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POET OF OAMARU. VESSELS IJf PORT NOVTMBKa ttf. Bartpw—Stag. Hrigantine—Endeavor. Fare and aft atshucnew—lsabella Pratt, Epbetny. ikwards. NaTunwt tB. Berattfat Star, »•»-. Stewurt, frost Dunetlin. H. Aitkin,, agent. larpoara Sfovrauut 16. Vtr Beautiful Star: Consigners: Amos, Reid ant «my. VT. JUtktn, Cagney. E. fienmiw, tt. Rawer and Cfc*J. B- Maßgan* X EniaUe. Town ♦ oan«H. Hood and Bhennan. It. Grant. J. ltatkay. Booth and Co.. J. Boost* Spence and Bee, ft- Main. Maude. D. Booth, E. O. Lane, Jack and Co.. P«yman. Connell, U. W. The ÜBloB Steamship Company'* 9.9. Seaatifnt Star. Captain Stewart, arrived thia morning about 2 a.m.. la»*inir left Port Coohner» at 10 p.m. tut She brought & number o( visitors for the It. A. and P. A Show, awl return* again this evening to> Dunedin.

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 2

Word Count

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 2

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 2


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