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Friday, 6lh February, and • oil nightly thereafter, .-.learners will Wellington, on the Friday to make c'ose connection with the Snei; m:iil ai Sydney. To coitnect with these steamers * niaiis from Oamaru will close mi lilt Timrodjy .previous, at 11 a.m. in each case. The silver cup presented for compciiti m to file North. Ola go Horticultural Jjodety as a trophy for the most beautiful co:la<ri* garden in Oamaru and suburljs is on view in Mr Win. Strachan's window.

Tlie Trustees of flic lieix-volent Society met last evening. Present : Messrs li'air (chairmanl. Jardir.e., Kennedy. Miliijrau. Fin. h. ar.<[ Maefarlatio. Tlie report of the Muster of t!;e Home acknowledged with thanks the iollowinu donations:—Paper*, from Miss Miliijan. Mrs I'rottcr. Mr M'iSHsan, and I.ady Miiier: books, fio:n Mrs West, and Mi's Kvuy. clotiiinjr, from l)r Whition. 'llni- ha I been 26 occupants in the .Hume thvrii..; the month, the total habitation bei::.' 683 days. M»-?£rs Milliuall and Fra.-xr «ir.' th«- visiijiiy ewnmiiu-p for th.month. V>( Whilion was appointed n.edical superintendent of the Home for ill? vear.

Tin- public optiiiivj «i the "EMi-r-lk" \v:lt<l .it tile Oamarii Hospital will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2.30, wh«-u the -inaujfiira! proceed bus wpl he undertaken by Mrs John Itcid. to whom the credit of bavin.' established the ward Is chiefly due, her generous sul«ription. together with the (iovernmcnt subsidy, bav \us provided the "sinews of" Tiie Hospital authorities extend an inviuiiiuii to ille puhlti; ;iI;i1 particularly li: '' i'«<-i«"!. wlio, ll la _li»]ie:l. wl'l all«-::d ;» !ar;j»' mmibero to show their a]ipit-c:fitioii nf the vohtablc utft to the town. The Committee of the A;!iei).x-u;n met last evening. Present : Messrs Seoul) (President), Lee tlion. secretary). I ter ihon. treasurer). Fair'ey. Thoma-.. [Brown, Be.-.', Hood. Keswick. ATc-hdeaeon Oould. and Dr M'Adam. The Librarian reported thai there were 204 subscribers on the roll. Tenders were opened and accepted for newspapers for ("he eiismnir year- A petition in ;{. ( vor »i (tie restoration of ttie Unlletir. \i . ■» rod a&d received. fToiice of jnui»c>ii «.a=> tabled rv -Mr Hond th«t lb- rr.i.ti'n': ht'.-jt-t----cd at 1.-i*t wet-in-.' .be n-«crr<!ed. Ut wis ncreed to'notify the iieMiiincrs a<*i\ ,r '-'-'"'- lv. Tt •ii.i "ajreed to 'ird-rr HS>r"r:'s Jourml 'for the ensuing year, TJitf CVjiimitiee cenerallv diseased the l:«t v>f periodicals, and it was agreed to reooihmend li'i jiKomhi'.' Ooirmittre ra take ;!j- im».

•.•) ;':::■ :n.-i:ut:er. passed, sr.d regret v-a--, ..vici-sO a: h;f removal from Oamarii. . -.,.:.- ,■: ;:;.,ul:a to the Ptuudem jMr .'i11.!...11 in lie | «.•.-! u ■»*• UH.tlii«li«i» !l lIIMIUI.-.1. Mr Allien Cross, fishmonger, has ha.l :iu up-to-date cart built for liawkms lish in the town and country. The Knly of the eonvevanee is fitted up with builnii I-ores, rosining along either side an I jhc front, to tarry the different kinds of fish, and is covered with a till. The can. which was l«ui!t bv Mr Jolm Cunningham, is very light, well fiiwhed. and has a jir> |jossossiug appearame. Tin- tlarrieon Hand w:J! ;«v an o|«en-air „ tt! , •; in the t.jrdens «n Thumfciy .-\««- ill'.'. at w\m. Th<programme to i«- submitted is not yet available, bill will in. hid.- the two t.«u selections to be played by the band at the ...iJte-1 at I in' Christohurch Kxhihiliuu. "Tannhauser'' and "I'Lombardi.™ The band hat. made ujiid slii.l.* dut.iig the past few weeks and lb.*-.- who visit the Hardens on Thursday .'telling a:v pro wised a musical treat. A <*>".]<- lion will be taken ii|> towards the expenses «f travelling to CbrJMchur.-h. al.d it is 3*.p«d. and anticipated, thai !!»•!.• will U- .1 iiix ra! res|>oiu>c. (hie of the trustee in llie er.t.<te <ij the late Mr Samuel Wilson. of l*aj.-ik.i«. informs us that under the terms of the wall. after fulfilling unr or two small i.-^a..-ifis. the estate is to be divided into four j».rtions. two of whit h i'O to the I'resbvleriaii Church ai:d two to the Salvation Army, Of <onrvie it i.i iiup««ssih!e until ihe .nate is realised to .-l.iti:.:.- t!ie value of titer* l ln-<|ue&ls, but it is ami. i|viScd that th. two institutions are 3ik«-ly t.i bciielii to the atnouiit of £IO.OOO ea.-'i. „r prohabiv mote, ihenhar.- <if the Ciuti.!» being allot in equal por:.«ns lo the lie .-id. ill 1.0 Coiicge and the and In!inn Ministers' Fund. It will 1»- eiinsiderab!<' time, jierhajei wu*. 1,,-fore the estate is .-V id-I. this liciilg Jell t«. J.l.c dis.-re'.ion of the :.'..».te.*. and ll«- value «.f

tin- wi.'l d.-|Mi:d on ilt.seasoris.

Mr Iliad;, the fciK-ceiisftil i.mira.toj- for the Steward Settlement- ran: has ini 1 nsaile :i start on the consttuclion. which is likely to lo a sour..- .if ctisiderable employment. :»6 it covers a length of over 14 Illi'eS. tile intake Ijeine; o|.|«site tremrselowil.

To-day was a busy t lny at ibe 3.«al Ijiiml Oiliic, when .ijiplieatioiis wvrfor M-elaoiiA on the I'luiik.t S.-ii)eiiiejil. At 2.30 j».iii. KO a]i|.ii.-alioiis had l«eii lodjf.l. and it it, exjwtid that ivhen «!«s iui times atriv<-» the iiuiub.r will he found to exc.-d live hundre.l. 'J'h,--'eft. by aj'iiii. .lilts by way ..f de n.eit is iiiieiy to ajijiroximate JUaO.OUL*. and this fa.t alone sb..;;].! .some idea of the ..>iiiji.-ii:iou the .uitjjiy U|. of C.»liedale Ksiate has < n«, isd.-r. d. It will U> teen. tii.iK-.iver. t!.at tieur,,, .-anilv eollstilllte a lev Old. Wh.-ll tile Steward .Setihiueul was ojtet;e«l nj. tln-re was also a ureat amount of .out]..-:ilioii. th.. ji-juj. her of :ij'|'?i.a:.i.s amounting to 55D. and the de|).«iit lllulley lo aluitll il'M.QOb. A •jai.-d by the N'ortb Island National D.ury Asxieiation to pr.Ks-.-d to the (lid IViiintry !:. exhaustively invcsiipate dajrviuj liiailets and all p.-rlaiiiin,; tb.-r.-10. " Mr ISojt. who for so many wars lan snt-..«»fuyy 1i..i1!.-t-je,l the Tai.-ri atui I'e.'iinetila Hairy' ('ompniiv ..f iliis tiiv. has savs the Star) 1...-11 iiistiucted by bis .lit.-.-lors lo leave for on a j.imil.n errand. Ih' 1.-av.t. Iluu.iliu s-.m.- jiu.e iu March.

At the i,l (he Scii.iiai*hi|t Committee <>f the South Cantctlusry Kdnic.ttioii Hoard yesterday the followin.- rc*!i!is »,-!>•. oih. is. rc.ord.-d :--lC : .hard P. Cmiicii. Waitiiatc District llisii <*■):«..). Waimale lli-jh School Hoaid Selmlandiiji : Holier! H. liaxtcr. W.iiinalc llisltiet UiJ> School. Waima;,- H5-!i ScJio..! Hoard Scholarship. Ac-oniim; to j)k- llimedln «orr<ti|«i!ide!i: of the l.yn-'soi! Times, ii is iindcrst.**! thai when <i')iiinii]-j the defence in tin- I'.i pakaio case. Mr H.ul.'-.1l will sn..ik in strom: :crins <«>«(»-n)i;ij liie methods of Commissioner Dmiiie ,i:d the |KiH>t- in rejard !<i the I'.i|ukaio murder case and its fftjiU'!. A few days a;;., a Wakaitui fanner .-old last year's wheat a: ",s "«! jicr hur.hel --the •.train Hurt-hail! not eharpn:; storage fur one year (says th ■ Ashl.unon (iu.-mlian). The line totalled a few thousand litltdjeU. From an aiea of 150 a. res of Mr Isaac Tiii>iii|].xjii. of \Vj!;anni. oi.lain.-d an average yield of 35 luishcls j--r acre. Tinlit<;lie>t return threshed l.y Mr Tiio»njiM"ii Was OJ hllshcin J« r acre* the ItcXl i«-i thin- 1.,-in- 47 Lushc's ].<r ere. Al; th.irui) was Titian wheat. The Mas-.erton Licencing Ooimnhi--.-Jiave oid-rcd certain hotels in Maslcrton 1.. !>.- reljuiit. !>nt it is understood (siya the W.ii raraj.a Attel lila! tile owner.-, of l!le hotels intind I<i ii-iit tile derisions of the l.ic. nsiii£ Co intuit tee. This decision, it j L .; oaid. is tile oiiteome of a judgment delivered re (i-r.tiy lty Mr .Insticc Coojier in lonticciioii witli lla- ic huildin;; of certain hotels in the H'airau ii.cnsinjr dislri< I. More will |l!ol.ali"y he heard of ihe natter at the 11 XI meeting of the l/u-cll.-:lij{ Committee.

In I in- . .iin-se ..: .!•! interview with a ivhli ref.-r.-n..- i« the coach a<<: il.-ni ;ii AnlmrV Pai* a Ihriut-ihiirch IVc.v, reporter .earned that when the coa.h struck Sin- road the !«»]• of il was Kini olf :..!:.! live ladies and two children who hid Ij.ii! ii:=-ide w.-re thrown on to Ilii- road, wiili ill-- top i-ovi-rjnii thorn. Foiftnalcly no::.- '.f ih. in were liadly hurt. most «>f thrill received hid < ills and liriii.-di. A Mm t'-.ndon. hi purlh u3ar ivas very h.-idiy shaken. Mn. Scott, of (•mruioitiii. with her sis-uwililai* hoy. huw-c-vti. wad pinned down to the wrc-!;-of the Hour whin the coach turned over. and the frightened horses y:ii!o|«J ..if down hi!!, tlranuijij: them in th>debris. They were draped down thi-jiUi-p declinc'for nliuti: two hundred yard* wiien the horses were stopped p.usseniors of the other cna.-h. The chiid. however, war. diseuver.d to !«• dc::d. the hack of its hea.l having ln<r: crushed in. aii<l Mr* S.*itt was iidcoiimioiiti fro:n her injuries, the extent of which miiild jvn he ai*crlai'..d. Tile six men on the top .seats who were thills down Ihe ravine. '.uckilv <t-<aj*<! without verv terioiis injitri.i. One of them. Mr Mair. of Hoki tika. w!io a!ruck a tree in falling. «'.n especially liadly shaken, and Mr F Thoman. of I'iiriM. hnrch. who tat v.i-w to him. Mr T. London (Hob'til:.-!). Mr T. IJavis (Creyiiionuu, and, Mr (!. K<.'llcr(Ho kitikaj were all more «r 3ci» knocked about. The other outeide passm-jer «>• (aped uniiart. as did alho a lady and gentleman w'::n had sitting ncsl to the driver. Tlie driver himself. Mr {?. KaMnatt*. was tliruwu <»in, hut practically unhurt. It was very fortunate that the accident did not occur at other adjacent jvirts of the road, for in some places till' d<j*»n: of the/ ravine was almost- iierprndindar. arti'. nothing ciiuld have &av«<3 tin- whole of the from diminution if they had «<iijtf ovt-r the bank at one of J.ije~.e "I?"*- ....

In an interesting interview under thhtadiru; of "From Darkness to Linht," the Ixmdon Tribune the 7-tory of how J lie Itcv. J. lVilt-o. wJiu ia i» liis ninety-third year, and one of i!«fathers of Kiigiisj'i Primitive Metho-feii. has ji&t recovered his after Jiv«ycars' blindness. The ]<«s of .-.iyhl w.«s duo to cataract. :(iid on'.y one eye, '''"' k-ft. was operated upon, the oculist dw'arii»S that iv was tu»-!rc4 '.< i touch the other. •"1 was neve.r downcast or de|»m*ed." »ad the reverend gentleman, "but I n<i*,<l my ami it was strange that while 1 could recall with vividness tin- hapjn-s:-iiu;s of my child!tot>d ai»d of my eulise <|u'<-nv lif<«, I could form no impression <.{ lnv children. My memory, however, tstvsoed 10 be intensified. I remembered the funeral of (!eor;;e 111. and the of an ox at die accesson. After the oiK-ration, juy eyts were bandaged f r a fortnight, and when the bxndage was slowly lifted I taw. It was lite Ixaaa S«'n! into a new world. As 1 journeyxl Iwinr I wept when I saw the green »>i<ls—tt»e first- green field for rive years." jlr 150j3toti has received nv.inv k-vtets of congratulation, but there, was one pathetic note. I: wis from "a blind nun, bevesav. £iie had been operated upon, mvl th-'* operation api*-ared to he Miat/uaful, bjt she again lattvcl into Mindwus. Sic- n.jiv wrote for advice.

l'.'irticu'arii of liie Antic n:aij »-.rv:<e wliiih Canada has r.-tently have b.eit puhliiJjed. Five years Kd montoti wa» the moe>l northerly tiuiisi reached by ihe Canadian postal sy&tero. but the nerviie was gradually extended until t:ow F*.ri >l I'jierson attd'Fort tjooil llof# .ire numbcied anions Canada's jxtit orS ■. The Arctic maii leavijsj Winnipeg h<r Et!monioii whvuve it nottii by U'inc iicaiiy to i «!ojj trsiu wiii.;| l+nZi. ih« !<■»>■ I»« iiiiw! to the '.jiuiicrii .<-hore of the Arctic Sea. Ar-tangL-incnts have b«-n ior a re;;ta":j'r winter service, which, it is expected, will !<• •-.\ti-r.ded to Herachel Is!ai:d before the iK-sinniop of next year. l)r J. M. T. Finney, al a meeting ih v Southern Surpcal aitd (li4i4;C<<:i,2 u-mX *~- ',>"■!>_ iienl vij.unirj Mow he u vtsU-- iittie Bnaer on Iter fa«e >v";,e'.-,- !s>r ituif thtuld love been, and

:Ji«-n ..-.mi 'l-si'-d :t. The ji:i".j<-mi u»r...'.v :: v,ry r*-u thett <sen ib»J s f; ci.. i:;r.(i'.i ...,/oiued ..n , las. 1.,.; |i»>- V 1,., it-, null"*: Jov'c. 0..d 1--1. 1.:,!..].1:.,,...! :.. 1... i, W.-» .I-..M.J l»«1 ■' '■" - : , ; i :' tmper naii"l }«~-i> i«'H>"«ed. •'"'- I -•=■ it jvrtisis in eH'*:'V liie j'oni "'an «• ob'sged to have lii% juis-'i: 1111! i':ii'e.l ni r< jjit«rva.i*. Oironic oonchs are best lreal«J by Stmras' Wine, wliieSi. by <!la't«»sl3>fflUJ« t'l>e svstern. ecuUejs h. 10 throw ihein off It. <Jofs itiore p(K>J ilum «*3 '»*"'" <*''• and taislos as R»*! as fine <od port. l'< nr<*r"» Summer Sale is tJJJJ bc««;i;.ii!£ aleli,:. Jlav3* denarliii'-nl lu» -1 »t»*U -f »-ii«'><*Jt war.* at tfifl J"""-*- K"' gait* 10 1-e liad ill Ladies" ISIoUs.*. SLn-.s. Jlats. I'mbjie'l.ts. CorM-tN. A l«v« iv lot "f Klllbr.-idelV Itlouse l*ie> eft. were ~r, tvl eaeli. i.«w S'-inc for -■> ** *- ;l<!l - *!»'" ; ' ; '"* Ladies' Ula<3i t'-islunere Moee, 1»« lia' I'* 1 '* for 2s 6J. *«-re .v «. l«a<li ami r,i'...;y-3 lll>'M> I'ixeS. Skill lentil* aJld jeiunall'.cof l»ie«-: Material, -ill niai-U.S down at VerV low prions <«r tike fcale. Tlk'le .is everv rx»-s»<n whv v<ni »I«.uld Jujv Ji'aTiloV, KHJav. V"JI liiiow bow w-»l has b!iini.<«3 up. "V-fli tnow trie woollen inarmfar!uiri> liave f.«i'ni".l a oon,siitie. V"ii'.il J.n.nv what 30 evrxvt nlnn tlw wjis-ji oj* :i>,. Illant. Is will ».. up f.9 iht . .lit. T.iJa) c j.r:e.» are: Ai!»«>! <"«.loiiia' Uiatikets, .louble-be.! sire. 12s t«l i«r fair: «Mia ,* 27« Ai. IT\It««SJ"S J»ra;.-r> KstablisSiiiiejij.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9479, 5 February 1907, Page 2

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Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9479, 5 February 1907, Page 2

Untitled Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9479, 5 February 1907, Page 2


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