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A AUangarei mcssa.-e ~ . , Hon J \ Mill- lllat 'ho Hon. J. A. "1,i1.,r m-peced u , section of railway yesterday trip to Kawakawa mul ba'ij- ll u '" 3 .-i! return to Auckland this morning. Tlio Hon. T. Mackenzie, Mi„ istei ; Uarge ol Uio Tourist Detriment llml .Minister of Industries ami Commerce returned to Dunedin by the second express from tho noutli Inst evening, afier alO days' trip to the West. Coast, Hounds and tourist resorts. .Mr Mackenzie leaves for Uiristrhurch by the first express to-morrow morning. Tile City Firo Brigade received a call by telephone at 7.55 | asl , evening, and :m hurrying oat found that tho alarm procorded from a collage in Sullivan's avenue, off King- lulward street. 'Jho collate is occupied by Mr Charles Annison. The services or the brigade were invoiced became a window-blind was on lire. Practically 110 damage was done. The South Dunedin Fire Brigade was also in attendance. Tho Arbitration Court, consisting of rns Honor Mr Justice Sim and Messrs S. Blown :iml J. A. M'Cullongh, commenced ils Dunedin sitting yesrcfday morning. During yesterday a largo number of breaches of awards were dealt with, in most of which respondents admitted the charges made against them. To-day the hearing of compensation cases will be proceeded will). The number of industrial disputes set down at this sifting for arbitration is smaller than usual, and it is expected that the court will, 011 thisoceasion, speedily transact its Dunedin business. „ Mr T. E. Donne, Manager of tho tourist. Department, who visited the West Coast. Sounds in company with the Hon. T. Mackenzie, returned to Dunedin by the first express from the south yesterday. Mr Donne goes north again by the first express Ibis morning.

The first shot, in connection with the driving of the tunnel which is to form part of the water system at the Waipori hydroelectric works will be tired cither at the end ol this week or the beginning of next. The Mayor (Mr J. M'Donald) and Cr Shaeklock (chairman'of the Klectrio Power and Lighting Committee) will in a few days pay ,1 visit to Waipori.

Wo understand that Stephen Henry and William Aitken, who in .September last were dismissed from the railway service in consequence of certain happenings at Clinton, where I hey were employed as surfacemen, have been reinstated. These two men, about, two months ago, had their case brought before the Kail way Appeal Board at Dunedin, and their reinstatement is the outcome of that appeal. 1

The Tinsmiths' Union decided, at a meeting held on Tuesday night, not to accept, the canister workers into the membeisliip of the union, it being considered tliat. eanislcr work was a distinct, branch of the trade, and if this class of worker was admitted complications would arise which would act prejudicially against :,ho tinsmiths, Jll view of this fact the registrar will have 110 alternative but to accept the application previously made, and register the canister workers as a separate

The la«.t batch of men, about 30 in all, were paid off the Mosgiol duplication works, on Saturday last, making about 120 dispensed with altogether. There are norr about 200 men engaged on the works.

A Press Association telegram from Wellington slaies that Mr Charles 'Milne, a student at tho Waihi School of Mines, has been awarded a scholarship at tho Oiago University. 110 will lie entitled to £50 a year for three yeans, and free tuition for that period.

Mi' Justice Sim complained in (lie Arbitration Court yesterday that inspectors of awards, in drawing tip t.hcir applications for enforcements, scorned to make a, point of jiving tlie court as little information as possible, Tlio result was that the consideration of many cases was made very difficult for tins court, and inspectors, by so acting, were standing in their own light, llr Hollows, Inspector of Awards, said lie had taken the present list of cases over only within tlio last day or two. His Honor remarked that his complaint applied throughout tho Dominion, and he was speaking generally on the matter.

the succc>s wliioh attended tile wireless telegraph experiments between Ravensliourne and Anderson's Bay last Soptomber hits resulted in the Stark-Hicks-Brandon trio being elected honorary members of the " Wireless Club," at Boston, Massachusetts. Hie club has now over 350 members, who l:ave made a hobby of practical experiments in wireless telegraphy in al'. parts of the United States, some of their stations being admirably equipped. Tho president is Mr I'. R. I'rapril, M.Se., who has written 1o the boys congratulating them most, cordially upon their success, and enclosing membership tickets entitling them to all privileges enjoyed by it« members.

The destructive properties of the sea in and about Bluff Harbour (writes our correspondent) are demonstrated in a variety of ways. Sc strongly is the atmosphere impregnated that in a short space of tinio galvanised roofing is known to get eaten down to the metal. As for tho harbour piles, some of them lately drayni to make room for wharf improvements aro found to bo almost completely eaton. through. In face of these demonstrations the liarhour authorities saw fit a. few montns since to take a new departure. A channel lightship was put iii commission. To prepare it for its duties it was cncuecd, not in'copper, as one would have supposed, but galvanised iron, or some other kind of metal. For overhaul purposes it has just been got into <loek, and an examination of the bottom discloses the fact that tho easing is already peeling off like the skin of an over-ripe pluK.

Viciorian exchanges recently >o hand contain a striking- cclio of tho Melbourne land booin, that was disastrous to so many at tho close of tho last decade. The valuable wool, grain, and akin warehouses erected by tho New Zealand Ixian an<J Mercantile Agency Co. in Collins street, Melbourne, wem last month sold to the Australian Estates and Mortgage Co. (Ltd.), for £50,000. These premises woro sold in 1887 by the Now Zealand Loan and Mcrcantilo Co. for £210,000, and resold by the purchasing syndicate shortly after for £265,000 After the original saJc tho Now Zealand Loan and Mercajrtile Agency Co., in common with other largo wool and produce oorapauios, retained city offices, but built extensive premises at Nowmarkot, a suburb of Melbourne, close to the railway lido, with convenient Bidhiga, that savod fch«m many thousands per year in handling produoe, whether for rolo or shipment. Wo are in receipt of 10s from Mr John Hutchison towards tho fund for ths widoyc Kamath^M'D.oaajiiik

A mooting of those in (lie establishment. of a dairy factory nl Moa Pial was iiold in llio Homestead Lodge on !Mondav evening (says tlio Tapanui Courier), when, notwithstanding a heavy tlmiulorsloriii, t)ifre was a representative gathering of Moa Flit and Dunrobiti Fctllors. Mr Carmichfcft] was voted to "tlio chair, and explained the object of the meeting and the amount, of support required. After discussion, it was unanimously carried, on the motion of Messrs Droiijoll and Paul: —" I*hat slops be taken to form a Dairy Factory Co. in the district." The following wero appointed provisional directors -Messrs ('arinichnel (<, Sims (secretary), P.renscll, C'afFell, .lane, Paul, and O'Connor. It was resolved to canviiks the. district, to ascertain llio quantity of milk to be Ircaled. Our liliiff correspondent. advises that the ''seahorno" mossago from (irovinouth, onnonncing a wreck on an island 40 miles o[ the lllttir," is looked lipoll l.'V IlltS liarboiiriuiitiler and tho Customs officers as a silly hoax. The onlv island that could possibly bo made to answer the description are the. islands situated oIF South Cape. Tho fish-trade Iraflio amongst these lias of Icitc been to great lis to precludo the idea of a wreck, far less castaways being concealed anioncst them. Port I'egasiM and Brond liny lisli stations ere in the neighbourhood, and craft belonging to one or other are constantly on trie move. The Oamaru Mail understands that Mr A. fj. Ilerdin.'iii, M.l'., has undertaken to bring to tlio notice of Parliament. next se.-.iion the (jticniion of the reconl Volunteer iucpiiry held in Oamaru, wilh a view to having the matter thoroughly ventilated. At a meeting of the executive of tho Shipwreck Itelicf Society on Tuesday aflernoon a lelter was received from Mr .1. P. Cummins, purser of llio s.s, lonic, enclosing a money order for £3, being collections received during tho voyage from London to N'eiv Zealand. Tho secretary was inFtrnclcil io convey the society's thanks to Jlr Cummins for tho kind donation.

It would appear from so high an authority in a judge of the Supreme Court that to cull u woman old who is yet in tlui full bloom of lifo is to do her an injustice. At the Supremo Court in Timiiru, on Tuesday (says the Herald), this dictum was hid down by his Ilouor Mr Justice Dennislon—not in legal phraseology, but, in a happy way suitable to the occasion. Tho ruling was given as the result of a little slip on the part of tho Orov.'ii Prosecutor, who, iu addressing itio jury, rfllerred to a certain witness, who was dill in courl, as an "old" lady, who had given her evidence in a very intelligible and straightforward way. In view of tlui fact that the witness in question was neilher old nor plain, a smilo immediately made its appearance on the faces of those iu court, ami his Honor, stopping the proceeding, drew Mr White's attention to his mistake iu using the word old for young, and suggested (with a broad smil") that in justice io the lady he should withdraw t.lio remark. Needless "to ih< v fro'vi) Solicitor, witli a gallantry worthy of his hig}' office, unh»»-i tiilingly did so, and Hie business of the court proceeded.

The Letterpress Printers' Machinists' TJnion has elected as its secretary -Mr t(. I'crgll.sou, and at tile >;uue time has placed on record itn appreciation of the services rendered to lite union «s secretary by Mr linen It win regretted that circumstances lutd prjveutod Mr ISrceu from continuing as .*e.->:-el,iry of tho union.

A I'ress Association telegram from Auckland .-laics ibat the Hoard of Kdlicalion, after a lengthy discussion, declined lo ugriii to the committee's suggestion that tile wife of the head master should be appointed hi< temporary assistant of u country school in the absence of other applicants for the position. It was decided l-hat tho principle that no relative of a head master shuuld tie appointed to his school BhouUl bo st ricily adhered to.

l'Vom a private letter placed at our disposal it would seem thul Mr W. 11. S. lioberls is iu error iu attributing the inline Skippers to Captain tlay. Mr ltoberts iixos the date at 1866, whereas pensous now living, ami named ill the letter we have referred ;o. are po.-itivc that. Skippers and Skippers Point wero mimed after Captain or Skipper Duncan, the father of Captain Duncan now iu the service of the Otago '.Harbour Hoard. Captain Duncan's parly war- among the first at. Skippers. ]iy the year 1G66 hundreds of diggers were there, and all tho places had been named. No one exi.iut leuieiuluu-s Captain (lay, but persons still alive can call to memory that Captain Duncan and parly .had a river or creek claim alongside. M'l*aren and party iu December, 11'62, or January, 1863. Captain Duncan left on a prospecting trip, and struck gold at Mticelown. On his return ho informed his own party, but did not tell anyone oUe, and M'Larou related this years afterwards. By 1866 Skippers was partly worked out. and it ie natural to suppose that, the process of naming it was by that lime unnecessary.

Homo !<lon of (lie extent lo which 111? fruit, industry is attainiiii; in t lie Uta™ Central district (suyn I lie Diiiislau Times) v,a i - «ivcn l>y Mr A. L'. Jvonvii ul tin- uncial to .Mr John Duller *1- 11a Id Hill Flat Oil Wedne.-day laM. In iip.f Ui I hi' toast of " Irrigation " Mr lvciseii slated that In' li;ul fiifwidv f«nt. away ovor 1000' ;>f fruit this Mason. Jliirir;.; his speech Mr Ivor-"ii a!.-o mcntioiH'il tl:;it lie believed Kiirn.-clcnjsh to be Ih<> place wlicro irrigation uus firei tried in Xciv Zealand, At lliat tiiiif then' was nut a blade of grass on liifi pro-l>n-1 y. No«- where wat'-i' mas available they could grow mivtliinj:.

't lie Urine fountv Council on Tuesday received a. k'tter from a man who wanted liennissiou ty take £iass **h.hl from the tides of llit' county loads. The application ivceived short shrift. Councillors were of opinion l.lut I hi' farmer, who was forced I" dear noxious wecdn from all roadsides adjoining hi> propel ly, .1 ml otherwise a.-sisr. ill keeping the Kind's highway in a proi>er cotulitiou, was entitled to tiny " liii of gi",i ft ; seed ' available. One, & farinei' himself, ikciured that he would mu-t slrctiuou.-ly object til the glass sevi] being removed from |!k> H.adliii.'.s fronting his property. The permission a*kcd for «as refused,

Mr llowil.-oii writes to the Outlook lo tlu* folio win:; effectOn u previous ttv.usiou 1 have moufioucd t lint when t'/oujKT once received a namele.-* gift from hit; cousin, who pursued him anonymously li f<' rritli gifi and token, he .remarked, ' Dear Anonymous is como again: tlod Wess him.' During my con. vcniiisliip, <lcur Anonymous hits visited me several times, 110 has conic again; (Soil bless him. liv tJio mail thin morning I have !v<v;vet! a leUer from him in which In' ra>.^: 'I i)R>;n*e to send yon £200 in -April for the current year. I desire to continue ili.. payMiotit anonymously from year ;o year.' The intention ot the donor is not. -.1 muen to relievo tin 1 general minion funds as to help tJio committee to send <>ut one of the volunteers. The gift w most opportune."

Notice is given by the St.. Kilda Borough CotUH'il Hint, l'rinces street, between Kerpi'on at:<l liowcu .streets. is o'osed for traffic, until r cbrnary 2\ uu account of Drainage Hoard operations. I»" '11 1 Or. eud-o[-F;ea<oii sale is euro more with us. 't'lie company Ims one s-.ile on.y well Mason, and wakes it a genuine one. every article. m stock reduced unci all laslnoit_ goals marked »(. prices to ensure a spcei.y cloaniMce. Ju,l,.j lltl | )V t }, e ] ar „,, milliters who daily the' wansliouro, the Dunedin public fullv appreciates tne manner in whicii the D.I (! eaters for its requirements. It ;« rcfwOum* to loani that in spit® of the almost universal cry of hard times tlia so far has wci t KWd ojie.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14439, 4 February 1909, Page 6

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14439, 4 February 1909, Page 6

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 14439, 4 February 1909, Page 6


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