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BUSINESS NOTICES. GREAT BARGAINS. T A I L 0 R, Wansj^eck-street, Keeps only th/ Best Cloth, gives a Perfect Fit, and takes the highest Price it is possible to screw oj*c of you when he has a Cheap Sale. Afe'all other times GREAT BARGAINS. 8 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY. O FIRE AND MARINE. Capital, One Million Sterling. Head Office Princes-street, Dunedin. LOSSES BY* FIRE INSURED AGAINST ON STORLS, DWELLING-HO USES, WAREHOUSES, &c, AT CURREN'J RATES. SJ 1 lpany w also take risks on \V 001, and all kinds of Merchandise, on land or at sea ; and either on valued or open policies, on the most favourable terms. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that by provision in the articles of association insurers will participate in the profits of the Company. Agent foe Oamaru : HENRY AITKEN, 9 OAMARU BOARDING HOUSE, Thames-street. 0H N COGX IN, occupied by Mr. John JoHhsafi, begs to inform bis numerous friends that he is prepared to offer them EVERY ACCOMMODATION at VERY MODERATE CHARGFS. All those Patronising the above can rely upon CIVILITY and PROMPT ATTEN TION. 551 EMPLE OF FASHION, Princes-street. to ILPyH. of Edinburgh, K.G. Importer of Human Hair. The trade, supplied in all its branches. The latest fashion per every mail. Perfumery, brushes, combs, etc., of the best makers. Only agent for Pinaud's perfumery. Hair-work of every description made to order, and kept in stock. The largest and finest stock in frizzettes of every kind. Plaits, curls, head-dresses, fronts, coils, wigs, etc. Hair Jewellery made to order from your own hair. The latest and best ? ssortment in town in ladies' hair omaiuu ts, in jet, steel, gold, silver, pearl, crystal, etc. Beissel's German concave razors and straps to suit, expressly made to order. Ladies' Hair - dressing in every style of fashion. Private rooms upstairs. Beissel's Cantharadite Fluid, the only genuine article for the growth of hair, prepared by F. BE I SSE L, Hairdresser, Wigmajker, and Perfumer jLLHait-t'jm'j, iiuijN "Warm, Cold, and Shower Baths always ready. : 117 QAMARU CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. J ' JO SEP *H /VL 0S S SPLENDID COLLECTION A ENGLISH AND COLONIAL CLOTHING, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE TOWN. By last mail he ha 3 received a Consignment of first-class Goods, including SHIRTS, COLLARS, && Note the Address: THAMES-STRF Oamaru

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 179, 16 November 1876, Page 1


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