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The Oamaru Mail. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910.

>lje Hink's <*aso having tnvn rofVnvf! i() ;i coIMIIIII Lcr \vi- I How Not To Do It. an- about l.i obtain another deliYcli L fit 1 tJi-.Ki! of (lie futility lII' tieStanding Orders made for the lurlherance of tin* business ol I'arlianient. Mi Mine. as must people will Hot have I '>rfiotteu, made ceria in charges in Ihe House definite in all things but Hi" names of eertain members rcllected oil. T)iesi> when pressed lie rel Used to :_lve up except to a Hoyal Commission. It was of course evident that Mr lline wanted to bo helped on a lishmp; expeditkiii l>v the wealth of the Dominion. Hence the eagerness with which lie.Leader of the Opposit ion supported Ins liumhle follower. Thereupon nutlii'iM would induce -Mr lline to alter lie- ('■- solve to have nothing further to <.i.v on the matter except to a Hoyal ( onililissiun. Then the tiovernnieut seiy.ed with a brilliant. idea referred the charges to a select Hut .W Mine before the committee declares he will he the .same .Mr lline as he wisbefore the House. It is popularly supposed that a committee o! I'a rlia men I has tremendous powers. In such ca.-.s. however, it has the same power ilia! Parliament has. and 110 mere. Mr Hine can be .summoned to attend. Rut what i< the use of his attending if he is not made In speak the (liina wanted of him j" Should he ret use the committee has powers under the Standing Order to —what 'i Report—cither his evidence or his contumacy according t ( i Ins behavior —to the House. So that: Mr Mine will return to the House at the end of the comniii tec".-; eui|Uiry exactly where he wa.s at the heiiinuinir. Of course he will then be in the posit ion of a recalcitrant, one who lets disobey.l tile behest of a cool in iHi I the |i,,u-e. But if the House had not the power ol forcing him lo speak if tollows. aeioidine; to the known rule thai the majoi always includes the minor, that ill" committee, which derives its power entirely from the House, cannot have a;i.\ powers of compulsion. Therelore the "all'aire Mine" may he regarded ahaviue been ioreed by the in reliance on ils Standnie Orders iiiMi the ini|iossihlc position known to the I* rein n as the tail of a sack. The position is ludicrous. In 111" Mr lline was as uustpieezahle as a graven inuejy. and the whole House was as iiusi|U"e:'.inrr. In the end all are graven linage? of the same decree, precisely. Ihe Governmem would have done heller to have kept clear ol the images.

What is the place oi the Lascar in the 1; Empire't II is ;1 <i |1 "- The Lascar's portantquestion. ii'l- .s' Place in like all important tpies- o the Empire. lions, it has iwo sides. n (Il' these our was ]in t j, to the Government the other day hy a > deputation representing: +he interests oi 1 the sailornien of the Dominion, while a the other litis been represented lor .sotiu> t months hy the liners ol the I', c and (). Company ever since these ships ] befiiin to appear in our waters. We may remark in passing ihis was to the mi- i hounded delight oi Auckland. Imauthorised governors and satraps ol which city an* anxious to govern and satrapise the Dominion of New Zealand in I'avor of the pity they insist on c.dliujr the Queen, and in endeavoring io I make the title a reality. The answer | supplied hy the Auckland satraps and 1 the I', and O. Company —an unholy al- \ fiance as over was, hy the way is that. 1 the Lascar has a riujit to «o anywhere | and he as free as lie is underpaid 1 throughout the whole Empire, oi which ; he is a subject. The deputation argued that his place is confined to his own ; latitudes, by no means extending into i those in which lie the coasts ol sell- I dependencies where laws aie ( made for the protection of the sailor I and the supremacy of the interests of j the white races. Indeed this jj;oes iurtlier, for there arc some while races hist as objectionable as the races Irotn ; which Lascars are, .supplied for the unfair competition tu which the ISriteh sailor is subjected, races which keep . ships no inn in the intercolonial trade at less than half the wa«;es paid the awards in force anions us, and persist in calling themselves white in heart, as well as ill outward cuticle. Ihe deputation ioiind no difficulty in ,uctting tlie sympathy of the Government-. Naturally not, because the Government is the lineal successor of the Government which made the laws which these foreigners, black, white, and so complete]v and scorn!ull.y breutunjj,. The Government explained that it l-els the difficulties of the position, whcli are Imperial. No Act keeping out •T']"1 1S manned' hy the black outsiders is likely to receive the Royal assent; but. on the other hand, it is possible to proceed hj, other methods. The Government preler the method of extending the. boundaries of the coast lines of Australia and .NewZealand. The two countries already have secured, the power of keepin:j; out nil outsiders, white or black, irom their coastal trade. Tint the tiade these en siders complained against arc interterinn- with is the intercolonial trade. I'.xtehd the definition of coa:t line in older to artificially extend the boundaries ol th.3 coast waters, so iar that the J asman Sea. may be. regarded as the coast il water of both Australia and New I land, and the remedy will be most, effective. Wo hope it will, and we are delighted to learn from the speeches ot tlie ministers to the deputation that, legislation will make an attempt m t.niX direction this session. But it is possible —all things in this connection or all other connections are possible 'therefore it is necessary to be provided with an alternative. It is a case the very reverse to the usual cases in winch the proverbial injunction applies no,, to 'put all the eg^ s the same bask "-

Wo Lave only one basket and wo Imvo several eggs, only oiio of which is in danger of breakage. That is the ogg representing the extension ol' the coastlines. But if w t . added nn egg of tlio fiscal order in which wo nro supremo that one would survive in the event of the breakage of the other In the event of the extension of the const lines being refused, there ought to he another provision in the ;iel pnssed under wliich the Government ot tins country shall have the power of making ships entering into the intercolonial trade, and not at the same time paying (lie wages current in our waters, pay a definite stated amount of tonnage dues or poundage everv voyage tliev propose to make in dcliance'of the interests of the seamen ami the shipowners whoso interests we are hound hy every rule of honor and decency and expediency to protect. Let the Hill, when it. passes the .Legislature, have I wo clauses alternate in their elfeet. Then the Lascar and the Norwegian and all the rest of the crew of uiiiair competitors will tind themselves compelled to olioo-e for their trade between their proper waters and: a place in the ocean known to seafaring folk as the locker of one David Jones.

The Kuglish mail, via Wellington, Sydney and Naples, which was despatched from Oamaru- on Thursday, ISth August, arrived in London on the -■lth September two da\s e.irlv. The gold taken in the County of Waiinki during the month of .lulv, 101(1, amounted to HSI ounces.

Knlries for the horse parade to he held on Saturday next, under the auspices of tiie North dingo Agricultural and I'astoral A v-oci-M ion. closed last evening. The entries in their total compare favorably with those received : n respect of previous horse shows. The list contains the names of (piie a number of Mallions which have not been before the North Otago public hitherto, and these will vie for popular favor with Clyde-dales thai have already earned distinct ion.

The success of a local industry is n. matter of general interest. The value if Lane's Kmiil«ion as a remedial agent s now widely recognised, and one of the aiest orders received by the management was Iroin the (iovcrnineiil for a large supply to be sent Lo one of the Dominion's .sanatoria.

Til.-ii' \v:is a lare,o attendance at the quartcrlc meeting of Kmleavour l,ode;o, t'.A.U.I)., last ownine,. A.l). liro. Milne presidilie;. Koutino business having l)ir:i attended Id, presentation »\as niitile of ;i Iran,eel Cast Arch Druid certificate lei I'.A. tiro. \Y. J. Boswick, I lie eereinoiiv heillf; porloruiod liv I'.D.l'. I!id. 11. (Cnieult. IS..M. Hid. .1. Mitchell. D.0.V.1',. afterwards, ill behalf ol' I tie (irand l-eil-e, presented Cast District I'lvsidenls' diplomas to lires. .), Meikle. sour.. .1. M 'Jennet I, jiinr.. A. Tail. W. Tail, ami .1. Wallace. The reci|iienls made acknowledgment el' the lioiiors. Murine; the. evening lliree eandid.M(es for admission wore duly elected and initialed.

The regular meetine; of I lie Wailalu lli-h Schools Hoard of Covernors was held i his nioruiue;. Present: Messrs I). Sutherland (chair)., Hrowlt, ami .1. Mitchell. The minutes of the last, ordinary ami a special ineefino; ••.ere adopted. Correspondence outward \ias approved, and the salu of a, leasehold at YYaiareka. subject to certain conditions as lo pavnieut of i'<>nl, v, a ; approved. The usual o,raiit to Iho School Mniiiii'.iiie was a-reed Id. Sala • : -i,.s and accounts amount ine lo LoiKi 7< ,'!d were passed lor payment. It

•.-,11-: .li-fiiltMl 111 iii;iki> inquiries as to i In' cost nl' ;i horse power mower, and after do.alin.e, v.ilh routine matters the

Slioiilil the weather keep fair, tile attendance ol' tile general pnblie at, Iho .Ninth Ot.a-o Horticultural Society's Sprint: Show to-morrow sliould he in .iiopni'liiiii to entries, and therefore very hii'ie. Kven if Ihe weather prove unfavoralile the keen competition and. splendid exhibits should, attract much public attention. Knlries are not limited to the Oamani district. I'or there are two i-oinlieliiors from Waimate and olio from \;i;.par;i. The Show will he open from 1 ""to 111 p.m.. musical selections lu'inK rendered by the Peerless Orchestra chirtlie al'lernooii and evening. It's success is wonderful, anil Iho reason :- Quality and reliability. ;Yowii Smoking Mix: me has "body," vet ii is mild, with a sweet lasle free from "bile."' Sold only at Crown llairili'ossinij; Saloon, next Post Office. Superior haircut, best shave. The September issue of "The Williakian" is. in usual, an excellent speci- • ~,'n ~f the public school ina-a/.ine. Its new.- <,l school matters, school spurts, tiul work is writlen in aliraelive style, mid -.lioiild prove interesting, not only t„ Ihe present bIiVS of "Wtlitaki llitfll," l,,it ..111 bo\s iii parts of the world. i''ooihall I'orne. a leading ieaturo ,f the inajLaKine, and photographs of the lliidt Schni.l teams destitute tho ■najontv ol the illustrations which make ;be' issue doiiblv al tractive. The work of print in" was' curried mil at the -Mail Ollicc ~ , , Knci-'v in ahui,dance is supplied bv Slearns''Wine of ('ml Liver Kxtrnrt—-it makes rich red blood—the kind lliaf nourishes broken-iiowii I issues -weak rhildrcn made vigorous. .Air .!. SWIXDLKY, Surgeon Dentist, will visit .Hampden on Thursday n,. x t and mav he consulted at. the Hampden Hotel. .„ 70S Mr S. ■!■ Davys, Dentist, will visit. Kurow on Thursday next. 'Jilt It inst, and mav be consulted at Spiers' Hold. .•Mothers! IMIOSIMIOL will make weak children, from birth onwards, robust and healthv. Sold everywhere in laire bottles. } \ man needs to he very cautious and .shrewd when lie takes lb. ripe Irmt of his brain to market. The prime necessity of success, eiven a nood idea. is to make voiir |.ateiil a sure thill':. Messrs liald'wiu and Rayward, Wellington, have correspondents and siihaeents everywhere, and their reputation for scrtipiiloits dealing jnvc their clients full .security. Local a",cnt: L. Piper, Thames street;, Oamarit. -1

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 10571, 28 September 1910, Page 3

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The Oamaru Mail. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 10571, 28 September 1910, Page 3

The Oamaru Mail. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 10571, 28 September 1910, Page 3


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