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The first general meeting of the newly | elected Borough Council was held last | night, when there were present: His; Worship the .Mayor (f)r M'Adam). j Councillors Snadden, Clarke. Vernor, ; Mahan. Milligan, Grave, Searle, Ire- : land. Miller, I'aterson and Watson. j —Mayor's Statement.—

Ik-fort' the ordinary business of the Council Was considered tin' Mayor welcomed those councillors who had been re-elected. It wa.s pleasing to see that those who had been doing tho. work of tin; town had been returned to this honorable position. At the same time he was sorry to notice that some- of the i old familiar faces were absent. Council-. lor Brown, one of the oldest councillors I in the town, had seen fit-to retire. They ;■ missed him very much. His position was largely that of holding tlie balance, between those enthusiastic members who wished to spend money and those con- ■ .servative members who. would not do ; anything. His judgment was good and , lie had held the balance evenly. Councillor Keys would also, be missed-. Conn- ' cillor Frith they'hoped to again; , his work was well-known. Councillor : Snadden was not a new councillor; but , was getting back into harness. They j hoped he would be as useful as formerly. ; The new members —Councillors- Ireland : and Watson—he was sure would make \ excellent councillors. Both of tlicm i had their spurs to win in Council work, ; but they had done good work outside, . and no doubt they would do good work , here. In regard to his policy for the ; future his Worship stated that such policy would be governed to a large extent "by the finances of the borough. At tliesame time be was not pessimistic regarding the financial state of the Borough of Oamaru. Their finances had improved and would no doubt continue j to do so. They had now a valuable [ asset in the public buildings, etc., that had been erected during the past few vears. These works had been done out of ievenue, and doubtless during the next few years they would be enabled to do the same. He would ask them that evening to consider 'The-question of electing a deputy-mayor. This was provided for by the.Act, and owing to his method of getting a living it was desir: ible that thev should have a councillor able to take the chair at a ,minute s notice. They might also discuss the question of what "form their Coronation memorial should take in order that thev might obtain the Government subsidy; of £250. As he was not so easily approached as former mayors who had had business premises in the town lie had arranged to be at the Town Hall every Friday between 4 and 5 p.m., when he might be seen by persons wishing to discuss municipal matters. They had this evening to consider the appointment of committees. —Position of Deputy-Mayor. — Councillor Clarke proposed that Councillor Milligan be appointed deputymayor to act in the absence of the Mayor. '

Councillor Mahan. seconded the proposal. Councillor Snadden was in favor of appointing someone who might succeed to the position when Dr M'Adam should retire. He suggested Councillor Grave as young and energetic. By acting as deputy-mayor he would gain an insight into the affairs of the municipality. Councillor Grave said lie could not think of accepting the himself; but lie approved of Councillor Snadden s general suggestion. Councillor Milligan had been a good mayor, the best they had had. but ho had held the position i'or some years and the honor should be conferred'o:i some other. He would suggest Councillor Mitchell or perhaps Councillor Vernor.

Councillor Vernor declined the honor. Councillor Grave suggested that the motion be divided and that they merely vote on the question of appointing a deputy-mayor.

Councillor Clarke agreed to this suggestion. ; Councillor Mahan, who seconded- the motion, was not in favor of dividing it. AY lion he seconded the proposal that Councillor Milligau be appointed he did not do so with the idea of conferring; any honor; but because Councillor Milligan was the man most fitted to fill the position. Councillor Milligau stated that he had no idea that this question was to lie rained. He did not desire the appointment. At his request Councillor Mahan consented to the division of the motion. The motion that a deputy-mayor be appointed was then carried. Councillor Clarke moved that Councillor Milligau be appointed, and Councillor Mahan seconded. Councillor Grave moved' an amendment that the question be held over for further consideration. In doing so he did not appose Councillor Milligan's appointment, but he wished time to consider the matter. Councillor Searle seconded the amendment, which was carried. —Committees. — When the committee question came up for consideration, Councillor Milligan suggested that in order to save a multitude of meetings, to expedite the business. to ensure that it be dealt with by the whole of the Council, and that new councillors get an earlier insight into the business; instead of having separate committees as in the past, the whole of the Council should be formed into a committee. A better plan perhaps would be to appoint the committees all to meet on one night: so that when a knotty point came up the whole committees mignt be amalgamated. He moved to the effect that the various committees meet on one night. Councillor Grave favored separate committees and seconded Councillor Milligan's motion. The motion was agreed to, and the committees were constituted as follow: Finance, Health, By-laws, Town Hall, and Waterworks: Councillors Grave, Mitchell, Paterson, Watson, Searle, Snadden. . Works, Reserves, Sanitary and Baths, Abattoirs, Gardens, and Gas: Councillors Clarke, Miller, Milligan, Vernor, Mahan, and Ireland. Chairmen: Waterworks, Councillor Searle; Finance, Councillor Mitchell; Town Hall, Councillor Paterson; Health and Bv-laws, Councillor Paterson; Works "and Reserves, Sanitary and Haths, Councillor Milligan; Abattoirs, Councillor Mahan; Gardens, Councillor Vernor; Gas, Councillor Clarke. The Friday following the Council meeting was chosen as the committee meeting night. —Correspondence.— The North Otago Fanners' Co-opera-tive Association wrote assenting to the conditions laid down by the Council in connection with the purchase of the site of the caretaker's cottage at Awamoko. —Received. . . The secretarv of the Waitaki Hospital and Charitable Aid Board (Mr Walter Gibb) advised that the sum to be contributed by: local authorities for hospital and charitable aid for the year ending March 31, 1912, was £822 4s, the proportion payable by the Oamaru Borough Council being £133 4s, payable in (.wo equal sums.—Last yearns contribution was about £lO3. -Received. J. Charles Manley advised that his property in Severn street had been uuoi cupieil foiv a considerable time —-about one year • eight months, —and: he made application for a rebate of rates. —Reply to be sent .that the Council lias no power to remit rates in cases similar to the applicant's.J. Welch, Chclmer street,, applied for leave to take about- 100 yards of clay for the purpose of filling in sections 4 and 5* block. 71. The latter section is a borougli leasehold. —-Left in the hands of the Engineer. ~ „ The secretary of the Isorth Otago Rngl»v Sub-Union (Frank G. Williams) applied for permission ito use Tafcaro Park as usual for football purposes this season! —Granted."' "" . The following ratepayers , requested the Council to have the footpath in front of their sections on the west side of Hull street asphalted : Lunan Dewar;, Hill Tennis Club, H. W. Oraaii, L. J. f/e Lambert, W. Smyth -and" Co., HPotrie, D. Malcolm. They forwarded the requisite deposit. Application .'ranted, work to be done m order, lhe matter was referred to the H orks Lominiltee with a view to expediting the I work if possible. ' Attached to the application was a letter from Mr B. dc Lambert saying that the ratepayers signing the request were ~i" opinion that m.nothing should he done at the same time towards improving the crossings ai Arim and WansbeeL street ends of Hull street, particularly the former, where traffic was heavy on account oi its proximiij to the school. They were prepared if neoessarv to pay something towards the cost. Referred to Works Committee for report.

Tlte Chief Postmaster (Mr C. Hill) inquired on which date the Council proposed to celebrate the King's Birthday —Saturday. June 3, or Monday, Juno 5. —It was resolved that the Council state its preference for .Monday in accordance with the decision of the Employers' Association, hut would be. phased to observe Saturday if other towns were doing so. Hislop and Creagli forwarded a copy of a letter from Newton and Borton regarding the test case as to liability for maintenance of water-race crossings, and asked for the Council's instructions in the matter.—Referred to Waterworks Commitfee for report. Alex. M'Kenzie wrote with reference to his former complaint- regarding water. . He expressed surprise at the stand the Council had taken, and asked that the by-law be enforced.—Matter referred to Works Committee with power to act. ,

The curator of the gardens (Mr J.. G. Mackenzie) forwarded a report regarding the state of the gardens for the year ending March 31, 1911. In spite of the dry "season' and- abnormally windy weather the display of flowers had been well maintained, the roses particularly doing well and those on the pergola creating especial interest. The dry season had again demonstrated the need of a proper water supply for irrigation purposes, there being at present only an extended house supply. There was not sufficient water for the gardens, and when two or three hoses were going the supply was cut off from the house. Connecting up with the Severn street main, however, had given a very much improved supply for the front lawn. Acting on the principle he had laid down of gradually extending the cultivated portion of the gardens and improving What had already been done, the following new work was carried out and further' improvements effected: The large piece of ground between Isis street gate and-the swan pond had been relevelled and turfed and' in some parts resown. The corner nearest the gate had been planted with trees and this lawn was now kept rolled and regularly mowed, so that it formed an ideal spot for picnic parties and was largely used by both. : local people and visitors. 'A rose hedge had been planted around the fence at the top and should make a. beautiful background for the lawn. All the protruding roots had been removed, from under the pines above the waterlily pond, thus enabling this piece of ground also to be kept mown' with the machine. A number of poplars had been thinned out of the plantation towards the top gate iri:\Chelmer street in order that- some of .the better English trees might be enabled to develop and show their full beauty. The unsightly open drain across the rose lawn had been piped and the top supports placed on the rose pergola. For the coming year the following works were contemplated: The completion of a rock and hardy fern garden, also a plantation of native shrubs. The curator asked for a special grant for this work. He hoped also to commence clearing some of the bull-rushes on the lagoon towards the top of the gardens. Several varieties of ducks had been placed on the pond during the year. The curator again called attention to the state of the entrance gates, and also asked that the roof and- back part of the dwelling house be repaired before the winter, or as soon as possible. Referred to Gardens Committee for report, the Committee also to take mto consideration the question of repairs to dwelling. On Councillor Milligan's motion the Council expressed its appreciation of the work done by the curator during the year. Mr W. M. Hindmarsli forwarded his resignation as one of the sinking funds commissioners in respect to the Town Hall loan of £3OOO under the Local Bodies Loans Act, 1901.—Resignation accepted with regret. The Secretary of the Hospital Trustees (Mr W. Gibb) reminded the Council of the urgent need of an extension system so that the hospital drain might be connected. He asked that this very necessary work be placed upon the yearly estimates. —Deferred till consideration of estimates. The Hon. D. Buddo, Minister for Internal Affairs, telegraphed that- no subsidy was available for celebrations, but up'to £250 would be payable for coronation buildings as a subsidy on borough funds and "public subscriptions. No subsidy was payable on loan moneys. Received. , . Wm. Waddell, E. Allan, Robins Bros., and J. Gemmell lessees of municipal sections 5, 8, 9, 10, of block 95. nominated Mr Alexander Familton, to act as their valuer in accordance with the terms ol 1 their leases, which expire on December 6. Hislop and Creagli wrote regarding borough leaseholds, with particular, reference to the preceding letter. —Both letters were referred to the Reserves Committee for report. David Herron drew the attention of the Council to the lower part- of Hull street, which (he stated) had been taken possession of by the Beautifying Society. Some years n<zo the Council spent a few pounds in making a level place on which vehicles might be turned, which arrangement was very convenient for tradesmen delivering goods in the locality. Now goods had to be carried up the hill from Itchen street, which in the case of coal and other heavy articles was a hardship.—Referred to the Works Committee for report. Mrs Ramsay asked that the water supply to section 21, block 28, Wliarfe street —now untenanted —be discontinued. —The valuer certified that the water on the section had not been, used siucc the beginning of the present rating year.—Referred to Waterworks Committee for report. A petition signed by 17 ratepayers was presented asking that the Council place a lamp-post at the corner of Till and Arun streets. —Referred to the Gas Committee for report. Five residents and ratepayers of Stour street west called the attention of the Council to the state of the street on the south side from Wye street lane to Towey street. They asked that the footpath be formed and a crossing made across Towey street.^—Referred to the Works Committee for report, the Engineer to report to the Council when the estimates are being considered regarding Stour street and Humber street. Hislop and Creagli forwarded a deed of covenant between the Council and lessees of block 95, for signature by the Council. T. H. Mathieson applied on behalf of the Board of Officers of the Church of Christ for a lamp to be placed in front of their new building in Eden street. —Referred to Gas Committee for report. W. Thomson applied for a footpath to be graded and screenings laid on- the west side of Till street, between Wansbeck street and Arun street. He also asked that a few loads of screenings be laid on Wansbeck street leading up to Till street. —Sent to Works Committee for report. —Reports and.General. —

The Works and Reserves Committee reported: (1) That it was resolved to grant permission to Mr Charles Kearns to remove the house from section 9, block 16, Ouse street, to section 18, block 10, Humber. street, and that a copy of Inspector M'Kenzie's report on above be forwarded to . Mr Kearns. — Adopted. (2) That after consideration of the correspondence received from other places in reference to the insurance clause in municipal leases the Committee recommend that the clause he struck out from future leases and that Mrs Kilgour's application be dealt with on these lines. —Adopted. (3)_That they cannot recommend the Council to grant the Beautifying Society's request for permission' to plant trees in Thames street. the inotion of Councillor Vernor this clause was referred back te the Committee for further consideration. (4) That it was resolved that Mr A. M'Kenzie he served with a notice asking him to abate the nuisance that exists on his property within seven days, failing which that the inspector be instructed to enforce the by-law.—De-leted. (5) That it was resolved that the Waitaki County Council be written to notifying them that an application from Mr Hopwood would probably bo lodged with them requesting permission to erect works for the treatment of offal from the abattoirs, and n.stlie matter hns been favorably reported on by the district health officer this Council would be pleased if the Waitaki County Countil could sec their way to deal favorablv with the application. Mr Hopwood to be notified ill tonus of above. — Adopted. ... -.1. On the recommendation of the Finance Committee accounts amounting to £216 19s were passed for payment. The Sanitary Inspector (K. J. M'Ken-

zie) reported having inspected several dwelling suspected of being in an insanitary condition. In only two cases were the conditions such as to call for acticn. and in each case the notice served had been complied with.—Received. v

11 was resolved that all present Councillors be empowered to sign cheques. A formal motion in reference to the striking of rates was adopted. Councillor Grave's motion regarding limitation of the Council's subsidy to the Beautifying Society was carried forward to next meeting of the Council. It was resolved that the Council authorise the issue of a license to Mr A. M'Donald for the use of the King's Hall as a picture hall.. • - It was decided that a special meeting of the Council be held on May 26 to strike the rates for the year. A bonus;, of'£lo was granted to Mr Henderson, caretaker of the Town Hall. It was resolved that a public meeting of electors be called to ascertain the feeling of the public ;<) what form the borough coronation memorial shall take.

His Worhip at *this stage left the Council Chamber, and Councillor Milligan was voted to the chair. The Engineer reported as follows: — "In regard to the complaint from ■the Fire Board re hydrant being screweddown, I have to inform you the hydrant near Messrs Reid and Gray's in Eden street is the only one in the town (so far as I am aware) that is now .screwed down, and the reason why that one remains fastened is that we require to have the water off a part of the town, inclusive of Messrs Ireland ajid Company's mill before it can be put right, and as to any serious danger of a fire in that vicinity there are three or four hydrants within a distance of four or five chains, so that the extra risk to property in the locality is practically nil."

The Engineer was instructed to carry out the work at the earliest possible moment.

The following building application was granted: Mrs £. M. Mollison, alterations and additions to dwelling on section' 25, block 79, Till street. Applications for increase of wages were received from members of the borough works staff. —Consideration of same deferred till estimates come lip for consideration. The meeting was then adjourned till 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, when the estimates will bo considered.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10760, 6 May 1911, Page 6

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OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10760, 6 May 1911, Page 6

OAMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIX, Issue 10760, 6 May 1911, Page 6


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