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Tho ?t.iff at the loral Railway Siatioe had a particularly busy day yesterday, Veiling with what- was a record tp.iflie out. lo Wingatui. No fewer than 2700 passenger.; were hooked lo the raceconrH-, and it is very creditable to the department to bo abb to state thai all arrangements were carried through'without tho slightest hitch, each of the five trains being despatched well up to time, Yesterday's booking: shows an incroiisn of 781 over Cup Day of last. year.

Two pictures of great merit are now on view in the window of Mr Scott, Princes street. They are by a distinguished English artist, who is now visiting Now Zea-land-Miss K. Baldwin Warn. One of tht> pictures, which was lninpr on the line at the last. Royal Academy Exhibition, is entitled ''The Braes o' BalqulmMor." It was painted m Ihe village in the old churchyard of which Kcb Jioy is burial, and where an aiicic:i' brass figure of him still exists. The other picture is an admirable portrait, of .Mr Justice Desnislon.

The steady '.nereasi; of tlio (rapport work of the Si. .John Ambulance Afsceialion ins n<fcs->i!atc.l the huildin* of nri ambulance lo supplement those alroady ; n use. It was considered iif:CP.-vii , y tr linva a ronvcyanco at tho racecourse in case of accidents. ar.<l the Jockey Club, having boon approached on the matior, very liberally voted £50 towards the purchase of the now ambulance, which will bo taken out to Wingahu for the present, rase mating. On .Saturday J.rsb flic executive of tlic at?cciotioii and Mr J:im?s, secretary g[ the Jockey Club, inspected tlic • waggon prior to iU being taken over. The committpo of the ossocialion feels (.'ratified that it has been able during tbp last few years to add so materially to the first-aid iwpii.--.itos and transport facilities in this province. Tho number of transport cares attended during last month was 45. On some days the ambulance has been required from throe to five times.

Mr II Y. Widdowson, P.M., presided at the City Police Court yesterday morning, wJien John M'Lean was fined ss, or 24 hours' imprisonment, for drunkenness.

Cnder die auspices of the local branch of the Farmers' Union, a meeting was held at Kdenclale on Saturday lo consider the rates for threshing. There was a. good attendance of farmers, and there were three, millowiiprs. Tim grievance of llio millowners was the lax on traction engines recently imposed by the Southland County Council. As the outcome of the discussion, the following resolutions were arrived at: "That this meeting protests against, tho action of the County Council in imposing a. tax on traction engines, waggons, or drays while engaged in threshing, chaffcutting, or hauling farm produce, lime, manure, or any other material required by farmers." "That copies of the foregoing resolution lto forwarded to the County Council, the executive of the Farmers' Union, and Att .1. P. Wilson (member for Waihopai Riding); and that a petition to tho County Council bearing on the subject, bo left at Edendale, Brydone, and Seaward Downs dairy factories for signature." " That this meeting recommends in the meantime, an extra payment to millowners of 3d pep 100 bushels, to meet the tax now due."

In order to effect registration, the Canister Workers' Union, at a meeting hold last, evening, decided to comply with the request of the Registrar of Awards and strike out all reference to tinpiato workers and tinsmiths from the rules ol the union. When the _ union mado application for registration the Registrar desired to know whether the workers covered by the union could conveniently become members of ths Dunedm Tinsmiths' Union. He has now been, satisfied 4hat it would not be convenient to do so, and has consented to the registration of the union, subject to all roferenc© to tinplatere and tinsmiths beiii"excluded from the rules. °

The tender of the Dunedm Engineering Conrpo*,, ,f £2899 9s lOd, for the duplfcation 0 f the Waipori pipe lino, was last

tho application for the transfer of the license of the Stock Exchange Billiard Saloon w.vj Iwforn the Cily Council last, night. Accompanying it was a memo, from tho |<olice to tho effect that lliet had now no objection to the license being granted to tin l applicant (Mr J, L, Matthews-on), who was the owner of (he property, ami quite Jilted to take cha.rge of the cslablishuiciit. The council referred the matter to the General Commitk'P for report. A fortnight, ago at the Palmerston Court, before Mr T. Hutchison, S.M., an action was lirouglit liy William Sutherland, a farmer residing at (ioodwood, against, .lolin Stewart, a farmer, residing at Macraes, to recover £2?, 5s damages alleged to have been caused by Stewart's dog rushing at the horse which a man named Docberly t was driving on an occasion that formed the ground of a previous action, in which £17 -.vas recovered. The case was then adjourned tilt yesterday. When it was called, it was intimated that tho parties had arrived at a settlement. It is understood that the basis of settlement wa~s the payment, of a sum Jess than the amount claimed. The .statement 0 f revenue and expenditure of tlie tramways department for the period from January 7 to February 3, 1509, is as follows:—lie venue: Fares, .€5220 4s 6d; season tickets, £40 2n;—lolnl, £5260 6s Grl. KxjH'mlitiire: Power expenses, £578 6s 2d; traffic i's|«iiks, £1519 5a Id; general expenses £220 5s 10(1; repairs and maintenance, £53$ lh lOd; total working expends, £2912 0- 2d; interest and finking fund, £ICB3 Its 2d; renewal and amort i-:i-------tion fund. £753 16s lOd; accident fiuid, £57 13s 10il; —loial expenses, £4foß lb-; credit, balance, £151 10s; amctint tot aside for renewals from April 1, 190?, to February, 19(0, £7676 2s; less renewals for sunn period, £1767 15s 9d: balance, £5003 6s 3d. Passengers carried, 895,879* niilnag-, 85,SK miles 44 chains; receipts, 15.C8d pv car mile; working expenses, 8.52il p:r car mile; total expenses, 13.74(1 per car mile; passengers, 10.66 d per car mile.

IV united mission for CJliiistinns was continued in tho Hums Hall yesterday afternoon and evening, when tho Rev. -Andrew Allan resumed his sarics of addresses on " Tho ifecrt't of Power." Tito audience wiss fair for tip afternoon meeting, and in the evening III'! floor of the hall was well filled. The singing throughout was marked by hearty fording. In the afUrnonn the ini.-'=ioiier spoke on the oigh-h chanter of Romans, saying llnl of the 27 referents lo Hie Holy Spirit in tltiti Kjiimle 20 were to be found in that chapter. He sought to lay special emphasis on the positive liloaiiiijjs liy unfolding .Itr'sti in a negative manner: no more bondage, no more fear, no morn douhl, no nioro loneliness, no more fretting, no more separation, no more The evening nics'-'ago wds a deaf and powerful one. The preacher took as his text Ucv. mi, U—

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." He also gave an exposition of the twentieth chapter of Chronicles 11, and afterward* proceeded to deal with some of the iuitmcs of Satan as recorded in Revelations xii—the ilevourer, Iho thief, ami Ihe separator; anil set forth the only methods liy which believer.'! could live an overcoming life. At the close of the meeting a large number vo?o ami ackuowVtlgei] dm blessing received from the address of I hat evening.

At (ho meeting on Tuefday of the Gore High School Board the business was the tonsid-'ration of applications for tho posifioim on the leaching stair. There were 25 applications for the. position of headmaster, 13 for that of first assistant, and 29 for thai of female- assistant. Tho applicants hail from all parts of the Dominion. The board accepted the application of Mr John Hrunlon. M.A., at present acting headmaster, for the position of first assistant. A number of applicants for the position of hcadmador and second assistant female were selected, from which a final choice will be made after certain inquiries have been made. The b»ard adjourned until Friday, March 5, when it is expected the iieco-sary information will be forthcoming.

During tin informal discussion last, night respecting the proposal which originated sonic time ago to take steps to remove a large boulder between tho sheer legs and tho (iconic street wharf, at l'ortC'halniois. the chairman of the Doi-1: Trust stated that a sum of £50 had been placed on the. Kslilnates by liie Ciovorunicnl for its removal. It. was generally agreed Unit the time had arrived to rcn.ovc the obstruction rcft-ivr-d to. and the (Mr K. 0. Allen) was instructed to bring tho matter under the notice of the Minister of Marino during bis pre.-ent visit to Dnncdin.

W« are in receipt, of 2s lOd, forwarded by Mr A. ('. Robertson, in response to the appeal made on behalf of the widow and /rphitns of the late Arthur KusUoe, of Alexandra.

From the f ull newspaper reports of the impr-t into Iho cau-o of the death of the young man Charles \V, Thomson, who was a native of Duneiliii, and who mot with a shocking end in the Moorfields i'olli>ry powoi room in December last, it appears that deceased went into a "cubicle" without, first taking the precaution of drawing tho plug.., and so break t!;e contact. On entering th.i "cubicle" he came in contact with a current of SOOO volts, whereas 200 volts were sutiieienl to make death iii<tante.neous. The jury re-turned a verdict thai <• IVceasrd was accidentally killed by coming iu contact with an elect ri('ill terminal," and considered that the accident was due to Kime oversight o it the part of the deceased himself. A representative of Wosiinghmise (Uniited) and Mf l'ryar expressed regret at the accident.

During the month of .lauuary there were entered at the BlnlF the following vessels : Inwards, 21 vessels, representing 43,733 tone; outwards, 25 vessels, of 46.785 tons - 1111 increase of 16,851 and 4313 tons rospec lively, as compared with the corresponding month of lad. year.

The St. Kilila Fire Uvi-adc will !:,-• represented by the following iuemh-<i« at the competitions to bo hpkl in connection with Ilic forthcoming- demonstration nt Auckland:- Foreman Bin!;, Firemen &urr, Driimtuond. Wahpiist, ami Gallagher; emergency, J. Ciiidgeiuun. Captain H'Kotizic will oho go to Auckland as a delegateto the confi'i-ciicf. 'J'lie competition; will start on March 10. ami ihe above-mentioned will leave Dimediii on March 3. With the object of raising funds ti> defray the expenses of the trip the brigade intends holding an open-air concert at- the Rami Kotumia to-morrow evening, when selections will he played by the Band and the I'ipc Kami.

testimony to the large number of motor wis in use in ('aiiitorbnry was given by Hw Mayor of C.hristxhurch (Mv C. Allison). «'hen « circular letlw was received bj the City Council from the office of the Minister of lnvrnal Affairs covering draft regulnliwts proposed to bo litado under clauses 3 and 15 of the Motor Regulation Act. The letter stated that, in regard to the dlsiinohvo lemjns „nd numerals to be used for registration purposes, it. was proposed to assign to carh restoring authority ono or two Setters of the alphaM and not more than, say, 500 numerals. Tho circular also asked for tho total number of cars registored to date, and the letters ajid numerals in nee in Clirislehiuxh. Tho Mayor said that tiiore wore already 675 ..ears registered in ChriGtchurch, and the allowance of 500 numerals m quito inadequate. Fifteen hundred would lie nearer the mark. It was deoided to inform tho Minister that more numerals would bo needed f.jj Christchurcli,

The. niwldpnt of the New Zealand Farmors' I'nion (Mr J. 0. Wilson) has addressod a. circular lett-or 1o lire various F.diieation Hoard* ; n the Dominion drawing altenlion !o a. promise niado by t.ho Into ilr Sfddon that (listrict mnr.p on a fairly .largo scale should he distributed to tho schools, ami asking that, an enil«ivom l>r> made to indue? tho Hon. Mr Fnwld.s In give offee! to this uromw>. Mi"Wil.on litis also written to Sir Jo.'ppli Ward asking that the fanning jiil'Tivte be rppioncistwl on the Koyal Coniiiiiftion which h being set up to invwt.igatfl matters con-ii'-'dcd will) Ilio railways of the Dominion.

ThunJay, Friday, and Saturday of last. week will live as " big " days in the memory of tho modern Maori (says the Ihwcr.i Star). From While Cliff.; to Wailutara (lllr. bmilKhnies alii,!, <.nilmic e Iho Wf-oi Coast reserve) tin; Natives havo assembled ;il Taiporohenui in numbers to discuss, tii>tly, tii ; - matter nf petitioning Parliament in order lo have the names uf Natives placed on the Kuroprati elecfora.l roll, iukl also lo consider other subjects close to the Maoti limit. The iifcling was another evidence of the awakening of tim Maori, I lie outgrowing of the influences of Te "\Vl\iti and Tohu. The ''Loiti'o" prnxr tt.'Hcd on Friday nigbl, anil finished on Saturday night.

At the spot where the las.t spike was driven on ihe -Main Trunk line there has just been oreekd an obelisk, hearing the following inscription: — "This oliolisk ifl erccl-e'd on the «pr.t where the Right Hon. Sir .lovph Ward. P.C., K.C.M.C-., Prime Minister of the Dominion, drove Ihe last spike of Ihe North Island Main Trunk Railway on November 6. 1903; lion. W. Hnll-.Tom-s, Minister for Public Works and Railways." Tho pillar is 6ft, high and measures 4ft at base; the 'citeiung is black on a while marble slab. The sitr.atic.n of the monument is about 20ft off the line en the we.-iern ride, between Makatoto ami Maiigaimi-o-le-ai, 213J miles from Auekhmd ami a similar distance from Wellington.

Tho "Wellington correspondent of the Southland Daily Xcws t-dcgraphs tl'ak Mr •Sharp hail a long- consitllalion with -Sir Joseph Ward in Wellington, on Tuesday, regarding the Inwrcargill tramways, and everything i-» arranged for proceeding with the. work without delay. The slc-.'iers ami rails have b-'.>n oixioroil. The Tramway Company has been delayed through tho non-coiiiplctioii of legal documents. These arc now in oidi'i'. Sir Joseph will ho in liivcreargiU al uit curly date, and during his visit all prdiiiiiiiiu-k-s will be settled.

Another maior of artiHeial diamonds has revealed liiiitdi to the Acubmy of Hciaiic-cs (.-ays a Pari* message in a London journal). His name i-, being withhold for I In; pi\.,::ii, hut l'rofrssor .Mai(Uonne, of ill.' Instil It! i!e Franco, >:iys thai this latest invi-nior called upon him recently and submitted for hi.-. inspection a lunnlier of small stones which !i.' professed to hnvo manufaetui.d ina fwn.iw. Tb.,o worj ea-refully examined and pronoun:-:,! U, ho diamonds, 'l'lie invent.!- bus a formula, and, like LeiiKiii.c's, it .is placed in a r;akd envelope, which li„s l...vii given inio the caro of the Academy of Sciences.

I The New South Wales Fisheries Hoard has (says Ihe MelLourjie Argus) under eon- | federation a practical scheme for tho destruction of sharks. The scheme originated with the N-'iv Zealand Fisheries Company, which allirined its willingness to establish depots along the. New South Wales coast for catching sharks, coupled with a proposal lo erect an oil refinery and an extensive fertiliser factory near Sydney. The skirks would ho caught by means known to the company, and every part of them turned to practical advantage. The company asked for a bonus of Is a -head for all sharks caught up to Oft long, .ml Is 6d a head for all over that The board gave its unanimous approval to the proposal, and sent it- on -with a. strong recommendation for its acceptance to the Chief Setielary.

At. a meeting of tho i;ichuioiv.l (Xew South \Vi".!v.-) Council some of the aldermen showed their ability in fisticuffs. Tire meeting t'liK/ugilcut had a stormy tendency, but. hI tilts coM;-hvii'::i of ilie election of several committees the storm was, at its height. AiiUigonkie uliieimeii, much disappointed a|. the result of the appointments, made persond reflections, which resulted in two free fights. The Mayor (Alderman Day) used etory endeavour to keep order, bit; without, avail, so, turmoil, he declared tin meeting adjourned. The comic;! chamber was strewn upturned and broken furniture, books, and papers. The |m!ic? were summoned, List by tho tinu they arrived the tempest had subsided.

An exceedingly fine collection of wild goat heads has just been received by tho Tourist L)epa:-lni;:il (says tho Prst). The horns on tho heeds are magnificent. The iiuiiiiiOs were filial in the Martinhovovvgli country, towards iho ccasl. Some of them are intended for tho New Zealand court al the. franco-British Exhibition, where they should attract, considerable attention from sportsmen. They attract considerable attention already, and that not eoniined 10 hunters, for the odour of the goals' heads is overpowering, and is experienced even in l'niurua street. The si all' iU tilt) Tourist Oflico has been doing all it could to deodorise lire premises, but have used friar's lalsam for the purposo with astonishing effect. When the goats' heads leave for Loudon they will have a fervent farewell from the tourist, staff.

The general meeting of *hc Traincu Xurscs' Association, which was u have been held this evening, has been postponed till Saturday at S p.m.

'fo-iuurrow croniug at S o'clock the annual meeting of the Duurdiu City Mission will be held iu the Young Women's blooms, Moray placo. All fr.eini3 of the, mission are invited. The chair will be occupied bv the president, Mr CI. M. Thomson, MP. ' ■

On Swlurdity morning the will run a marine excursion t.i .Maori K;iik jetty.

It is nut often yon have an opportunity like tins: .It) pieces splendid Hashing vh\«. hams in stripe and cheek effects; wonderful value at .I'd., .stle price 5M per ynrtl.-Advi.

A. \V. Martin, rupture soeeiaiist, wil! be nt the Criterion Hotel, Lbdehltha. frmti the Sill to the llth: Southland Club. Core. 12th In 11,.- istli; Ai1;;..,,! ilotel. liiven-arali. from the ltlll! to the i!7;h Kebruaiy.-Advt.

tourists will hiid a specially choice collectioji of j-rceiistciiD jenelierv at Messrs G and T Y.hiiik's show rooms, Ki Princes street. The greens-tones are all picked specimens, and marked at vi-rv reasonable, prices.—Advt.

To Ladies !--l'\<r blotciiv and miiddv complexions use .Snluinlla Tablets. They produce clear, bright, anil healthv shin, eradicating eruptions. Sullati'.la Tablets, "the ladies' favourite medicine"; Is box; aii chemists.—Ailvt.

We recommend f ur watch, clock, and jewellery repairs A. J. .Shaw, ];! Katiray street. Absolutely the best in Dunediu.-

\Yiio is l'r.Ti-it Dick?— The most reliable. Watchmaker and Jeweller, oooosite Ccfoe I'nlace, Moray place, Dunediu. Charges strictly moderate.—Advt,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14457, 25 February 1909, Page 6

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14457, 25 February 1909, Page 6

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14457, 25 February 1909, Page 6


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