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Daily Timn Oflice, Saturday evening. nn'oirr jiakkkt. A slight decline l is recorded in the price of coniMii'lis lor July shipment from Calcutta, mill a lilt In biiiincsii has l.wn done al. Is 101(1 c.i.f. Tea keroseu", In arrive by Iho s.s. Indradevi, di;-.'. til Duuedin alioul the middle ol Miifoli. ii< quoted (it 94 per gallon ex wharf, information In regard to While I!oio by iln's boat is not vel available". t.'abicd advice notifies an increase of fail per box in American dollies pegs. The wholesale prii.j is now 4s pet bt.x. A further advance in Fencing material is cabled. The advances so Far' have iiol affeotcvl loral prir?--, Inn fliey will do so as (-oon as present, slocks are reduced. A pared of new season's Ilarcolona mils lo hand is selling at sid. Bulk diiles, ct vorv good sample, are selling at 21(1. .Split, lentils are in short supply, and are Belling at. 2&i per owl. ISnthbricks are lauding at a higher cost, and aro now selling at 2s per dozen. The recruit warm weather improved the demand for limejitire, preserved fruils, lemon, and similar lines. Willi the advent of the oyster season stout is in improved demand. O.T. punch, which has been in short supply for sonra lime, is asrain in the market, am! is selling al 47s Gd per case. -v ROCTIILAND MAKKKTS. (Fkom Omi Owx Corrksi'oxoknt.) .INVKRCARfiILL February 6. There is no chaugo i 0 report in the local oat market, unci no business of anv consequence is l>oin<r done. AlcrcliaiiLs are still ( pioliii K on ill.- basis of Is 7d to Is Bil (•0.1)., s.i., for 15 grade, bill. Iliev are onlv working on iho small stocks thai iliny have left on liaml. The growing crop is ri]>ening quickly, a'ld there can lie no doubt that witli n fortuities line, weather a fair amount of pulling will then he started, and we should I* able to quote for Southland's new season's grain about the cud of .March. Farmers are pretty well agreed thai iheie will lx- very linivv vields this V car. Thei* w n t.renie:i;!(,in leuglli of straw, and, should we he utifoitnual.' i>i>on<rli to have bad weather. t.V're will he diiiiculty in cutting tho Crops, n.s ,he |,(. !IVV ( ~„,s ~,.,, ;,;,., II( | lo go down.

Hie civ: ft" iiiiii- M .|, is without chang?, mul prices rule from i! 2 5s (~ £2 10s on trucks ill. country stations fur local i"<)tii:c'i;frit.-s. A large proportion nr tl;c ryegrass lias now l-con cut. 5i7311 iii ninny oa,i'.s'threshing lias boon <ln:ui on! i.f i lit* <nool; 'IV sample, oiVrrin.r li:iv.> been on the light side, weighing from 2011> (» 221b |.e r bushel, and what -;ilcs limvi? tabu place have l:-:en on the basis of 1.; &d to Is 9,1 on tvu-k, at connlry stations. Fanneis who liavo heavy seed arc nil asking for ?,<, lint it seems clear llial. most <>f tl,.> src.l this year will In light. Italian is <tui!iw to be -carco, niul it is Iwrd in say how lh» markoi for this class of fed will open. Thorp !.- no hi-inex of any importance to roporl in s|o,-k, though a'fair number of lamb nvo >till <*■■:■ njri n>r hands for "forward" ih'liv-iry on tl.e basis of lis | n Us 6d, while exiia «, ~d "rap" lambs are felling til 12=. Young "Wes are stromrlv ini|lliroil for. hut are very s"irif. There is a. good demand lor this class of sheep from the norih. and liuwr-s hw l,een scouring Southland, hut so'far n< I can learn they have not s,t„i'",l any great quantity. Wolbirs are exceedingly dull of sale, ami stores are hrnng ..noted at (nun lis Cd to 13s. Ther-, is nothing ilnini; iii fat. wethers, and freezing buyers for lniiilm are not n|:eralius to any gr«at extent. (I is understood thai Ihe pric.> they can at prefonl. give for prime is 4.', d ill' the wot!;?. T'lhirc is still a fair demand for "forward conditioned" cattle, especially |\ : .r hnllocks. and these are sWling at from £6 IO.S to £7 10s. Tilf-IV jj „„| " m „sl, t101j,., j„ fat cattle, liu! as far in can lm (itilhored the iliianlily if really fat. enitle is in small compass. Holders urn firm in their ideas of values, ami are not inclined to sell at, Iho prcwtil lime.

The growing crops are looking exceedingly well, especially early rape' and turnips. There is no doubt t|;-,,| |i, P weather during tlio las! we - has .rreallv inuiroved the pnwpM of all green crops. Tlier* is abundance of feci in Soulhlaml. and this is making holders of all clas-os of stock very linn in their ideas, and there is not much likelihood of a large amount of business being done until the grass starts to 30 otr, which will probably be in about livo months' time.

Ihere has been very little inquiry for fibre iluring the week, 1 ondou nrices still ruling at verv low rales, which do not prove sufficient to induce busiiivfs from merchants or miller, in Snutblaml. and I know of no fresh contracts which have lieon •supplied duricg 1 his period. The stocks in London greatl v reduced, and November advices show that little ovw 200 tons of New Zealand fibre was held in Ihal centre. The limine.,., that is being transacted at present is dually l 0 T0V( ,,.. o l,| f .|| ( , Si flm |. with Manila -ii it s prosent price. i| i< hardly liMy ihsi much fresh business will bo enlortaiVd f„ ; . s<m,e ti„,..,. London advic<>s tint (lie total shipments for November from New Zealand w?r« 0K,,, 3575 bales, being about 500 bales lf« than for l.!„. s„me 11,011,1 i <-f (lie previous year. A largo fibre merchanl doing business in London mentions that for the past, month the delimit,!, for New Zealand hemp bad' bfon very slow, and sales limited am) on a very narrow ha;is. This mav bo on account- of the ntea<rre olferimj-; from ilie Dominion. On the other hand, hod offerings been at all fe;»,pprie s must have tnaleriallv given way. since supplies of Manila have continued on a very large sealo, will, every indieai.ion of a continuance (hereof. In soito of this, however, good business li;ts Imb,, (l 0l )„ in \l;mi!a during the month at somewhat fiviocr ,'rice,. During the rant' month Now Zealand fibre declined from 10s to 15s w ton. Tow ba s conlinued very slow of sale, nolwilhstanding the fae- that London stocks ar--> at a veiy low figure. There was a snnll ini|uiiy during the week, Iml J have 1:0! henxd whether any of the merchants interested was successful in securing to fill his ordor. The priw indicated was about £0 7e 6cl tor scriuicovcrcd tow f.o.b.

DUNEDIX ITORSE SALKYAHDS. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report, as follows:—For last .Saturday's sale we had only a medium entry of horses, and in Ibo number (here were no really high-class young draught*. As a consequence the amount of business done was limited, buyers who wore present in the yard preferring to wait till some consignments ol sound young draught stock mine forward-from Ihe country. There is slill a good demand for heavy draught, mares and geldings suitable for town carting. Vinl recent shipments ol spring-ratters and spring-vauncis from the North Island have satisfied Ihe demand for Hint particular class of hnrce in IJunedin at present. On Wednesday Inst we held a sale of contractor's waggon, team, ami plant, unci a special sale of horses at Balclntlia. Prices at Ihis sale were most satisfactory, and we had a most successful sale, practically every horse being sold. During the week we have sold at auction and privately over 30 draught mires and geldings at up to i'f.'l, (and springcsrteix and harness horses at up to £23 10s. \Ye quole: Superior young draught gelding'', at from £15 to £30; extra go-,d do (prizewinners), at from I'M lo £55 ; superior young draught mares at from £50 to .'.'CI; medium drauHht mares and geldings, at from X:JO to £40; aged do. at from £15 to /SI; wellmatched carriage pairs, at from £70 to £100; strong spring-van horses, at from £23 (o £30; milk-cart and butchers' order-carl horses, at from £18 lo £.15; light hacks, a! from .CS lo £13: extra good hacks and harne-s horses, at from £13 to £25; weedy and aged do, al from £5 to £7. OTAGO FAIiMERS' HOUSE BAZAAT!. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of Xev: Zealand (Ltd.) report: —For our usual weekly horse sale on Saturday Ihere was an entry of I" draughts, verniers, springcmtei's, light, 'liiiriKss and crirriago s»*i<lhtss. and hackneys. There was a good attendance of farmers and town contractors, also n number of country buyers, on (lie look-out _ for good ' heavy draught geldings. We offered a number of good useful brm horses. liolli mares of geldings. Fur Ihe. 1>? F 1 ol these bidding was spirited, and they sold at up to late values. Heavy draught gelding!', young and sound, were in keen demand, and a. number of good sales were effected. Spring-cnrlers and light harness horses were, if anvlhing. slightly duller of sale, lint (he he.?! '«[ these sold at well up lo lafe values. W-s had consignments from Christehurch, Waitati. Balclulbn, and the Taieri. We quote: flood useful draught mares and geldings (young and sound), from £35 lo £15; lighicr sorts and older. £23 to £31; henvy lorry pairs, from £S0 to £1C0; u-cful plough marcs and geldings, £30 to £■10; pedigree Clydesdale marcs, to £150; good sorts of Clydesdale, marcs .suitable for stud purposes and general farm work. £40 lo £50; rarnagc pairs. £S0 to £100; springenrfers Igood sorts), from £20 to £32; upstanding buggy metci and geldings, from £15 to £22; hackney*, from £12 to £15; lighter sorts, from £7 lo £12. SALE OF LEASEHOLD DATTiY FA HIT. Jlessre Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report as follows:—We sold in our land sale room. High streel. on Saturday, on account of Mrs Thomas. Mihiwaka, her interest in the lease and improvements of allotment 27, block IV, Xorlh Harbour and Bliieskin Survey District, being a Port Chalmers Corporation lease, and containing 78 acres 25 [loles (more or less). This i= a very desirable grazing and dairying farm. The purchaser was Mr 11. A. Binnie, jun. o IMPORTANT TIIAXSACTIOXS IX I'EDICHEF CLYDESDALE STOCK. Messrs Wright. Stephenson, and Co. report as follows:—We have just completed a most important series of private sales of pedigree Clvdesdalc slock lo Me=?rs CalTrev and Murphy, oi Melbourne the. well-known Australian 'dealers in pedigreed Clydesdale horses. Their purchases comprise 10 entire Colts ami 3 tillies. from the following wellknown breeders: — From Mr James Cow, Invermay, 'Mosgiel.— Patrician (Mil X 7,. C.S.B.i. hay eolt, loaled October, 1000; sire Pride of Xcwtou (12250 C.5.8.), the champion C-l.vdop.lnto siro of Xcv Zealand; dam Kale, by Wnilace (imp.). Patrician was shown as a yearling at Taieri and Dunedin shows, gaining first prize al each, also winning the yearling sweepstakes at the latter show, ile is a splendid big handsome coll, ot undoubted lineage, and is considered to be one of the test, if not the best, rising three-year-old coll in Kc.v Zealand to-day. Samson (682 X.Z.C.5.8.). hay colt, foaled November, 1900. Sire Merrv Morning (imp.), dam Miss Wallace (1013). by Wallace (imp.). Samson's breeding on both sides is all that can be desired, and he is a. co\t- of undoubted quality and substance. His grand' dam (Lucy) took six first prizes at Dunedin and Taieri shows, being unbeaten as a yearling, a two-year-old, and n tbrcc-yonr-old. Lucv, bay mare, foaled 1904. Sire The Mackenzie, dam Miss Wallace (1019), by AVsilIseo (imp.). Lucy has an unbeaten show-yard rword. She is stinted to i'ridc of Xcwt-on (imp.). From Mr W. J. Charters, Ury Park, Mosgiel:— Shepherdess, bay mare, four- years old. She, Shepherd King, d-im Topsv, by Extinguisher. Shepherded tins a showy:;;;! record which cannot be equalled by any other mare of her age in the Dominion. She has won tiie following pmes:—As a yearling first at Inverrargill and liiverton. as a two-year-old first at, the international show (Cliristchureh). first at Dunedin, Inveicargil':, Gore, liiverton, and Balchilha; as a three-year-old first at Taieri and Dunedin and champion lor hesl mare or filly at the former show. Shepherdess was bred by Mr Andrew Hall t'liionibiiryi. She is stinted lo lioysl George. I'oyal' George, bay colt, rising three years old. Sire Marconi (imp.), dam Florentine, by Xo Surrender, by Vanquisher (imp.). Tin's coil is splendidly bved. His dam (Florentine) was a very .-iiccessful marc in the show lir.g, being first nt Dunedin ar.d Timarn as a two-year-old and first at ihe same shows as a three-year-old. It is needless to expr.-linie on Marconi's pedigree, sufficient to sny he is bv file world-renowned champion liiawa.ha (10907 C.5.1!,). Hay colt, rising three years. Sire Marconi (imp.), dam Pearl's Pride, by The Mackenzie; grand-dam Pearl, by hard Salisbury (imp.). This i* n fashionably bred colt, and he should prove himself a successful sire. from Mr James W. Bhur, Abbotsford Farm. West Taieri: — Sir Isaac, Xewton. light bay coll. two years off. Sire I'ridc of Newton (imp.), dam Young Princess Muigarei. by Herd Laddie (imp.). Merry Emperor, bay eolt, two yeais off. Sire Merry Morning (imp,), dam Polly 111, by Bat Xone, by Salisbury's Pride. Olntha I/id, biown coll, two years off. Sire The Ceilric, dam Jean, by Hoyalist.

Cladiator. hay colt, throe 'years oft. Sire Liberator, gramlsire Vanquisher, dam Xe'iio. by [,i(»n Kins, l'.v British Lion (imp.). Pride's Darling, dark brown colt, two years elf. Sire Pride n[ Ncv.lon (mX) C.5.8.), dam Darling, by Wallace (imp.). Baron lilair. dark brown colt, two rears off. Sire Pride of Xewlon (IC-28!), C.S.H.). dam lirllo, by Kinsr o' lite Chins, by Allielsianc. by Lord Palisbnry (imp.). licXc (this colt's (lain) was n consistent prize-wiener, never liavin« keen shown without taking a prize. She was last sh'iwn nt Dnncdin as a hrnpd mare, when she sl&id second to the famous shewyard mare Kate O'Shane.

These six colts from Mr liliir's stud comprised the whole of his colls for sale this season, and by •their splendid quality and (nshionah'e breeding they shcnltl worthily uphold his reputation as a successful breeder. Prom Mr P. KnlieriMii. Outran,:Sir Royal, brack colt, foaled December. 10IH. Sire, llnva! I\iii<riit (iitip.i, dam Molly M'Cormack (i) 57). by l.ord Lyon (367). Sir Rny«l is descended from the best bvcrilin;; stock in the colony. On his dam's side he conies from mares with almost unbeaten Tecords. As a (hree-veiir-old he was first nt Rsmgiora and second nt Clirist<-lmrc!i, uiul lias not been shown since. He shows quality and substance, and is certain to be a success both in the show ling and a! the stud. From Mr Andrew Bairsl. Oreli Plains:— Bay ro'.t. two years oil. Sire Young Kelvin, dam Bloss. by Hero. Bay Celt, two years off. Sire Young Kelvin, dam Dose, by Vanquisher. Hay colt, two years oil. Sire Young Kelvin, dam Rose, by Vanquisher. These are three well-bred colts, with good feet, legs, and substance. From Mr P. C. 0. M'l.cis'u, Drmnruond : — Bay eo'.t, two years off. Sire Shepherd Kin'', dam Jean, by Admiral (49 i). This colt is by one of the most successful sires standing in N'ew Zealand to-day. lie sliov.-, all the characteristics of the breed, and. lioiug '.veil turned and powcrlnlly built, be sliou-ld make a name for himself at the stud. From Mr .1. R. Wilson, lliverton: — J)r«ldnoii»li(. ba; colt, two yoars off. Sire Botany llav (imp.), bv Botanist; dam Bonnie Bell, by Oallant, Lad, by Lord Salisbury (imp.). This colt has secured one first prize at Inrorcnr?ill and two seconds at Tlionibury. in ail in big rings. Jle is woll furnished, and shows style and quality. He should, with luck, easily enhance bis showyard record. From Mr J. Beck, Rivertcn: — Sir Koherl, bay coli. three years off. Sire Herdsman, by Shepherd Lad; dam Oyp, by J'ixtinguisher. This colt is descended from the mes; successful strains of Clydesdale blood in the Dominion He is up to a good size, and has anv amount of bone, hair, and quality. From Mr John Kwan, Dmniniond:— Minnehaha, hay mare, four years. Sire Car inland limp.).' dam Violet, by Clan Macartliur. Minnehaha is a splendid tvpe of the modern Clydesdale. She lias beautiful Iwno. line open feci, and }>eriect action. Her breeding is of (he best, her sire (Carthlandl being a n-.est successful sire, and a (nil i>v»!l'?r to the world-renowned Hiawatha. Minnehaha has had a very successful showyard career, having on' occasion beaten, amongst others, (be champion Southland u»re Nellie Gra^.

Bay colt. two years off. Sire ficrthland (ill]]).), tin til Rose, by Uerdinan. 'Phis colt show? character and style, and has a splendid outlook. He should breed well.

From Mr 'fimotliy Cairns, ITcddon Bush: — Bay marc Kale, 'our .rears. Sire Herdsman, dam Maud, I>y The Conqueror (imp.). This is a well-bred, nicely-built mere, up to 3 sood size, and standing on splendid (eel awl legs.

It will be seen from Hie above that Messrs Cafi'rey and Murphy have made purchases from some o( the leading sliidinsslers in Olago and Southland, but, while congratulating them on their enterprise and skill in scler-ting sii'.-li a valuable lot of pedigreed. Clydesdale stock (or export, many n breeder will be sorry to hear of fillies'like Shepherdess and Minnehaha, leaving New Zealand. Needle." lo say. owners are only tempted to sell siK'h mares by very high prices.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14442, 8 February 1909, Page 4


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