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The reputation earned by one at least of tho country teams which took part in the sorios of matches arranged for country players during tho previous week went far 1o aiouso popular interest in tho fixture botween tho combined country and torn teams at the Caledonian Ground on Saturday, ind in consequence thoro was a much larger attendance than at the same game last year. As it happened, tho country players did not belie, tho most optimistio expectations of thoir supporters (of whom there wero not a few), and although it waß thought by all that they would render a very good account of themselves, they woro not expected to outplay the town representatives in tho principal departments of tho gamo as they did. On the line-out and in scrums they liad tho advantage, while their loose forward play was quite on a par with that of Ilic Town team. The Country hacks gavo the sounder exhibition. Thoir tackling was absolutely sure, and it was this that assured them- the victory, while in kicking and running they more than hold ■their own. Following wore tho teams:—

Coram (Green).-FaU buck. J. Pagan; three-quarters—D. C. Jolly, B. J. Dwyer, 11. Ongley; five-eighths—H. Varcoe and D. Cahill; h&H, G. Uttley; fonvards-lt. Haig, J. Clarke, G. M'Lcod; J. Morgan, J Holden, It. Scott, J. Here, J. Davidson. Town (Dark Blue).-Full back, J. Jenkins; three-quarters— J S. Nicolson, It, Dansey, D. G. Macphcrson; five-eighths, A. Chnmbetß and E. K. Lomas; half, G. Borrie; forwards-! Thomson, T. Harrison, 11. Paton, J. Houston, J. Edwards, F, Ivimcy, G. G. Denniston, L. Tansey.

Tho original team included Davidson, Spiers, Pitzpatrick, and Footo, all of whom *'oro unable to play. Nicolson replaced Davidson in the backs, Thomson, Paton, find Edwards filling tho vacancies respectively in llw forwards. THE GAME. Paton set the ball rolling for Town •gainst a fairly stiff wind, and the Country forwards swept down field to the home twenty-five, whom a free kiok was awarded ihc defending 6i'do. From this Dwyer and Jolly.broke away, but Nicolson turned the tables on tho Grcons, who were then called upon to assume tho dofensivo for the first time. ■ An attempt by tho Blues to play the passing gamo was most effectually cheekod by tho Country backs, and shortly afterwards, near tho half way flag/Town woro penalised. Dwyor essayed a goal, tho shot being a splendid one, and tho referee blew his whistle. Country 3 points, Town nil. Ono of the umpires, on being questioned at the end of tho spell, staled, however, that tho ball went under tho cross-bar. Country continued to Ira aggressive, and from a scrum shortly after tho kiok-off, Davidson broke away with tho 'loathcr at his too, followed by Haig. The ipair succeeded in gotting to within a foot or two of the Town line, where, after another 6crum, Borrio managed to relievo with a, kick, and subsequently the Town lacks removed play to past half way. Here tho backs of both sides fumbled the ball badly on several occasions, and little of interest occurred until Tansey emerged ■from tho ruck with tho ball, supported by Houston, and took play to well within the twenty-five, where they were joined by Donnislon. Tim latter roado a strong individual bid to cross, without success, and from a succeeding scrum Jolly cleared, giving the Greens tho advantage. Intermittently Town returned to the attack, Jiut without praotioal result, and » good line kick by Ongloy 6aw tho homo side in difficulties once more. When near the twenty-fivo Uttley availed himself of every chanco of feeding his ltacks, and a likely score was lost on one occasion .through Ongloy knooking on. Tho Blue forwards then returned tho ball to neutral territory, where play remained for a time, until Dwyor slipped away at on unexpected moment. Ho failed to pass Jenkins, however. All attempts by the Blue hacks to break way wero nipped in tho bud very early. Tho uninteresting scrambling play that ensued was relieved by Cahill, varcoe, and Dwyer etarling a dangerous movement towards the line, wlu'ch Dansey turned off by putting in a good run. Nicolson followed hie example, and was making for tho comer when collared by Ongloy. With 10 minutes to go. Town was having the best of tho game, but tho excellent defence of the Green backs proved fin insuperablo harrier to any score, and Dwyer and Cahill, by well-judged linokicking, kept tho attackers at bay. Then Tansoy hroko away from a looso forward scramble,' but was totally unsupported, and tho obnnco was thrown away, and Scott, for Country, 'treated' the onlookers to a similar episode. With a few minutes to go, play livened up considerably. Jolly mado a dangerous run, but was thrown out liy Dansoy. Just before the call of time UttJey initiated a fine passing rush. The ball wont from Varcoo to Dwyer, who cut in nicely. Ho was taken by Dansey, but managed to transfer to Jolly, who evaded Jenkins and scored in a good position. Dwyor kicked a goal. Country 8 points, Town nil.

Tho second spell opened inauspioiously, the play, as in tho first, boing "dead and *Kve." Country becamo aggressive at once, and tho game being confined to tho forwards, Town could not make any use of tho wind, Lomas was tho first back to Buccceed in making an opening, but something appeared to bo wrong with the maohinory of tho Blue backs, and Dansoy knocked on. Unintorcsting even play followed, all attempts by tho Town backs (and there were many) to negotiate tho line being rosultless, principally owing to tho ishitcness of the opposing rear division, nomas. Chambers, and Macpherson ail made attempt's to break down tho defence, without any success, the latter putting in a particularly strong run to tho corner, •where ho was thrown out by Pagan. Bhortly after this Harrison kicked a penalty goal from a good position. Country 8 points, Town 3 points. Give-and-take play followed the kick-off, tho Town forwards eventually working up to within ranking distance, but Davidson cleverly roversed the position, and tho Blues immediately assumed tho rolo of defendore again. Jolly camo up with a smart run 9n the outside, but lost tho ball, and Jentins speculated into touch. Another minuto saw Town onoc more within the Green twenty-five, but tho 'backs wero unable to find a holo in tho defence. Jenkins' essayed a. penalty goal from half way, without success, and Town attacked rigorously. Tho defenders, however, were quite equal to tho occasion, and smothered all attempts both back and forward. Eventually from a free kiok Harrison tried to place a goal. a. force-down' resulting. Shortly after this tho Green forwards again broke away to the home twenty-five, whero Scott secured and reached to within five or six feet of tho

lino. Nicolson oamo to tho rescue and speculated into (ouch. Fast and koenlyoontcstcd play followed, Uttley getting the kill away to Dwyor and Jolly eventually. It was a splendid opening, and a score appeared imminent. Jolly {ailed to tako his transfer cleanly, however, and tho Town baoks packed round him. Da.nsoy nullified another attempt by the same pair shortly afterwards, but Country kept to the attack -without respite. With play within tho Town twenty-five, Haig secured, and putting in a good run, scored, despite the fact that he was captured by Jenkins some feet from tho line. Dwycr's attempt at goal was not a success. Country 11 points, Town 3 points. Towards the close of the 6po!l the Town team attacked spiritedly, but the backs woro unable to maie much headway against their opponents, whoso tackling was very much to the point. With about five minutes to go, Iviraey and Denniston, working' nicely together, demoralised the Green backs. The former secured tho ball, but. Donnislon failed to accept the transfer, and flic country forwards warded l off all danger, and attacked, moreover, most effectually. Jenkins saved tho position by marking, and shortly afterwards time was sounded, tho scores' lieing: Country „ ... 11 points. Town ... 3 points.

Although tho victors did not give a good spectacular display, they played very sound football. Tho tackling of the Green backs was tho feature of the game, and assured the match for Country On the comparatively few occasions when tho ball did got as far as Dansey it was usually smothered thore. Very occasionally it reached Macpherson, but not as a rulo until ho was closed in and egress was impossible. In marked contrast to this tho Town backs seemed to leave openings for their opponents. Both tho Country scores, at all ovonts, wero tho result of a weak defence, and apart from theso thero were several somewhat lucky escapes. Very hltlo passed Pagan, the Country full back, and his kicking and fielding wero mire. Tho Country back play usually went towards Dwyor and Jolly, Ongley | getting few chances. Both of these threequarters played a consistently sound game, and Varcoe, at five-eighth, was equally at homo on defonco and attack. Tho half, Uttley played with the crispuess which is tho chief csseiilial of the position, and gave a clean, clever exhibition, As indicated, Dansey and Macphcrson wore given no latiludo whatever, the defence bearing down upon them with, crushing force whenever they commenced to assert themselves. Chambers and Lomas played hard games, both putting in good defensive work, while Borrie fought an uphill fight m good heart Tho game, however, was for the most part a forward one, and here, too, tho Country representatives proved themselves to bo conversant with all the strategic movements which go to male© for success on tho football field. Although tho Town van was perhaps not tho strongest that could be put on tho field, it. is doubtful whether any other would have been much more successful. On tho whole, a fine exhibition was given in this department by both teams. For the winners, Morgan, Holden, Haig, and Davidson wore probably the best. For Town, Ivimcy, Denniston. Tansey, and Edwards wore prominent, though the pack was very ovcnly matched. Mr A. Downes acted as referee.

SEVEN-ASIDE TOURNAMENT. A scven-asido Rugby football tournament was held at the Bishopscourt Ground on Saturday afternoon before a goodly gathering of spectators. Fifteen teams entered, and put up somo interesting and energotio football. Tho ladies' basket ball tournament proved a great attraction, and was apparently equally enjoyed by participants and onlookers. In spite of rathor a cold wind the tournament was a great success. Tho proceeds are to bo dovotcd to tho Kaikorai Y.M. Club Room. Tho results wore:— First Round. Kaikorai beat Russell Street. Roslyn beat Ravensboumo. North-East Valley bjat St. Andrew's.

Knox Church boat Port Chalmers No. 1. Port Chalmers No. 2 heat West Taieri No. 1. Bast Taieri No. 1 beat Green Island. Port Chalmers No. 3 brat West Taieri No. 2. Mosgicl, a bye. Roslyn No. 1 (force), Kaikorai nil. Knox Church 4, North-East Valley 3. East Taieri 4, Port Chalmers No. 2 nil. Port Chalmers No. 3 5, Mosgiel nil, Semi-Final. Knox Church 4, Roslvn nil. Port Chalmers No. 3 3, East Taieri nil . Final. Port Chalmers No. 3 4, Knox Church nil. OTAGO v. SOUTHLAND. Tho following players have been selected to represent. Otago against Southland next Wednesday at Invercargill :— Full back, Ongley. Three-quarter backs—Jollv, Dwver, Macphcrson. Five-eighths-Chambers, Eckhold. Half back, Dansey. Forwards —J. Thomson, Harrison, Holden, Morgan, Ivimey, Haig, Denniston, Tansey.

AUCKLAND v. GOLDFIELDS. (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, August 17. Tho return inter-union football match between Auckland and the Goldfields representatives was played here this afternoon in tho presence of about 2000 people. After a, fair game Auckland won by 32 points to 5. Tho homo team attacked for the major portion of the game, and scored eight tries, half of which were converted. Tho Goldfields team crowed the Auckland lino onco from a forward rush, and tho try was converted.

AUCKLAND TEAM'S TOUR. (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, August 17. Tho Auckland representatives leave for tho 60nth on Tuesday, via Onehunga. Thoro will lie 25 players, under Mr F. Murray (treasurer of the Auckland Union) as manager. The following are the dates of tho matches to bo played':—Now Plymouth. August 22; Wellington, August 24; South Canterbury, August 28; Otago, August 31: Southland, September 4; Canterbury, September 7; Hawke's Bay, September 10; Poverty' Bay. September 11. Auckland will bo reached on September 12, and on the 14th Wanganui will be met for the Ranfurly Shield in Auckland, a match being played against. Taranaki on tho following Saturday.

JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE MATCH. (Fn United Press Association.) _ NEW PLYMOUTH. August 17. The junior representative match Taranaki v. Auckland was played this afternoon, and resulted in a win for Auckland by 8 points to nil—a try scored by Spragg and a try awarded against Taranaki for obstruction. The gamo was fast but uninteresting.

MANAWATU v. HAWKE'S BAY. (P«b United Press Association.)

PALMERSTON N., August 17. Tho HawWs Bay .representatives met Manawatu this afternoon in the presenco of a largo crowd of spectators. The hoine team socuretl a win by 1+ to 6'. The game was full of interest, and was fast throughout. Dining the first spell there was very little difference between either side, although Hawke'6 Bay registered 6 points, a goal being kicked by Caulton from a mark, while a. try was secured from a linoout, tho kick at goal failing. Ongley, for ifanawatu, went dangerously near scorin" just before tho end of tho spell, but from a serum tho Blacks sent the ball again into midßold, and play remained there until the whistle sounded. On resuming, Manawatu attacked with, vigour, and soon had tho Blacks on the defence. Gradually tho back play of Manawatu began to tell, and the Blacks were forced. A long kick by a Manawatu player sent the ball into the Blacks' twenty-five, and from a line-out M Minn scored the first try for Manawatu. Hewitt failed with the kick. Manawatu again returned to the attack, and from a passing rush Hewitt scored, but the kick again failed. The Blacks got on a di-fbbling rush, but- tho situation was raved by Hughes and Manawat-a followed up tho attack, which gave Marks an opening to score. As time was drawing to a close Carrol got a clear run, and put tho ball behind the posts, the try being converted by Shadbolt, The gamo thus ended: Manawatu, 14 points; Hawkc's Bay, 6 points. The Hawkcs' Bay forwards showed a great, deal of dash in" tho early part of the game and outclassed .Manawatu in Hie loose. Their backs were also good in finding the line.

RULLER v. 'WEST COAST. (Per Uxited Press Association.? "WESTPORT, August 17. The uncertainties of. football wore never moro fully illustrated than to-day, when Duller, which has suffered defeat after defeat, heat tho West Coast{ which last week defeated Canterbury by 11 points to nil) by 5 points to 3. A hot pace was set from the beginning, the Duller forwards playing with groat dash and collaring desperately, and tho Coast responding with good line kickinj .by, the back. Again and ajiiu Butler

made dashes for the goal line, but tho Coast's defence was sound, and the defenders several times varied, tho play by swift attacks- which kept Buller busy, preventing a score being recorded against them. Half-time was called without any score. In the second spell Buller more than held their own for a time, and Colvin just missed scoring. Tho Coast -responded, and Irving was captured on tho goal line. In a subsequent passing rush Bligh scored for Buller, Kerr converting with ..a splendid kick. This set tho Coast going.- again, and after fast and exciting play a mistake by the Buller full back gave tho Coast a chance, and pretty passing let Irving in. Wade failed with the kick. The Coast still made desperate efforts to 6corc, but without success, and time was called with the play in midficld, Buller winning by 5 points to 3. Although the Coast played with (great dash at the finish, the score was a fair indication of tho relative merits of the teams.

HIGH SCHOOLS MATCH. (Fsou Our Own Cobbisfonmnt.J OAMARU, August 18. The Chrislehurch Boys' High School on Saturday defeated the W&itali Boys' High School by 9 points (three tries) to 5 points (a goal from a try). ASSOCIATION. THE CDP FINAL, The final match to determine the premiership for 1907 was played between Mornington A and Northern on Saturday/, at Culling Park. As was expected, there was a latge attendance of spectators—in fact, the largest that has ever assembled at the park to witness a football match. The rain of the preceding day had had tho effect of improving the condition of tho ground, but a cold biting wind from the north-east proved a drawback to accurate, concerted play. lii spito of the wind, however, the spcctatorß were treated to a fast, exciting, and keenlyfought contest, with occasional flashes of brilliancy. Mr P. Braithwaitc had charge of the game, which was contested in a pleasantly friendly spirit. Mornington won tho toss, and Northern, kicking off against tho wind, advanced down the left wing, to he stopped by Notman, who drove down tic right. Riley returned, and M'Clelland was sent off, but found Notman an obstacle. Timlin slewed across to Irvine, who found his way to the line. Tho ball went out, and Kilgour directed into goal, whore Notman was once moro effective, and from his clearance Bankier was enabled to strike at Northern's goal from the right, Reid fielding successfully. _ The paco was good, tho scene of play shifting rapidly from one end to the other. Chadwick made an opening for M'Clelland whose progress was stopped by Young coming across and finding the touoh. Northern pressure was relieved by Raeburn, who, with a clever heel kick, started Mornington off. A high kick, a tall on the part of Shepherd, ajid l a fast fouow up saw Baillie off in a, clear field, an unsteady shot nullifying a, chance. From a throw-in Morrison missed right in front of goal. Shepherd partly relieved, but only as far as Airey, who banged at goal, but missed, Mornington kept in the Black-and-whites quarters, tho wind causing the defending backs to misjudge. Baillie forced a corner against Shepherd, and Airey headed smartly, but wide. Obtaining presently froni the right, Baillio rapped in smartly, Reid deflecting adroitly over tho bar just in time. From the corner kick there ensued an exciting rally before Northern's goal, Irvine eventually relieving with a determined kick. M'Clelland made a passage up to the corner, but a free kick given against him shifted play back. Using the wind, Mornington kept up the attack, but injudiciously played to the right wing, and (ailed, whereas the left was the best shooting side. A lull, with two goal-kicks' by Northern, and a kick ovor the iron fenco by Sheoherd, was succeeded by an attack via Grenfell. Raeburn, however, receiving when offside. From a throw-out Shepherd mis-kicked into goal, but Reid fielded with nothing to spare. Then Timlin made a capital run. Notman cheeked him, but the ball came out to M'Clelland, who sent in to Riley, who steadied. In'ino next received, and headed into goal, where Hutchison fumbled, and Timlin and Chadwick, being -handy, the latter placed through tho posts at close range, scoring for Northern amidst great excitement. Almost from the kick-off Mornington reversed the attack, a glorious chance coming to Raeburn five yards in front of goal. He kicked straight into the hands of Reid, who effected* a notable save. Receiving from Timlin, Irvine made a fine run r rom within his own half of tho field, and drove low into the corner of tho goal, but, Hutchison capably rejected the shot. A left-foot screw from' Chadwick went outs ; do. hut presently came another chance. M'Clelland, when tackled passed on to Chadwick. who sent in an oxcellentlyiudgod shot, which Hutchison handled, but let llvroush. Northern 2 goals, Mornington A nil. The Blues rallied again, and before half-time Reid tniskicked a 9hot by BaDkicr, but recovered in tho nick of time. Resuming, play hovered in Northern territory for a time, until, after a quick change, Hutchison was asked to stop a long shot, and did so. Then followed a cheerful bout under the Mornington goal, until Hutchison got his team out of a tight corner. A combined effort by Baillie and Raeburn was crumpled by Morrison. The Mornington forwards dashed off again, but wero repulsed, and from the ensuing play Hutchison cleared two shots in succession from Riley. Uninteresting play followed until Baillie made off, and looked dangerous, when Deans cut across and relieved. Mornington wovked the ball up' to the Northern goal, and a lovely bout of eloso passing with head and too was finally routed. by Irvine. Hutchison being then bombarded by M'Clelland, Chadwick. and Riley. He repelled the attacks, and Morning-toncountered by way of the loft wing, enabling Bankier to send in a nice, rushing sltot, which Reid disposed of. Chadwick handled, and Notman's free kick was returned to Airev who miskicked to Young, who in turn miskicked over his own line; and from the inevitable corner kick Shepherd headed over the bar. A smart dash by M'Clelland was nullified through there being no colleague to receive his centre. Raeburn and Baillie, by neat passing, returned to Northern quarters and forced a corner, where tho foTmer placed over the line. Receiving from a long centre. M'Clelland made a ..very fast Tun. and ehot beautifully.' Hutchison saved cleverly, but did not. (ret the ball far enough out, and Irvine found an opening and scored the third goal for Northern. From this point the Mornington play deteriorated. Bankier. as tho outcome of work by Baillio and Raeburn, aimed ineffectually at goal, and M'Clolland oamo away again with another good run, centring across tho goal to Irvine, who tapped back to.Timlin, who scored from right before the goal. After a free kick against Chadwick, Hutchison, finding himself in a tight comer, dodged like a Rugby full back. Northern wero awarded a free kick five yards out from goal, but failed to score. A capital shot by Raeburn was safely returned by Reid. and play again centred round Mornington goal, where Chadwick, Riley, and Timlin swept in, and Chadwick registered Northern's fifth goal. When time was sounded shortly afterwards Mornington were attacking. Northern 5 goals. Mornington. Nil.

Dairy farmers interested in milking machinery should consult Niinmo and Blair about tho "Hartnott," which is the beet machine on the market,..':*

Northern therefore retains the cup for another year, the positions of the teams J engaged in the competition being as follow :— ;

Before the final match for the cup was commenced the secretary -of the Mornington Club received the following wiro from Mr J. F. Arnold, M.H.R., vice-presidant: " Congratulate you upon success this season. Itegret oannot he with you for the final victory to-day. I know that you can win. Let no member dorubt the result. Play'your best from start to finish, and play as one man." THIRD GRADE CUP FINAL. Prior to the Senior final, Mornington D and Ravensbourne, with 24 cup points each, played off for the Third Grade championship. The matoh was very evenly contested, there being no score until t'ho last 10 minutes. Playing; with the wand in the first halt, Ravcnsbouime. attacked most of the time, but, though frequently near their opponents' goal, failed to find an opening. Dpoai ohangmg ends Morningtoii became aggressive, but sound play upon the part of the Ravensbonirne goalkeeper, and counter attack on the part of liifl forwards, prevented scoring until a Ravensboumo player fouled in tho_ penalty area. The penalty was put in high, and the Ravensbourne custodian got his hands upon the hall but could not prevent it going through. Almost immediately afterwards a Ravensbounie back plabcil right in front of his own poal to a Momimgton forward, who headed nicely through, and thus Mominf»ton won t'ho cup. Mr Hannah acted ns referee.

Momington D ... _, „ 2 eoals. Ravensbourne Nil. The relative positions of tho teams engaged in tho Third Grade competition aro as follow:— '

THE BROWN SHIELD. (Per United Press Association.) AUCKLAND, August 17. Tho Brown Shield Association football tournament will be held in Auckland on the 28th and 31st inst. Wellington has entered a team.

j'j ? « . . i" I i . *9 F w 2 % | -g 5 fs 3 Q t5 .0 6ft Northern .. .. 17 14 2 1 7,1 25 29 Morniiigtori A..-17,13 2 2 01 22 , 23 ■Wakari .... 16 8 G 2 41 28 18 Kaitangata .. 15 7 6 2 29 29 1G ifomington B.. 1G 5 S 3 32 4G 13 Southern' .. 15 5 7 3 27 41 13 Roslyn ,.15 G 9 — 2G 42 12 Maori Hill .. 1G 3 12 1 22 44 7 Battalion .. 14 — 13 1 1-t 69 1

3 » .3 i j i I i 1 & & £ d R 0 0 u tfornington D H 13 1 — 35 14 26 iavensbowne 14 11 12 47 17 24 Northern E ..13 9 4 - 34 18 18 Southern .. 12 7 4 1 21 13 15 ffakari .... 12 7 5 - 28 23 14 Maori Hill ,. 12 6 5 1 24 22 13 Roslyn A .. 13 6 7 — 24 30 12 Soithem C .-. 13 4 7 2 21 25 10 Hornington E.. 12 3 8 1 15 30 7 Joslra No. 1., 13 1 10 2 10 35 4 iforthern D .. 13 1 11 1 8 40 3

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13985, 19 August 1907, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13985, 19 August 1907, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13985, 19 August 1907, Page 3


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