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Ti»e largest swing bridge (according to the correspondent of the f)\njo Daibj Ti-n*'*) in the United Kf;>,->!->m was opened for public use on June K. ; . ?•' ?"' .>wr the Tyne at Newcastle, and ?-■• •■'.';:• constructed at a cost £233,000. _ It is 537 ft. long, -tSt't. broad, and has six spans resting on thr; t* {nets. The centre pier, which is said to be the most massive piece of ntas<>iiry in the world, has to bear the entire weight of 1,300 tons—of the swing portion of" the bridge. The swing girder ta 278:'t. long, and is nit-vod by hydraulic machinery. When the bridge is open, ships will be able to pass tip and down by two open ways, each 103 ft. wide, and by thi.-i means several additional miles of the river wilt be rendered avr.ilaLb for navigation. The bridge has occupied eight years in huiMihg, and is erected ori a site which had t'wn similarly utilised ever

since the days of Hadrian. Its* for.nal opening is delayed until the temporary bridge is removed, when the awing portion will be opentd with great cereiisoiiy. The bridge is only one of several improvement.* which are in progress in connection with the navigation of the river, the chief of which are the rebuilding of the Corporation fjuay at a coat of £300,000, and the deepening of the river above Newcastle fi>r several miles to a uniform depth of 12ft. It is stated that from Newcastle to the sea, a distance of ten miles, is now navigable without difficulty by vessels of any size, which can enter the harbour at any state of the tide, the bar at the mouth having been removed. These important works have been carried out under the direction of Mr. John Cre, C.E., who was formerly connected with the Clyde Trust.

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Bibliographic details

Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 150, 13 October 1876, Page 3

Word Count

LARGEST BRIDGE IN THE WORLD. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 150, 13 October 1876, Page 3

LARGEST BRIDGE IN THE WORLD. Oamaru Mail, Volume I, Issue 150, 13 October 1876, Page 3


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