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liv tub Hon. J. T. P.\n„ M.LC. Items nf iii[.!rtii'.itinii aiul liri't ii'tntiieiils en i|i|.-ii'.in wining 1in.1.-r tins laseliiig am nlwavs W.-ItMH,.- li.iks. i...M.|ilil.ts. .te., nut lu the e-lilor of tins iiiliiiiin will alfo iratiiTil. MKKTINCS WIIKK. T(i-iiii;lii (.Sittinlay).—lnkers; Ty|X)|;raphioal (hoard). Alond.iv.—WoolL-ii .Mills: I/ihour l'epresentation Council; lirocers; Tailors; Presvers. * Tuesday. - Hawmillers; Hairilrcssers; Slaughtermen; Canuistcr Workers; ll'Kitmakers. Thiirtxlay.—Trades and Ij'jbour Council; Tramways Friday.-Kngiiieois. TD I.'iItIKKSPnXDKNTS. ('. It. Diiiiclii!.—Many thanks for your favours. Will piobably refer later ,o '•tilijc'.'t- ui'.':ilioii"d liy yxni. Tile conlusion ri'gardinif A)f:mlism aristv. largely from ihc widcl;•tlilFercnl ((inceptions held bv adherens of the varioi.'.s schools of Socialist thought. The tendency ibm prevalent just now i.s ;i disjy.isiiion Inwards an tinarcliisiic haliit of mind. However. I will deal wilh the i^uw rai'cd by you as otipiirtiitiity olfers. P. .I.—Yes, your view of the matter is lorreet. T. (I'll. Thanks for reports. TIH-: I,US ANCKi.IvS I)Y.\A.\IITAIU)S. The full circimslanccs (siirroiiuding the confession of the biolher.s .M'Namara in '•oniuitioii wilh the charge of Wowing up the l.os Angeles Times "niiilding.s Jiave not. yet. lieconic known. The plea of gtiiby caiL-ed consternation m the ratiko of orgimi'od Labour in Amrrica After the sensational ending of the trial tlio accused's cvunsol (Mr Clarence Harrow, who has defended many Labour leaders, against various, i-liai-ge.-) said: " I have suv<«l human life, I hope, for I do not believe the judge will senlenee them to death. For six months 1 have carried a terrific liiinbn. I sought every loophole, and tried my N-st to grojie my way out of the maze*. !!ut two wecl.o ago 1 discovered that th:' Hfite had irrefutable evidence, James will tell all the facts later. The prosecution had a dead leien-and-slmt case." l'rom that :l.::ti'tnent it would apiiear lieyond doubt that the Lakmir leaders were guilty of heinous crimes, in which human life v.'.io sacrilice:l. A I'LOCItLSUIXC. CXIOX. The .Southland Sawtnillom' I'nion jias just (■ompleted its eleventh year of existence. It is impossible lo state exactly what, utiioithin has meant in monetary lienofils to the sawmilbrs, but the gain his been considerable. It i.s Ue.ond question, too, that the union has had pome inlluonoc on tlio legislation of the iiist dooado. The werelary states in his report that "the year just ended has licon a llourishitifr one in so far as tin iiid'.i-iry is concerned, and I here ha-, been loss scarcity oi work than perhaps has Ix-eu the cas? since the formation of Iho union, and if ia to be sincerely hopivl that Ihe present happv conditions will continue." Tno groivlh of the union is perhaps best shown by the increase in members' subscriptions for the period of its existence, and these r|iow:~1901 ... £203 9 4 ISO 7 ... £352 10 3 I'JO2 ... 162 6 0 1903 ... 419 3 8 ISO 3 ... 251 13 0 ISO 3 ... 42311 S IKH ... 250 0 7 1919 ... 458 2 0 1905 ... 145 10 9 1911 ... 475 7 3 1906 ... 32213 3 'fin: memburs present at the annual mooting paid a wcll-de-.ervnl tribute of praise to the genial wurctary (Air T. ("'Byrne), Ihe president (.Mr .1. Alswoilcr), mid tin.' I'lxecutivc (Jommittuo. UItITAIN'S RHAMK. The iiiiicst at Home is hrintrini; miinurous prtxifs of sweating to Iho surface. I havo given several examples in this column. One of the latest is the conditions of the employees of Ihe Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company. Attempts were made to organise theso workers into a union. The reasons for tho slop are apparent when tlio conditions are stated. Tho men attended a uiiotiiig, and 65 wore permnptorily dismiiwd as u warning to others. Wagtw and working conditions apart from such a piece of tyranny deserves thu severest condemnation. And hero is a glance at llie wages and conditions. Conductors get u minimum wage of 16s 6d per week of six days, rising to a miximutn of 18s per week. When Ihey uttniu tlio ago of 22 years they are sometimes given tho option of becoming taxi drivers or leaving. If ihey decide on taxi driving thoy havo lo pay £2 10s for tho privilege, nnd no wages are paid for the throe weeks spent in learning". A license cosU 5s isor year, which is also paid by lliu man, A tnxi driver receives, <>u an average, 3s per day of 12 hours. A Irani driver jjols a minimum wage of 24s for a six day's week, and in four years he rises lo a maximum of 26s fid per week. THE POSITION IX GERMANY. TJio results of the lirst ballots in the ( elections should ho known some time to-day. The currant London Labour Leader, writing on the eve of the campaign, said Umt " Interest seems to centre round tho attitude of tlio National Liberals. At their roeent national conference the leaders affirmed thoir opposition lo the Clerical and Conservative parties on Iho one hand, and lo the Socialists on llin other; soino_ emphasised their nntngonism to tho reactionaries and some laid all the stress on the necessity for keeping out tlio Socialists. If seems evident that in Souili (■ormany the Liberals will, in the second ballot, vote wilh tho Hoeialists | 0 | i(x ,|, out i!w Clericals, whilst in Iho west they will slop at nothing to defeat .Socialism." Tho llerlin rorrospondont of tlio samfl paper, llorr Schwar/., also refers to the Gorman ixwilion. .Speaking of (lie dissolution of tho llavarian Diet, tho elections for which will lake place short lv, ||err Schwara says:-" Tho Socialists and Liberals have roroivod Ihe news with acclamation and are determined to do all in their |>owor to defeat the Clericals at Iho polls. To that end the- Groat l'loc has boon formed—thai is u coalition has been made between the Swialisl.s and the different panics. Tho Great U!oo now praehcally covers the whole of r-'oulh Germany, and, dospito all Iho revolutionary vapouriiirs of the i'ori'es|K>ndonts of the exlremo Marxian press, it will soon extend to Iho Heichstag What do the "clean" Socialists of IVilaiu say to this? llie reo-nl proceedings in the Saxon Landtag also show the tuouro.-s our narlv is making towards the adoption o'f a' constructive policy. Tho election of presidents of Iho Chamber has just laken place, and the roeiahsts havo made use of thoir privileges and have agreed tlsat Comrade Krasss. dorf be ehH'fAl Kirst. Vice Comiado l'leissner was also elected as Pocmla-rv The S-x-ialists declared thai thev will fiib hi th" constitiitinnal condition* imnesod on nil who accept office in Parliament, according lo their own interpretation of them"

TIIK SKA.MKX-S OIiAMPION. ii , I \'';' ural| v mull-Mood that. .Mr J. Ilavoloek Wil-ou, ,v|, o is now in Australia on ii dua of reciiporatimr his health :i!iii liniiKiii!,' the si-:iiiM-n of t|„. world t»Kj<tliof. will visit Now ft.;,!;-,,.! Hioitly Air Wilson hi.s devoted the lioat "I H llfos wii'rj'ii.s k> svmntr thu I is lalHuir Ills cot boon ill vain. 1( P WIIS aWi wholly for tho iccont i«inm m Homo wlwh nvdted in some, further measure t.f jnslkv Ihiiij? i Kr ti«.l tail to tho Umish seamen, l'ait of Air WilMm s present plan is to link up tin. bunion of tJ;e world, ami a l.randi ofiice will lie opened in Sydney. Air Wilson will address meeliiiirs in various parts of \u>Iraha. Ii is iu-.eiTs-tinir t„ ~la „ c i. ; „ ~,.. veteran. Ho is an of militant unionism, and regards the power of tho strike as i*>ontiui, though at tho « u ,„. till!., he lias iwrliajM oondmted more semiprivate conferences to seek mire* for minor jrnovanos tJian anv niim living. \ uortny <in.-civ.sor i>f thoVroat .l'l::uso|| ho enjoys tho .stroin and regard of evotv niatl in tho ami is counted tho friend of tho filler in every All thruiuh a. nitir and siremioiis ]if,. Huvolock Wilson lias Uh-ii tho industrial uniidit tiltinir at liijtbtti'O to his kind, and liU record of achievements a»\iiiii|tli.<!iixl is one „| t .|„> li:wt of .iiK-dvru times. It will lu> -a privilege and an iuspira.tion for unionists i.> hoar mine il.-t.iils of th,. liirhf. for letter ooiiditions put up i„ ,„,. f w -| o( i Kiiiirdom tioin one who has Uvn so much in the foretront or tlwse irn-ai striiuiries. ami who m jus own pcr>;»n lias had so much to do with the $:uciv*o.s that have kvn won. Mnce th.' last (rival strike the membership of the .Soainon's Inion lias inoro.ssisl to a marvellous extent, and the douirhtv president now directly represents over oS.Of'C men._ Air Wilson U accompanit.,l li v Mr V. W. llell, one of the pnoiiimti! oru-an-i-ors of the liritish Suunon's I'nirn. Air IVII spent the 0.-irlv wars of his life'in Australia and New Zealand, and is known at- Home as the rucy Aii-tralian speaker. I.AHOrK AND IT? OUCANISATION. With the election out of ihe way aiu-ntio.'! has reverted to ih,. iVtu-r oryatlLssltirtlt of Liiwur. The forces ln-liiiul tlie I'nity rampaiirn of rroto.sxv Mills have boon,<l. and the orcanisation should bo now speedily strimj.'tbened. Tho National LVcutivo of i.iio K-.K-.iir

]xirty ami thn Dominion Kwntive of Ihe Tradi* and 1,a1:<,-;u- Council.-, have Ih-oii Consolidated into a joint cumulate". Mr .1. A. M'Cullouirh ami Mr I.'. Troguir have joined till" committee, ami its duties lioiici'mrtll will lie to promote tln> niece,* of the Unity t-adipaifrn anil organisation. The headquarters (if tin- K-uimilliv (in; in \\clliiisrton. Mr 1). M'Laren. who was defeated Ity ,i narrow margin of votes lor Wellington Kan, has been apiwiutcd secretary lo ilin jciiul. committee, and liu ami Profisair .Mills will now Is-ml their energies to perfecting labour organisation. This nrraiigwiicnt is of much interest, to Xoiv Zealand workers. Their organisation has: never approached |u;rfi>ciiuii. and tho recent elections roviahxl the fact- that there is a very large Labour vole iinperfccllv organised and cducakil. Comi=ircd «■,.".. Australia, tlii- political organisation of the workers in New Zealand is very backward. There are reasons why such is tho case, and the haclcwardue.-:;' Ito,; meant mi lire-ill a liv< a* miu'lil liiiv.. been tl- uulcr hss f.ivoltrablu jwililical conditions. 'Hie fact thiit. iu-vcial hailing were imbu-.-d with a desire to put New Zealand ill tlii' vim of proirresiive countries made it. less necessary thai llie workers .should concentrate on |.;>litical orgaui.-si-limi. lint apparently the loath is now realise that future trains will lie aceoiding to the measure of perfeelion in the workers' own oigaiiisaliuit, mid to that, end I hey are deliberately selling' their hoii.-o ill order, lnterc.-t is licing ;ti:iiula!ed by the changes just nude, and the coining Kaster Labour Confereneo piomis:s to be the most, representative Labour gathering ever hold in New Zealand. I'mfo.-sor Mills nrriyes in Duui-din on the 20th inst., iind he will devote .-everal days to mooting the different groups of workers and explaining the projected organisation and its probable effects. jottings. The Unihvav Officers' Advocale for .January is acknowledged with tluniks. Mr James Young, secretary of the Dominion Trades and Labour Council's Kxiscutivo, is r<!cii|yriitinc in Australia. .More than 37,080 cluldmi are oliieialiy recorded as stiwi traders in England and Wales Mr Peter lWling has again been defeated for the iirc.iidonlcv of the Xorlliern Collieries Kmployees Federation of Miners (Now South Wales) All enterprising Now Zealand employer ti'/'il wireless telegraphy to advantage recently. Me was rushed with orders and wmllo to got lulxnir. 110 communicated with an English Jmat, and engaged tho only man in'lus line on board. A largo number of members* nf tho rkiiitli Australian police force recently assemhled in Adelaide and formed 'them solves into a union. The stop marks a new departure in the direction of unionism, ami constitutes the lirst. police association of h.s kind in (ho world. There are. throe Labour members of Parliament on the Now South Wales Totalisator Commission. Modi's Hollis. I'eters, ami Wilson. The commission will Shortly visit. Dunedin. Auolln-r distinguished visitor is .Mr ,T. Krasimis. of the Johannesburg- Labour parlv. lie is a. native nf To Aroha, mill is well pleased at the prospects for a. Lalxiur parly in .South Africa-. Til,) Arbitration Court has annotnieo.l its award for baiinaids and bannoti in Wrsl Australia. Barmaids are di'.-i','iiated as any porson over the of 16 iimiiillv eml'!oy<*l in the sab' of liipior in hotels or premises licensed to soli wine or beer. Tito ww for barmen and barmaids i? fixed at £3 5s a week, without board awl residence, but while barmaids are, required to work oiilv 48 hours, barmen must work 56. Ovnrtimo is to be paid for at lime nnil iwiunrtor. and Sunday work at 2s 6ri an hour Tho first, section of the award of tho New South Wales Traniwav Board lias just 1-oon iniido public. Hours of lnlnntr for all classes of employ-era are fixed al Pfj per fortnight. Hates of pa.y aro:—Flasllion. Intnptriintitoi'S. lavalorv "cleaners and lioinl cleaners, 7s Oil; ftiolmon, ss; mishorsout, 8s; checkers. 8s; conductor;, first war. fk second year. 8< 6d. Ihoroaflor 9s; drivers el(H'lr!c.. first year 9s, second vejr !)s 6tl, thei-oafter 10s; motor aitendaiiis, as 6d; driver.- - , sleam. firsl year Us. second year 12s. third voa- 13*; shiintors. li>; tKiinls. men. 8s 6d; siirnalmen. third-elass 10< wond-class 10s 6d. lirsl-ckss ll.,; slarleri third-class (nor iveek) 60s, >-econd-c|ass 63s 665; ticket exiimiuers, first year Ms nor wook. secoml year 675, thereafter 7Cs; shed foremen, sco.ind-class 61s per week, first-class 70s; relief sipnalmen to !>o p;r,d at sowml-class si(ri)almon'f rales when relievitn: socoml-cliisr, .signalmen onlv ilurins the day.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15350, 13 January 1912, Page 5

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THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15350, 13 January 1912, Page 5

THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15350, 13 January 1912, Page 5


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