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The school gymnasium woe crowded ytiv ' tetday aitinioon, and Mr A. K Kenmird ; presided, bollix Mipporlid on tlio platlorm by tlm ltov. l>. Dmton and Mr T. k. Siduy, ' .M.l'. The children were orderly, and, lor such .1 large number, wore atliiurnbly ctmtrolled by Mr J. \V. Ibvrdy (hoad luostui) and his uiatf. Tlio ceremony o( presenilis tlHi prims was very pleasantly relieved by ■ a programme of musical, elocutionary, and other iluiiio by |Jm> pupils. -Mr W. Aliliio. :ui cx-huiid master of tlio school, performed tins lirxt |wrt of the ceremony by presenting tliu prizi'i) to the infant dqwrtnicufc Mr Kcnnonl, by/ore proceeding to lmml over tho clow prizta for tlio year's work. Raid Im wislicd. on behalf of the echixil J Kcnerully. to tender -Mr Milno a very hearty I welcome. Mr Milno had been with thorn j for 46 years at their annual gatherii:j?s, and j lio hoped to sco him at many more, lie- | ferrins to tho past jour's \wirk, Mr Kon- ! iiarcl staled tliat tho inspector's rciwrt wiw i a very IhtteriiiK one, both to teadicrs cjid | pupils alike. In outitirctirm with tho priu«, I lie would liko to say Uint this ywir limy ' had cut out those for attendance l>ut, on tlio othc-r linnd. had largely increased Um clasn pris(S. They had a£o chaiißd tho; method of awarding the j>riros, nnd now, . instead of a child being ablo to win n. \tnza ■ nt an rxainiiuition held at the end of tho j year, it could Rain oim only as tho result | of consiitcnliy |?°°<l work throughout tlio I year. Under tho now eystoin at leo-tt one-1 fifth of the chus participated. He. then i proccixloil to present tho claw prizes for thu year. Mr T. K. Sidcy also made a. fow remarks appropriate to Uio occasion. Tho Rev. p. Diitton, in presenting the shooting, sowinK, and Nn.vy Ixvipuo priiw, proceeded to euloßiso tho work of llw Navy > which, ho said, was dome more I real good in tho way of disseminating know- ■ lihlro about tlio Empire thuii any olhor in- , ftitutioii ho know of, for it wiw teaching unity of hcarU, han<t<, and purjx«o. Tlio ntise-liet is as follows:— Standard Vl.—Dux of school—Florento Hoirord. First class—Florence Ileward, Jf. j Powell, W. (llaEse. Seeoml claw—llnmith Howard, I. Nowlands (first jiriin writing), M. Martin (second pri'7.o writinß), L. M'lvcr. Honournblo mention—S. llurd, S. Hall, L. Cfildwll, 11, Hnmilton, C. Townrow, E. !3ounlon, H. Stovone. Standard V.—First class—Frank Morico (lirat prizo drawiiiß), llichanl jVblil).v, I«i llroak, Mary Hunt S-ccoikl clans—Joanio Cardno, William M'lvcr, Uoixlon Hamilton, Alfred Grilliths (first writing), Boasio Pajno Honourably mention— Turner, Georgo I'ngo, .lolm Uoull, Ivy Soilness, 13(tBio Snowball, William iluut, John Crosswoll, Leslie M'Xalty, Leslio Mew. Standard IV.—First claw-Nollio Johntton (seiond prize drawing), Harry llay, Dorothy Carson, SUnlcy GrifliUci (fust priw writing), Harry White, Nina Wfddcrepoon (first price drmvinj). Second class—Slina Wilkinson, S<uiuiel Kroon, Ernest Ijvwrence, Dorothy liennctt, Kvclyn Walker, Roeo HoboTts, I'MwanMVilson, Nollio Partridge. Honourablo mention—Jcjji Wagner, Robert Rutherford, Donald Lister, Dorothy Jack, Nori Wilkinson. Standard lII.i-First clas3—Ainslio Wilson, Doris Thomson, Alieo Jolmslon (first priro drnwinf,'), Fred. Brooks, Jainctt Lyall, Kdita Yeoman. Seeoml clam—Ailecn Jack, Alex. M'Laehlan, Harry Simons, Alison Rutherford, Jlarftarot Martin, Richd. Hill, Stella Hcwaixl, Samuel Barnrtt. Honourablo mention—Doris May, Uolwrt lU<ldoll, Olarenco Robertson. Douglas Wise, Eloanor Johnston, William IjeofTlcr. SlaiKlard 11.-First claes—Mary Chambers, Reginald Francie (first nriio dTawing and writing), Hiirli Eccles, fred. Stovcna, Cathie Hamilton, Minnie Doull, Jolin Donford, Jamra Briefs, Hrttio Ronnie. ?ccond class—Ncwio Vcrnifrcen, Elsio Walker, Therc6,i Weir, Frank Sanderson. Ivy llurpees, Ruby BaUißati-, ifaM Gubbins, Lornu Jiaig, George Gay, Florence Drctnner. Honourable nwntion—Leslie Roljcrtmn, Marj- M'Lwhlan, Sarah M'lvor, Dorw Toirarow, Charles Smith, .Minnio Cardno, Robin Morice. Standard 1.-A: First claes-Nellio Rficder (nrst prizo wrilinn), Violet Wilson, Cissy Hill, Myrtle Stubbs. Second clasnAlox. M'Lintock, Joe Morice, Bertha King, Vonus Reid, Dorothy Yeoman, Adcma Pitts. Ifonournbln mention—May Campbell, Jnnuw Hagnrty, Albert Allen, Willinin Coulter, Wesley Johnston, Myra M'Kinlay, Mona Nowiiian. (D): l'irst class—Arthur Rowlett, Albert Lawrenco (second ririzo for writing and drawing), Allan M'Ncil. Rrcontl class-Sidney Goodman, Thomas Yatw, Allan Milne. John I'oaree, Elsio Scwfe, John M'NVil. Honourable mention—Annio M'Donald, Mnv Matthews, Sidney Koonan. Upper Infants: Fifst-class prizes—Ritn Sutton, Muriel Hu(l.«>n, Lily Cole, Robert. Murray, Gwenylh J;rwis, Ralph Wilson, May Roljcrhson, Freda Fraser. Secondcln«3 priws—Stanley Jefierson, Alma Turner, Reirinnld Simons. Edward Tohill Dorothy Rowhtt, Edward Kerr. Ella Jnck, MyrtJe M'llray. Honourable mentionKale Cummiiig, Roy Ford, Muriel Cunninglinm. Infant Room: Claw IV—Ronald M'Grepor 1, Jamrs Kesnnn and Henry Atkins 2, Frederic Watson and Arthur Fryn 3. Winnie Pitorer 1, Elsi" Campbell nnd Grace Martin !!. Olive M'Komio 3. Wriiintr— Fred Greham, Ncttn Fredrick. Class III: Cecil Thomas 1, .Tack Davii 2. Keith Rappo nnd Mellon M'Neill J. Riu Mnnilie 1. Jean O'llnrn 2, Winnie Smith. Jμpin Walker, and May Flrooks 3. Writing— Winni" rtulli"rford. Class (I: Percy Green ami Waller Thiirlow 1, Norinnn Vriirli nnd Norman M'Kinlnv 2, Iluin Hunt 3; Ida Meiklejolm 1, Ruby Potbr 2, Tremelh Fletrlipr nnd Alma Toom,>r 3 Clow T: Timlin Will 1, Jnmes Fra.«er 2, Furdie finrrhnw 5: Mraiira Hn-enan 1, Chrislin,a Smitli 2, Mavis Nieper 3. Special Phizes. Drawing: Upper infanta—John Brown 1, John Unrnctt 2. Stan.lard I (»)—Ritii GrimmeM, Sidney Keeiian. Standard I (A)—Wm. Coulter 1, .Iran Darnell 2. Standard ll—Charles S'initli, Nniman Snowbnll. Standard IH-Chmtinn Tillin 2, William Smeiil 3. Standard IV—Allwrt Pa-;e, He?sie Mnrpliy. Standnrd V—LoHio Turner 2, Leslie Mow 3. Standard Vl— Lnnco Caldwell 1. Winifre<l Jack 2. Writinc: Upper infant.'!— Lena Todd 1, Irvine Smith 2. Standard I (B)-Fred Smeal (first prize drawing) 1, Annio M'Donald 3. Standard I (A)-MarKnrol Nelson 2. Alfred GrifTillis 3. Standard IIJnck Moriee 2. Richard Gieavra (second prize drawing) 3. Standard lll—Gwen Miller 1, Robert Reddell 2. Standard' IV —Thnmafi Duncan 2, Duncan M'Fnrlnne 3. Standard V-01iver Sutton 2, Leslie White 3. Standard Vl-Winifred Jack, Clara Townrow. Sewing: Upper infants—Kiln Jack 1, Dorothy Rowlett 2, Mnbel Ray (special). Standard I (H)—May Matthews' 2, Maggie Kwnnn 2. Standard I (A)—lrene Kcnnnrd I, JoAiin Gumming 2. Standard ll—llettio Uennio 1, Sarah M'lvor 2. Standard lII— Alieo Johnston 1, Edna Peters 2. Stnndnrd IV—Dorothy Jnck 1, Nellie Johnston 2 Standard V—May Patterson, Mary Hunt, Susy Denford; darning. Doreen Totld 2. Standard Vl—Winnie Jack; darning, Clara Townrow. Physical Exercises and Drill: Standard lll—Dorothy Dnvies 1, Eva Mundio 2. Standard IV—Hlancho Xieper 1. Hilda M'Lachbn 2. Standards V mid Vl—Elizabelli Ellis 1, Kili-oii Connor 2. Navy League Prize*: St.iuilartl V—lvy Souness 1. Alfred Griffiths 2. SUndard VI -Mary Martin 1, Wm. Oln.-so 2, Allan Campbell 3. Allienn'iim prize for general knowledge— Wm. Glaw. Victory shield nnd medal—Mary Martin. Shonting—Allan J. Campbell l", William 11. Wilson 2. Rest fcwing in school—Florence Hcwnrd, Recitation : Standard VI —Mai ilia Annio Powell 1, Win. Thomas 2. Progress: Standard IV—Roliert RuHierford. Mrintaguc Jackson. Fergus M'lvor, Donald List-r. Dux of srlii>"l—Florence Ileward. Attendunc- Certificates: 134 first class, 114 second clew.

FOIIBURY. Tho brcaking-up α-rcuiuny in connection with tilt) iulaiit clussiti ol thu Forburv School uiok pliico in the suliool (jymnasium yesterday attunioon, und that for tho older pupils was ht'ld in Uiu ovening, when thu capacious hall was i>acko<l to the doon. Tno chairman ot tlio School Comniittvo (Mr Stoivart) presided, and olhora who assisted in the evening's busincs wero exliisjioctor I'itzgerald, .Mr 11. M. V.mng (Mayor of St. Kilda), Mr T. K. Sidey, M.1 , ., Mr .1. M. Uallaway, and thu Rev. It. FainuaidTliu- Chairniaii cxprcased Ins satisfaction at thu krg<! attendsneo of parwite and [rit'iuU. Tin- mioci'iis of thn scliolaiJ was very gratifying to all, and they might well feel proud of tho success of tho fchool. To those \vtu> wore leaving thu fchool to start in life ho wished every succesi aiio ho[ied tlint thnso who wero comine liacl; next year would worl; liappily with their teachers. Mr fiidey offered his congratulations to tlio school on tho success which had nttendod tlie wnrl: of tho scholars and thu teachers during tho past Tear. The school wiw now iho second largest iu Otago.

Mr living congratulated tlio school on >nco itpiiii roaching (ho conclusion of u iticce*sful year and tho stall ti|K>ti the ixcolli'iit manner in which it hail carried nit iU dulim. It was well known on tho L'lat that tliu Forbury School was a litlln totter Mailed than any other school in tho listrict. Mr Ktnfcy (tho head master) paid the" ivouk! hsro soon by tho papers ho hod o luuioiinco to tho bluwiM that on ho opening of tho school in tho new your >u viaa not to reccivu any pupili from outiidu tho Fdltool district a( Forbury. lie 'imply madii thu niinouncaineiit, and left i; tuthecummittcu and parents to fight it nut us ho thought they would. Tlioir average .ho |wi3t quarter had been 716, and tho iverago for tho year 710. or 40 higher than that for the previous vear Tho present oil number was 752, and according to those tiitinburs lliny wero entitled to an extra teacher or. tho stnft. JIo wished to exproKs "his thanks to both tho committee mil thu rest of thu teaching stall.—(Applause.) Following is tho priro list:— Dux of school, P. Nelson. Attcndanco certificates for the school, 238 lirst. clots ind 109 second cla.ii. B|Kx:inl attendance wrtificatos wero awarded to 12 pupils obtaining seven or mom lirst classes, 10 pupils obtaining six first clonics, and 14 |»i|)iU obtaining livo lirst elaraee. Navy LcagTio prizes for eseaye: iiHundard VI 1 , . Nelson, H. Abcrnothy, D. Bruton. Standard V—K. I lonian. F. Budgen, K. Steel. Navv Loaguu prizo for bugling— B. Watt. Standard Vl.—Pringlo Nelson dux. lVizca—ltoy Ahoniethy 1. Edward Brooks 2, Olive Hnlligan 3, Roberta York 4, Ina M'Kcnzio 5. General Proficienoy— Firft Class—Cornlio Kernohan. Douglas Bruton, James Welsh, Jessie- M'Lcod, Joseio M'Koclinic, Agnes .Mason, AHrt-d Godfrey, Ruth Johnston, Gladys Elliott; Second CUs»—Marjjarot M'l>außhlaii, Wilson, Neil MiVlgon, Hazel Duddiconi, Freda Harrold, Walter Anderson, Gcorgo Mason, Amy Satindors, Sowing:—ba M'Kcnzio 1, Olivo ILilligan 2. S]K-cial prizes—Plodding boy, Georgo Mason; Athenajum prize, Coralio Kcrnolian. Attvndonoo cortiiioaks, 17 first-class, 6 Bccond -class. Standard V.—Edith Iloman dux. Prizw -Robert Steel 1, Myrtle Judd 2, Douglas Neilson 3, Jano Timlin 4. Gonoral l'roRciency: First Clbas— Krio Bugden, Annio Sutherland, Caroline Grant, Arch. Hunter, Arthur Gillan, Mauilo I'almur, Harry liarley, Jooai Jackson, FlqreiKo Porter, William Hewat; Second Clara-Cicely Swcto, May Hodg<« ( Janies FiUgorakl, Janice Dull, Janot M'Fie, Florence Couch, Victor Bond, Ivy Waujjrh, llyrtlo \\a'.. Herbert Mitchell, Annio Maxwell. Sew-ing-May Hodges 1, Neliy Jonte 2. Attendance curtilicatca 25 urst-dass, 11 Standard IV.—Dux—Clarence Gillati. I'rizee-Leslio Quest 1, John Stool 2. Eileen Anderson 3, May Gilchrist 4, Vera Carson 5, Lucy HcwJcwood 6. Genornl proficiency: First class—Jessio Wiiokoldiuo, Violet M'Auley. John Aahton, Johsi Tobin, Ellin Wix, David Morris, Elsio Eiiktsoii, Acnes Anderson. Petor Ilohncs, May Davclin, lolin PuJnicr, David Gridgomaii. Allen IleveridßC, Lily Ulnck. Second class— Ma-y llobcaft, John Johnson, Frcvl IW. Lily [liliiioiir, HolKrt Uurmloll, ?<idio Vincent, Madgo Brown, Dolly Shoro, Tholma Newman, Oharles Kceles, Herbert Steven*, Ethel Hobcrnft, Leonard Irvine, Violet Ritchie, Linda Facoory. Sowing—May Gilchriet 1, Luey lloazlovood 2. Attondanco certificates -37 firet class, 10 second clnts. Standard lll.—Dux—Ernest BrooV*. Prizes—Robart Smith 1, Roy Herbert 2, Ireno Davidson 3, Hrucu Watts 4, Jossio liartholoincw and Winue Crahbo («|ua!) 5. I/cslio Amuri 6 General proficiency: First close—Mnry Knowlcs, Jfyrtlo Barr, Mildred York, Ralph Porter, Robert Aitken, Walter Sutherland, Lena MiUcr, David Saunders. Hunter Nekon, Petor Timlin, Claronco Co!kit, Doris Dixon, Ruth Miller, Olivo Lane, [iordon Frasor. Second das*--Albert rhortiasoi, Thomas Fitzgerald. Erio Emar:on, Inn Mixjnnnn, Jonn Heck, Allwrt N'oriniin. Cliarlee Brady. Charles Roberts Agnes Bain, Malcolm M'Donold, I<conard Dcllve, Albert Welsh. Mary Devlin. Ailcen Jenkins, George M'Bride, Joseph Dau-scn, Nicholas Succory. Scwmß—Doris Dixon, Rpeoinl (for bnisbj«lrnwing)—R. Ailkcn; for English)— Lena Millar. Attendance :ertificates—3s first clana, 12 second clots. Standard ll.—Dux—Lilian Younfr. Prizes -John Pe.nia , 1. Lilv Bartholomnw 2. Id* Lungley 3, Roy Wainhouso 4,, Robert Munro i. Vera, Hodges 6. General proficiency: h'irst olass-Maiido Bdworde, Eric Vincent. tVilliam Elliott, Gordon Croxford, Basil llcozlewond, William Smith, Emily Ilcmlorion, Ethel Da-vie. Cathorino I>oull, John h'raser, John Woods, Ruby Hodge, Jofrph Diefoon. John Sharpo. Setwnd elasj—AnIrow Borthwiok, Lionel M'Auloy. EtW Driimraond. Daisy Bairil. John Pope, Julia llowloy, Thelinn Stewart, Jamee Sharps iioorjje Applegate, John Davenport. I.enire Winfjfiohl, Sarah Rnn Jack Morris, JaiiKis Moivat, Klizabet'h Phillips. Sowing -Cnthorine Doull Spocinis—Elsio Palmer, Dorothy Steel, Chorlre Smith. Attendant :oriificate»—44 firft clost, 16 second class. Standard I.~Dui—Harry Aitken. Priies--Chrislina Blaokiel, Eva Connor and Mny ikird (ei|Uat) ?.. WinifroJ Nelson 3, Ida Uix 4. Albert Timlin 5. Gonoral proiciency: First clao— Bnid Bell, James Soynour. Maurice Davies, Frank Davidson, fiily Slovens, Mo,isie Anderson. Florence 'huffill. Dorothy Gilliee, Gertrudo Pollock, \tnry Brownlie. Jessio Hunter, Jean RidJell, Lily Smith, Jossw I/arking, Winifred [junib. Cliarlcs Ritchie, Fred Hobcraftj second elass-Tliomas Porter. Gortnulo Mowat. Alfred Dray, Leslie Matlifo. David HoriiolL Stewart M'Lewian, Mftrjorio iVackoldine. Albort Oroy, Gordon M'Donlid, John Napier, Mary Homlemn, Albert I'lvana, Roe Mciwr, Gcorgo Kennedy, Hunter Dick, Frtvl Line, Fn-d Swete. Sewintr—lCnirl Bell. Attondanoo certificates— 29 fir«t clnm, 21 second class. lowar Standard I.—Dux—Winifred Connor ami Hanoi Mmvat (equal). PriwaOlivo Broolra and Lucy Froemaai (equal) 1. Alioe Bain 2. H<«el Croxford 3, Bcatrico [irey 4, I/eslio Blaeiie 5. Geinul pro[ieiency: First ckii—John M'Lauehlan, Affnos Wiillaon. Marjorio Swete. James Timlin. Eileen Wainhouse, Arthur Luaitlov, Proderick Firkin, Apnes Hnrmrenw«, Robert Grant, Henry Hrazlcwood, I laid E<Uvards, Loslio Dnvicfl, Ilenr}' Waugh, Stanley Fox, Bvclyn Lumb; Fccond classi—David Fergn«n, Elsio Tumor, Pearl Dark. Irtyw M'KcoJmie. Gordon Walker, RicJiard Bain, Tnnot Griffiths, Wilfred Gra-inger, Marion llowlandii, Alexander More, Froda Buplcn, Violet Hell. Mnry Fnamry, Vcm Bind;. David Porter, Irene Ivvans. Attcndanco ttrtificalos—Firsl class 25. m>coikl class 17. bifanti Room (221 pupils).—Attendance 'ertifiailcft—First class 26, second olnm 10. Knelt pupil received a Christmas book awl i packet of lolliee.

ANDKRSON'S BAY. j ' Thn break-up took placo ou Wednc«laj > cvcniiiL , i» tlio Sunday School Hall, which i vvus comfortably lilloxJ. Mr A. Youngson, eon.,j briefly outlined what hud boon dono by tho committee and school during the year aJid what it was intended to do on tho school grounds a* eoon as fiiiwls permitted. Llo : hinted tliivt perhaps during tho coming year something would bo dono to raise the news- | s»rr amount. In rcsixmon to his motion a | licazty vote of Umnke was pos&ed to tho I teachers for tho work they had done. During tho I'veninc Mr Vouiifison also announced that tho school picnic would bo hold at Tnieri Mouth on the first Friday in February. Mr Jelfory. in a few remarks, niado reference to the good work riono in tho cookery clashes in tho Macandrow lload Ticlmical School. He said tliut tho econu of the work would bo enlarged during tho coining year, and Uiat each school sending girls to the classes would b« allied to contribute £1 in order that, with subsidies and other donations, additional appliances could be obtained to make the work still more ofiiciciit. At a demonstration given latt week in tho Maoandrew ltoad Technical School it was announced that next year parents would bo invited in numbers to a cookery exhibition, and given an oppor : tunity "of sampling exhibits. Last Tuesday, \i*'uir the Hay School range, tho girl pupils of Standards V and VI had a pikelet and econe competition, with the results shown in tlw prir/>-list. During tlio year Mr C. S. Owen cncloectl a plot of ground, and the boys trenched a border for tho swcot, poaa subsequently planted by the girls. Special muntion was made o( tho kindness of Mi* Hugh Iloss, jun., who had taught tho girk of Standards V ami VI how to mo tho school maohino. Her services in this respect were highly valued, Mr .lottery announced that a winter course of lecture.! was boinpt arranged for next year, and that the following gentlemen had already promised lectures:—Mr Tannock (town planniiiß), Hov. Mr Dutton (astronomy), I'rofpswr Mmhall (goology), Mr Israel (Dickens), and Mr Goodlot (chemistry). Tho Navy League priios were handed over to tho rocrpiente by Mr Hridgemiui, who briefly outlined the objects of tho Navy I/eagne, and askod the boys and girls to do all they could to maintain aud incrrano tho prestige of thn Umpire. Tho foHowintr is the nme-liat: — Slnndartl Vl.—Clirls—Klfio Pryor (dux of school). fSwondnlyn Bonnet 2, Ada Hand 3; boys— (\m\tl Enkm 1. Herbert Booth 2 Andrew Ounn 3.

Standard V.—Girlft—Ruby Jenkins (dux of claw), llaolicl llellycr 2. Uorolhy liontings 3; boyt-Frod. Dutnio 1, Morvyn Duckworth Z, Dennis M'Carthy and Kennedy Henderson 3. Standard IV.—Girls—Eva Wallaco 1, I*iston Cox and Flossie. Kelly 2, Flora Cormick 3; Iwya-Neil Aitkwi 1, Lop Smith 2. Standard 111.-Boys-lloy Duthio 1, Dourlbs Prynr 2, Sydney (Sill 3; girlsMarjory M'Adaui 1, Louisa Spencer 2, Dora HolH>rts<in 3.

Staudard IF.—Girk»-F,inio Harrison 1, Aniiio Goutloy 2, Joseio M'ljntock 3j boys -Kdiv&rd llfll.vor 1. Mcrvyn Valpy 2, ErncKt Ronfreo and Jarnr-s Connie); 3. Standard I.—Girls—Alico Oodzw nml Hilda Cameron 1. Iruno Cameron 2; bow— Willi.; Smith 1, Sydney Uollyor 2, Jxlvtard Pcnttvo 3.

1 , . IV.—Girls—Norah Duthio 1, Florence I'ryor 2; lw.vs—Hubert Duncan 1, Williu Tily 2. Willie. Atchloy 3. Sowing Prira.—Standard Vl—Ada Haiul ami Linda Munro. Starxlatd V—Doris Bastinp mid Glailys AbercroniUp. dard IV—Eva Wallace. Stamlnrd 111Marjory M'Adnin. Standard ll—Annio Oourlcy. Slamlard I—MalxJ Oibson. Standard IM—Flon-nco Pryor Cookery.—Tf«:linical Classos— Doris Basting 1, llacliol IJcllyer 2. School domonMrution: Standard Vl—Pikelets, Lirda Munro; R>onfs, Linda Munro. Standard V —l'ikolels, Uaclißcl Hellyor; reonea. Doris Ilcwit.

Hnisfwork.—Standard Vl—Linda Munro. Standard V—DorU Sinclair. Stamkrd IV —(i!ady« Wilkins nml Flossio Kelly, Standon! Ill—Marjory M'Adajn, Sixinoor, and Ttoinson. SbmUird 11-Jcsiio M'Lintock. Stiuulard I-MaU'l Uiteon. P4—Florcnco Pryor. P3-Fianw3 Eaton.

Navy Iycapuo Pri/m—Stamlard Vl—Ada Hand 1, Gorald Eaton 2. Standatxl V— Ruby Jenkins 1, Mcrvyn Duckworth 2. Shooting—Hnrry Nwwll.

Favourito Hoy and Favourite Girl (derided by ballot \-oting)—GwvruloJyn lknnei and Hcrlwrt IJooth.

Alhcnaium Prizo—Ada Hand. lliblo Ckffl Pruift-SUndanl VI-Ada Hand, Elsio Pryor, Gncndciiyn Jionm.'t. Standard V—Raoliel Hfllycr, Kuby Jonkins. Dorothy Bastings. Standard IV— Kvclyn Wiilla«\ Lieton pox, Helen lliir-vi-y, Neil Aitkcn, Leu "SmitJi. Stajulard 111 —Hoy Dutliio. liazol Brown, Doris Robertson.

Attondanco.—First clasa ocrtiCoates, 22; second class, 9.

MORNINGTON. I Tho .Mornington I'ublio School cloecd clown jestorduy lor the summer holidays. In tlio oltcrnoon Uμ lower standards were presented with tJiu prizes won during tho year, Mr 0. K ijtatham. M.i'., nmking tho prosontation. In tno uvening a largo number of parents and others intonated in tho school assembled in tho when tho Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Standard pupils received tho prites they had won. Mr I'atton, in tlio absence of Mr Napier, presided. In opening tho gathering hu extended an official welcome to Mr David fioii, head master, to whom ho mid they had accorded a farewell when Uio last presentation of priaa took place. Hu was pleased to have their head master back again, iuul it was gratifying to ecu linn looking so well. L)urin» tho year they had, unfortunately, lost tho services o! Mr Mathmvs and Mr Urqulmrt, first and socWd assistants respectively, but those had been replaced by Messrs Service and Walker, two good teacher*, Jn addition, .Miss Low had been appointed mistress at the school. Tho attendance had been well niaintainod—ill fact, the roll number was 512, which was a record for tho district— (Applause.) Thirty pupih sat for tho Jvducation Board's examination, and of theso 28 gained prolicicncy certin'catoa and onu a conipuUinry cOTtiticak). This, ho considered, spoko vory highly for tho training tho ciiildrcn received at tho school. Mr l'atton referred briefly to tlw exchange of Uags whieh had been mado by tlio school with the Ardersillv School in Sootland of a New Zealand Ensign for a Union Jack. *11iis exchange had bcon oilccted tt> Mr Donald Henderson during lib travels.

Tbo Itov. Mr Dullaedcn then'presented tho Fourth Standard, children witli their prizes, briefly addressing tho gathering; Mr M. Cohen the Fifth Standard; and Mr G. Fcnwiok tho Sixth Standard children with their prirce. Kach of tlicso gentlemen addressed tho gatlicring briefly, their remarks being greatly appreciated by tho boys and girk. At tho instance of Mr Fcnwick thrco hearty cheers wero given for t)»o teacliere. The Mayor of Morningtoll (Mr A. 11. Bridgor), Mr Funwick, and Mr Arnold presented tho medals won during tlio year. A very lino programmo of songs, recitations, and musical items was rendered l> the ohildren. Tho nrocoedinp wero brought to a close by tho passing of a voto of tJianku to tlio teachers, tho parents for attonding, and tho singing of tho National Anthem.

following is tho Drizo, list: — Standard Vl.—Dux of school, ' Lindo Abcrnethy; dux girJ, Mona, Campbell j uluinipion ultot, Mark Stovoiis; niiw years' unbroken utkuidanoo, Joshua Kubuuun; eight years' unbroken ttltcmdauoe, lluikin Craigie; eight yi'ani' unbroken attendance, Jessie Galloway; goncial knowWlgo, lan Nicolson. Class prizes—lloys, Lindo Abcructhy 1, William Uoiig>h 2, Gordon Couil i; girle, Mona Campbell 1, Ivy Cainpltcll 2, Flora M'llunald 3. SowingMildred llohson. Darning — Flora M'Donald. Writing-Evelyn Hobbs 1, Jcesio IWI 2. Drawing—Arthur Hobbe 1, Marjory .Growdon 'L Slwottng—Mark Stevens. Attendance— First class 17, and Kcond cln&s 8.

Standard V.—Clase prizes: Boys—Leslie. Woito 1, Ovnis Neild 2, Willio Bosworth 3. Girls-Gladys 'IWnaa 1, Rita Lako 2, Ivy I3kas-> 3. Writin-j—Ooys: Malcolm EUis 1, Leonard Qucmicll 2. Girls: Hita Lake 1, Gladys Thomas 2. LHftwin-g—lladx'l Mason 1, Maggio Dunn 2. Sewinc—Racliel Mason 1, Maggio Dunn 2. SiwciaT jirizo for l»st-kcpt note-book—Louio Johnson, Atk4idanco —First class 7, and second claai 7.

Standard IV.—Clone priwa: Boys—Harry Wiyto 1, Fergus WaU 2, Alan Nicolwn 3j girls—Eemo BcJitham 1, Mina Johnson 2, Haziel Liimbourno 3. Sowing—Uita Eaton 1, Era Whito 2. Writing-Bort Simp™ 1, Jajnea Garsidc 2. Bnrdiwork—Dorothy M'Donald 1, Johnston and Lcalio Whyte (equal) 2. Attendanco-First class 24, and second claw 15.

S!nn<Lir<l lll.— Ulaej prizoe: Boys—F/l----w-ard Moody 1, Ijonol Stqilmns 2, William Laing 3; girls—Jessie Moody 1, Tui MacKerzio 2, Kydia George 3. Writing— Aiiftiis Rol)ort«)!i 1, Era Ramsay 2. Se\vin(f—Winnio iSmith 1, Mary Mingworth 2. Bruih-diuwing-Kinmelino Smith 1, Quccnic Ashcroft 2. Attondaiico—First class 18 and eeoond daw 18.

Standard ll.—Claai prizes: Boys-iGcorco Berry L Erio Edwards 2, Allan Johnston* 3 j jrirlfr-Mym Whiho 1, Marjorio Asliorort 2, Chcrrj' Wip 3. Writing—Beatrice 1, Doroen Fay 2. Sowing—Nancy Ctrolin 1, Jcnn Ixrthnn 2. nrwh-drawme-Toni C-arUr 1, Dorccn Voalio 2. Altomlanco— Kirst class 17 and Moond claw 11. Sta-mlartl 1.-dnss prize*: Boj'B—Ernest Henslcy 1, Erio Miller 2, Geoffrey Firrkert 3; cirL*-Roeo IHvb 1, Mona'Smith 2. Winifred Islip 3. Sowinjr-Ethel Hilliker 1, Rlwna Hcnuley 2. Writing-Lilum Jeffreys 1, Gwendolino Wratt 2. Bniah-draw. inR-Sydnoy fiwrpo 1, Muitland Payrto 2. Attondancc-First class 18 and twoinl class 10.

Infant Room.—Cljiw V : Hoys-Wilfrwl Garcincr 1, Chmrlio Dontltom 2. Alan Laing 3; girls-MaTM Hobbs 1, A'iolet Wright 2, Dorothy Fraser 3. Industry: Boys-James Joynt, Max D'Atcj-j girla-NcHio Smith, Kvclyn Jeffreys. Cfcira TV: Boys—Clnjonw Payi» 1, Arthur Thomson % Clifford Muir 3; eirls-.Myrtk) Uontlamon 1, Kdna Smith 2. Ploaiic Allan 3. C)a*.« III: r>ovs-Pcrcy Thompson 1, Cecil Ca-rr 2. Abraham Haro 3; girls-Vorn, C.rigg ], Floronco M'Kinncji 2, Kathio il'Laughlin 3. Attendance— First class 17 and second ckue 14.

NORTH-EAST VALLEY. Tho break-up in connection with tlic N'orth-East Valloy Sdiool was celebrated Jaet uvcning by a conceit in tho Town Ha!!. Tlicro was a largo attondanco of parents and friends. Mr Arnold, tho chairman, (aid that tliia was the first occasion on which they hod met in tho evening. He referred to tho excellent work done during tho past year by Mr Flainank, tho lioad master, and lib staff. Their offorta towards tho increase of Bcconiroodatioij at tbe rchool had been eucccasful. Ho tluuikod tho parents for tho confidonco rejxxcd in lliciii during tho pnst year, and ho wished Iho children n bright and merry Christmas and enjoyable hohdaye. Ilia Worship tho ilayor presented imilM.i to tho dux boy and dux girl, mid in a ncsat littln speech ho congratulated them on their Echolftstio snoccwes.

Mr G. M. Thomson preeontoj tho Navy Leaguo prise* Ho congrntulated tho school on havinpr tho larjrcst branch of tlio Navy Lo&mio in OUpo. if not in New /wdand. _ Ho hopod tlwt th« incrtaaed «c----commodiition would bo nvailablo when tho urbool rpopened, Tlu. \)t\im 0-wa.rdpd to wccoasful wholan in Standards 111 and IV woro distributed by Mr (100. tfaldor, and Mr Wni. Mo\rat, tnombmn of tho School Commit too. Mr (J. C. Israel and Mr H. P. Ilarvov presented tlio Fifth end Sixth Standard priiw. Mm Hislop procirtod tho tomporaoco prizci

awarded by tho North-East Valley brnncli (il tho Women's Christian Temporanco Union.

Tho Head Master (Mr Flamank) in th<? wurso of ft fow roinanks, referred to tho quarterly report cards. Tho reason for Utuing cards was to lot tlio parents *o© thn cxnrt state of tho progress mndo by their children. Ho hoped jmrentß would rco tho wkdom of keeping tho children at school until a proficiency certificate was obtained. A- proficiency certificate opened tho door to tho Eocond&ry eohool, Tecjini'iil School, Civil ecrviop, and to commercial Ufo jfonorally.

A vote of 1-hankn was passed to the chairman of tho School Committee, anil Mr C. M. ITiqincon. M.l'., for their efforts towarde tho enlargement of tho infants"rooni. ami to Mr VV. G. Lumlcy for his long and valued services as secretary to tho committee.

Thn following proErammo of fongs nnd recitations him ronderrd:—Recitation.*— .Mi« Freda Robertson. Miss 8. Sinplcton, and Mr Slvfield; sonxft-StarKlanle V and VI, Misa Taylor. Mr A. Rawlinson, Miss Inelii, Standarda IV and V. f Tho followinir is Hμ pri*n list:— (jonoral rroficioncy.—Standard VI: Cluis Tiybr iiJux boy) 1, Uavid StaiißfieW 2, John M'lnto*h 3: Triiie Keys (dux girl), Marjory Mitchell 2. Standard V: Alowmlor Ritchio '.. S-itnuel Woods 2; Ethel'Timms 1, Violet Moroer 2. Standard IV: Maitland Willoughby 1, Fredrick Rolierl/soti 2; Vera FlJinank i, IJoris Timlin and Alice Bcekincsjlo 2- Standard 111: Cecil Davis 1. GcortM Simpviu mid Gordon M'Noill («iual) 2; Jean M'Laren 1, EII.I Manson and Millicent Potts (equal) 2. Standard 11: Mercicr l'izey 1, Reginald Jones 2; Coroen Wilkinson 1, Floesio Korr 2. Standard I: Rolf Keji and Alfred Timma (equal) 1, Donald llitchio 2. Rita Hoi mm 1. Myrtlo Snrasruo 2. CUsa P: Artliur Sindroy and Douglas Ferßiison (et|ual) 1, Charley Ixxihart 2: Jcanrtte Ritchio 1, Eva M'Cutoheon 2. Special for progress, Raymond Arthur. SIK-cial Writane Prow.-Standard VI: James Davklson and Liaio Frrgumn. Standard V, Olive Ba\vcr.< and Mary Atkiif. S'Undard IV, Lcon.ud M'Culloußh and Eljw M'Arthnr.

Special Arithmetic Priins, -Standard VI: Prod Edwards 1, John M'lntofih 2; Jean Patorstn 1, Marjory Mitchell 2. Standard V: Albert Turner 1, George Christie 2; Kthel Timms 1, Daisy Mcrcor 2. Standard IV: Frederick Hobcrlron 1, Oliver Morrcr 2i Gladys Flamank 1, Irono Taylor nnd Mary Jelfnrv (equnll ?. Special Prizes for English.—Stnndard VI: David SlansMd 1. Doris Tucker 2. Standard IV: liflio M'Laehlan 1, Alma Cooko 2. Standard V, Oliver Saworo.

Nary ' Lcaßuo Priros.—Starfdard VI: Essays-David StnwficM 1, Charles Taylor 2, Trixio Keys 3. Standard V: ShootingAndrow Coombrs and Sidney Harvov: ossnys—Agnes Elliott 1, Nc.vton Spragno 2, Kthe! Timms 3; winnor of belt for (hootin?, Dnvid StaniOeld.

Dunidin Athpnccuni priza Doris Tucker. N.E. Valley Library Priics, William Sawors and Jano Korr.

Tcrapetanoo r«aye, Daivid StonsfioU anil Doris Tucker. Sewinor Prises.—Standard VI: Buttonholes, Trixio Kevs; darning, Marjorio Mitchell. Standard IV: Alice Bcckingw'.o 1. Annip JVilly 2; <larnintr. May Mnneon. Stawhrd III: - Evclvn Arthur '1 J Lillian Timms 2. Standard II: Linda Ciildcr 1, Klorenco .Kcrr 2. Standard I: Ivy Loveless 1, Mahal Brckingealc 2 Cookinir.-Shnderd V: Ruth Walker 1. Miry Chisholm 2.

Special priro for collection of ferns, etc. —Marv Bird.

Attppdance PriicJ.—First claas 90, second clnos 63.

GREEN ISLAND. Tho annual break-up of tho Green Iskwid School took pjaco on Wednesday aftorr.oon, nnd was a great success, llio chairman of the School Committee (Mr A. Kane) presided. An cxcellont proeramme \vas procuntod by tho scholars and appreciated bv a lnrj?<) number of pa/oole and friends. Short addreasoj wcro Riven by the- chairman, Mr Lindsay, and Mr Bandy. Mia Olivo Wiklcn, tho dux girl, and Master F. Kilpatrick, tl» dux boy, rontcyod to Mim Horno, in -alTectionte terms, the fcolinus of tho pupib towards her on her eovoranco with tho school as miMr«s after a period oxteodinK over thirtytnrwi years Miss Wiklcn also, on boh&lf of tho pupils nixl staff, presented Miss Ilorno with a beautiful sold watch as a tangible token of their esteem. Tho Head Master (Mr M'Donald) on behalf of tho start, inado complimentary reforenco to 'Miw Homo's work during her term of ollico. Compliments wore al«o paid by tho Mayor and tho Chairman of tho School Committee. Mise Horno Biiitably repli'.-d, iu*l the pupils of tho school joinol in sinßins " For flio'd n jolly coot! follow." In tho infant room Priscilla Edear presented Mist Ilorno with a beautiful bouqiKt of flowers, and Miss Home took an allcclionato Icavo of tho children.

Tho following ie tho prizu list:— Standard Vl.—Goneral profieioncy: F. KilPatrick, G. Crawford, S. Andrew, E. Edirnr. 9. Jackson. J. M'Miillan, 1,. Deer. J. Grav. A. Dimwoodio, 11. Forsytlv. 0. Wildon. H. Simpeon, R." Sneddon, V. Prinjrlo, M, Willis, J. Miller. M._ Smollie. D. Taylor. A. Domratcr. Sow ins;: Jwsio Miller 1, Hulh Sneddon 2. Mary'Willie 3. Navy League: 0. Wilden, F. Kilpatrick. General (Standards-V ami VI): Jamce Gray. Tennis: Milly Smellio (champion), A. Dempster 2. Criekol: Peildinsr. L. Wynn; best nil round, L. Deer, Physical measurements: Jo»io Mjllor. Dux boy for 191 L Forrest Kih.»trick. Dux giri, Olivu Wilden.

Standard V.—General proficiency: G. Wilson, F. HodjrkiM. G. M'Ahan, R. Crimp. E. llorraway. V. Barclay. P. Smollie, J. Tavwner, J. Polaixl, V. Price, I), Hcnfoll, Ji M'Loan. M. Lousloy, Gwen (Jreon. M. JUllor. E. Johneton, 0. Moffit. Se<rin(r (speciol):- Vera Price 1, G. Green 2. E. Sainton and Mar M'Lcon (omial) 3 Navy League: E. lliiriaway. 0. M'Ahan. V. Hodskiffl. Gymnastics: Eilcon Samson, piligoncn': John Martin Attcnd<uicu Eii'ht first claws, six second class.

Standird, IV.—Genoral proGcicnoy: W. Bridpman. W. Kcr, G. Patterson. F. Clark. 11. Neilson, J. Kcn\on, J. .lolinston, J. Warrington, M. Aliens V. Wilson, A. M'lu-an. M. Reynolds. I. Atkinson, M. Millor, li. Dninwoodio. C. M'Lcod. Snwinjj: R. M'Mullan 1 Navy Lcaguo: W. Bridg. man. W. Kerr Neatest exeroite: James Moßce. Gymnastics: Coila M'Donold. Natiiro study: Exorcise. F. Clark; ooHi«c tion. Win. Rridcman. Composition: W. linrton. Atlondaneo certificates: Ten first vhse, six second class.

Standard Hl.—General proCcinncy: T. Thomson. 0. Wilson. D. Miller. S. Crimp, J. Gcddos. D. Adam, J. M'Mullan, J. Sameon, J. Jackson, E. Clark. D. Xl'Geo. E. Hurßtss- A. Kane. EL Johnston, B. Peake, D. Miller.: Sewinij: Sylvia Govan 1, Edith Green 2. Gyinnaotios: \V. Mason. Physical exorcises: Ivy Edgar. Attendaucn wirtificetce: Soven first class, oight eccond claf*.

Standard II —Genoral proficiency: Tcroneo O'Brien, A. Mdroc, W. Tem|ileton. Jo?. Sameon. U. Warrington. A. Smellie, B. Smollie, R. Taylor. G. Patterson. 11. Kilpalrick. 11. Stewart, E. Wntrup. 1). Smellie. D. Crimp, A. Armstrong, V. Grant. Sewing: Doris Smollio 1. A. Armstrong 2, D. Crimp and N. Forsvth (equal) 3. Gymnostire: J, Camplicl). Attendance certificates: Nino lint olass, sevon second class.

Stnndnrd 1.-Gcnoral profieioncy: Horold Harrison. A. Tliomeon. W, Arnwtrong, C. Tavornei , . A. Evans. R. Govan, P. Gosiicy, I. M'Donell. D. Lindsay. M. Mlllor, N. Reynolds, M. Winlrnp. B. Johnnton. M. Clipfney. M. Wray. N. Bonfcll. Sewing: Doris (losnoy 1. Ruth Kano 2, Jnno 3. Writing: Kathleen Gray. Neatest uxcrcises! Dorothy Lindsay, Ronald Govan. Attondnnce certificatce: Four first class, ih second claw,

Cl.iaj B. A.—General KnoficScnoy: E. Ahum, L. Lindsay, 0. Vial, G. Gwldes, J. Martin. A. Davv L. Vial, J. Magce, C, Frcciiran. 0. Goliffhtly. M. Camither*. A. Woodford, M. Geddos, E. Brown. P. Brown, It. Kane, B. Wynn, A. M'Carthy, V. Kil Patrick. K. Kano, M. Grant, A. Miller. Good conduct: D. Green. Nnatest oxer cisc: A. M'Kav. E. Grey. Attendanco cer tifiontes! Ton Gint closr. five second close.

Claw P. 8.-Gwd conduct: Wm. Cliev noy. Wm. Smollio. 0. Tnvorw-r, A Sickles, W. Miller, D. Fowler. M. Tcmplcton. L. O'Connor. E. Bro«n, J. Lindmy. S. James, 0. Campbell. T. Douglas, R. Thomrnon, J. Kano, M. M'Gill Attendanco cortificatw: Four first elnss.

PINE HILL. Tho annual brwik-up in connection with the Pino HiH School took place on Wednredny evening, lrhon a large number of parents assembled in tho whedroom. SoTcral tmnsp nnil rrcitnJiora TCro (jivon by tho chiMrcn. Mr A. Spoor presided, ami distributor tho ))riwe iw follows :~ Standard VI.-E. Baton 1, G. Uc«ers 2, A. Wmllksul 3 Standard V.-W. Fox 1. J. Holt 2. Stondnrd IV.-R. Campbll 1, W. Kcitii 2, J. Eaton ami L. Lainont (equal) 3. fiUmkrd 111. —0. Rogem 1, M. Campbell 2, G. M'Am 3. Standard IL-P. tVx and L. M'Ara 1, K. Bcthiinc 2, W. llobb 3. Standard 1.-A. Eaton 1, A. Robb and L. Oratiam («jh»l> 2. Sewing (Standard 111 to Standard Vl).— K. Eaton 1, 0. llogors 2. (Standard's I nnd lII— J. Robb 1. M. Konkcl 2. (In-fanlsl-J. M'Ara 1. Atncnrcuin Truo—E. Eaton.

Diligence— J. Eaton, L, M'Ara, Industry— V. KonkcJ. Dux Ixly i\ikl girl—G. Rogers, E. Elton. Attonda'nro—Seven first claw and two cccond class.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15333, 22 December 1911, Page 8

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SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15333, 22 December 1911, Page 8

SCHOOL VACATIONS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15333, 22 December 1911, Page 8


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