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ELECTION NOTICES. J) IOC ES A_N SYNOD! ELECTION OP LAX KEPRBSKNTATIY*!* t f t)i» t'i>il«l Cbsr.-h of KngWnd mi lrefauul In ZeaUtiti. u> Mte In the FirrtSynoA of the Dl<KXf« of DnmUln, to bo hell at Dtmt«llu on April 7 ih, ISC9. I Hereby Give Xetice l,h«t I havo roorirtrt the nomfnation of the f.llowhijr i«-n«oni a* «%n<litlA(c« nronoect for fi«ireprwrnitatSaii of th« Uhtrtet of St. P««r«* Dmutiln,in the Fire* S>nod uf the Dioceie of Dunodln:— * Henry liown-ft, Km., Dtm»«ssir» KroJcHcS: IV. tul hi K*,i. ,j». Richard Botti.Vn Jfhrttn, E»q, do. William Onn Tt<nng, Kwj, dt. Ami I hereby inrtte the efctont of ihn raid diitrfct to give their vote* In fnvonr of i«o of t!» above-name* [■croon*, according to the following fnrni, nail tot ili-llvcr, or cnams t« U»iJrJirtjt-it, the voting papen*. fc» me at my rcHliSeitcc, on or before tii«{,|j| d»v of April*. 18C3. * * " K. ff. BDWABDS. Belurn-nn Olßctt far tl» District of St. PaaTa. Acting tinilor the astborftr of too Ulnhop ot ChrUttirarch. March 2Mb. IKra. M.8.—1 thatl be at my rr»Mcn«\ for lh« pmpocooC receiving votit. every day (Stitxmyis exempted), from. 9 to 10 &.m. and from A to v p in. I Hereby Give N«i!c*. that I biro rcwfvpd trw nomination of the followlnc jx-t<«»ri« iv eartdfdaflni proposed for the repmcttUtioii of tbo District of Attrialnta. Duncdin. >U tho Firt-t Sjnod ef the DIoCCKI ot Duncdin :— Daniel Brent. Km. D'Arcy Hasntltt, kw|. Tliomos 11111. £><). EUwanl Herlxa t, K«q. And I h*rrby itivlfe tlio Elector* of the *aid DUtrict ti> glvo their votCT in fnvotir of two of the alMvc-nam«& perrons, according to tho following Form ; and to deliver, or causa to t»» delivered, Ibo toting |"»rcrn tome, at my nsidmoo, on or before tUc SUi day ot Aor 11. 18C9. . E. 11. GRAXQKB, Returning Officer (or th» District of A llSahitaw Actinic urctcrtltn authority ot tha Bishop of Chri-ttchwcli, March 2«'h 'STO. N B.—l »h/>H to «t my residence for Uie pnrpom of receiving vou-n every day (Sunday* cxocptetl, from ot* 10 u-ui. and froiu v to G (>.m, I Ilcreljy Oli-c Notlcu thit I hare rece{r«l th» nomination of t.hs following perron* as candidalot proponed for the. rvprcrcmatlon of tho Uletrict ot CdTcrmlmm *nd Qrccn Itltuul in tho first Synod of Urn. Olocon of Dutinllu :— AlfreJ CVwin, Ki>q. nil-hard ScvwrM Cantrell, E«|. John Turntmll Thonuran, l!»q. And I hereby In vita the doctor* of the uld dlftri*t to Hire tliolr vot'fi In favour of two of the above-namtdt perwinji, aceoTdtiif; to tho following form, andtsitollvcr, or caitiw to In ddiverts], the rotlttg pa(«rs to mn at ray midena:, on or before the 'r.h car of April. next. T. L. BTANLKT, Ret«rntng OUlwr for th« District of Cnvrmhnm and Urecn Inland. Acting under the authority of tbo Biithop of ChrUtchurch. March 10.1809. N 8.~-1 nlmll lie at my mMoiice, CaTcrthuii, for Ui« ; pnrpore of rrcotving voUw ercty Any (Surulkja taooptud) froai i to 8 p.m. FORM OF VOTISO P.VPEII. I hereby declare that I am n incmtxr of the Unitnt Clinrch of Hnglttnd an,i IreUml, an'l I give mj vota for . iv the ru[>rowntativo of the district of in tho firm Nynotl of the Dioccio of Dnocdtrv K.B.—lf each votlriK paper Uo not dcllvored by the elector in pcr-on. hl« Klgnatari} thereto mini bn attneted by two crodiblo witnomics not balng candidates at kucli election. ELBCTOIIAL DISTRICT OK TAIHIU. IN putsiianco of the provisions of art Act of lh» ani'»riil Amcin! ly of Z\ow Znntniul, in~ tltalcil Tlio ReffuUtlnn of Klm-tlom Act, 18M; on*. abM of an Act ot tlio arorriiid Ucneml ArwmWy, li>tiliU«d Tho t'roTiiiKinl Klcclloi:i Ant, lfv'iV. I. Jaiitr* Fulton. Returning Qfikvr for tho E ec'.ontl Pi strict o£ Taltrl, In ttio l*rov!n«« of Obigo. Rio hereby Rive noUrw-. that, by virtue of n writ b-arlng <Utu the lfith day oC March, l(tfi». iwinrnt muter ttio hnmt of Ills Honour Una Bi!iwrlnwndcnt of ilia Proving of OU>k '. «» elnctloJ*. will Iju held for the return of a qtulilinl rrrmn ta •rrvoasiv memlß'r of the- Provinela] Cotincil of Jfta mill I'rorlroo of <Jtnp>, in rw>m of Tlobort Millot* RolMrtiUin, Koqulre, r<—ly n'<l; an 1 thmt thu uoaiinntloiiL of eamtidnto* will tAka ulno* at thn Pchnol-noiiw*, Kv«t TaiCT-i. on Monday, the 2!)lh iHy of SHrcb, IHGU, at la o'clock noon ; ami that th-» poll. If nußcnury, will b«5 taken on TliuwUy, the Unlay <if April, liiOU. Dated thin loth day of March, TSCI. JAMK3 FULTON, IHiiniiiig onlcer. "Die following arc tho To Hngplncei for tlic Eluctoral DisUictor Tuicri :— Soliool-tiuiino, Biut Talcrl Do H'iKtTalort Do North To'eri Do I-nln? Wniporl Do Ouikiit Do Maungntun, TO THE ELBOTOnS OH" TUB TAIKM DISTRICT 1. ri ENTLEMEN—Having bcon requested \JC by a nmnb^* of friends in year DlnLrlct to affee my«lf as a cantlMnto for the rejircontxitlon of th* Taicri in the Provincial Council in tho room uf K. It. !toberi*on, K«i, who )m< rml({i)e<l, I have nowttta hononr to ttitte that i ahull U: happy to placo my ktvlcc* at jour dlr|>oial. My vlew« on tho main pubjecM with which tlio Provincial Council will have todcaL are n* follow* ;— 1. In refurejioo M tha adrnlnlitratlnn of thoWnsUt lAnd* Act, I am tottlly miixH^l to the action whldi Imn Umn taken by lha prewnt i'rovlncUl Bxocutive. By tha cxUtlng Wut« [*>»'.* Act, a UrRO Oiiiottnt of Utivcrotlonary power in htt in tha h.imU of tho Executive of the <tay an to tboir Intci'iirctailoti of corlaln vital i.l tLPO of the Act; thu« it h.-u bimi left to tlw Kiecu— tivo tn tay wlictlier t!je IcaJI»K product of tf» Wa»to Land* of the Orowi (ihontl te wi»l or Vtxa prodooe derivable from thn ecttlementof an agricultural population on ttio imfl. Hvl.JmUy o>c view ot tha proant Provinctal Kxwtitlvc It. that tlw production.. | of wool ithould b-i the leivtinK liulattry of the Province, and con»c<iiicnUy atrrfcnicural MttJement hat been Indtrcctly diacooraßiYt. Olxitaclc* have tieen placed in tho way of thn di-clnrntlon of linndrcda. and a congtrtictlon lim b««n plnoc-d uioti tho Wiurto L«ndsAct la. thin renpect, which has greatly muni*} tha acqui— •it ion of Crown Hr.d* for agncnltarnl purposes by Intcndina MUlcra. H'.Mlnf? them vl<wn, I xtinll, thorn fo:o. bo prejiarrd to enpport a more liberal interptett- ! tlon of the prrwt Watto Lnada Act, and <lv all thatHen in my power to roc tftut llio wimo fscilltica anx fflven to thoM! who now deft re to nculu ujwii U>e laiu£. at were heretofore (.nranttxl to tbe (airly teuton. Complaint* mott lotsd and frequent liavo bocn nurfoai to the cnorm<wi» co«t of Provlncl*! OoTcmmeirtii, \ and whilo freely adm tilnjf thtx, and tliat rcdnctlona matt be mule, ami g.cau-r lyconomv oburcot In tlui admintatratlon of th« reveone* of the Province, f on*, yet of opinion th«t thin !• not to hi aouompllabed t>jr ! the rodnctioti of, but rnUicr by the abolition oC unneocatary office*, or whrro pooitblc. the nmatfama.~ tlon of wrveral odlom und<rr ono hexl. I bcllero UmC—. greater economy in'glit toobwrvol both In the Executive and Utrfulnttvo ileimrtinenW, the co«t of which, having reference to the amount of ravenue tobedi.ttritrauxl and tlw leginUtlnn to be accomplished, bt tlmi-ly proi>ottcron». I uhall Btipport any reaaonabia rfductlon which may l« rn'idn In thesedejnirtroeuU. Feeling awnrwl tint the internal communio tion eC" Uieoouury Üboit left in ihu hai.dsaf Local Bourdo, who. being acrinalntol wltlk the reqniremonw of curi*. uartlcalar diitri •%. will bo able lo Hw that whatever tarn* are «)>eot in ths nmiiit^nancc or oriktrccVrm ot IlowU and Biiilgcn are rxjxodwl in thena locallUa* whsr» thoir are mont rcquirod; con««<]iient!r I anrk in favonrof «n oxten«ion of Oil* tyt&em, which I think i«ciilculatud to benefit thowsttlorsinomlylrgdlitricto, whether t!wj money to b- tuod la derived from Vtost Govcrnmont or by ntcanf of local- tiuce*. I«m ot opinion that bucli fnndf will be moro economically »tt~ mtaU trod by pornonn chowm from th»rato|iiycniii£ Uie dUtrict, than by offtara opiwitiUdfiy OioOovenfcmetit. The iub«ldy now «iven by tho OoTernmont tn Local Hoinii Id, in my opinion Itmunlcicn:, anrl t. would support an inirrcifc of the pmnt n,tt of 2 U> 1. If I am elected, I iihall. In m far bk tho Provincial Council bns any power to iiifluenoe tho I.(<rl»latloru of the whol* colony, napport any. racomirwndatloi* which thn Connfil nioy'mako for tlw separation at ttwi two Wanda; the redaction of our enorniou* taxation ; tho calllns in of Inv ■erlal aKs'KUujca to pnt down thn Maori rebellion, ami any otlwr men«tir« which will lead to the restoration «f po«co throni?hf>nt the colony ; and the with4raw»l of tlww» ©buwcle* which «o preventlna immlerition and r«*»r«iing onr material o*. Tancrnent.—l am. OwUimu^ yuar iiiMb obedtantk IBthMarcti, 1809. It D. HADDOCK. AMMUKITIOH^ &o. LETS AJJKDKmOK BOX B 0 A.ET B IP-aS.S : roil SKIDER IIIFXK. The •bc»BC«told*B«iii»BiMol*thre*il««t,^«..*» (or Po«d«r Knfl3<l» tor*: M 0 (or h«B-'w*'» w« 'FHKSB Carttidgo* h*vo boon adopted* X after carrfol cooparat. violate, agnJiut ott otfcie dawrij> Har Matoy'i Wa*»jpartm«n*,a»^ Standard B{fle Ammnnltioti fw the BriUjli Aywj. and aro not only o**J <ntclW*r<)J» ■»« th» Biudtar Rlflo, bat am adaptal to aU other iiyttoM* Ot lUUtaxr Breoch-loadlns Bluet. , They •» th. <to*t*ft QftriAm kn«r^ £?2*2* their own Ignition, and, being nuKto whoa? « metaJ» Boxer Cartrhfea Ca«e» (empty), o! all thn»«bea» packed with or withont boUcU, aaJ nutcbiiw tear Uitcnlni aaro* In cartrWeo*. MjJoerSofßaxorCartrUleei .iMbow, £ar nvohriaa) plrtoU tn vm to Her Jtajetty"* N»vy. . Pin Cartridgca tor Lefaochoox tmoltot* ot 12 Mtv. Central Flare tai Pin ■ Kr« Cartridge*, lor «H tbm o». znna, rifle*, ajxlnevolTora. ' DoQbVeWftlcrprootandHßOftp*. - WbreOartrldgea lor kOUng game *t UXH} *Ww»oe% r Felt WMdlnea to tmpfove tlw •boatimr <C puui tod •rery dMcriptioa of SportlDj anA Wlitws A»;. " ' Ory'elnnßatdilioodCTi'ff-O - ' ■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2223, 22 March 1869, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2223, 22 March 1869, Page 3


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