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Timk Ball at Port Ciialmem. The New Zealand mean timo at noon, ealculatwl for the meridian of longitude, in timo 11 hours 20 minutes oast of Greenwich, will be signalled onoo a week by a time ball dropping at tho instant of mean noon. A blue flag will bo hoisted at the masthead, Port Ohalmors signal station, on the forenoon of tho day whon tho time signal is given. Phases of the Moon. ootobeu. Full Moon 7 2.45 a.m. Last Quarter 14 7.26 a»m. NO'.v Moon 21 3.0 a.m. First Quarter 28 8.3 p.m. Apogee 1 10.0 a.m. Perigco 17 3.0 a.m. Apogee 26 5.30 a.m. Suu rises 5.7; sets 6.39. THE WEATHER. October 22.—S a.m.: Wind N.E.; weather flue. Noon; Wind N.E.; weather fine. 5 p.m.: Wind N.E,; weather dull. ' 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer ... ... 30.53 ' 30.62 30.64 l'hermomotor ... 50 64 56 FORECAST.—Mr Paulin telephoned at 9.45 last evening "N.E. to S.E. wind, find fine for about 24 hours." INTERCOLONIAL AND COLONIAL WEATHER REPORTS. (Fku United Pkess Association.) WELLINGTON, October 22. Tho .following aro the 9 a.m. weather reports -from Australian stations: Albany, Octobor 21.—Wind, S.; bar., 30.2; fine, lloliart, October 21.—Ear., 30.0; cloudy. Sydnoy, October 22.—Wind, N.E.; bhr., 29.0; cloudy, The following are the weather reports from New Zealand statioiw at 5 p.m. :— Maniikau Heads.—Wind, fresh; bar. $0.35, ther. 58; showery; sea smooth. New Plymouth.—Wind N.E., light; bar. 30.40, ther. 64; fine; sea slight jobble. Oasilßpoint.-rWind E.N.E., fresh; bar. §0.52, tlver. 56; fine; sea heavy. Weliiiiglon.r->Wiiiul N., .light; bar, 30.42, flier. 63; fine. West-port.—Wind N., breeze; bar. 30.30, ther. 62; fine; sea moderato swell. Oamaru:—Wind, light; bar. "30.24, jlier. 63; fina; sea. smooth. Bluff.—Bar. 30.26, ther. 54; overcast; sea light, j Strong easterly winds aro to bo expeotw at niosfc places north of East Cape, Taupo, and Raglan, arid strongly northerly winds elsewhere, with falling barometer everyiyliere—Pv. A. limra. HIGH WATER. October 23— IMn« At Taiaroa Heads ... ~ 4.6 4.24 At Port Chalmers... ... 4.46 5.4 At Dunedin ... ... ... 5.26 5.49 ARRIVAL. Moura, 5.8., 3247 tons, Rolls, from Auckland, via East Coast ports. J. Mills, agent. Passengers: Miss Hatheson, Messrs Gray, Joaohim, Mackenzie, Turner, lieattie, Manchester, M'Ara, Stirling, Blanchard, Wilson, Brown, Bird, Iiulkl&y; aud 12 in the etec-r----?S< s' DEPARTURES, Mocraui. s.s., 2714 tons, Chatfiald, for Cook Strait. J. Mills, agent. Passengers; For Lyttelton—Misses Williams, Donscrn, Mrs Ellaby, Messrs Pourinan, Blackie. For Wellington—Misses pronk, How, Bothainly, Durie, Mesdam&s Osborne, .Noonan and two children and maid, Carroll and two children, Bell, Messrs Carroll, Shannon, Scott, Colder, Bugger, Walker, Beil. For Sydnoy—Miss Hundley, Mx Herron; 'and 11 in the steerage. ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—Kinfauiis, barque, left June 20 (via Wellington). Montgomeryshire, ship, left July 14 (via Wellington). Sierra Cadena, ship, loft August 29 (via Wellington. ... From Glsegoiv.—i'irtli of Olydo, sliip, left July 18. Bcssfield, barque, left August 17, Inverurie, barque, left September 20. Prom London.—Akaroa, barque, jeft August 18. From New York.—Doris, barque, loft September 1. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Taluue, October 25; Z«ilandia, November 1. Frcir. Sydney (via "Wellington).—ilcciowai, Cctobor 24. From Melbourne.—Victoria, October 28. Frc;:i Auckland.—To Akin, October 29, Frca Now Plymouth.—Upolu, October riIO.IECT'EI) illifAUTUKl'ltj. l-'or Sydney (via Auckland).—Tarawera, October 27. lor-Sydney (via Wellington).—Victoria, October 23. For Melbourne.—Monowai, October 25. For Auckland—Moura, Octobcr 20. For New Plymouth.—Upolu. November 2. MOVEMENTS Ob' DIRECT KTEAMEKb. TO ARIUYE. At Wollington.—Whakcriii, lolt London July, 15.; Ruape'uu, left Plymouth September 13;' due Octobcr 26. Indradevi, lift London September 15. Eaikoura, left London Octobcr 13. At Auckland.—Tomoana, left London A.ugust 6. Marerc, left New York August 13. Waimalc, left London September 5; duo October 25. Maori, left London October 3; due Novcnvbci 22. At' Lyttelton.—llimutaka, left London October 13. At Port Chalmers.—Ranguiira, left London Soptcmber 5; due October 24. Tongariro, loft Plymouth, Oeto'oor 5. . TO BSWEI.' From Wellington.—Papanui, October 29. UO'JUIVUUJ BOCSiJ. Delphic, from Wellington, Sspiomb&r 17. Star of Netv Zealand, from Auckland, September 17. Turakina, from Wellington, Octobcr 1, Woiwcra, front Wellington, October 10, Gothic, from Wellington, .October 15.


ATJCKIiANDj October 22.—Arrived: parin, brigantine, from Lyttelton; 3.45 p.m., Brccomhire, from Fiji. Slio experienced 'strong gales from eastward throughout tho voyage, and tho steamer arrived iiVith a. 'heavy list to starboard owing to her pafg'o sagging la tho heavy weather. She washovo-to oil two occasions for a number of hours owing to tho heavy wcathw, but iio serious damage occurred. KAIEAR'A, October 22.—Sailed: Helen Cwrny, barque, for Melbourne. EAST UAPl'lj October 22.—The To Anau passed north at 7.40 a.m., tho Taviuni south off 1135 a.m., and tho Hawca south at 4.40 p.m. • "WELLINGTON, October 22—Arrived 11.15" a.m., ''WcatraKc, from LytWton. Sailed: "3.20 ii.m,, Niwaru, for Lyttolton; 6"p-tn!, "Westralia, "for Napier. Sailed: 5.15' p.ih.,'Monoiyai, for the south and Jlelbburno:"'PasSijngers: For Lytteltcn-Missß Watkins, "Bannister, ButterfieJd, M'Gowan, ■Manaon,' Elliott (2), West, Bryon, Drabble, Mosdamos lioydsr, Marshall mid two children', Wilson,' Hancocks, Haggitt, Lindsay, •Burton', Woreloy, Tfilliamson, Messrs Prostick, Axpon, wiilcocka, Buifcrs, Fletcher, Bulled;,' Kottle, Martin, Thomas, Nalan, Bennolt, Harrington, Burton, "Wordoy, Williamson, Booth, "Broadhead, Cooper, Ayton, Jones, ffebden, Ciiristio. ' For Dwnediri— ■Misses M'Kinky (2)i jfedsmeß "H'Millan, Hazlott," Messrs Watson, Anderson, SherJicld; Hazlofct, MlKeitli, Uoorhouse, Brown, Hopkins, Midlano, Ayson, Copper, De Silva, Hazlodine/MKay,'Barnes, 'Again, Byron, Chriftio.' ' For tho Bluff—Miss 'Mawhall, Messrs'Wyth, Hancock; and 2T im tho steerago for all ports. LYTTELfON, October. 7.15 a.m., Athcnic, from' Wollingtori.—Sailed: 5"p.m., Hcathbanlc,' for Tdsnaru. J INYEROARGILL, October 22.—Sailed: 3 p.m., 'liLYorcai-gill, for Preservation Inlet.' BLUFF, October 22.—Arrived: 8.45 a.m., Eapanui, from Timaru. I'TUiitANTLE, October 22.-^Arrived: H.'MIS. : Boyftl 'Arthur, from Singapore.'


Tho Pvakaia, from Lyttelton, arrived at Liverpool yesterday.

THE MISSING OIL LAUNCH. £REYMOtJTH, October 22. Tiio only, oil'luuncli or otli6r vessel that has left tlio Coast this year that is miesing is tho''Toroa, which loft Groymoufh for W-angtauiJ coal laden, on August 10, and lias cover, 'been heard of. An inquiry takes place hero on Monday. This must be the vessel rofcrrc-I to at Christeliurcli.


WELLINGTON, October- 22. During the your ended September SO the imraiii'goods handled at Wellington wharves amounted to 316,593 t-cfis, an increase of 24,233 toils on tlio previous year. The outv/ara gooda landlod amounted to 117,123 tons, an increase of 6450 tons. For tho yoar tho'number of steamers arriving at the port was 2742, and; the average toimag© 2,075,309, an 'increase, ol 275 vcs&ls and 279,571 tonm&'ge." Sailing vessels inoreased by 38 during tho year, and tho tonnage of such vessels by. 4086.

Tho s.s. Mourn, from Auckland, arrived at Port Chalmers early yosterday morning, and oamo un to Dunedin later 011. SliO leaves again this afternoon for Auckland. TIIO s.s. Moeraki left for Sydney, via. LyHelton and Wellington yesterday afternoon. Tho s.s. Pnkaki, from tho West Coast, is duo at Port Chalmers early this morning, and corncs un to Duuedin later 011. The s.s. Monowai, from Sydney, via Wellington and Lyttelton, is duo to-morrow, and leaves Port Chalmers tho .following afternoon for Melbourne. The s.s. Talune, from Sydney. via Auckland, is duo at Port Chalmers on Sunday, and lays up for overhaul. Tho Shaw, Suvill, and Albion Company's s.s. Rangatira, from' London, is expected to arrive at Port Chalmers about Tuesday next. The overhaul to tho s.s. Tarawera- is approaching completion. She. will leavo Dunedin 011 Tuesday next for Sydney, via tho East Coast ports. Tlio launching of a floating workshop const racial by Messrs Sivann, Hunter, and Wigham-Riehardson (Limited) to the order of tho Natal Government tool; placs 011 September 23 in the nro?C'iico of tlio consulting engineer for tho Natal Government. The following are tho principal particulars of this floating factory;—Tho overall length is 129 ft 3in, llm oxtremo breadth inside the ribbing fenders Wit, and the depth (moulded) £ft 4in. It is fitted with twin-screw compound surfacecondensing engines, which have been constructed by Messrs Baird Bros., of North Shields. Tho dimensions are as follow:— Diameter of cylinders, 12in mid 26in, with <1, longtli of stroke of 15iu. Tho speed obtained on the measured mile trials .was a moan of 7.12 knots,, this speed being very considerably in excess of what had boon guaranteed by tlio buildors. Tho workshop is very easily handled, and steered remarkably well in tho river. On tho deck of tho vessel, onelosc<l in a largo house, is placed tho workshop machinery, which consists of punching and shearing machines, lathe, steam hammer, drilling, shaping, and screwing maoliines, smiths' fires, straightening blocks, vyeo bench, anvil, etc., tlio whole of which is driven by clcctric motive power. Tho workshop is lighted throughout by electricity,- and is fitted with accommodation for both workmen and crew. A powerful cantilever crane, having a span of 40ft and capable of lifting 14 tons, is placed at tho forward end of tho vessel. What is stated to bo tlio largest fivemasted schooner in the world was launched at Bath, in .the State of Maine, in August, and named tho Elizabeth Palmer. Her dimensions slightly exceed 300fc long, 48ft beam, 20ft deop, and her gross measurement is 3065 tons. Sho will spread 9000 yards of canvas, use stoekless anchors of 4£ tons weight, and havo five hatches, with tho best machinery for handling cargo.


Tho following is ■an approximate timetable'of tho movements of tlio steamers: — lonic—At Lyttelton. Loads in tho north and returns to Wellington, sailing from thoro finally on 12th November. Aoten.—A't Wellington, Loads in tho South Island, also northern ports, sailing finally from, probabl)', Wellington on 19th November. Athenie,—At Wellington. After discharging Lyttelton cargo and loading in north will sail from Wellington finally on 10th December. Karamea.—Arrived at Auckland October 7, Will sail again from tlio colony about 24th December. liangntira.—Duo at Port Chalmers October 24. Will sail again from tlio colony for London in December. Kumavn.—Duo at Wellington 11th November. Will soil again finally from that port on January 7, 1904. Maori.—Left London 3rd October for Auolthind and V/ollington. Duo Auckland 22nd November. AVill sail again from tho colony in January. Tolcomaru.—To leavo London 22nd October fov Wellington antl Lyttelton. Duo Wellington 10th December. Pakoha.—Leuves London 31st October for Port Chalmers-and Lyttelton. Due former 24th Doo&mber. Oorinthio.—Arrived at Plymouth October 7 ; Leaves London 19th November for Wellington and Lyttolton. Duo former 3rd January, 1904. Delphic.—Left Wellington September 17. Due London sth November. Sails on return 30th November for Auckland and Wellington. Due lormor 21st January, 1901. Gothic,—Lsft Wellington October 15 fov London, via ltio. Duo London '24th November. Sails again December 17 for WolHngton and Lyttolton. Duo Wollington 30th January. Waiwora.—Left Wellington October 10 for London. Due 2-9 th November. Sails again 31st December for Port Chalmers aud Lyttelton. Duo 22nd February. Matatua.—Will leave Loudon oarly next y«ar for New Zealand.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12801, 23 October 1903, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12801, 23 October 1903, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12801, 23 October 1903, Page 4


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