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BUSINESS NOTIOBS; ; AN DR E W LiSE S y Painter, Glasler, and Paperhaage*. Importer of paperhangings, window glass. plVn an* ornamental, ships' signal and deck lights, gl mi shades, cucumber and propagating glasses ; white lead, oils and colors, gilt mouldings; &o.,&o. - ::-J.^; ■■ Oppo8il!otheBoyal GeorgeHofc^^^^^ > George street, bunedin. . :-/;!'/'. SO JJUNEDIN IRON WORKV; R. S..SPARROW and Co., T Engineers, Boiler-makers, Iron-founders, . . Manufacturers of Quartz-crushin?, Pumping, and. Winding Machinery, Tubular, Girder,. Suspension Bridges, Gold Dredges on the Pneumatic and other; principles, Iron Pluming, JRipple-and Hopper PlatedBoats and Pnnts to all Bizes, Steam Engines,: Boilers-Fire-proof Boors, Safes,-Turbine and other Water--•wheels.' ■ .-."; .. .;' .•■, r Plans and Specifications prepared.'" : Estimates given for every description of Iron Work.' I . - Experienced Workmen sent to all parts of the : Colonies. .. : ..:..■ : ■ Address.—Cumberland street. Dunedin. .'. ;.. TAG O FOUND fi I (ESTABLISHED 1859).. WILLIAM WILSON, ': ENGHf.UK, BottBBMAKKB, IKOHJWJHDSB, «O4 ' Blacksmith, '-■ Cumberland street, Dunedln. ;' Castings in. Brass or Iron. Steam Engines and Boilers,. Overshot and Breast Waterwheels of Iron and wood, Machinery for Flour, OatmeaL and Barley Mills. Reaping, Threshing, and Horse-power ■■ MaY chines made and repaired.. Price's FJax-drastoa Machines made. : ', ■ %n AILWAY FOUNDRY, DONEDIN 1 !' v QBMAT:JSXSQ BTXBX2.'-': :■'■'■•'-'■'■ i:-}- ■ FRASER, WISHART, and BUCHANAN, '■"-''■■■ Engineers, MmwrighW, Blacksmiths, Iron and Bras Founders. . ' " Manufacturers of SteaiaEngines ; also ■ Machinery for Quarts Crushing, Woollen Factories Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Paper Mills, and .™ ; every description of r Mill Gearing. ■' \ " Plans ,and specifications prepared fer the abera mentioned work if reqnired. :' •' - :" ■ ;v. .y .'■■■'■ Orders and repairs promptly attended; to.. Ufa ■ j*;£-&k:\;j;a-&s:^ ourlj;,;. ' ■"'■' ■ ;. Weolisui Ain> sieriJai-'}'-:."''-''' r;V*'; ■ ■'':,' IB G N-: M" Of/ N. G E:'»;«' '^''f ' PRINCES STREET AND MORAY ; PLA.Cn£ ■. ,' -. ■ '.-.'•-.'■' Dunidin,.;■ .- ;v ; '■■'■'..*■.. -1 ::.■ -. -// HAVE ON SALE, .•. ;.'.; /■;'.:. 7 '. ALargeandyart«ssssortmentof : : ENGLISH AND- AMERICAN HARDWARE, ' Consisting of—^ •>- . '■•■■. ': "'- '■ ' ■-:; '■"■■"■ ./.■;- ''.•'.:::.■:.- Nails, locks, latches; hinges, bolts, screws, '- spadai shovels, forks, churns, buckets, tubs,< brooms' axai hatchets, hammers, carpenters' tools.v clothes pins brushware; builders' and furnishing. brass-fpundjyT; Cutlery, baths and japanned ware,electro-plate I and britannia-metal goods, register stoves, fendersaa I fireirons, Leamington ranges, coal scoops, hollo-wars,-, washing and wringing machines, crimping arid goffoting machines, cornice pplea, 1 brass-cased tube, travel* ing.trunks, &c.,.&c. :_.-._' . . V, . Alarge variety of gasaUers, pendants^ and brackets gas,'steam, and water fittings ; galvanised and blacr sheet iron, sheet zinc, sheet lead'; brass, copper,; leai, and iron pipes; india-rubber and insertion* Baeei tucks, packing, hydraulic rams, lift and force pumDi plumbers' and tinsmiths' fittings, &c.,&c. ; "/^ •; Sole Agents for Smith and Wellstood's cookfa»aa'! ' office stoves, upwards of thirty different^pattenu ti choose from; extra fittings and bricks for all thY above, Hlustrated catalogue of prices on applicattoa. '-■' ' ;' -■-- '"■ • :r "'-:>^;;'i-:"'-l"::'':;; !-lir:' :SG6^LL4R; CABINETMAEEES AND IMPORTERS, ; "^ , Have just received their, First Large Shipment of. ; ROSEWOOD A^.W^WJVpiANOS, '//'//^ /'"''•..' . ' By cerebratedinakersj V '.:"■ '■■'.' ■' 'l • :.'.. ~ Comprising, amongst others,; V ... BROADWOOD'S TRICHORD PIANOS '. '■'■'. ■'■'~ ' '. ; ; KIBKI^'S/mCHO^ ~ '- "/ ; V,.ALliisp^S_TWCHpEpVpiair6Sf And other Pianos by well-known lnakera,'. : :.•> )'..-'..-;- ;j,:'j'- .i- !•-.'■:; AlSO,' / ■; ; .-.; .;} /; ;';; ;.- ■: .. '.*;.< ;S '■'. ■ , Have accepted the Sole Agency for New Zealand ot ..-' Z:: : "\ NEWTON, WILSON; AND Ca'S ; ; , "'-l^'i ; ■ . ■ : Celebrated ,-, ■ .-,■'■■ „ ~ LOCK-STITCH FAMILY '; SEWING MACEONESr .' --V-.'; ■; ../Comprising--.;/ ;. :'-;/. :;. Machines on^^ "Singer's"'principle■■•'•'•' ''""' ■ Improved Machines '- on "Wheeler and ' Wilsbn'a -■■-. .:• principle--'- ■ '>■■■.;.. • ;■:;•:'.■,; ;:■-. ::;;./■■ ■•■■;■. •.. •--■ - Improved ilachines on ". Wilcox and:Gibb*s7;principis ; Together.with a, large, quantity; of Hind Lock-statch. Machines, the cheapest and best' .theCplonyi _ The above Machines are so sunple in their construction that any person. can use them, without previoiai instruction^- ;■----'■-.^ - - v *:,. "" ■' PriceSjfrbmieSilSstoieTiOs.: - *•'.•• / :t;: '•;i-'r ; ! ;"•'•;'"•■; Just Landed— ■-'■■;■■.'.■.•■ '-'i; :-i'- ■'■'>'■■. ,; . FULL SIZE-BILLIARD'TABLES,/.;■ ■ On Massive Walnut Frames, with' Patent India* ■.": '<■'■■''■■'■■■'■/ ''•''■ v'j-.rubber.'Oushes.•;■■';■ v:. V.'-.".■■■■■.' .-■• Billiard-Balls, Cues, Tips, Chalk, Pockets, and othes- .;■.'• -.'.,-,vr furnishingsforTables, . : • '■■■■' i;:. ■'. .:-'iv'.V .:/--■:..■ AISO, 'yjf,- ,■;■.•.■.. ;:-.' ''.■ :' - . r ~-.; A large.quantity of superior .. . ENGLISH-MADE TENEHIAN BLINDS, '-■■■■■';■•■ •'-'-' -■■ -- -^All sizes/ -; ■' -■ .-■ : ' /_ .. And every other description of * FURNEPURE FOE; THE"DINING-ItOOM, DRAW- ••••■■ ■ -!; '.ING-ROOM; AND BED-ROOMi ' ' : '.The Largest and Best Selection of:. fCABPETS^AND FLOOR CLOTHS ■;; • ■::':'in the' Colony, at" ■ ; "■- -:.:f NQ B T H;; AN D SCOULL AR > S FUBNISHINGWAREHOUSE, :l; --. ■'■: - ' ■/''-■'; h^Tt&A.rSTKBBI!,'puSEDW.- '■ 28ltty ;/ NEW j'ZKATiA VCD yABNISH AND POLISH. "': THESEI lYarmaljies are /pronounced jy» ; all who have -iised; them *to ; be equaL if sot snpenor ,to ai»y Varnishes which are: imported! WHliam Gilchrist, having a large stock of these Varnishea and:PpUshes : on;hand, ia\prepared" to supply Houba Painters^Coach Pafaiters, and Cabinetmakers, at the lowest possible price. ~'~'. *~'.. ~" 1 '* ' '." '*' *: ' These varnishes are inaae firdm Hie' finest Kauri aaS East India.gums.'" -"*:<v--... >-i '{";";, ■:■■:• ■;■ •:■•;;■■ :.',i /-■//'w'/^JWIUiIAM-G^ ,JAPAN" AND YABwisH MANrjFACTOEEBi:' . IMPORTER OF.PAPERHANGINGSr^T -GLASS; OILS,-CpiX)imSi^BßUßHES^iaip- ■■■«■:> .■;-iiv.Qxaaai street, birsiSiif.-■.'•'■' ?•)-< «;i. \^ERSONi^ AND • MORRISON* -C3L PLUMBERS, COPPERSMITHS,'TJNSMITHa-" ."• - -. ■ ■•'■'.' AND: GASFITTERS, , ■ ..^T:; ; ,Hi6n Stk^. CNext Door to- Bing, Harris, & Co.) " Baths,'Wata-;Clo6ets> HobW3ter Apparatusi fitted m>* "and all kinds of Ship and Brewery Work done pa -' ■■ the newest and most^approved principles.1 '-'"'; Water aid Gas laid 65.--A11 ; wprk : .guaraQteei? . N.B.^-ExperieiMed;Workmen.'sent/t? all;:,F«rts j* .ACCOUNTANT ANB COMMISSId V ACfflinC./ ■■;;•: ; Omtot:' PaiirpEs stehbx Huxkvjau '■'-. Mr HAWKINS Is prepared to undertake ah kiaSs of financial business; to negotiate Loans on freehold or leasehold properHeß, repayable by instalments if required:; to make'Advsnces on mercanaie/pastoral. agricultural, or other approved securities, and to acfe as Agent for absentees, trnsteeß. or, execntdrs., , V OTAGO PLUMBING/ COPPER, AND BRASS ■■•-. ' ■:■.•••- -V'U:>S ■■.!•:-■'• is ■:■>?■ {■-.-: ~ PBINOES STRBEI NOETHi DTTNBDIK. v j ■/.;'■•:'-'■'. ;■■' wmmmm I^fft: "■ ;. ;,-■/■' StoAofMatorials. imported direct suitable for the Manufacture of— '■-■•■ ■- - ;-™ Brewing, Mstilling, and Meat Preserviag Plant, Oa , and Water Works, Hydraulic Machinery; Hot Water Apparatus—newest improved, and nw description of Plumber Work, Gas-nttlng, an 4 ■ '"■ *BeU-hanging.~ " * .■'''■'/ ~\: -1 ■-.--•^■; ■-■.-*'- t Nown^ n rdi^?^ afe^i^ilti^ °* aAS'-FrrnNosp BEM, HANGINGS, anft Geaei^Brass-WOTk, sxiiU able for all class of bmlding*, which,,with 6ur jm : sent Stock, largest toKew- Zealand.; >!^ MAS^jWORK seni to ns will have our immediate Telegraias from Port Chainers will be^ttoeod&tßr :--- atonce,toTsavsdelays^ ,^tTt" Experienced Workmen sent to all part* of the Coteay. Importers, and employing.- none bid ttoipughljriasperienced mei4aate»7wei^ confld^ Mices, compared with Uie quali^rf m work, wffl bs e«ual to^Mottouin^ or BydaeyT ; ajSS? *** ;i;f toformattoa^ „ / , Purchasers of Old Lead at 20* per cwt* May 15th./ ' :?" ''. t.** 6*'!****^ ■g Ji/y:E. b ■ B^ofaiis .... /.,.;/ '-/■AND/SALOSIO.K,^.///-.//./-/./.' IMPORTERS AND MSRCi£A«a^. HIGH BTRKST; V ::-■-.■■■'■• •-;: DoiTKurNi •.:.■■■;-...••.;,; HayoonSale— BBRLIN YTOOS .■.:.' BROBHWAR* . COMBS '".'-'' ' OABIMCrffAKK CLOCKS .■: ~ ' CDTLBRY ■:' B. P. WARB HARDWARB IaAwnsRWARB ; ;' Musioii fssrsmtssxa ■ ■ OPTICAL OOODB , ' SAODLBRt/ . , / PATKSre MBBlCnras PSRTOMMtT' ' •'' '" DEUOaiSTS' BUMDRffIS- . BTATIOKBRY ; / - / TOBAOCONISI8 1 WARB ..• TOBACCO and ClOMffl '' ;. VKSTAB: Bell and Black's - mvnn&Bsx and watohbs. BEAVER BROTHERS AND SALOMON, . .■ .;.'/.'■ Hio.H Bxßj£«r, ' './■.•">' .• -/•. Tlqnadht. .-■ ; • .■>..-,., .;.....

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3923, 12 September 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3923, 12 September 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3923, 12 September 1874, Page 4


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