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The ordinary meeting of the City Council was held yesterday, when there were present^-His Worship'the Mayor (Mr A. H. Rosa), Crs Gore, Matheson, Scoullar, Allen, Barnes, Aldrich, Carroll, Thomson, Gilchrist. The following business was transacted: : •■■ storage of rnosrnoßCS. • The New Zealand Underwriters' Association wrote regarding the storage of phosphorus, pointing out its liability to spontaneous combustion, and suggesting for the Council's consideration whether a bye-law should not be passed as to its disposal. ■ ■■•■..- ---, The matter was referred to the Works Committee. QUEBX STREET. Mr John Barnes wrote regarding the removal of his ence in Queen street. ; On the letter being read, Cr Barnes said other people's fences had- been shifted, which was the reason why he moved in the matter. As ho had occupied the land now for 21 years, he felt inclined to say that he would not give it up at all, nor allow his fence to be removed by the Corporation or anybody else. Cr Allen thought the time had arrived when this question as to the determination of the exact baseline upon which the survey had been made should be settled, and he suggested that the Works Committee should, in considering Mr Barnes' letter, deal with the question as a whole. : The letter was referred to the Works Committee, with the understanding that,the full question should be considered. VOQEL STREET. A request by Mr Keith Ramsay arid other Harbour Board tenants that Vogel street should be kerbed and channelled was referred to the Works Committee. . TUB TRAMWAYS.. . Mr D." Proudfoot wrote as follows, under date December 17th:—"I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th inst. The fact of such a long delay, namely, from the 3rd November until to-day, now very nearly, six weeks from tho date of my application to have the water" laid on at Caversham, has lost me an actual amount of £1000, as I have four of my cars insured for the tramway de-J >artnient at Caversham, but they could not be located there in consequence of your not giving me an answer re the water to my premises. The above amount is a direct actual loss m value, besides the loss of my Caversham traffic. Perhaps your Council .will make good to me the loss." , ; , , . Vi The letter was received. '.'-.]" T - : The following letter from Mr Proudfoot, also dated December 27th, was referred to tho Tramways Committee :-—" Referring to my. interview with you on the 25th inst. in reference to the supplementary tramway agreement, on considering- this matter I have to state that it would be most unreasonable for the Council to ask me to run the Castle street line to the Kerosene Bond. This line was made by me in consequence of being petitioned by a large number of persona hold-' ing property in Castle street and- its vicinity, and up 0 date it has not been productive of very high results. .1 feel certain that the. inhabitants of Castle street do not wish the concession you ask for. Be that- as it may, however, I have already stated that it is most unreasonable to ask for such a concession, more especially as it was never contemplated, nor even hinted at, until now. Do not ask for anything further in the shape of concessions from me. The Dunedin Corporation have obtained more liberal provisions in their tramway agreement than any. city in New Zealand, and in very many respects more than much larger cities in England, the Continent, and America. I hope. you will forward at once, as previously passed by tho Tramways Committee, and unanimously adopted by' the Council, - the supplementary tramway agreement for engrossment and signature. I'ray let there be a finality to this matter if possible." " . ■ Referred to Tramways Committee. • c :-; .. south dunedin. . . - The South Dunedin Borough Council wrote that if the nuisance caused by the refuse from the Gasworks flowing into the ditches were not removed within a ■ fortnight they would cause the ditches to be filled up. Referred to the Gas Committee. ■'■■■■'■; -'• .': - ' 1 . ... THE DUST CONTRACT. i Mr Harris wrote that his -contract for the removal of dust, refuse, &c. did not expire till June next, and therefore suggested that it must be by mistake that fresh tenders were invited. The Town Clerk thatthe contract had expired some time ago, and that Mr Harris was now doing the work under no permanent agreement, but from day to day merely. The letter was sent to,the Works Committee...., 1 ' TUB FIRE BRIGADE. ' ' " : Mr R. (Robertson, secretary to the Fire Brigade, asked for one month's leaveof absence from 19th inst. He stated that he had had only two holidays during the last 18 years. ~ -..,..-. , • , . The application was'unariimbusly granted. . DR lIAUNSELL'S CASE. - - ...-• Messrs Macassey, MaeDermott, and Kettle wrote sxiggesting. a plan for the settlement of the dispute. between the Corporation and Dr Maunsell as to a piece of land adjoining the tatter's property. ■ ' •-•■-■ Cr Carroll moved that the letter be referred to the Works Committee for report. ; This was carried. RESERVES COMMITTEE. • The Reserves Committee reported:— " Your Committee begs to report Having < interviewed a deputation of gentlemen interested in the erection of a building on the Botanical Gardens reserve for the purposes of an Industrial Exhibition and Winter Palace. L "Your Committee recommends that a reply be forwarded to the members of the deputation to the effect that, whilst sympathising with the object they have in view, tho Council is of opinion that no statutory authority exists enabling the Corporation to deal with the public city reserves in the manner indicated by the promoters of the Industrial Exhibition and Winter Palace." ; Cr Aldricii moved tbe adoption of the report. He would oppose the allocation of' the Gardens to any such purpose as a winter palace: arid he expressed astonishment that a gentleman had formed one of the deputation who was previously a Resident Magistrate, and who took a deal of trouble to show the Qommittee how they could evade an Act of Parliament in order to allow of the Gardens being used for this purpose. The Mayor explained that the last speaker' was somewhat out of his way in his facts. The gentleman had pointed out how the Council could make the concession required under the provisions of one Act to which he referred, though they could not under another Act.

; Cr GiLCHRiST seconded the report pro forma, but was sorry that the Committee could not see its way to granting what had been asked.

Cr Fisn warmly supported the adoption of the report. The Gardens should not be allowed to he used for such a purpose, as a considerable portion of the reserve would thus be alienated, whereas the admission of some thousands of people to the Gardens would mean utter destruction to the shrubs and plants. An industrial exhibition was a remarkably good thing, no doubt,'tmt the purpose of the reserve should not be interfered with.

The Mayor said the Reserves Committee had inspected the Garden^ and had been unanimously of opinion that there was no room for the erection oJ the

building proposed; whilst even if there were, the Council had no legal power to grant a site for such an After some further remarks, the report waa adopted without any contrary vote. FINANCE COMMITTKE. ihe Finance Committee reported having passed accounts asunder: Municipal account .. .. £5456 9 9 Water account .. .. 31J2 S 9 Gas account .. .. .. 3090 11 0 Total .. .. ..£11,719 9 O • The report was adopted: _L. TRAMWAYS COMMITTEE. . The Tramways Committee reported having settled the draft specification for proposed wire-cable tramway^to Mornington via High street. It was being printed with a view to tenders being called, as decided by Council. ' The report was adopted. " ■ WATER SUPPLY COMMITTEE. ihe Water Supply Committee reported as follows : — ...... " Your Committee recommends— : ' That the application from the Caversham Council for water to extinguish fires be granted, under supervision to be approved by the City Surveyor, but that i any supply for the Caversham Fire Brigade practice be declined. '-■■ '' That Messrs Smith and Fotheringham's application for water service to their six houses adjoining Mr W. M. White's pipe factory, Hillside, be granted ; the charge to be arranged by the City Surveyor. "That the Industrial School building be charged ■ i?mu er a* £1° per annum—quarterly payments. . J hat 111 consequence of the completion of the ouvcrstream reservoir the services of. Mr Crawford, inspector over the contract, be now dispensed with. As to motion 795, re filter-beds at the Silverstream and Ross Creek reservoirs, that no action be taken by Council in the present state of the city finances. That the contractors for fencing the Silverstream race having exceeded their contract time = for the works, be notified by Mr Campbell, the engineer, that the penalties for delay will be strictly enforced "That Mr Smith (assistant to Mr Campbell) be in future allowed 12s per week, and that J. Black and the other chainman be each allowed Ss per week in lieu of stores, whilst further engaged at the Silverstream works."

Cr Barnes referred at some length to the extravagant wages paid in connection with the water-race. Mr Smith, the inspector, he considered, had nothing whatever to do; whilst he had tried and failed to discover what even Mr Campbell himself, the engineer, was doing. He referred to a letter in the papers on tlie subject, every word of which he believed was true. He was inclined to move at once that the services of Mr Smith, the . inspector, should be dispensed witlj . :■•■•-■.■■-. ■ Cr Matubson said there was no doubt that a great deal of unnecessary expenditure was going on in connection with the Silverstream race; but the Water hupply Committee intended to get a full report from Air Campbell, the engineer, and- would bring some recommendations up at next Council meeting The report was adopted, as presented. OAS COMMITTEE. The Gas Committee recommended that the price of water to the Gasworks remain at Is.per 1000 gallons. Mr James Wilson's application for gas supply at Water-of-Leith was recommended to be granted, the Corporation to lay pipes from mains to Mr Wilson's building line at a cost of £27 Is 6d, Mr Wilson to pay cost from building line to his meter.—The Committee recommended thai the Council communicate with the Jvailway Department, the Harbour Board, and the Ocean Beach Railway Company as to the desirability of a railway siding being laid down to Rattray street Jetty, m order to facilitate the discharge of coal into railway trucks from vessels for the convenience of the public—lt ;was also, recommended that tenders be called for 100,000 bricks in order to commence the erection of the new retort and purifying houses.—The Committee submitted applications by John Nelson T. Burton, and F.,Beissel for gas supply, and requested the Council to consider whether it would be desirable ■ to modify the practice hitherto pursued in respect of the recovery of arrears for gas. : .. It was reported that the Brunner Coal Company's tenderhad been accepted for the supply of coal at the following rates :-Greymouth(best), 31s Od; do (nuts), 295; Westport, 3ls6d; Newcastle, 295. Cr Aldrich moved : the adoption of the report; and in doing so explained the nature of the recommendation regarding the la3ing of a railway siding down the Rattray street Wharf. By this means the Gas Department would save 2s a ton on each ton of coal, which would amount to about £800 a year Cr Fish said.with- regard to this matter that the Gas Committee and Cr Aldrich deserved every praise for bringing it under notice. He did not think the Corporation should deal with the Railway Department in the matter, but should either put down the siding themselves or deal with the Ocean Beach Tramway Company, from whose line it was, and not from that of the Government, that the sidingnow ran into the Gasworks.

Cr Gore moved the deletion of the clause as to tenders being called for the 100,000 bricks. The whole work should bo doneby tender, because if Mr Genever looked properly after the manufacture of gas he had enough to do without superintending the building of retort-houses.

Cr Barnes seconded this proposal. • Cr Matiikson asked where the money for this work was to come from. Altogether 600,000 bricks were expected to be required, and there should be some consideration: about sinews of war. He urged also that the Corporation finance as a whole question should be considered. Probably the Finance Committee, had a duty, in this matter, but since his connection with the Finance Committee it had done nothing at all but pass accounts and sign cheques. Cr Fish agreed with 'Cr Matheson that the financial position deserved every consideration. Some estimate of the total cost of this, work should been given, and if borrowing was required, then borrowing should be agreed to. V . ■■ ; CrGoRE said it appeared to him that this building would eventually cost £8000 or £10,000, and a proper estimate and plans should be laid before the Council. As things were, if the 100,000 bricks were ordered the Council would indirectly be led into an expense the full extent of which they did not know. The Gas Committee should have brought up plans. Cr Aldrich said the present Gas Committee knew very little about the matter. The purifiers had been ordered by a former committee, and all that the present Committee knew was that a house was required to put them in.' *

The clause was referred back to the Committee to bnng up further particulars as to the work. With regard to the other clauses, it was agreed that the Committee should bring up a definite suggestion as to the Rattray street Jetty siding, and also a suggestion as to the recovery of gas arrears, the applications by-Messm Wilson,-Burton, and Beissel being adjourned pending this.

•■ PUBLIC WORKS COHHTrrKB. The Committee recommended that Messrs Higginson and Burton's applications to drain into culvert at top of Pitt street be granted ; that the application of Mr R. Hudson and of Messrs Royse, Stead, and Co. re private drains, and all similar applications, be declined; that Messrs Cairns and Roberts'applications to drain private lands at Walker street be declined ; that £80 be paid to Mrs Grcenslade's trustees in regard to the Smith street property; that Mr F. C. Fulton's application for right-of-way at Filleul street be declined. ' . The Committee reported that the City Surveyor had been instructed, not to place metal on any of the streets during the next two months unless absolutely required. ■ • ■ The report was adopted as presented. SEW COUNCILLOR. On the motion of Cr Gilchrist, Cr Seoullar was appointed to the committees on which Cr Ross formerly held a Beat. . , . ■: ■ ■ . THK DOG TAX. The Mayor drew attention to the fact that the dog tax was now due, in January, whilst owners had paid ' lip till Ist April. Some municipalities had agreed to take three-fourths of the tax for the coming year. On the motion of Cr Fish, it was agreed to "carry out this course in Dunedin. •.-...■-•--■■ CAVBRSHAM. - The MAYOR reported that a deputation from the Caversham Council had waited upon him to ask the ! support of the Dunedin Council in urging upon the Government the widening of the Caversham railway ■ bridge. Cr Thomson moved that tho Mayor be instructed to accord support in the matter.. . ./ ■■■;■■ The motion, was,lost, Cr Fish and others objecting that as the Government refused to do the work at present on account of the cost, the Council should not go out of their way to urge anything on the Government which would hamper them in economising. ' : ' ! ■■■■ ; NEW STREET. , . : Cr Barnes'motion as to the kerbing and channellingof New street was referred to the Works Committee. : ;-..., CLEANSING STBEBTS, ETC. Before the tenders for cleansing the streets, reniovingdust, &c. were opened, ; CKTnOMHON moved—"That"the"'fenders" be" "not opened, but that the question be remitted,to the Works Committee to consider-the advisability of inviting tenders for the. work- being performed separately in each .ward in the city." He urged that this would, tend to economy, and would give small contractors a: chance of competing. , : , .. • Cr Barnes seconded the motion, which, after some -, discussion, was agreed to CLERK FOR GAS;DEPARTMENT.:V > There: were 16" applications for this post, and the ' Gas Committee were asked to select two or three cari-; didates for submission to the Council. .■ •, - ■ ..-.:''"..; - IBTDART BTRKET WBiaiiBRIDCiK. - "'■■'■■ ! Tenders had been invited forthe lease of the Stuart street weighbridge ; but ~,,,. • Cr Fish statedthat complaints had been made to him about the weighing at this bridge being frequently wrong, and suggested whether tho Council should not keep it under their own controL It was resolved net to open the tenders, but to consider the subject at next meeting. ...''.'.-. -TENDERS. . ','."„'■. V : Tenders for cutting grass, &c. were opened, and referred to the various committees. ■ , THE CITY SINKING FUND. i .'■• Messrs G. Turnbull, R. Gle'ndining, and James Paterson, trustees-of the City Sinking Fund, acknowledged the receipt of cheques on account of the fund aa follows:— Municipal account .. ....... ~. £3000 Waterworks account : .. ; .. 2000 ; , Gas account : ,:'..• ..' ..1000 ■ ; This was the whole of the business, and the Council adjpurned. ■;... :-:■■• ,- ,■. —'

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5905, 12 January 1881, Page 3

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THE CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5905, 12 January 1881, Page 3

THE CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5905, 12 January 1881, Page 3


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