SOUTH DUNEDIN. The regular meeting of the South Dunedin Borough Council was held last evening, and attended by the Mayor (Mr 0. Fisher), Crs Marlow, M'Curdy, M'Key, Osborne, Hoiley, Fiddis, Thomas, and Shacklook. The Finance Committee's report recommending the. payment of accounts amounting f to £71 Is 9d_wa3 adopted, and tho Inspector's report, dealing, with work done in the , borough, received. <# j Messrs. Stout,. Mondy, and Sim, instructed j by the Tramway Company; wrote that the : company accepted the conditions of tho council. The company would rely on the council i granting them a car stand at the corner of Prince Edward road (Hutton's corner) in the ovent of their being unable to come to terms with the St. Kilda Council for the same. The firm, were instructed by the company to proceed with the necessary deed, the preparation of which would be delayed until tho car stand question was settled.—The communication was received. Mr James M'Curdy wrote drawing attention to the bad Btate of a ditch in Fox street, opposite his . property.—Eeferred to the Works Committee to report. The following councillors retire by rotation:—Cr Holley, East Ward; Cr Marlow, South Ward; and Cr Thomas, North Ward. The tender of- Mr R. W. Price for: plumbing .work for! the 12'; months ending 31st August, ' 1899, was' accepted. ' ; . NORTH-EAST VALLEY. ' Tho ordinary meeting of the North-East Valley Borough Council, held last night, was attended by the Mayor (Mr J. Evans), IJrs Macanrirew, Murray, Bailey, Scooneo, Mariachor, Anderson, Rishworth, »nd Greon. . . . . . THE MINUTES.- - ■ ■ ■ ■ The reading of the minutes of a number of : previous meetings of the council ocoupied ■ nearly three-quarters of an hour. Cr Green questioned the accuracy of the minutes of the ■ meeting held on the Ist of August, when the matter of the tramway con- | cession was considered by the council. ' The Mayor having iput the.motion for the confirmation of the minutes, declared it car- : ried. Cr Green called for a division, when Crs Macandrew, Bailey, Seoones, Murray, and the mayor voted for the motion, and Crs Green, Anderson, Mariacher, and Rishworth against it. • • A division was again taken on the motion with regard to the confirmation of the minutes of the meetings held on August 11 and 15 respectively, the voting being the same as before. After the confirmation of the minutes, Cr Longworth took his, seat. REPORTS. The Finance Committee reported that the ; bank overdraft was £791 2s Bd. The sum of i; £230 10s had been deposited in the bank during the month, and the committee recommended that accounts amounting to ; £,H'lfs Id be passed, for payment.—rThe, report; was j adopted.. ... . .... .. , .'■ -. >■ ......... ■', [ The Works Committee, reported with re- ! the grading of Pottar's Pinch that the contract was: about completed. The amount ' of the contract was £53 5s 3d, ana. £'9 12s for extras. The sum of £20 had been paid, and the committee recommended a further payment of £20, and that the balance be retained ; for 30 days from the date of the work being passed. The committee also recommended J that the unexpended balance of the £100 ■grant be expended in metal for this part of j the road. The committee also recommended ; the • council 'to procure 500 ft of 3in boiler ' tubes, to be used for laying under various footpaths as ■ required.—The report was adopted. The General Committee reported that it would be necessary for the inspector to inspect all local dairies during the month. The last inspection was undertaken by Inspector Snowball, but dairymen were not supplied with certificates, as they usually wore, and so could not get' their licenses. No doubt this;.- The inspector had visited the Chinese vegetable gardens, and reported that-though the heavy manuring of the land '■ caused unpleasrant smells in their vicinity, i there wore- no deposits of decomposing vege- , table-matter, or anything that could well be • avoided by persons following the occupation' ;' of > market gardeners.—Adopted. ' The Sanitary Committee recommended that jMr Ellis-be informed that it was the council's ; intention in future to rigidly enforce the fines specified in his agreement'for neglect of duty. —Adopted. j • The Inspector of Works reported with reJ gard to Felix street, Selwyn extension, that he had taken, the permanent levels and found • the fall from the main road, to-tne end neajr ; the preek was ,3ft 6in,- or 1 in 141, the length • being. 7., chains 18 links. For a distance -.of ; four chains the.road had, been* filled to somei tiling like-its level, and from there to the end it required lowering to a depth of ■Ift.1 There iwas no reason why the metal or' quarry chips should not be placed on the first four chains, j Mr Calder quoted Is 6d per load for chips, . and metal would cost about double that.—The report,.was received. . ■ . :••':• ~ > , :.-...'. •-. '. > . CORRESPONDENCE.'- ,'• .- '' ■' -.■ ■'i -.-• -.The Wairarapa North County Council forwarded a resolution ipassed by the council'inj ■vitin|c ;the. co-operation of other councils in i petitioning ■ Parliament to amend. The < HospiJ tals and Charitable Institutions Act. — The matter was-referred to the Finance Committee to report. ! 'The Gore Borough Council forwarded a , number of resolutions objecting to certain I proposals in the Municipal Franchise Reform Bill and The Local Government Voting Re- , form .'Bill.—lt was decided to write to the local members, of Parliament asking them to give their attention to the matter. . " ■ ■ ■ Mr A. Crow, on behalf of the New Zealand Cyclists' Touring Club; wrote forwarding a ' danger board, and suggesting that it be erected at the end of Skinner's fence (north end), on the road side, At that point cyclists could see it, and also have time to dismount before coming to Hangman's Gully.—lt was resolved to give effect to the suggestion of the writer. ■ Seven ratepayers wrote complaining of the manner in which'the contract for the removal of nighjsoil was being carried out.—Referred to the General Committee. THE CONCESSIONS TO THE.TEAM COMPANY. Messrs Stewart and Payne wrote on 16th August as follows: — |> " We are in receipt of your favour of 15th inst informing its that tho council has resolved to grant the Tramway Company the concessions named in your' letter'to Messrs Stout, Mondy, and Sim,- dated August 1, 189S, for 19 years, and to be then arranged by arbitration at the end of 1917 for a further period of 21 years. So far we have not received a copy of your letter to Messrs £>tbut and Co. of the 10th August, but Mr> Mondy^has arranged .to 1 et us' have. one. I Mr.-Mondy-has also sent us- a iSßyof his firm's j letter to you of the Bth . inst:. In your letter to us you do not state whether or not you agree to the stipulation in Stout and .Go.'s,letter oil .the, Bth inst.,. -as to the company having the right .to change the present system of norse haulage to any system of mechanical haulage--j i.e.,. electricity, cable, steam, oil, gas, or comj pressed "air.. Does your council agree to this stipulation ? In your letter, to us of the 15th inst. yoii refer to the extended term of 21 years being arranged by arbitration. Are wo to understand from this that your council agree to arrive at the provisions for an extended torm in the same manner as: the Duiiedin City Council have arranged with the Tram Company? ■ If you could kindly call at our offba io-rnorrow (Wednesday) morning we think 11 '. would save a lot of corresponding which would . be, rendered necessary to properly ascertain the agreement come to. - Also' please bring copy of any correspondence with-you. .. :: Under date of August 18 the same firm wrote: ' At the readiest of Messrs Mondy and Eunson, we had an interview with them in reference to the proposals for a continuation'of the running of the trams. Of course nothing definite couM be done until the meeting.of-directors of tho Tram 'Company, which takes place'ori Monday next; but after 'discussing very fully the various, proposals Mr Eunson intimated that he saw, no difficulty outside the question of the arbitrators fixing the terms and provisions of tho new lease for 21 years from 1917. Mr Eunson thought there would bo no ■ difficulty in leaving it to arbitrators to fix..the upset, rent for.the renewal term, but he did not think-there would be any chance of the directors agreeing to the arbitrators haying power to-modify any of'the other terms of the lease. It might be well for you -to consider the above position, as very likely the' Tram Cpmpany directors wil I be guided to' a great extent by the manager. We 'suggested that Messrs' Stout> 'Mondy, and Situ 'should-write you to the, above effect, but ! they did not feel justified in doing so until i there had been, a meeting of directors of the 1 Tram Company. The letters were received. Messrs Stout, Mondy, and Sim, under date of August 22, wrote: Your letter of 15th inst. was considered at a meeting of the directors of the Tramway Company held to-day, and we have been instructed to state in reply that what the directors require is that the terms of the agreement should be tho same as those granted by the City' Council, by which at the end of the 19 years there would be a valuation of the tramway and plant, and the concession for a further term of 21 years would bo offered at public auction at an upset rental to be fixed by the valuators. All the conditions of the concession for the second term must be. the same as those granted during the first term of 19 years. With reference to tho interview of his Worship the Mayor with Mi Fenwick, the chairman of directors of the company, we are instructed to state that as a result of his Worship's representations the company will agree to run. a.minimum of 12 cars instead of six to and from the Normanby teirninus. T(ie company having thus met your council's views so far we trust that the council will without further delay agree to tho concession as asked for by the cpmpany.
T Cr Bailey moved—" That the letter be re ; : ceived and considered after the meeting of ratepayers which has been called for Wednesday night. ■ _. Cr Macandrew seconded the motion. Ho said he thought the council should endorse the action of the mayor in calling the meeting for Wednesday night. It was the intention of the whole of the council to call a meeting before, but they were advised by ihe borough solicitors not to do so. The Mayor said the council were now in a position to lay the whole arrangement with the Tramway Company before the rateCr Green asked if there wag any other letter re the tramway to be considered that night if the motion was carried. • The Mayor replied that there were two other letters to be considered. Cr Green: Is it your intention to allow me to bring on my motion at the clone of this correspondence. The Mayor: I have a note here of yout motion. . The motion was then put and carried. Mr A. Mor.itzson wrote forwarding resolutions passed 'at the recent meeting of rate payers with regard to the concessions. mada by the council to the Dunedin City and Suburban Tramway Company. Or-Green- moved—"That the letter be received, and that the council give effect to tho request contained therein.". . . .. Cr Anderson 'seconded the aiption. Cr Macandrew nibved as an amendment-^ "That the letter be received, and consideration deferred until after the meeting on Wed,1 nesday'night." ' ' '"" ~,.,, Cr Bailey seconded the amendment, wlnCa : was" carried, the voting1 being: — For, Crc Lorigworth, Macandrew, Scoones, Bailey, and Murray; against,l Crs Green, Anderson, Mariacher, and Rishworth. . on green's motion.. ' _. On Cr Green rising to move his motion, of which he had given notice, / The Mayor said he could not receive tna motion, as Cr Green had not given the necessary seven days' notice..' Councillors only fe- , cfived notice last Tuesday. Cr Green: -I. gave' notice immediately on the resolution being put from the chair, and that was on Monday night, i The Mayor: It was Tuesday mor'unjr.. _ . i Cr Green asked what clause of tb3 Munici- | pal Corporations Act his Worship based his ' ruling on. He (Cr Green) held that his motion ' was perfectly in order under clause 109 of the Municipal Corporations Act. i The Mayor' said he was quite prepared to say that he could not receive-the motion, and he would take all responsibility in connection with it. He did noi intend to hear i any more with regard to the matter. ! • Cr Green said then he would -.- move the i adjournment of the council.I —(Loud applause from' ratepayers, a considerable number ot whom were present.) His motion was in''per* feet order, and he thought it was high time j tho council should adjourn. The further | consideration of the tramway question should, ! -indeed, be adjourned until after the'general | election, when the personnel of the council j would- be altered, and when ,he -hoped the j opinion of the council would be altered. He J held that the mayor had no: right to take lup the autocratic:attitude'that he did. They 1 might as well stay at jhome: if they were not ! allowed to 'discuss -things on their merits and | give publicity to their views. Why Should h^ be debarred from bringing on his motion? The whole thing had evidently been cut and dried by a certain section of tha council, who wished to rush the tramway concession I, through; arid it would have been rushed j through if it had not been for the public j meeting the other night.—(Cries of "No, i no.") He was certain it would have been.—- ---! (Loud applause from ratepayers.) • ; '■ The Mayor: I will have to clear this mee^ ing, if there is not silence. -~ Cr Scoones rose to a point of order, and asked the mayor as to ..whether Cr Green had a right: to speak to the general question; on I a motion for an adjournment. • ..--.■• il, j , The Mayor ruled that Cr Green had a right ito do 50.., V '.. .'..... . -.■:.'• ; Cr Scoones said, with all due deference to i his Worship, he questioned the correctness !of his ruling. ' ...■':■ . ; ; .-• ■ ! Cr Green then proceeded with his remarks, ; and at length- was asked by the mayor to what date he moved: that the ■meeting should adjourn to. ... ' Cr Green replied to the following night, at j 8 o'clock, and was proceeding with his speech I when the mayor asked. him to resume 'his Eeat. He, however, continued standing after being requested to be seated. Then the j Mayor said : in a commanding tone: "Re- ! sume,your .seat, Cr Green. I intend to be firm now." .At length Cr Green sat down; and, leaning back in his chair while he looked up at the-mayor,: he exclaimed two or three i times, with a good deal of emphasis, "The Czar of Russia! The Czar of Russia! " ■-'•■ , The Mayor asked if there was any seconder to Cr,Green's motion. ~.,.;-. '■■ ".': ,'..-'' : Crßishworth seconded it. ■ , ! • . . The '. motion' wiis .then put, and- declared carried on the Jvoices. . ■ ■ :. •. • -; ■ ' PORT CHALMERS. The ..usual.- meeting of the Port Chalmers Borough Council was held yesterday evening, and attended by the .Mayor (Mr J. Mill), Crs Watson,, Cameron,, Dawson, Weir, Inverarity, Edgar, ~G. Pedlaw, ; Wilson, Leech, and Tait.. An apology was received from Cr •Murray.. : .'■■.,,•■'■ •'.'•.. ''; . ; ,'■•; ' ■.'.'—- ''■ ■•■•"'."' ' CORRESPONDENCE. ... . . .' -. Mr.E.G. Allen, M.H.R., wrote .enclosing" correspondence from Mr.-Rqnayne, general manager New Zealand railways, stating that j the matter''of "providing, a light at the-rail- ! way ' crossing -between the, entrance, to the ; tunnel and, the railway .station," Port ChalJ mers, would be attended to.—Received, and j ordered to be laid oh the Jable. ,-■ ■;■ :. .;: I .. The Works Committee reported enumer- • atihg the various works on >which the inspector and assistant had been engaged since last report Respecting,the letter from the Waikouaiti County- Council re the road through the Town Belt;' they recommended adhering to tho. decision arrived at in May, to the effect that the Waikoiiaiti County Council bo ■ granted the use of the Cemetery road, facing Mausfbrdtown; at £1 per/annum, the road to be made and.maintained by-the Wai- / kouaiti Council.'—-Adopted. . . :■' j The Lighting Committee recommended the , acceptance of an offer made in a letter from I the. Port Chalmers Gas, Company to.light.the : ! two' burners,'. extinguishing- the one at 11 } o'clock and keeping the otiher burning till • daylight; on moonlight nights > one burner I only 'to be lighted and kept burning right J throligh—the' company to find mantles, and j^keep the lamps in order—for 25s por month, (provided the company agreed to-an-altera-j tion substituting . for moonlight words i "three days before' full'moon and three days i after full moon;" The committee, also re- ; commended that the lamp at-the corner 'of , ! the new buildings be removed.—Cr Weir sugj gested that if the lamp at the. new. buildings:'; removed it-.would only be just to erect iit in--Aurora terrace, where a- lamp was I urgently necessary, arid gave notice of. motion ! .for'next meeting to that effect.—Cr Dawson, • while- agreeing, that, more lamps were.,reI quired, .objected to the lamp in.front of .the i hall, being removed. — The report >was ■ adopted. .-■''.'.. ... • .-'■.- The Finance Committee recommended the payment' of accounts amounting to £101 14s 1 10a . and, reported that, since last meeting the j receipts, .including,- the. Government subsidy, had amounted to £309 7s 4d.—Adopted. The Special Committee reporting re the repairs .to .the Blueskin road, stated that the ! contractors are 'now making satisfactory progress. Some 25 chains of the road had been j : finished,- .with .the- exception of a little dress- j I ing up, and another month of fine weather j : will complete the work. It had been neces- ! eary to cart a considerable quantity of stone, but the expense would be very little beyond the • cartage. Mr'Mudge was well advanced with his;,contract for 200.cubic yards metal, j there being only about 20 cubic yards to complete. . ■ Progress payments for £891 were -re-, commended.—Adopted.! ' The Water , Committee reported' upon : various schemes for an increased water sup-' ply for the borough, and pointed out that the water officer could not at present com-j pleto the orders for ' supplies; to shippinfr..', They suggested an extension-of the mains, and estimated tho cost of carrying the various schemes into'effect—viz., No. 1, £1165; "No. 2, ■'£751-10s; ;ahd,No. 3, £467.—0r' Pedlow doubted .if money could be obtained for carrying out any of these * schemes. . They would not be able so far as he could see, to obtain an overdraft from the bank for that purpose.—Cr Weir had no wish to'"presß.'tho council to adopt the Water Committee's re- , . port that evening, and he would move that i i consideration of the report be held over until I ' next meeting.—Cr Edgar quite agreed with what Cr Weir had said, and seconded the j i motion for adjournment, which was carried, ; and consideration of the report deferred. I . . .
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11199, 23 August 1898, Page 4
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3,132BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11199, 23 August 1898, Page 4
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