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(By Electric Telegraph—Copybmht.) PER XTOTTBD PBKSB ASSOCIATION.) Received July 21, at 3,30 a,m. London, July IG. Gambia will probably be ceded to Franoe in exchange for Newfoundland. [Gambia Is a British colony on the rlrer of the same name, in Weßt Afrloa. The population Is principally negro. The population of Bathurst, the oapital, is 6138. The colony consists of St. Mary's Island, with Combo, on the south, nlbreda, Barra, and Ceded Mill, on the north bank. Produots— Ground nuts, hides, beeswax, rice, ootton, maize, grain, etc. The statistics for the year ending 188S-9 show that the public revenue wan L 97.807 } expenditure, k133,468; Imports, L 431.112; imports, L 381,619; pub* lie debt, nil ] The report that Sir M. Hloka-Beaoh will saooeed Lord Oarriogton as Governor of New South Waieß 1b not true. Major Skinner, New Zealand Volunteers, in his shooting for the Queen's Prize at Wimbledon, made 20 at 200 yards ; and Walker, of Qaeonsland, 25. A Seleot Committee dlreots attention to the large amount of evidence In favor of protection for the Home hop Industry, The agreement between England and Portugal is almost oonoluded. It includes the Intemationalißation of the Zambesi, Portugal receives 800,000 square miles from Angola to the Upper Zambesi, and England takes the country from the Upper Zambesi to Kwaßsar, Including the Shire district-. Portugal retains the dlstrlot from Ktraasar to the coast. The War Office ia trying a number of the mutinous Guards. Bank of New Zealand shares, new Issue, L 8 15s ; old, L 6 10a. Lord Salisbury has informed Mr Blaine, I Seoretary of State for the United States, that if America deals summarily with the British sealers In Behrlng Sea Great Britain will proteot what she olalms to be a common highway. The New Zealand Shipping Company have confirmed the reduction of oapital. London, Jnly 11. Viscount Deerhurst offers to pay his oredltors 10a Id the £. at onoe and giro security for the balance. The Company haß agreed to transfer Its rights In the Tasmanian Main Trunk Ballway to the Government on October Ist, If the transaction is to be a cash one; meanwhile the appeal prooeedß. Mr Parnell surprised his supporters by advising Mr Balfour to apply the Thirtythree million pounds under the Irlßh Land Purchase Bill to seoure the occupation and ownership of land instead of reduolng rents. He stated that at present the money was going to graziers In Oonnaught and Munster, and implied that if Mr Balfour aoted on his suggestion he would then accord the measure his support. He also suggested the immediate formation of a Board of Arbitration to deal with the Plan of Campaign estimates. Mr Balfour replied that as yet he was unable to discuss the Irish Land Parohaße Bill, but that he was much Impressed with Mr Parnell's suggestion. The Dook Companies are now complain* j ing of the result of the strike movement last year, as their expenses have been greatly Inoreaßed and this has oaused a most serious hindranoe to business. They also complain that laborers only obey the orders of the Unions when it suits them to do 80. London, July 14, The Bishop of Limerick has aooußed Mr John Dillon of securing his release from prison by raising a miserable whine about 111-health, and of sneaking to the Australian Colonies until the storm had blown over. The New Zealand Loan and Trust ComI pany deolare a dividend of 10 per cent, The Times aays that the floating of the Assetß Company has removed a feeling of anxle'y regarding the future of the Bank of New Zealand. Major George will join the Board of the Assets Company on behalf of the Bank. Mr Gladstone has been attacked with a stomach affection. Dr Jeffries of New South Wales has accepted the pastorate of the new Congregational College at Hampstead. A large strike of tube makers has taken place at Staffordshire. Hospital nurses are attending Mr Stanley during hia illness. Constantinople, July 14.

A fire broke out In this oity, and before the flames oould be stayed 909 houses had been burnt to the ground. Washington, July 14. The Senate has passed the Malls Subsidy Bill (the provisions of whlah are of a very liberal character) and bounties for the promotion of the Bhlp-bnlldlng Industry. A terrible cyclone passed over Minnesota County, and the death roll numbers about 200. The greater part of Lake Oity was razed, and soores of townsfolk per/shed, London, July 14. Competition at the wool sales to-day was very kean. Merino, exoept very faulty scoured, realised prioea fully on a par with those ruling at the close of last sales, and in many instances fetobed higher prices, Crossbreds had an upward ten* dency. Tin, L 96 10a. London, July 17. There is good demand for kauri gum. Stooks are small, and consequently prices are improving. Fine Auckland hemp is quoted at L 22 10a ; fair to medium Wellington, Ll9, New Zealand heavy oats are quoted at 28s 63 ; ordinary, 225. Wool still remain? nnohanged. New Zealand mutton, 4£d; lamb, ssd. Beef, hindquarters, 3£d; forequarters, 2d. London, July 19. At the unveiling of the Dalley memo* rial In St. Paul's Cathedral there was a large attendance. Karl Roaebery said that all those desiring a closer uolon of the component parts of the Empire must regard this first memorial of a colonist In the metropolitan cathedral as marking a new milestone In the path of Imperial Federation, consecrated In sympathy and reverence to the memory of one who was not only a colonial Minister but an Im* perlal statesman. The memorial la In the crypt nest to that of Sir Edmund Burke, near and close to those of Lords Nelson and Collingwood. It is an excellent portrait In carrara marble, with grey marble mouldings. Sergt, Loran, of Adelaide, scored 57 In the first two ranges for the Queen's Prize ; Walker, 63 ; Skinner, 47. Lord Kautaford, in answer to a quoa» tlon In the House of Lords, said that the Governor of New South Wales would ba appointed as Boon as possible. Rumor mentions the name of the Earl of Aberdeen in connection with the position. Washington, July 14. By the oapslzlng of an excursion ateamet on Lake Pepin, 150 people were drowned, i President Harrison has approved of the Sliver Bill, and it will come Into operation Immediately. London, July 14. The disturbances In Chili have ocourred amongst men employed In the nitrate districts, Despite private advices to the contrary, the Chilian Government aesart that order has been restored, Beblin, Jaly 14, Councillor Prouth has been appointed Administrator at Heligoland, which was recently aeded by Great Britain to Germany. London, July 17. A tender has been accepted to lay a new oable between Suez and Aden at a oost of a quarter of a million. Tremendoua thunderstorms severely [ damaged the corn crops In the South of

Ea gland, asd the military campa at Bisley, Aldershot, were flooded. Rome, July 11. His Holiness tbe Pope to-d»y drove beyond tbe prtclncts of tbe Vatican on a Tlslt to a sculptor's studio. The guard of tbe Mint prelected arms when the Pope P *A*party of Anarchists at Mon2» stopped the Prince of Naples' carriage, and insulted and threatened the occupants. A force of police promptly dispersed the mob. The Prince hss declined to take proceedings against tha rffandew. Pabih, Joly 17. Tbe French Government have reasserted their claim to the pre-emption of tbe Congo In prefereiee to Belgium. VircfSA, Joly 17. Tbe Emperors of Germany and Austria will meet at Liegnltz. in tbe autumn under pretence of attending the summer msnesavws. , , CoSSTASTISOPLE, Jnly I<Russia has massed a large forcj of troops oa the Armenian frontier. Brasos Aykes, July 1«The situation In the Argentine Republic and Uruguay shows decided signs of Improvement. , , Newlork, Joly li. A terrible calamity occurred at Loveland, Ohio. A gunpowder truio exploded In the vicinity of a ctrtridge factory. The latter became ignited, and twenty of the employees were killed aod ftfy severely Injured. . , Cirrtows, Joly li. Mr Cecil Rhodes h»a sacceeded iu forming a Government. Losdos, J oly 14. The Premier Consolidated Goldmining Company of New Zsalaod has been registered with a capital of L 70.000. Losdos, Joly 17. Dr Dale has accepted the Presidency of the International Council of Cmgregatlonalfsts, which will meet In London in July nest. A part of the Soatb AQstraiian Cooft in the forthcoming Mining Exhibition at Sydenham has been allotted for a display of New Zealand gold exhibits. A syndicate, headed by Lord Brassey, have purchased the well-known Australian traders Harbinger aod Hesperus, in view of aflbedinst special training to cadets for the mercantile marine. The Perth Euabliog Bill haa passed through Committee lo tbe House of The election for tha vacancy for MidDurham resulted in the return of Mr Wilson, a Home Ruler, who obtained 5469 votes against 3372 obtained by Vane Tempest, Conservative candidate. Bettivtd July 21, at noon.

St. Johs3, July 16. The Newfoundland guoboal Fiona fired on a French fishing boat, which «a viola ting the bait regulations. Tha fishing boat managed to eieipt without ißinlniog uj« ti&co&gy. Tha Fwocb *jnhip Mlgueloo and H.M.S. Comas are loveatlgating the matter. Lotiods, Joly IG. Accounts have reached hero of serious riote which broke oul at Tarapab, in Upper Para. Seven thousand rioters defied the authorities and committed depredation#. Tbe troops were called out to restore order, and, In disponing the mob, 40 persons were killed. loroojr. J a'j l>. The wool market Is excited and p ices for merinos are ttve per cent, higher than those ruling at the close of the May leries. New Zealand locgbenisd wheat 3<s, firm. ffo; 1 beat Scotch pig iron, f.o-h. In Clyde, *3* . . * Sog*r— Owdbsq boat, itwdy. Java. Ms 6d. coaotity of wbqa& soc floor for the Caitad Kingdom Is 2.296 000 quarters; for theSCoatlneot, je4, WO. The e«tfn»t«d Annibia visible supply Is 13,592,000 bushels.

Lootos, Joly 18. None of the Australian competitors are included in the 300 who are left in the competition for tbe silver medal at Wimbtedom. The medal fa to be awarded to the competitor 1 who makaa tbe highest score In the first series of the stages for the Queen's Prfza and Gold Medal. Wjasrst/ros, July IS. It Is proposed that the portion of tbe Tariff Bill brought in by Mr M'Kinlay, should come into operation on the Ist of April. Madbio, Joly IS. Eight thousand laborers struck work at Msuresa. The rioters threatened to burn the town, bat the military dispersed the crowd. A number of the rioters were woacded. Beaamd July 21, ai 1.20 p.m. Loxdos, Joly if> Colonel Msltland has resigned. The trial of the six mutinous guards is proceeding. . , , , The potato blight Is seriooaly damaging the crop la the Soath of Ireland. The Colonial Conrts of tbe Admiralty filll has passed the House of Commons Mr Gardiner, of Cambridge University, won the Wlngfield sculls. A new rifle, using liquefied catholic acid gas Instead of gunpowder, has beeo tasted. It Is noiseless and smokelaaa. The Hon. Edward Stanhope, S;crotary of the War Department, Is much impressed with the new weapon. The Hessian fly is Injuring the crops at Lincoln. Jodge Harrison, In charging a Galoway jury, said be was astonished that the victims of lawlessness had not had recourse to lynch law. The Doka of Clarence, eldest son of the Prince of Wales, has been confined tc his bed for several days. The Scotch Coort of Session having sanctioned the action of the Assets Company, the allotment of the latter for proportionate amounts of New Zealand and Australian Land Company's stocks will be Issued fa • month. PiEia, Joly 19An agitation has beeo commenced in France against M'Klnley'a Tariff Bill. One member of the Chamber of Deputies proposes a general Eoropean commercial campaign against Americans. The Superior Council of Agriculture has recommended an locrease of tbe French tariff, including a dnty on wheat, flour, and oats. 'SUttntd </«fy 21, at 1.30 p.m. Paris, Jaly 19. A mother murdered her six children by mesne of charcoal, and attempted to com* mit suicide. She recovered. Dh sleep Slog 1s suffering from paralysis In this city. He bas forwarded a petition to Qoeen Victoria, asking for a pardon. Berus. July 19. The Dowager Empress Frederick Is writing a memoir of her late husbaod. Count Voo Moltke and other generals are assisting her. Bcesos Ayrhs, July 19. Merchants and foreign bankers at Monte Video refuse to accept the forced currency gold payment. The garrison at Bueoos Ayres are placed under arms, people fearing a political disturbance. Nsw York, Jnly 19. An explosion wrecked and burst the central office of the Western Union Telegraph. Many narrow escapee from death are reported. A terrific rainstorm bas been experienced In the Western States. Many deaths are reported from lightning and heat. Reeenmi Jui'j 21» at 2 p.m. Loxdott, July 19. Tbe Assets Company will be known as the N.Z. Estate Co., and everything Is expected to be arranged during the week. The capital will be L 3,170,993. The crickat match, Australians v. Players, wis resumed to-day, and re. suited In a win for the Players by five wickets. The Australian* made 161 lo their second Innings. Colonel Maltlasd denies that he bas ftsigned. The St. James' Gazette says he

' does not proceed to Natal, as was stated lo rome quarters. The total amount of reserve in the Btnk of England Is L 11,716,000. Tbe proportion of reserves to liabilities is 34 72. Consol*. 96i. New Zealand 4 per cent, inscribed stock, 104J ; 3& ditto 94£ d. Obituary—Lydla Beckett. Wool is unchanged. London, July 18. Tbe certificate of the captain of tbe s.s. Umbilo, which collided with tbe barque Ethel in tbe English Channel, has been saspended for three months. During a storm tbe pinnacle of the Hooso of Lords was strock by lightning, and part of the masonry was det»cbed. Judge Grmtbam had a narrow escape from tbe falling debris. Several newspapers compliment the action of subscribers in placing a medallion In St. Paul's Cathedral in memory of the late W. B. D»lley. Tbe monthly circolsr issued by West, garth states that the New Zealand Estates Company has bean formed and will issue debentures at oh per cent. Ocher reports assert that tbe prospectus is not finally fii-d and that the debentures will be issued at 5 per cant.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XV, Issue 4725, 21 July 1890, Page 2

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BRITISH AND FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XV, Issue 4725, 21 July 1890, Page 2

BRITISH AND FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS. Oamaru Mail, Volume XV, Issue 4725, 21 July 1890, Page 2


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