woman applied for Iho payment of arream extending over ;i numhv of weeks, and site was granted an amond equivalent to ono month's relief in view of tho special circumstances surrounding her cafe. Tl-.e secretary reported tliaf, tho admissions to tho institution during the part fortnight had mimlx'rcd 11, tho discharges therefrom two, and the deaths four. In the Juvenile Court yesterday morning a lioy was charged with Iwing a firearm in hit possesion, and entered a plea of " Guilty." Sub-inspector Cruickshfltik ftate-d that tho hid had been out shooting rabbits with pea riflo, which Ijclonged to his faiher and which ho had taken without permission. Tho pea riflo nun,moo had been caufing a great deal of trouble in the district (Green Island), and boys had been firing at railway property and roadside huts. Mr Hurtholomew (the presiding magistrate) remarked that, it was tho duty of parents to too t'ln.t their I toys did not obtain possesion of tho-c wrapons. Ac-cu-cd was convicUtl and di.-chargcd. Tho case of Allen v. the St. Kilda Ilorough f'wuicil, a cliini for damttgw. for Ix'Jilv injury sustained, was mentioned at tho Suprrin': Court yesterday morning, and Ills Honor aircetl to take tho medical evidence to-day. A, meeting of the Uuncdin Aero Club was held last evening. The eltction of officers resulted as follows: --I'rfsidc-nt, Mill. Wales; vico-president»—Me«rs J. | M'Donald, T. K. Sidoy, M.P., 0. Smyth; Jtrwiiirer, Mr 11. Smith; auditor, Mr A. j 15. Wilson; General Committed-Messrs A. J Devlin, O. Wood. I!. Hall, F. J. llale, a-'id !J. Armisliaw: iecictary, Mr H. Hugliw. Tho atiniwl iitb-cription was lixed at 5= (or men and 2s 6d for ladies, lntcr(?iting papers were read on ''Model Fnselaqei" by Mr G. Hall, and " Why an Aero|»lano Lifts" by Mr (I. Wood.

Tho annual convention of tho W.C.T.U. is to lw hold in Diincdin noxt month, beginning with a public reception in tho Art Gallery Hall on March 13. It is nino years since this convention was hold hero, urn) 80 or 90 delegates arc expected from all parts of ilio Dominion. Tlioro will I>o morning and afternoon sessions, and public meetings every night. Arrangements have been niiido for n lecture to bo given by a prominent member of tho Kugonics Society, and a special service for women will lip cotuluMnl in First Church by tho Rev. (,'. 11, Balfour. Tho Entertainment Committee j s arranging for a trip down the harbour, a garden party, and a visit- to Home. Up to the present tho liospimlity of quite 70 homos has heon promised for tho delegates.

The farmer* in Uruoo and Cltitha districts recently held a conference at flalclutha, at which it was agreed to pay 10Jd an hour and " found" I<j threshing mill hands during tho ensuing season. At a meeting of men held sulKoquontly in Milton it was (lucidod not to worl; under Is per hour and " found." Tho threshing mill owners in the Tokomairiro district, who favoured tho latter wage, have now taken a hand in tho dispute, nnd have unanimously adopted the following resolutions: '' That tho fanr.ors engage the men for the threshing mills, and ]>ay all wng« cash; Unit tho mill owners will not insure tho cmployooo; that tho usual rates for threshing be adhered to viz., 8s per 100 bushel* for wheat, 7s per 100 bushels for oats, and 7s per hour for chair-cutting."

A very Immkomo and appropriate window to the memory of the late Mrs A. \\'. Morris has just been erected in First Church by the family of the deceased lady. Tho llev. G. 11. Balfour, who has just returned after six weoks' abicnco from Dunediu, preached a most impressive sermon on .Sunday morning from the words of •Luke .wii, 10: " \Vo aro unprofitable servants; we have done that which it wtis our dirt; }<> nV' IWoro olosiiig Hie scrvicn he called attention to the now memorial window which had lieen piaeed in the church. The family of Mrs A. \V. Morris, lie said, had placed it there in nlTectionalo remembrance of their mother, who was a manlier of first Chinch from 1857 to 1910

—53 years. 'J'lio window wns a beautiful oik.', both in colour and design. 'Hie colouring was subdued nnd reillul Tho idea expressed was that of "Charity." A woman was giving of her sympathy and suUstfliieo to tin) poor, the liait, the hungry, tho maimed, and the litllc child. Those of them who knew .Mrs Morris so well would at onto see the. appropriateness of the symbol ism. For tlioy knew her .is a mother in Israel of strong faith and largo heart, and, lib her Master, whom site served so well, ever going about doing good. They niobt gratefully accepted tbis i••• from tho incmbsrs nf Mr and Mrs Morris's fumily, and were thankful to have some representative* still in the active- membership of their church. Thuy were glad to have t-ucli a true and faithful servant of Jesus C'hria romcmlicrcd in that way. Truly, she "being dead yet spoke." And yet, lm hud no doubt, hnd she been there that day ."-lio would have said, in the words of the text, tint she had boon an

'.r.prn'itiihle aevV'Hii." 81k lud onlv done what it was her duly to do. Hut to her family, to that congregation, to llio comimuiity, and to her Ixird, slu> had indeed l>een profitable, and sho was nowreceiving Imr heavenly reward.

Mesrs N. Doilds and D. A. Do Moms, J.l'.'s, presided at tho Tort Chalmers Police Court yesterday looming, and fined Karl N'yman, a fireman, 20s for using oljseepo hmguago in Reach street on Satur<lay night. Accused was iwnvictcd and discharged on a charge of drunkenness. '

Concerning the apple trade of Great Britain in 1912, according to the ideas of tho brokers the imports will be very heavy indeed, assuming favourable harvest conditions iii the producing countries, from all quarters. Canadian apples are to arrive there in record quantities; Nova Scotia is boldly advertising that sho will bo able to supply the Old Country with 1.500,000 barrels of apples, and Tasmania has o. rtcord quantity—a million cases-tor export this .season an increase, uf 200,000 cases over llio previous season. An election for a member for Out ram Town Board was held on Saturday. There wore two candidates-Messrs J'Vasor and I-ning. Mr Laiug was elected by a. majority of 17 votes. Very little interest was taken in tho election Addressing Ilia grand jury at tho criminal scions of the Supreme Court at Auckland yesterday (says a Pross Association telegram), -Mr Justice E(|wan|s said (hero were no less than 36 bills to bo sidercd. He regarded this as a shocking slate of aflairs Auckland teemed to l« tho favourite resort, for criminals; for this ho could not Minniso the reason, unless it was on account of its very fine acenory and mild climate- pcrharu the latter. Tho present calondar was a. remarkable contrast to Dunedin, where tho last calendar produced only three cases. When called on as n juror at tho Supreme Court yesterday morning Mr C. \V. Kfqiiihuit failed to appear and Mr Justice Williams lined him two guineas. An hour later Mr Ksquikuit put in an appearance, and explained that he understood from an advertisement that jurors were discharged. His Honor said that «o it was a genuine misunderstanding tho lino would not be enforced. Mr 11. 11. Irving, tho distinguished actor, will be accorded a civic reception at the Town I!all at 11 o'clock this morning. The function i* expected to bn very interesting, a largo number of the leading citizens ha-ving expressed their intention of being present. Tho motive powor derived from the Waipori hydraulic works failed on Sunday evening shortly after 8 o'clock for about three-quarters of an hour. The source of tho trouble, war. a. quickty-remcdi<\l fusion which look placo on llio A linu between Ikilfway Hush and Duncdiii.

It if understood (saj» n Pulmorslon North menage) that his Excellency the Governor has taken a Inajsn oMljghdcn, tho residence of Mis Walter Johnston, of Awaburi, (hiri ing the absence of Mrs Johnston.

At a i>i>ocin| meeting of the Inangahun Miners' Union on Sundae,' night (says a IW> Association message) tltn report in which Mr F l . 11. Ilickcy was aJlegcd to havo slated that it. was imnrccffary for workers .to keep thoir agreement* with tbc musters was difcu.vod. The meeting unanimously censured Mr Mickey, provided the report, w.-w true, and approved of the principle that, no matter what occurred, tho Inangnliua Miners' Union would hold fast to its agreement.

At a meeting held Inst evening details in connection with the social and presentation to l)e tendered to Mr Bedford shortly were arranged. A puree of sovereigns has boon sub-oribed, which will l>e presented to Mr Bedford in Hie Karly Settlers' Hall.

We have to .acknowledge receipt of a calendar from iJin Ocean Accident and Gu-iranleo Corporation.

The annual mcotinr; of the Dunedin Choral Socioty will ta li-Jd this evening in the Art Gallery at 8 o'clock.

The Studobakcr Corporation turnini/ nut Flandors "20" and E.M.K. -'30" i s tlio largest orfraiiifalion cf iU kind in thr> world. Quantity production reduces cost 50 to 90 i:i-r cent.—Particulars frcni Stwltnan and Wilson, Cumberland street, Dunediii — Advt.

Special lin n of latest, drawing room mirrors it. Chiaroni'g Art Depot. Ladies should not rnifs them at sale prices, -Advt.

The lx>H remedy naoinst obe«itv or stoutness is Dr Calhcll's Tablets. Sold by Willi insc-II and Son at 3< 6d |>er bo*. Tjn>v are harmless, but efTcctive.—Advt.

Kxtra. Cho.ip.— Wid(. black all-silk moiro ribl>on. 4J. s{, and 6, inches wido, usually <old at Is 3d to U 9d yord-to lie cleared at 6Jd per yard at Mollisons' »le.—Advt.

A. E. J. lilnkelej, dentist. Bank ol <t, traluia, comer of Bond and Rattrtf »Uocti (next Telejr&ph Office). Telephone 1659.Advt

Have- you wn Williamson's now Jewellery store? Now good? with quality and low prices at 31 Princes street.—Advt.

You cannot do bettor than mako our establishment your buyine centre when you require, a wedding or birthday gift. Reliability in jewellery and silverware is always associated with our name.—G. and T. Young (Limited), 83 Princes street.--Advt.

Ycst When your 6tomach is disordered, liver and kidneys sluggish and inactive, the mind noon becomes despondent and th» Uxly weak. " Wahoo " is a oomplato euro, taken in timo. 2i 6d, chomists nnd Storekeepers.—Adrt

Wuo is I'itc Dm K ?-Tho most re!iabl» Watchmaker. Jeweller, and Optician, enposito taloco Hotol. Moray nlaoo, Dunodin. Lfaarcea strictlj moderato.-Adrt.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 15382, 20 February 1912, Page 4

Word Count

THE PLIGHT OF THE GOVERN-MENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15382, 20 February 1912, Page 4

THE PLIGHT OF THE GOVERN-MENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15382, 20 February 1912, Page 4


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