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(Fsok Otm Own Coniusrosniurr.)

LONDON, October 27. The Primate of Now Zealand and Mrs Novill had. oxpected to return to-day by tlio Rnaliino; they hod planned several months ago to travel by that veswd, but for various reasons Uioir departure hag boon postponed until December 7. Not long ago tho Primate lontractfd a chill, and this interfered with his arrangements nnd engagements so that soveral objects which he had in view in coming to Kngland remained unoltaincd. In addition to private business affairs, which still detain him, Bishop Novill is concerned, with others, in tho eolection of a new Bishop for Melanesia is succession to Bishop Wilson. Sorno of tho dck>pit«B hovo b<>on suffering from illness, and tho final selection has boon delayed. Further, tho Primato is trying to raieo something towards the Cathedral building , fund (Diincdin), but until quito recently tho opportune moment did not sown to bavo arrived. A number of invHatione to proaah liavu boen received, on© coming ■from Durham CnthcdraL. vrhoro a forroon hi romiest**) to bo delivered before tho municipality of Durham. Tho biehop Iras been ask«l to sneak at S.P.C.K. meetings, end at n mooting connected with tho Eastern Chiirob. Ho oxprrssos anxiety now to pet baok to Now Zealand as early as possible.

'Dip Rirl of Cranbrook has decidwl to dtiposp of his Kentish seat, Ilemstod, fiitunt<xl near to the littlo tovrn from which ho dorivra his title. AH.Wjgh the present ii'flwiion dates no further back than 1861, Ilomsted has been famous for many comturicfi. Qucnn Elinabclh tKflro in 1573 on a visit lasting tliroo days. Tho present houso ia an imposing building of rod brick ami stono, trith a tall tower in tho mkldlo, from which an cocaaional glimpse, of em may bo obtained through ft bre-ilc in ibo. clifffi on tlio South Coa«t. To New Zenlarxlcff, tiie Qwntfss of CrenbrooJc always wms more, fnmiliar es Lady DoroUij Boylo.

Ix>ndon paper remarks:, "Lady l'lunkct is tho motJier of oisrht younif fons awl dniightere, atid, pofifoesing a. placid nature, she never allows herself to futu unduly over them. Tho anxieties of th« modern mother over hor precious only child causa Lady Plunkot much (|tiiet annulment, for elio is aecustom«l to a lurgo family circle," herself ieinjj "one of a family of eix." Lard Plunkct e ia Dublin fora vjiile.

New Zealand's latest Rhcxlce scholarMr A. 11.—hiu goiro t» Oxford. Me has entered Balliol, at which collego Mr S. N. Zimon oomplcU*d his eourfe. Mr Ziman. by tlio way, is sailing for India in a ferw days' tiico to take up hie new Arties ia tho Indian civil service.

Tho London friends of Mrs Ilcckcn (Duncdiii) h.ivo jast Iward of tho marriage of her only daughter. Mi.'S Gladys Hccken. Thie took placo in Yokohama en the 19iJi September. Tho civil oorrniony wa* porformed by Mr J. Caroy Ha11,'1.5.0., tho Coneul-gcroral, at tho * Hritiali ConsulateGeneral, ami wae immediately followed by tho Toligiou.< rorcmonv at Christ Church, by tJin Rot. W. P. G. Field, M.A. Tho witnesses wro Mrs Hocken (mother of the bride) and Mr R. .1. M'CMhm). a personal friotiti of tho bridegroom, Mr A Inn Lo Francois, who ha-s fcT many years Ixtji nn officer in tJii» service, of tho Nippon Ytis»n Kaisha, and who is wll kiionti in the Far East. Tho wedding wn* very quiot, and took plaoo in YokaJumui scon afWr tho arrival thoro of th? ■tiridocloct Mid her mother, who had Wen constantly travelling sinoo they loft Diiiiotlin Inst vwr. Tho brido van married in her travelling dross, ond directly nfter the ceremony at tho ohuroh she vA lior husband left by motor car for a honeymoon tour in tlio coimlry. ,

C'nmmandpr Vi«connt Kolbuni has o.'sumed comm-ircd of tho now ccenn-goini; destroyer Acheron, whicll was laid down at WocJston on Sor-feniter 30. 1910, nnd will shortly l> -, r:a<lv for delivery from tho works of Mc«rs Tliorneycroft nnd Co. Tho Acheron tfivra her name lo the now class of 20 occiin-going dffitroycrs provided for in the 191011 programme." I/ord I\sJIwim will !x> »t.itiono(l at Pc.rL«moulh. Kor the nre.'ent I-idy Kellmrn and her little fxvi will remain in the north.

Mr \V. G. Wioklwip.. the newly-appointed Trade Commissioner for New ftralnnd, is at pe-fent in the North of England interviewing mcrclKHit!) engaged in tho cotton and woollen tradi'3.

Tho Hon. J. W. Fcrtipcup, wlm will i>p well renwvnbered in Now Zoilaml. lies fccpu appointed to net .is nffioial historian of the royal visit to India. For .six years lie lm bren the King's librarian fit Windsor. Mr Fottescue- has pul>li.J:o<l n. numbor of Iwoks, chiefly on military rubjccU il<> has compiled both a history of tho 17th Unoors (thp Diilto of CVvinbridgo's Own) nr<l a. his■ tary of the Rritisli Army from 1830 to ISXw. U'hilo anctliirr work from his j>cii dealt witli t!i(> (Ifty Lifiitonanciivi and tl* Army. 110 is a yciinpnr bmthor of Mttl Foritneuc and Kir Seymour Jolin Fortciciu?, and Moro he joined thp Household at Windsor ho aa private nocrotnry Ui tho Governors of the Windward Isnnds and of New Zealand.

Dγ and Mre A. R. Andrew sailed from London to-day by tl« s.s. O.itcrlcy on their way to New Zealand. Tliov wort to reach Wellington on I)roeml)or 13. Ur Andrew has Ixvn onßai,'«l by a group of tadon capitalists to visit Uio oil districts and to report, on tho possibilities of New Zoa'ar.d as an oil-producing country.

Mr Jotlin of Park Avenue, Bedford, who (iird lait August nt tho ago of 87, left estate of tho prcw value of £87.421. of which tho net p-rtonnlity has boon sworn nt £37,046. Mr Morrison was

many years ago Crown Agoat for Now inland.

Sir William Hall-.loncs attended the confrjionoo at the Mansion llouiu this week, which wjih convened for tho Ix>rd Mayor to consider tho possibility .of saving tho Crystal Palace.

For some months past Kelburn Castle lias b.'oii in the occupancy of Sir William Gordon-Uumming, but Ixird and Lady Glasgow will tako <ip their residence there again at oncu, sottling <lown for the winter, Jddy Glas^'on , had a visit to lixlia for tho <, but eho has given up this intention.

Tho infant son of the Firfit Lord of' the Admiralty ncd Mrs Winston Churohill liaj been (jiven tJio n-inie of Randolph Frederick Edward. The christening ceremony took place in the crypt of tho House of Comiikhls vostordav, tho fponsors bcinj Sir 10<lv.ard Groy, Sir F. E. Smith, M.P., and VisMuntese Ridley.

The, New Zealand Afsociation opened its scasDii witli a voay succcwfiil whist <iriv« at the Westmiiatter Palace Hotel on WediKvdav ovoning, wlnn tlio large attendance. included: Mrs Soddon, Mis Saldon, .Mr end Mis Alfred Kidd, Mrs ,Tacli«)n Palmor, ))r Mucckc, Mr and Mrs Boys, Mr and Mrs J. Birt, Mr and Mrs .1. A. Mason, Mr and Mm Albert Marks, Misu Eileen Marks, Mr Mark?, jun., Mr John Holmttt, Mr and Mrs Alfred Abralwn:e. Mita Ciwlr Keely, Mrs Henry Cooper, Mr Nndinjf, \h and Mrs Anpa M'Nab, Dr and Mrs A. It. Andrew, Mr He Plinimcr, Mr T. S. Troaclier, Mr Boak, Mrs Ihiinmond, the Miwcs Norton. Mrs Sedtlon prttcnted the nriics to tho following \vinrx»rs:-Ladiee: Mifts Eilwn Marks. Mm Coowr 2. Gentlemon: Mr GrilTitlw 1, Mr Henderson 2.

DuriiifT tho current week tho following Now Zealandcra hnvo called at the New Zealand Government Office:~Mr J. IF. Hcßkinu (Dunexlin), »r A. J. Orchard (ChrLsU:hurch). Mr Thomas leech (RanEiora). Miw M. Ayson (Iho Hiitl, Wellington). Mr J. Novifl Duthio (Dunolin), Mr .1. Hhodra B;;rr (Dunedin), Mr H. W. Swirburn (Invereargill), Mis* C. Terry, tho Rev. G. P. Davys (Wellington), the Rev, A. d'> H. Robinton (Wellington), MiwHnnt (Cliristchurch), Mrs F. Ritchio (Christchurch).

The Ni'iv Zealand, iredieal students who arc now entitled to the ; distinction of thp letters Ii.R.CP., aa tlic result ofthe lntest ptiiM-inolion. aro: John Hrurc Itoird. B.Sc. M.8., Ch.B., Glasgow, Otiw and Glasgow Univprsiticw, and King's Olloge Hospital; Robert (.'amnlv-H Itog. M.A.. Me., New Znalcnd. Nrw Zealand nnd Edinburgh l r niver.«itirs; Philip F«t.T. M.8., Ch.B., New Zealand. Now Zo.ilnnd Univcr. sity and Lowbn llcpitil; Patrick John Mciußhnn, Guy's Hospital.

"Ho in n writer to bp watched," h> " has a <l?nnito outlcok, ij jcrso of humour nnd I'O.iiPt.hinc to r.iy." Tim Morning Ixvider on Mr Arthur If. AdAtrfl, whow latest rjovrl. "A Toiifh of Fantasy," is criticl'pd.

PAFSRXGRRS FOP. NEW ZEALAND. The Orient liner Ostcrlay, failing from Tilbury, has a larfjo numbor of New KKiinnd-hoiinri pa.i ! eii?:T.«. Theeo are:—For Wcllintfton—l)r and Mis A \\. Andrew. Mr and Mm LI R. E. IWI. Miss V: Brown. Mr J. I'. Miuwril; Mrs 'A.'Nichotem, thei'Rcv. I'. F. Askew .me) Mrs Askew, Mi-s E. M. lUb.->r, Mro Banks, Mr and Mrs T. W. Huntliorne, .Miw I. Bonthorne. Mr M. D. Bonthoriie, Mrs U. T. Caldmv, K. C. ilar<'c,ustlp, Lieut.-OoloiiH R. Hujhos. Mrs Huirhos, Miss A. 1,. M. Johnmn, Mr.H. 0. ■M»cfnrlarK>, Mi's Moyrick. For L.vttelton— Mi* A. IVnreo, Jlr T. liorrli, Mr nnd Mrs

.Moore, Dt A. J. Orchart), Jlrs Orchard ami ohild. Mr W. .1. Kelland, .Miss Kclland, Mia F. Foley. Mias UnHour, Mr R. A. B'jcre, Mr 11. Case, Mm and M™ Greenwood, Miss W N. Ilowtll, Mrs GiH, Mis.i Gill. Mr E. Gill, Mr A. C. Loupliiimn. For Aucklanrl—'Hin Rov. J. Kirrnne, B.A, Mr and Mrs A. F. Somorville oml Mis* Soniervillo, Mr W. ('. Dolli.r and Mi.«e Dellcr, Mr ard Mre F. S. Hare, Mr It. IJ. Fisher, Mr nnd Mrs A.. J. Entrican and Mr Entrican, jun., Mr E. Bond, Mr and Mn MnrlcVniod. Mr and Mm F. Wilwn ■Steele. For Dunrdin-Tlio Misws Rattray, Mian E. F. lloorer. Miss Ford is (.'oilig to (lisborno, Mrs A. Grant and AJise Grout liavo booked to Now Plymouth. Mr and Mrs K. S. Niittinir arc going to Tarnnaki, while the port booked by Mrs Raytier is nut mentioned. Mrs Williams and child mo bound for Port Chalmers.

Tho New Zealand ShJDping Company's Huoliino r. a full vcxnl. 'llio first saloon pasTOiiKcrs an , :—Mr ami Mrs Henley, Miw Hcrrloy and Master Henley, Dr R. lioxnll, Mr at>d Mm T. 11. Canning and Mi* Canning/Mr und Mrs T. A. Chappo Hull, Min W. Chain* I1»H Mr and Mis L. K. Clark and two join, Mr and Mrs A. Ciibitt, Major U. Dcun Pitt, Mrs Dean Pitt, Mr and Mrs \V. Elliott and Mr \V. Elliott, iun., Mr and Mrs L. W. North and Mr North Mr and Mrs W. Croyalnlo. Mrs Good'on, Mrs A. Hargroavce. llic Misses Hargreavci, Muster llargioaw, Mrs d. Harper, Mrs aiid Miss Keen. Mr and Miss Lestor. lilrs K. C. Perry and maid. MiM D. A. Danwy, Mim M. Warron, Mr U. Pybus, Mr (J. W. (icvjdwn. Mr K. 1 , . Ihnwy, Mr (,'. T. Oaij;, Mr 11. Miolinomloley. Second Scloon—Ml and Mrs 0. Hate, Miss Hate. Date. Mr ami Mm J. W. Rrown and the Misses Brown (2), Mr and Mrs A. G. Camahan, Mr arnl Mrs W. B. Flower, Mr and Mrs G. Gtirootir and Jliss Gilinoiir, -Mr and Mrs W. Houston, Mr and Mrs .1. N'Crcary, Miss N'CWry, Messrs M'Crenrv (2), Mr and Mrs (J. M'Mullan, Mr and Mrs 5. Powell, Mr arid Mrs J. R. Simpson. Mr and Mrs J. 11. Simpson. Mr and Mrs .1. Spcnwi- and Misi Spencer, Mr J. A. Thompson, Mr R. A. Thompson, Mrs A. TlnmiKon, Mr aiid Mrs E. 'Imns, Mm Ikilton end family (3), and Miij Uur.l:all, Mrs Cornwall. Mm .!. 11. Cushnry, Mrs V.. A. Georpfttii. Mrs 0. Holmes aiid >|rs n. L. .lamimon, Mrs Pijfott ami 11m Mis'.™ PipoU. Misses G. Coward, Bell, M. IV.wurd. M. E. Uoward. I. M. C'toke. C. M. DriK-kor. K. [. F.iuli. IV. M. Fowlvr. D. X. Hardw-ch, J. E. .ludcrc, E. liaiirwico. E. Lre, I.ikwi. M. E. Ujvo, M Maberiey, M, le Mfircinr, E. Mooro, A, Whcel-ir. M'Orcwr. Mw-srn W. .1. Atvo, H. Viix'mt, R. Griertcn. E. 0. flail.' J. Hood, R. F. Honinn, E. M'Quncli?. E. Mooro, H. T. l'roctor. K. J. Hunoio. J. H. Willinms, The Hmihirto. whicJi is m command of Captain For!x'«, lias alfo more than 400 third mlohm iiassengciv. llr A. J. GraJit is tho modw.l officer.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15321, 8 December 1911, Page 3

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PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15321, 8 December 1911, Page 3

PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15321, 8 December 1911, Page 3


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