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The news that their fellow-townsman. Mr. Cunningham, had been run down by the Anderson's Bay railway train on Taes«fay evening fast was the worst that the Kalcantti people have heard for many a 1 day. A man who enters the battle field ; knows, or should know, when he docs so ' that he carries his UtV in his hands, and : that if he is not deliberately " potted,' it |it not rtnltfecly that in the general ! tttrmot! a stray bnllet may do sad j work unbidden. *' In the midst of ; life we are in death" is a truism ; but 1 man in the Full possession of all his faculties—and we thutk that it will be dis- • cHverwt that pwr Cmmimjham was so—i does not expect to have to expiate the i crime of crossing a railway line in the ; execution *>F his business by giving up his life. There was no necessity for the payment of such a penalty. Had a wretched inebriate, or a half-witted creature, whilst blundering over the Rattray-street level crossing, especially in darkness, come to grief, there could have been nr> one but, perhaps, the poor victim himself to blame; but when a sober, intelligent man, accompanied by another : equally so, in broad daylight is struck down without warning, blame is surely attachable to some one connected with the railway department. Did the driver of the engine that sent Cunningham into j eternity, and widowed his wife and orphaned his children, take the necessary precautions in crossing a public thoroughfare { Did he whistle as lustily and run as slowly as stipulated in the railway regulations by which he is supposed to be gwtded ? These are questions that will have to be answered. The Rattray-street crossing under any circumstances is a dangerwtis one. There is a sentry box so placed beside the line that a train approaching the crossing from the south cannot be seen by tt person near the line in that locality. There can be no doubt that, under certain circumstances, level crossings are safe enough, but where there are level crossings there must be more caution than is usually exercised. The matter should receive the fullest possible investigation.

We art? gLv.I to notice that out of 19 candidates who lately presented themselves for matriculation at the Otajo Lniversity, Mr. Arthur Git Ford. of this town, passed with credit in the following Jive subjects Latin, Greek. Knglish, Arithmetic, and Ettctid. Only fottr candidates failed to reach the necessary standard ot* efficiency. An inquest was held this afternoon at the Royal Hotel, before T. W. Parker, Ksq., District Coroner, awl a jury, of which Mr. Rowland was foreman, touching the death of the man John Krown. wlto was found hung in the Commercial stables yesterday morning. Wry titrte e ride net- was that given by >,!>. Perry. tamttor't «>f th»r Suait Hotel, goitti: to .<how that dewast'd h»'t been disappointed by not remvinjf some money tliat was owing to hint, and was in low spirits. The jury returned a verdict to the eft'ecfc that deceased had committed sttit-ide while temporarily insane. During times like these, when there seems to be seaivety a gleam of sunshine to relieve th« dcrtness of ottr depressed trade and heart*: when scorching high winds have ■ s.-atteml 25 ptr cent, of our grain crops: when the market for what remained had dc- . seen ded be tow what it had been for years ; when an overdraft is more troublesome than a balance: when a noble army of bank martyrs endeavor by their presence to atone t"»>r scarcity of cash superinduced by the commercial indiscretions of onr monetary institutions : when no amount of squeezing can mend matters, and the room of squeezers would be preferred to their company—when all these things have come to pass, it is ptcaswit to read that oats are in good demand in Sydney, and that wheat has improved tn price by sixpence per quarter. The intrr raise ou the present occasion is not great, but. judging from the present quotation of wheat in tilt London market (47s <Jd per 49«lba-), the price has suffered an appreciable recovery during the past few I weeks.

Last night we announced the death of Mr. G. L. Longford, so weH and favorably known, not only in this district, but through- ' ont the Colony. He arrived in Oamaru in September. 1574. from Southland, and from then to the time of the attack which commenced several months ago, and which ended in his death, he was proprietor of the Star and Garter Hotel. Although he appeared to be in the enjoyment of rude health, his constitution had evidently been undermined by the hardships which he hail suffered in occputions ill suited to him in earlier life. The strain of a business such as that he conducted in Oamaru proved too much for him, for he was not satisfied with making money under any circumstances and by any means—he was careful to conduct his business in a manner that has never, so far as we know, been excelled in these Colonies. The Star and Garter has been | worthy the name of a hotel, and it I is paying no small tribute of praise to Mr. i Longford, in these days of money making, in ■ too "many instances at all risks, to say ti ' t ; s . jje was more than a good business ■jo a n he was a good husband, father, ifr. end, and citizen. Everybody here ■ fen ow» that much, and hi 3 numerous fri« 'mis were always glad to feel the warm era tp of his hand, and to listen to hjs good jnat* we. He was a fine fellow; and filled (well , honorably, and kindly the sphere in jwhic h he moved.

A meeting of the Committee of the North Otago Coursing Clnb was held this morning, at Messrs. Connell and Clowes' office. Mr. Ottcrson occupied the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The following officers in connection with the first meeting were appointed :—Marshall, Mr. T. Brydone: field stewards, Hon. M. Holmes, Messrs. G. M'Lean, T. Y. Duncan, R. 31. Auly, A. Otterson, J. O'Meagher, J. Reid. iust.. £. Menlove. A. Hedley, and Vf. H. Ronayne; fog steward, Mr. Alex. Thompson. It was resolved to i33tie field tickets at one shilling each, tae desire being to make the spectators contribute something towards the sport. Messrs. Connell, Otterson, and Ronayne were appointed a Committee to arrange for a luncheon being provided on the ground at the opening coursing meeting. The following new members were elected Messrs. P. II." Dickson (Moeraki Station), _A. Allen (Christchurch), Isaac Johnstone( \Y eymouth), and J. Moss (Oamaru). The Secretary was empowered to advertise for beaters for the conrsinsr meeting. The Secretary wa.s instructed to write" to a certain owner of dogs against coursing at PajKikaio. and cautioning him tl«.it if it was persisted in. action would be taken against him. the Club being desirous of establishing hares in that part of the country. The meeting then terminated.

We observe that tlie Rev. A. B. Todd, pastor of St- Paul's Church, is announced to preach an anniversary sermon next Sunday, on the completion of the tenth year of his ministry in this town. A number of Messrs. Lec3 and Moore's redundant mentions were to-day submitted to the hammer, a side at a time, by Mr. Oeo. Greenfield, at the premises lately occupied by Mr. Mote. As the auctioneer would say, '• the attendance was large and the bidding spiritedbut the prices realised were, I nevertheless, not what might be termed •• high." We have heard of legs of mutton Iming sold for sixpence, but wo have never until to-day seen whole sides of wholesome mutton sell for one shilling. The sale will be on again to-night. G. R. Freeman and Co.. auctioneers, of Waimatc. put up and sold the remaining sections of Waimate Town, East Extension, at the fair average of LlO each. These sections are suburban, and the result of the sale proves that the value of central town sections has not been reduced by these peculiarly hard times. The first instalment of the large number of Iwoks to be added to the Mechanics' Institute library arrived yesterday, and consists of about 100 volumes. They consist chiefly of worksof fiction, by best authors, and form a welcome addition to the library. They will, we understand, be ready for issue to-morrow afternoon. The usual meeting of the Committee of the Mechanics' Institute will be held this evening, at eight o'clock. The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Council will be held this evening. Owners of dogs entered for the North Otago Coursing Club's Derby Stakes, to be run for on Tuesday next, should bear in mind that the final payment of IA 4s must b-: made to the Hon. Secretary (Mr. W. H. lloiiayne) before eight o'clock on Monday evening next. The draw will take place the same evening, at the Royal Hotel.

Tlie Lords of the Admiralty, in reply to an application from the Colonial Office to allow one of Her Majesty's ships of war to trarrv the goods of English exhibitors to Sydney lor" the forthcoming International Kxhib'tion. state that they cannot set aside any of these vessels for such a purpose at the pr-.-nt time, as none would be easily available.

A mretiriK of the Oamaru Footb.i'l Club was held at" the Koyal Hotel last evening, n iu-;! it was decided, to accept the challenge of the Dnnedin Football Club to play a match on the 21st .June. The team will be selected from the following players:—Messrs. Bristed, Coates, Crawford. Church, Clayton, Cooke, Caverhill. Castelli, Evans, Kerens, Finch, Fraaer. Grant, (irenfell, Holland, Haniy, T. Hicks, Kerr, Tcrawhiti. Knight, C. Moore, Procter, Rol>ertson, Robinson, Snow, Thomjison, and Walls. As the match is likely to be a hotly contested one, players are desired to attend practice regularly every evening. It was also decided to play a match on Saturday afternoon between North and South, to start at half-past two o'clock. The following teams have heen chosen :—North —Bristed, Church, Clayton, Crawford, G. M. Kvans, Fraser, Ferens, Finch, (.'rant, Hardy, Knight, Little, Lemon, M'Leod, M'Clashan. Procter, Robertson, Robinson, Snow ftouth—Aimers, Coates. Caverhill, Castelli, Davis, GrenfeH, Holland, Hicks, Kett. Moore, Tarawhiti, Thompson, Walls, and Williams.

Whilst on our way to the Editorial Chamber this morning, we were stopped by a citizen, and we chatted awhile with him touching the present awful state of the money market. Suddenly he-said, "Ah! I have it. In days of mealy bugs and Colorado beetles there is only one way of settling matters comfortably. Let the Government suspend the functions of al! judges, resident magistrates, clerks, and bailiffs oil the civil side of the courts for say three months : then no writs or summonses can issue. What tlo you think of the suggestion?" At this moment 011 cof our local lawyers joined us, and the matter was referred to him. He exclaimed, "Oh ! hang it. that will never do, unl-ss the Government introduces in the meantime some system of public works in order to afford n.s some other congenial ami remunerative, and, if jio-i.-iibh.', more honorable employment." At the Resident Magistrate.'s Court today. before 'J'. W. l'r.rkcr, Iv-yj., R.M.. Phillip ("urran. beinc the owner of an unregistered dog above tiiease of three months, was finedJL'2. .lames White, summoned for having an unregistered dog, did not appear, and the case was adjourned for a week. John Croker, for being drunk and disorderly at Ngapara, was fined 20s. or three days' imprisonment. On a charge of creating a disturbance he was discharged. Another minstrel troupe, entitled the Starlight Minstrels, has just been constituted in Duncdin. with the idea of making a tout through the Colony. It consists of IS members, 14 of which arc brass bandsmen, and a full complement of specialists and vocalists. The troupe witi shortly appear in Oamaru at the Volunteer Hali, and, as negro minstrelsy usually secures a full audience in this town," it is probable that, irrespective of the merit which the Dunedin press give the company the credit or possessing, they will do a paying business. The monthly meeting of the Kakanui Road Board was held yesterday, when there were present Messrs. Gilchrist (in the chair), Booth, Manning, Allan, Elder, M'Kav, M'Donald, Genimell, R. Meek, ami Oliver (engineer.) The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, and the outward correspondence was approved. Mr. C. F. Black, as attorney for Air. Fairfax Fenwick, wrote, consenting to road-line to bush reserve on the Capo. It was resolved that the matter should stand over, pending the receipt of a reply to a a communication sent to the School Commissioners. Mr. John Church was reappointed auditor. The following arrangements were made for the annual elections : Awamoa, Mr. A. Aikcnhead, returning officer; Jneholme, Mr. Geminell: Lam-, bourne, Mr. M'Kay; Lambton, Mr. Gilchrist; Totara, Mr. Manning. It was resolved that the solicitors be instructed to sue for all rates outstanding. The following tenders •were accepted—Contract 54, road formation in Roidstone, S. Rusbatch, LB2 0s 4d; contract 55, works in block 1., Kauroo, T. Flaherty, L-S4 14s Sd. Accounts amounting to Llsl (is 6d, having been passed for payment, the Board rose.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 953, 8 May 1879, Page 2

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The Oamaru Mail WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE NEW ZEALAND AGRICULTURIST. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1879. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 953, 8 May 1879, Page 2

The Oamaru Mail WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE NEW ZEALAND AGRICULTURIST. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1879. Oamaru Mail, Volume IV, Issue 953, 8 May 1879, Page 2


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