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The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Christian Brothers' Schools took place at the schools, Rattray street, on tl.e Kith. The Most Eev. Dr Morau presided, and a large number of visitors, including the clergy and parents of the children were present. On the walls of the room in which the children were assembled were displayed" some of the

mapping and drawing done during the vcar, and papers exhibiting the handwriting 01 the pupil* wore laid out for inspection. The writing was especially good, and since lust year pro-re-s .has hc-on l ".• '" .'i™1',1,""", B"silIlJ3 freehand drawing, the Brothers liavo uiiiWt'tfcen t!"' (-"adjin" of mechanical drawing, some well-executel specimen? of which were shown. scholars were shown. Great nr:^ ;l . ; s ,•'„„ to v, „+„„ Norman. Walker, Pl,i!p, Pe.nKn, ' Mccn, and M'Mahon for the miinmr n whi.-h i!r , ■•'viiiil'pil themselves,, scenes from " U.;,,k;t" a i,.J "Th-vVr-chant of Venice." I'he mvum w >jiv -ivon v it], -nVF^t creditable to hoth pupil; and mailer, and in linamt winch proved very iniere-iii,- to those prwe-t. Several reading were also given hi a crcdiUbL style, and the other items of the i l'O'T.v.iime iJi^-x-' fff ' -''X factorily. At l.ho conclusion of th» prc'"-Mi,m'>' '' " " His Lordship the Jii-noi- presented''the scl:o!ai 3 witri their prises and cv.'tilicat.js of li'i.-rif, He mentioned tnut the compotiii.-n forthu Bishop'; Scholarship had been keener this vcir t?>:-:i on -i;!y previous occasion, there Tieiny huta slight <:iii\-.-v:iJr- klwecn the percentages obtained by tii-j competitor- Heretofore one or t,vo of the boy* had bean far rlictl of then- companion, but this year there appeared to 'be a genera improvement, and all th.! boy. denied to have worked hard. 'I he conipctif ion \,.x 1 been so close that the of the vari.-.ii-s Lanrrs !• id r,. , .'•■■r.l i great deal of time and trouble-.' the ■''Iy. ■ ■»■>\d c ,> petitor, Ma-tor C. Meemm, Ivrl '^r4lM'in obtaining; on an average SO m.f cent" w]ii';h was very creditable. .Some of 'the otli-s vero the seholar.-ihip liad been <;-.;>t^)ed !■-> r'uUk-.'i.icd ; o give an extra, prize to M-.stcr Fit Z],atri,-K-, wl.o made the second liisiie-iC parconta-e. C'cHifir-i.^ ln-'lr.-n Kiven to nil who ~,a , ic over 70 r e- IL ;,t in Mi! ,'o,?v ," t-.tion. Hid Lordship anno-in^d to'the" boy.,- tiiaVtV-ir holidays would list till the L4i.ii o? J-.,,;,-.,.,- s Vt w they would i.avo live or si:,- v; ( c!^ to cii t' c'-n ■■lyes and recruit their health. He wished tLt mi ht enjoy tlieniselves thorou-hly, for they lir.-l "v.vil^d very hard during the year: L;ifincr no ivevious tc'-n scnools. lud always been in a ->-a-;.;f;.ct"rv •s'-'te THm wa^very -ratifying to him, and a ;,,, to i.".'^L, f Their corul,^ during the c:A,ve of the year iSbeen excellent. H was to be hoped that the -qi.e >iii^>" tory state of thin- y,-on>d' evi,t ne'L IJeir-' pres^, upon the ehii-'ivi; the nc-c^ity of a regular them to attend well to ti^r "homj 'i"^.: ft they did not do so, th,.ir ].ro-rc,, wild b • verr v" ehPdren" d ''^ '° rcnin> 'ha";^ o^behalfci l!."..!;1-I.'.1' 0",?. l»™i,ts a« well in himself, f> the education, H ,vi,,.-. it v.-,., U «l t ft' to |£,^;v-r^t l -%-% 0 -:-^ reiwous rcliools were ir.^t proficient was foi W tfulnr- ss pthe^-t sr&^s.r^^s be more detrimental to individuals and society Generally Conserjuciitly lie availed himself of ti-e occa-'on to once more raise his voice in denunei ; ,t c n of'-odl™ cdiic.itio:,-to protest ;^'.nnsfc the -v^,,, ,-f ",p"'. Hrn him to point out the wiivaiic.-s Oili-oliesi-'d 'Ti-e SXp »« the will to do justice. Kothin- eoiilrt be "pore calamitous than ihis denial of justice to n Lu^c-etk™ of the community. Every day the confluenceT was seen. They read about the state of tui.v /,., P O Ki d ansnis- from the mis.-overnment of past eentu'riesfrom the detenmned denial of justice zo the pec-" point more than this ration of education: A dommeerinsand scifrih class ha,l W ot into a po^'orl of power, whicli they had used for tl"-Ir ovi, ,X,C it was the same here. Tliose in power wove ofVdcininoennsf disposition, and provided for therisSves irrespective of any consideration towards others It was idle of tiiom to say that the public schools w^l open to Catholics. So were their churche* if CHiholi'-I • w.shed to enter them. That was no a-ument no answer to the appeal for justice. The same thine was said to their fathers lonj a-o. Their f ■ J:i t r were oohjred to support an alien Church. Xinu-tenthVof the people were obliged to suj.port a Church used only by the wealthy class, and when the-.- conmlained (h4 were told they could yo into the' churches if they hketl. That argument could only be used by tyrants. Ihesame argument was applied to Catholics in Xc-w Z, aland because they claimed exemption flora taxation to support schools which they could not conscientiously send their children to. It appeared to him a monstrous tliinar that they should bo called ui.-n to support schools for one class'of the comnn-.r.i^r ard to provide that class with rich en lo,vmcnt.s' and scholarship?, whilst nothing was dono for themselves They were citizens and rat-j-.ayer-;. and Ihey ! ad a, claim for justice and for a share of (.]>,■ be-u-i'its voted by Parliament It was absurd to < xpeet Cntholics to send their children to schools where tl-.ov liad not a single friend, and where they would be in tho power of the administrators of their enemies. Such a d»mjvnd could only be made by a domiaoevins; and tyrannical class. Once more, therefore, he liad to raise his voice against the injustice of Catholic- beinir ' called upon to contribute tow-aids the maintenance of a system of education the benefits < i which they were tyrannically excluded from partak'n" of —(\n plause.) ° X l The following- is the pifee list: SBKIOn ROOM. Regular attendance.—First division : R. Norman prize; P. Median, J. Ilally, E. Ilavc'i 1' Wal^h \f' O'Conncll, J. Scaulan, W.* Wilson, "honom-aiilo' n'lenl tion. Second division :J. Kelly, ])ii ? e ;;r Jew E Shccdy, A. O'Brien, T. Cummins, John Plcd-cr Ml equal. ° ' ' Home lessons (grammar, frcosrraphy, r-pcllin", catechism).—First division: First class—j. \Y\iMi prize " J. Wilson, \V. O'ConneU, J. M'Connk-lt, nil equal- j' O'Reilly, R. Nornmn, J. Ilally, \Y. Fitzoatriek honourable mention. Second class—W. Wilson pri/e- F Meonan, A. Sullivan, J. Cousins, honourable mention! Second division: First class—J. Pledger, prize- A. O'Brien, 11. Jew, honourablemention. ' Second class W. M'Cormick, pike; L. Pavlcticli, A "Vl'ifi^v honourable mention. Third class—T. Cummins' ' prize; J. Druniui, honourable mention. Fourth class -Joe Pledger, prize; W. Edmond--, T. o'Brien, honourable mention. Reading.—First division—C. Jleoiun, Sir Parkers prize; W. O'Councll, J. Scanlan, honourable mention. Second division—A. O'Brien, prize; h. Pavletich E Shcedy, J. Carroll, honourable mention. ' Writing.—First division—C. O'Connell, Mr Jl'Xamara s prize; W. Cassels, J. M'Cormiclt, P. Walsh W Fitzpatriclc, J. Day, honourable mention Se'-ond" division—P. O'Brien, prize ; 11. J,-w, F. Norman, W. Jl'Cormiek, honourable mention. Arithmetic.—First division ; First class—W O'Conncll, Mr Parker's prize;; T. Gunning, J. Day, J O'Reilly, \V. Cassels, honourable mention. Second class —C. Diamond, prize; J. Cousins, A. Sullivan, VT. Plulp, honourable mention. Second divi-ion • First class—C. Cumming-, prize; F. Murphy, T. Joimina-a P. O'Brien, honourable mention. Second das*— W Ro sbotham, prize; G. Ahem, honourable mention English Grammar and Analysis—First class—J 0 Redly, Hr Jl'Naraara's prize; P. Walsh, W. Fitzpatrick, T. Gunning, honourable mention. Second • cla-s—A. Sullivan (prize) and C. Diamond, equal • J Cousins, W. Philp, W. Wilson, honourable mention Geography.—First class—T. Guuniii'V-, prize- 'c Meenan, W. Fitzpatriclc, J. Ahem, honourable mention. Second elass-A. Sullivan (prize) and C Diamond, equal; J. Cousins, T. M'Farlane, W. Philp honourable mention. English Composition and Dictation.—First class (Mr Parker's prize)-W. O'Conncll, prize; W. Fitzpatrick, C. Meenan, J. O Redly, honourable mention. Second class—W. Philp, prize; A. Sullivan, C. Lynne, C. Diamond, honourable mention

Bookkeeping.—First class (Mr M'Namara's prize)— T. Gunning (prize), and C. Meenan, equal; ]J Hayes J. Ahem, XV. O'Conncl], C. O'Connell, honourable mention. History.—J. Scanlan, prize ;R. Norman, F. Walker and C. Meenan, honourable mention Geometry.—First class—J. O'Beillv, prize- J Day R. Norman, and XV. Fitzpatrick, honourable mention Second class—P. Hall, prize; P. Walsh and C. O'C'onnel!, honourable mention. t Drawing:.—First class—E. Norman, prize; J. Eeilly J. M'Connick, and C. Meenan, honourable mention Second class—X Cousins, prize; A. Sullivan, J. Hally and J. Clothier, honourable mention. Latin.—C. Meenan, prize; J. Olteilly, J. Scanlan, honourable mention. ' Bishop's przie, general proficiency-W. Fitzpatrick. J O°Re?ll ? chooI-~(Sllver Ci' oss' i'ift ol Vr Murphy)— Phonography.—W. Fitzpatrick, prize; F. Walker, J. Scanlan, honourable mention. Declamation (Bishop's prize).—First prize—E Norman. Second prize—C. M'Mahon. Scholarship prize, £10, gift of Most Hoy. Dr Moran awarded to Connor Meenan, who received SO per cent' of total possible number of marks. - _ Certificates of merit granted in the following subjects for 70 per cent, and over, of total possible number of marks :— Christian Doctrine.—J. O'Reilly, P. Walsh XV O'Comiell, C. Meenan, F. Griffon, T. Gumih -, J. XV. Fitzpatrick, F. Hall, J. Scanlan, J. M'Coruiick, J Day, E. Carroll, J. Wilson, and H.•Diamond. Arithmetic -J. O'Reilly, P. Walsh, W. OConnell, C. Meenan, XV. Casscls, F. Griffon, T. Gunning, E. Haves, J. Ahem, R. Norman, XV. Fitzuatikk, F Hall* J M'Cormiek, J. Day, and E. Carroll. ' English Grammar.—J. O'Reilly, P. Walsh, T Gunning, C. Meenan, XV. o'Conneli, XV. Fitzpatrick, J. Day, E. Carroll, and J. Wilson. ' History.—C. Meenan, J. Hilly, F. Walker R Norman, XV. Fitzpatrick, J. Hall, J. Scanlan, E. Carroll, and H. Diamond

Bookkeeping.—P. Walsh, 'C Meenan, R. Norman, and J. Day.

Dictation a*id Composition.—J. O'Reilly, P. Walsh W. O'Connell, C. Meenan, T. Gunning, J. Hallv X Norman, W. Fitzpatrick, J. Scanlau 'and J. M~'Cormick.

Geography.—C. Slccnan.H. Diamond, J: Scanlan, P Hall, W» Fitzpatrick, J. Ahem, E. Hayes, J. Hallv T Gunning', F. Griffen, W. O'Conncll, J. O'Reilly '

SECOND ROOM. Christian Doctrine.—First Claps—John Carr first prize; B. W. Verey, second ;E. Miller, third. Second Class—James Smith, first prize ; Thos. Rossbotham . second : Randall M'Donncll, third. Home Lessons.—First Class—John Can-, first prize ■ Eobert Miller, second ; Artliur Cordon, third. Second Class—Edward Lyons, first prize ;, Patrick 'O'lie^llv „,.. second ; George Carter, third. "' ■>$& Writing:.—First Class—B. W. Vcrrev, first prize • R Miller second; John Carr, third. ' Second ClassJoseph Kennedy, first prize; Thomas White, second • George Myles, third. ' Beading. — John Carr, first prize; John Miles, second; B. W. Verey and A. Cordon, equal, third ■ B w 'v" o*', 0 ,a!"l iwoinetry.—John Carr, R. Miller,

PINE HILL SCHOOL. The annual distribution of prises at the Pine Hill School took place on the 10th inst., in the presence of the Committee and a large number of the parents of the pupils. Previous to the distribution the children were exercised in mental arithmetic, composition recitation and singing:. The following is a list of the prize-takers:— -»<"me Class V.—Joseph Throp, 1; Jane Oodfrev, 2. Classi IV.—Anne Gray,'!; Thomas Warren 2Mary Wright, Margaret Gray, George Cameron' Arthur Gray, Thomas Godfrey, John Ford ' Class lll.—Margaret Wright, 1; Margaret Warren 2 ; Agnes Bell, Thomas Criff, Peter Mar^ll. ' Class ll.—Lucy M'Cabc, 1: John lhiiitm", 2 • JlarCaret Ro3', John Godfrey, John Warren Class 1.-Katie M'Ari, 1; Jane Wriaiit, 2- Frances

SSKWING. r Sf tJ I'^"' 10 Gray' X > Jane Godfrey, 2. C, ass ll.—Margaret Warren, 1; Mary J Gray o Class 1.-Lucy M'Cabe, 1; Katie M'Ara 2' Mapp.nfi-.-George Cameron, 1 ; John Ford, => Attendance.-irarc.iret Wright 1. After the distribution Mr Gamer™ on In'- If o< Mi« aches of the district, presented 1& Ter^s viih a tamealvrtwnfe, in token of their n"pre*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5896, 31 December 1880, Page 7

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CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5896, 31 December 1880, Page 7

CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' SCHOOL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5896, 31 December 1880, Page 7


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