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J> It IN C E S 8^ T H E A T B B. TO-MOBROW (SATURDAY), SEPTEMBER SI, FIBST APPEAKANOE • • '■ Of Messrs D'AItCY STANFIIfLD and FRED. DASH'S MBBKY THOUGHTS and HAPPY MOMENTS (ai performed by them before their Royal Bigbn'SMes the Princo and Prmcoss of Wales).' : ! : Tlio Original Musical Character Sketch '- • V! V I X 8■ - ' •■•>. : will bo produced. Charactora by Mrs U'Arcy Staofield, lite /my Ilorton, Messrs D'Arcy .StanOeld and Viod. D»rk. : Mr D'Arcy SfanOeld's wondorfal LIFELIKE IMPERSONATIONS, (nclncling bis InipersoEatibn >. , of the celebrated (ragodian, -■ ■■, '.' llekky leviko. ;,-■■:■ •:.. Jlr Fred. Dark's inlmltablo Musicil £icldr;. A JUVENILE PAUTY. Mlbu Amy Morton's Dew Sparkling Olio, «' . . . • ■ , MOONLIGHT, ■ :, , ~{■_■ • To cQßclniio with the most successful Coaiedleifa, A O.U^P., ,O>F. T,.E-A,! •,.:?; Prices:—4s, 2s"Ud, and Oue Shillint'. Box plan at West's Music DepOt. Doors open at 7.15; commence at Bpla. ■.'■,„", .-. . ; W. BUCHAN HEPBUBN,' . . 31a - Business Manager.' HO BBS & GOODfIJ, ' ■ ;' i\ -!- ,-, V . IHEATBICAI. AKB GENSEAL EII.LPOSTBM, .", :'. V.OHEiSTCHUROH' :;"■;, PesS-o/Dco Address j BoxSSJ, " . te HOTIOK TO THEATRICALS AND OIHEBS. mo ARRANGE fo»;PSE/^';ihe Wellington EIU,.BOARD3, communicate wltij / BLUNDELL BBOTHEBS, ; . , Pioprletori Evening Post, . •.-. Wellington. - MR JOSEPH MOSS, Teacher of the Pianoforte (Chef d'Orckettra Dunedla Aaeem)ly Calls), provides Bands for large or small Partial. Private Dances attended.—Address Stuart street. •.•■■■•.■■•.•....:.' :-' tms " BANDS PROVlDED—Dramatic and Quadrille.-J. KELLY, Professor, Moray pl*c« :■ '• ■■:, ■ Mestmg*. ..'.,-:• :-w, ' ■ THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINO of the PHCESIX CRICKET OLUB will ba held at Wain's Hotel on SATURDAY, tha 22hd in»t, at 8 o'clock p.m. : ' :::■■: - ....'. .:'. Business: .■■•,.. .■■■:. <-T' ' To receive Keport and Balance-sheet,- to elect : Olßco-bearcrV ar.d for nny otljcr.Business provided for in tha Rules!'. : ,'^-'- ---■ •.: ' , :'■..■.; W. C. KKNJfEDY, .. 21b . ■■...-.■.. lion. SecreUty. : CAKISBKOOK LAffif-T£N.VIS CLUB;',.. ■ THE ANNUAL GENERAL"-'MBET-INGof the above Club will bo held at Wain's Hotel on SATURDAY EVENING, the 22nd lnSt.V»tß o'clock.-- •■ '■■ .-■ '• • ■ •■■:-■. ;.":-.- ■';.! ,' ■ BusiKEsa: Roport and Balanco-sheet, and. •Hec- : . tiOll of Officers. . . . . .-■ .; j;; i:\". .. ,v •■'•-:. q. w. cyiEESwoop,'<■-' 20a . ■ Bon. Sec. '. ;\ ■•■;■.;.:.:■.■■ -EBiigiou'B.-.-':.': : !r"'.';'.^ a PECIAL FULL SERVICE. ',•■'.■■ •.. ST. MATTHEWS CHURCH;-'v-."!' THIS.(FRIDAY) EVENING, SfiPTEaBER;BI f .' . . Atßo'clock. •■.".":'■.;■•;."■.■»■■-"■ : . - . . Voluntary: '■■'.. V ;. -V; V' " Look down on us " . ;, ...... ileiitliiimohn lymn (Ancient and Modorn).. ....; -438'!- ■■', Nu^Dtoittis}--" J ,.Pro U tin-F(6 P .9) " Precentor, Bey. A. B..FITCHETT. , • . : Anthem.:. - • i ■ ■ ' "The Wilderness" (Isaiahxxxv) ".. does '■ . ' : ; Preacher,R*ev;,W.H. H.. JEBVOISi y - ...'/. • ■:; Offertory ■Sentences: ■'■[:■■> ='-viS - "NO4everyone",k) •!•..■..- .-.':.■-. ■■ -■■■'.■ :->\ ■ -and-; ' j.l^ „■ ,• .; Bantiy "HothatsOwoth')' ■■:( : ' .-■:.;■. ■-■;?■; , Concluding Voluntary;' '.:•■''■'■. Ferial March '^ ■■■■;- ,■-'„■■ :..:ff.Sntith. , •■.. ..-..• ■•■•/"" ■ ■;■- Bmiwdjß.y:pr:^l-SC,: ON SATURDAY, 22nd iristi; the : Train usually leavinpr.Balclutha for Ota ton ai 7.J5 a.m. will leave at 65 a.m, .■md'be.coawpondingly ear. ier at all: intermediate Stations to Clinton. Srturday lvctujrj-tidteta issued on Friday, Sist lust., between Balclatha and Clinton (inclusive).to-Warep* will bo available for return on Saturday, 22nd inst. . A. GRANT t :-■■-. District Traffic Manair^r. . District Traffic Manager's Office, ■ ' ■ ' . Dunedin, 19th September 1883. , 201 ■ IN2HE SUPREME COURT OF NEW, ZEALAND, ■ OTAGO Al>D SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. . ■-.■■• No. 250. ' .■..--.. < ;■ Between HECTOR MEBCER and ALESANPEK BALFOUK MIiRCEB, of Dnnedin, Orocere, . trading under the firm of "Mercer JBrotbere," : ■ Plai»tiff3, and JOHN M'KEOWN, lately of '• . St. Kilda, near Duuedio, and now ia part* _ beyond the seas, Labourer, Defendant. , TAKE NOTIOiS that -unless, withiri twenty-one clear nays after and exclusive of the day on which this Writ is issued, you do fio in the - office'of this Court at Dunedin a statement of your defenco to the Plaintiffa* claim, a eopjjbt. which is hereunto annexed, the Plaintiffs may piaieed In their ■ action without having it heard in Court.' If you file - • a statement of defence within the time above-speci-fied, you are hereby auramoned toattond the first ' fittings rf tho Court at Dunedin which shall be.hflld - after the expiration of twenty-dnodayg from, bnt . exclusive of, tho day of issue of this Writ:,and toke ~ notice thatif you fail so to appear, the action may be heard and determined in. your absence!—lssued at Dunedin, this Eeveiiteenth day of Soptem'bcr 1833, to - the abovenamed defendant, John M'Kooivn.—N.B. This Writ ia Eue'd outbyPoter Duncan, solicitor for . the plaintifij, whoso address for service is No US '• Albert Buildings, Princes stioet, Dunedin. — The Plaintiffs claim US 13s for costs of issue of tbis'Wrii and incidental thereto.—A. D. HABYEY, Deputy- - registrar, Otagp. . ... 19a IN.THE SUPfiEME COURT.OP NEW;ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SODTHLAND DIiTKICTi-T-In the.: matter of THE DUNEDIN, PENINSULA,:. AND OCEAN BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED) - 1 and in the matter of " Tho Companies Act ISS2"'^-, T^rOTicE IS' HeTeBY GIYENi thrt,. X3I ' the Creditors of the abovementioned Company . arerequired,lon<.rbeforotheeighthdayof Octobernext, to Bend thn pa-ticulare of their Debts or Claims,1 verified by affidavit;' to Walter Hiblop. ol Eattray street, Dunedin, the Official Liquidator of the above Company,.. I or in default thereof they ;will be excltided'from t£a benefit of any distribution made before such deats are ' proved. ':' '' ;'■"■-■ •■ '■■'■ ■■■:■ ■ ,•■-■■.--'.s-^-- . , ■ Dated at Dnnedin,' this eleventh day of'Soptetnbet ■ ISB3. '■'-- _'■-■-■■ ■ .■:■■:-';■.- ;-v .*■• ■'••■'■■■■ . COLIN H'K/GORDON. • . ' ' fiegistrarof thcsiid Supreme Court of New Zealand • ■ ■■■■'■■■!: ■■'■■, ..-•■■■■■■ • : at'Dnnedint:;- -*■-' . ' ■ HACAseEr, Kettu:, and AYoobHOtiBK, •'•"■'';: •■ •■■ '-i- Solicitors. ■:: -. r : ; ;v- n"V.'.'^'rv; 311 rZ 12» -, •\rOTIOE.^-Tfae Otego Dikllj'Tiiiwi it - XS doly »ppo!ntiu OAZKIT* lor »lllr«*o«i wH* lh« Dsbton and Ondlisit 4(4- ■ - ;',i- ' - - : iii; THE -SUPREME ■ COURT OE'NEW"ZEALAND,' OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT.:, •. ..I--. '.- : >~ IN BANKRUPTCY,.',-ia i\:^-x ■" , ,• .•■..■ ■ •■■ •' No.;-1210.'- tv. ;.-.-.v,: ; In the matter of "Tho FJobtors and Creditors Act 137flVand the AuiondnJonisthoreof.and of tha ' .I. : BanIuuptcyofGILBEHTEDW.ARD.ANSLEY, . -.!; .lato-.of. Mosgicl, rHotelkceper,! but-now of a ~, Dunolic, out oMmsiness, a Debtor,;.!:, - T^TOTiCK IS JUJEKJIBYGiVEN thatXS ' Applications-will b3 nsadoito^the" SuFroais' Court, on MONDAY, tho first day of J October 1883, at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, of-so'soon'thereafter as counsel can be heard, on behalf of tho abovenamod debtor for an Order discharging tho uald debtor from y all debts, claims, and demands provable'under his - Bankruptcy. '■'■'• . ■':';' ' , ,•"'■'•' .-•*■' Dated this eighteenth day of September 1883. i "' ;t-' ■;; ■-': : ' ■.'V"'/'.;j.; A.iHi3LQIp,? ; 21s . . ...''', for the.JDcbtor. ' IN THE . SUPREME 'COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT.—No. 1178.—1n . the matterV.'qt .?The; Debtors and Creditors Act 1876," and. Amendment' . Acts 1878 and 1879, and of the Bankruptcy of JOHN: ' HOBNE SCOTT.-TUI3 1& TO CERTIFY that »t . tho First Meeting of Creditors held herein on th« thirteenth day of April 1883, JoSßra "HASTisas' Kii/301'r, of Dunedin, Accountant,: was elected Trustee of tho property of the ah >vehamed' Bankrupt, and in writing accepted the Bald appointment. Dated this twentieth September 1883. ; '■ AKTHUR D. HARVEY, Depoty-rogißtrar. . I HEREBY SUMMON'a GENERAL MEEIING of■ : tho Creditors of tho abovenamed Bankrupt to be held r at the Supreme Coarthouse, Dunedin, on THUKE- ..' DAY, the twenty-sevonth September instant,- at t«n o'clock in the forenoon, to consider .the said bankrupt's Application for his Discharge; .-' :.:: f^» ,'September 20,1831. . ■ .■-...'. •-,''. .'; Sjla . . ■ J. H. KILGOUR,' Trustee. a MEETING of tho CREDITQES of W. S. SEAV'EY, a Bankrupt, lute of Anderson's Bay^ v will be hold at rey Office, Princes street, on FRIDAY, ~ 21st icst., Rt U o'clock In the forenoon. Business m--1 jioitaut. ' . :.- : JOIIS EDMOND, :■■ lQj Crwlltera'. Trmtee. . f^ ASALIERS.—GOLD MEDAL MEL. '• VX BOURKK EXHIBITION,. AGATtter TS* „ WOKtD. too desttmc. B«»iv»la»!n N»w*«J«*. ' -..■.,•■ '■''.:.,.■':.■' . :; i '}'/ l;;,*f!n :|lD*T:SJ ■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6740, 21 September 1883, Page 1

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