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BAYKXSBOUP.XK REGATTA. The grey nor'-castor prevailing on Saturday afternoon mad? raoim; lively but reefing umwKasary, and as sailing craft had a fine run up before the wind and a <I«kI beat bad;, the regatta nrovided a searching test ne to the sailing qualities of yticiits, sei'.; of crews, and strength of'tackle. The tido being on the flood the sea was not, as choppy as it might have lteou with wind against tho obb, hut crews of outriggers got quite as much wet as they wanted, and one or two of the twenty-footers finished

with bottom boar«'». awash. Crowds of spectators thronged tho shore, ami though there was a sprinkling of rain the weather lvok-'t off wcwlorfullv v.'eli.

The sailing course commenced between tlrc flagship Madge and a post on l;ho sea wall, round t-he Three Logs on (lie wall

find, Challis's buoy, back round the 'I'hreo I<eg3, kvaving all on the starboard hi'in-d, ami finished betwe:;:i an anchored and the flagship. 'There were six events, ami tho of tho yachis, the tacking, jibing, and living start.?, afforded spectators a gcod i!c.'il of pleaiitw. Tlio firet-ciaes yachts ct!p; presented a pretty spectacle riMrnuvr tip the harbour wit';! spinnakers out.

The cottrso for motor boats st«ri«d between the flag boat Vera and the Slagged Three licgs, round a 'lagg-ed past olf !;lack Jack's Point, rount't another off St. Leoirards jetty, and iinished 1/Ctwciti the fiagship ami the red beacon. The motor bout races v;ero interesting, and, as in the of sailing craft, entries for ail events wero good. The boa's got away '.veil together, and went round the. conree in elustors ratliOT suggestive of a swarm of bee.?. Inshore or out, in the tide, licfore the wind cr against it, it. wa/t onc<3 more a))!iar.»nt that in mi-lor boats, as with horses, it is the "stride" that tells. It is th; long heavy boat that swings ahead of tho short, fussy, little craft that are incessantly cho;>p-cho;ipiu.j into (he pens.

Rowing events siarted from a. flagged post olf Minn's, rikl finished Iwtween the ilagsltip Vera and «he rod beacon. The races were well rowed. The starts were weil timed, a«l the finishes were exciting. Crows suffered consiil'rably from cold as drenched they wait*! in tho IcclJi of the wind at the starting line, but this, of course, was unavokfcble. ono groat twlvawaM about tho Ravensbonnte l-egatta is that spectators (xm keep the boats in view piv%ctica!ly from start to finish, and some pretty hits of manoeuvring and seamanship occurred during the races which it would have liecn a pity to miss.

Tho explosion, whereby a vast column of water, mud, awl smoke is hurled skyward with a l'ovorboratiing roar, did not come off. Tho committee had made all the preparations and bad ovc.ry-thing in readiness except the primary essential, the guncotton, which had not arrived, Steamers may not carry such explosives unless they have a magazine, and this the latest arrival from Wellington had not. The guueotion arrived in oxcc-llent. condition yesterday, awl will probably be returned in tho same condition.

During the afternoon ton was serv«l in tl)3 chib house Ijv a liofrcslmrenl. Committee consisting cf Misses Uray, Gilbmdem (2|, Farletl, anil Harridije. The commodore (.Mr H. K. Mollc.r) tool; I'his opportunity to deliver a brief address, in wliicb lie apologised for lli« absence of Mr A. 0. Ilairlon (viee-conmrodoro), Mr Clarke, M.P., ami other members and well-wishers unable to bo present. The coniriKKloifi, on liohalf of the commit!**, heartily thanked all who bad contrilnitod to the funds. The large arr.ount of money that- bad been contributed showed how widely West Harbour was being advertisetl, n-nil this, lie would remind them, was t.!ro main object in holding this regatta. He l;a<l also to thank owners of yacihis, launches, a;nd lx>ats for so cheerfully pJacinj? the same at the committee's disposal. He would also than); the CitiMfi' Ba»d. He was pretty well used to regatta work. (ienerations of yaehtnven had passed through his bands, and of all the secretaries lie had known, none had Imou better than their present secretary, Mr C. (Vorge. He welcomed them ail, and it gave him great pleasure to see such a large number present The following was the programme: — HANDICAP OPEN BOAT RACE. D. Bwcliop's Bronzewing, 35sec 1 W. Wilmott's Vigilant, 7min ... 2 There wore three entries, but when the second gun fired the Roma's topping lift was seen to bo foul of the peak halyards, and the sail had to be lowered. There wcro other complications, and she did not leave her moorings. The Bronzewing crossed the line with a good lead from the Vigilant, which boat she beat both off and on tlie wind. The Bronzewing was in the act of squaring away to round the turning buoy when the Vigilant was just legging out to it on the port tack. Bronzewing beat the Vigilant by 22sec over her time allowance. Time, 4hr ZZinin 25sec.

THIRD CLASS YACHT RACE. A. French's Viking, scratch ... 1 R. Mali's Nell, 2min 2 R. Little's Babctte, 2min ... 3 Also started: Weir and Marshall's Watenvitch (smin) and Goodwin Bros.' Rata (7min). Five racers manoeuvred for the second gun. among them being R. Little's new boat Hnbotfce. o\jing to confusion between the starting gun tor motor boais and that for nailers the. start was indifferent. The Viking and Nell crossed the line close together, followed at an interval by the Rabettc,' Waterwitch, and Rata. Sheating home for tho beat down harbour the VikiiiE still led from the Noll, the Batata lying third. In going about, the Nell sprung her bowsprit, which, however, was lashod down to the bobstay, and the vessel continued the race, eventually finishing second. The Babctte split the after leach of her mainsail, which could not hold the wind when the boat was close hauled. The Viking beat the Nell by s=ec over all. Time, 4hr 33min. SECOND CLASS YACHT RACE. J. Moulin's Vagabond, scrteh ... 1 Coleman Bros.' Result, lmin ... 2 Gcorgo k Co.'s Lonnox Law, 6min 3 Also started: Taylor and Thomson's Rum (Bmin). Tho race was a good one Ircm start to finish, and of the lour boats starting the Vagabond got away first, with the Result at her heels, followed by the Lennox I/ass and the Rum. Spinnakers were got out smartly, and running up the harbour there seemed little to choose between-the yachts, which came to the wind at the three legs in the same order as they started. The Vagabond kent closer to the wind and materially increased her lead on the way <lown, the Result ahead of I/ennox Lass, which held her own. The Vagabond liiiishe<l an easy first, .and « very prelty contest: set in belwc-on the Result and Lennox Lass for second place. Manoeuvring was indecisive until the bonis wore close to the flagship. The Result and Lennox Lass were coming down on the starboard and port tack respectively. As she stood, the Result by standing close In shore was sure to cross the line on the leg out; and there was just, a possibility of the Lennox Lass crossing the line on tlie tack she held. Both l»ats approached each other, and to save a collision the Lass, being on the port tack, was obliged to give way. Her skipper threw bar up in tho wind under the Jeo of the Result, which, having lost no way ami at the same time stealing all the wind from her opponent, forgett rapidly ahead, and, going alioiit, crossed the line in a short leg, winning the raoo for second place by three seconds.

CR.UISERS' RACK,. A. Morgan's Myrtle, limit) ... 1 Gruitt and Co.'s Rambler, 6min ?. G. A. Wiseman's Anonyma, scr 3 Ako started: Robertson and Co.'s Goldseeker (6min) and Kennedy and Co.'s Pastime (lOmin). The cruisers were naturally at home in a still breeze, but furnished an example of how this type loses lime in the turn. For this reason the cruisers were pawed by an unballasted boat which had started in the next race. The start was pretty and well'timed by the skippers. The cruisers get nwav in * hunch, the Pastime loading, followed by the Myrtle Rambler, Goldscekor, and Anonyma. When vessels full sailed, heavily ballasted, or possessing much natural stability are abroad in a stiff breeze something has got to go, and in tliis ease the weak spots seemed to be main cleats and peak halyards. It io annoying when sailing a. beat closehauled for all she is worth to see tic boom swing suddenly out to leeward as the cleat is lorn out and the main sheet goes through the fairlcad; but Otago yachtsmen are accustomed to this sort of thing, and are seamen enough to undertake repairs without heaving-to. Cruisers are all very well, but their owners do not know what a comfort it is to hook it]) the centreboard and, dodging quietly down inshore, to watch the deepkeel craft flogging away against wind and current out in the tideway. This race was fii 11 of incident, and by no means a procession. Time, Ihr 56min SOsec. UNBALLASTED YACHTS. M'CulLceh Bros.' Revenge, 3min 1 K. Leach's Irox. Smin 2 Lumlcy and Son's Eileen, scr... 3

Also started: G. Maltby's Ventura (lmin) and Soil Bros.' Iris (Stain). The skimmers' race furnished one of the host events on tho programme, and 1-iio Revenge gladdened many eyes by reason of her symmetrical lines and general handiness. A great deal of skill lias lieen expended on her sails, which stand like hoards, with the result that every inch of canvas is a. propelling factor. The [cot of her jib was laced to a light spar pivoting at the bowsprit end, thus counteracting any tendency towards ballooning. The Revenge got away lirst at the start, with the Ventura second anil the irex. Iris, and Eileen in succession. The had things generally her own way. and in the second round was seen to \k overhauling the cruisers of the previous race. All the unballasted boats (lid well. Calculating time allowances, the race between the lrox and Eileen for second place was very close. Times: Revenge, shr 4min 40sec; Irex, shr llmin 3Csec.

FIRST CLASS YAOHT RACE. J. Robertson's Carina, lOmin ... 1 0. (Jurrle's Annis, am in 2 D. Wall's .Mai-iia, ijmin 3 Also started: Webber and Co.'s Waitnana (lmiisl, Dodgshtm and Co.'s Roma (6min), M'Kce#i!i and Lambert's I'ctrcl (llmin). The. !;-reei:c, some notable craft, and serem entries made l-hn First Mays Yacht l!;tee an event weil worth watching. The Tucaua had a grievance and did not start. The Annis siiov.'cd her contempt for live nor'cayler by hoisting a gaff topsail. Tlie start might have been better, 1.-ut tho Waitnana got away smartly, with the Annis in hot ptii'siiil. followed by the Petrel and Carina. The .V/aiiia got, foul of :i motor ijoat just at gunfire, but, managed to ero*s the lino ahead of the Knmii. Some of the Petrel's , parted in the run up, and in the beat lack she carried away iter peak halyards. The Maltta showed herself ;i formidable opponent on the wind, and. oawiiij; the Petrel and the Carina, look third place. At half-way the order of the ycssels,was: Wainiana, Anni s (training), Mania. Carina, Koma. Petrel. The Roma ran before (tie wind like a dish, and at one stage of the proceedings lveld second place, but she fell back to fourth in the bent luck, and finally retired 'lite Malua caught tho Annis a"t the red buoy. The race was won by 3,-oc between .first and second. Time, shr 19min 20soc. MOTOR FISHING BOATS. Dolphin, ss«c 1 Clara .M., ssec 2 Lizzie, ssec 3 Also started: May (lmin Ifisec), Grace Darling (lmin 15soo). Euphemia (2min), Garibaldi (3min), Eva (scratch), and Prowler (3min). MOTOR YACHTS (under 5 b.p.) F. Allen's Ilcrcwcka, 4min ... 1 W. Doug-all's Banshee, lmin .. 2 Dawson Bros.' Won, scratch ... 3 Also started: Spcnco and Co.'s Waikanai (lmin), Oroft and Fieldwick's Te Mika (2min 3G>e, .1. Knewsiubb's Eclipse, (lmin). K. Mullcngcr's Iris (7min). L. Noes'* Tni (scratch). .1. iPPhorson's Chum and 0. (1. Smith's Carbine were non-starlors. Time, llu- 19inin 52sec. MOTOR YACHTS (5 h.p. and over). •I. M'Pherson's Chum, B£min ... 1 Thomson and Co.'s Matarua, oiniu 2 Collins and Hoffman's jVJaiui. 3min '. 3 Also started: Gillanders's El.wick (scratch), Oilman Bros.' Lavinia (3min 15scc), F. Oakden's Hermionc (3min Usee), K. Kuewstubh's Ruita. (3min «ssw), Noes Bros.' Waiteri |Bmin 30sec), Carbine (Bmin 45sec). (.'. F. Aloxa.ndcr's Jean (Bmin «sec), 7. Kiu'ridge's May (9min). and F. Birchall's Zoalamlia (fJmin). Time, 4hr 50min SOsee. MAIDEN FOURS OUTRIGGER GIG RACE. End lloatin K Club X O . 1 (P. \\[\. liams .stroke, A. .Mitchell, W. Renwick, U, Fisher) i Queen's Lh-ive II.C. (il. Graham .stvoke.' J. Thomson, N. Campbell, D. Aitkcuj 2 .North Juid B.C. No. 2 |K, M'Lav stroke, J. O'Dnseoll, ,1. Meuzies. T. Fogany) 5 Also started: D.A.I+C. .\o. 1 (10. Hutchmiis stroke, T. Campliell, ,1. Dovvland .1. Mahoney), D.A.B.C. i\o. 2 (11. Hev stroke, V\. Wood, \V. M'Kenzie, J .Slight)' tI.R C (I/. Morris stroke, W. Kerr, G. Cameron, j". .1. hfovart), I' (R. Alidox stroke, J. Lang, J. Mooney, J. Raskins). OTHER KVKXTS. There were seven entries for the Swimming Race, which was we.ll contested. Tho winner was L. P. Bamlicld, with A. Gillies second and E. ]/eviclo third. Walking flic Greasy Pole, as usual, was the cause of much merrinietiit. to iion-com-pclitors. A. Gillies readiod the end, and was therefore declared tho winner. C. Connor got half-way, and K. Shanks ncarlv as far. 17. Connor, \V. Oranfichi, M. Page, and' K. Levido ate distinguished themselves before taking the involunlarv plunge.

J'Jifl proceedings generally- were well managed, and prnved llhat' tho Ravensbourn" regatta is, if anything, increasing in popularity.

In (lie foregoing, limes for yacht and motor races Imvo been corrected /or time allowance.

WELLINGTON REGATTA, (Per United Prkss Association.) WELLINGTON, February 7. Great interest was taken in the annual regatta of the. Wellington Rowing Association yeslerday. The weather conditions were perfect, a very light fiotitliorlv wind cooling the temperature without, in any way interfering with the oarsmen. Results :-

MAIDKN FOURS. One milo.-Stor 1 Canterbury 2, Union (Ohristchurch) 3. Also started: iV-tcue, Wellington, Waiiganui, and Blenheim.

JUNIOR CLINKfiR FOURS. One mile and'a-half.-Union (Christcliuroh) 1, Pictott 2,_Skir (No. 1 crew) 3. Alw> started; Star (No. 2 crew), Lyttelton, Nelson, and Wangamii.

SKNIOR DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile and a-haJf.—Union 1, Wellington 2. Also started: Canterbury and Star.

SENIOR FOURS. Two mike.-Union (Christcliurcii) 1, Union (Wangauui) 2, Canterbury 3.

SENIOR SCULLS.-C. 11. Marshall (Wangantu) 1, X. A. Christiansen (Wangauui) 2, A. T. Eomlall (Star, Wellington)

JUNIOR FOURS.-Pieton 1, Lyttelton 2, Star 3.

MAIDKN DOUBLE SCULLS. One mile.—Wellington 1, Star 2, Poton« 3 YOUTHS' FOURS. One mile-Star 1, Ca-nlc-rbury 2. Wellington 3. MAIDEN PAIUS.--.Star 1, Union (Christchurch) 2, Wellington 3. SIONIOR PAIRS.-o.i.ii+OTbury 1, Union (C'liristolmrcli) 2, Wellington 3.

NORTH END BOATING CLUB. Tlie Price Memorial Pairs were continued on Fridav evening, resulting as follows: — SIONIOR PAIRS (Semi-Final).-A. Allan (stroke) and W. Nicholson 1, (.{. M'Konzie (stroke) and C. Purvis 2. A good race all the way, Allan just getting home by a length. A. Wiit.-on had a bye. The iinal of this race will lw> rowed this eveniii" at 6.3(1.

JUNIOR PAIRS.-R. Beimel (stroke) ami A. .Mason 1, A. Lcggett (rtroko) tintl Nivon 2. _ Jiounst gel. the Ixwt ol the start, and lei throughout, winning a. hard race by huli a length. The soini-l'mal will be rowed this evening, wli&n R. Bonnet will meet J. Dogs, !''■ Annan getting the bye. The following crows have been selected to loprosorrt the c!ul> at the Olago Rowing Assertion's regatta on March 25: —

Youths' Fours.—No. 1 crew: K. M'Lay (stroke), W. Nicholson, 0. Murphy, A. L?ggett. No. 2 crew: J. Hogg (stroke), C. Nieol. C. Purvis, V\'. Sacbticr.

Maiden Fours.—No. i crew: P. Williams (stroke), A. Mitchell, W. Rcnnick 11. Fisher. No 2 crew: G. Jl'Ken/.ic (stroke), J. O'Driscoll, J. Menzics, T. Fogarty. Maiden and Junior Poire to be selected from t.lio above, crews.

Maiden .Senilis.—• No. 1 crew: N. Quill (stroke) and J. Garvey. No. 2 crew: A. Allan (stroke) and A. Watson.

Senior Pairs.—A. Allan (stroke) and A. Watson.

Junior Fours.—P. Williams (stroke), A Mitchell, W. Rcnnick, U. Fisher.

These crews arc requested to go into training without delay. The new racing clinker four, built by Mewre Greenland anil Sou, Melbourne, arrived in Utitwdin in first class ordor. and the Maiden ;rnw were, successful in registering a win with it on Saturday last at the Ravousljoiinw rcgatia.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 2

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AQUATICS Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 2

AQUATICS Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 2


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